https://gitlab.com/admin-github-cloud/My-Wallet-V3-Android · Java · 385 lines · 300 code · 67 blank · 18 comment · 49 complexity · 4d36b2222142e50b71ae7a3f1a78e706 MD5 · raw file
- package info.blockchain.wallet.viewModel;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.os.Bundle;
- import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
- import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
- import android.support.annotation.StringRes;
- import android.support.annotation.UiThread;
- import android.support.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
- import android.view.View;
- import android.widget.TextView;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.callbacks.DialogButtonCallback;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.datamanagers.AuthDataManager;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.payload.PayloadManager;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.util.AppUtil;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.util.CharSequenceX;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.util.PrefsUtil;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.util.StringUtils;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.util.ViewUtils;
- import info.blockchain.wallet.view.helpers.ToastCustom;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import javax.inject.Inject;
- import piuk.blockchain.android.R;
- import piuk.blockchain.android.di.Injector;
- import rx.exceptions.Exceptions;
- import rx.subscriptions.CompositeSubscription;
- import static info.blockchain.wallet.view.CreateWalletFragment.KEY_INTENT_EMAIL;
- import static info.blockchain.wallet.view.CreateWalletFragment.KEY_INTENT_PASSWORD;
- public class PinEntryViewModel implements ViewModel {
- private static final int PIN_LENGTH = 4;
- private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 4;
- private DataListener mDataListener;
- @Inject protected AuthDataManager mAuthDataManager;
- @Inject protected AppUtil mAppUtil;
- @Inject protected PrefsUtil mPrefsUtil;
- @Inject protected PayloadManager mPayloadManager;
- @Inject protected StringUtils mStringUtils;
- @VisibleForTesting CompositeSubscription mCompositeSubscription;
- private String email;
- private CharSequenceX password;
- @VisibleForTesting String mUserEnteredPin = "";
- @VisibleForTesting String mUserEnteredConfirmationPin;
- @VisibleForTesting boolean bAllowExit = true;
- public interface DataListener {
- Intent getPageIntent();
- TextView[] getPinBoxArray();
- void showProgressDialog(@StringRes int messageId, @Nullable String suffix);
- void showToast(@StringRes int message, @ToastCustom.ToastType String toastType);
- void dismissProgressDialog();
- void showMaxAttemptsDialog();
- void showValidationDialog();
- void showCommonPinWarning(DialogButtonCallback callback);
- void showWalletVersionNotSupportedDialog(int walletVersion);
- void goToUpgradeWalletActivity();
- void restartPage();
- void setTitleString(@StringRes int title);
- void setTitleVisibility(@ViewUtils.Visibility int visibility);
- void clearPinBoxes();
- }
- public PinEntryViewModel(DataListener listener) {
- Injector.getInstance().getAppComponent().inject(this);
- mDataListener = listener;
- mCompositeSubscription = new CompositeSubscription();
- }
- public void onViewReady() {
- if (mDataListener.getPageIntent() != null) {
- Bundle extras = mDataListener.getPageIntent().getExtras();
- if (extras != null) {
- if (extras.containsKey(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL)) {
- email = extras.getString(KEY_INTENT_EMAIL);
- }
- if (extras.containsKey(KEY_INTENT_PASSWORD)) {
- //noinspection ConstantConditions
- password = new CharSequenceX(extras.getString(KEY_INTENT_PASSWORD));
- }
- if (password != null && password.length() > 0 && email != null && !email.isEmpty()) {
- // Previous page was CreateWalletFragment
- bAllowExit = false;
- saveLoginAndPassword();
- mDataListener.showProgressDialog(R.string.create_wallet, "...");
- createWallet();
- }
- }
- }
- checkPinFails();
- }
- public void onDeleteClicked() {
- if (mUserEnteredPin.length() > 0) {
- // Remove last char from pin string
- mUserEnteredPin = mUserEnteredPin.substring(0, mUserEnteredPin.length() - 1);
- // Clear last box
- mDataListener.getPinBoxArray()[mUserEnteredPin.length()].setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.rounded_view_blue_white_border);
- }
- }
- public void padClicked(View view) {
- if (mUserEnteredPin.length() == PIN_LENGTH) {
- return;
- }
- // Append tapped #
- mUserEnteredPin = mUserEnteredPin + view.getTag().toString().substring(0, 1);
- mDataListener.getPinBoxArray()[mUserEnteredPin.length() - 1].setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.rounded_view_dark_blue);
- // Perform appropriate action if PIN_LENGTH has been reached
- if (mUserEnteredPin.length() == PIN_LENGTH) {
- // Throw error on '0000' to avoid server-side type issue
- if (mUserEnteredPin.equals("0000")) {
- showErrorToast(R.string.zero_pin);
- clearPinViewAndReset();
- return;
- }
- // Only show warning on first entry and if user is creating a new PIN
- if (isCreatingNewPin() && isPinCommon(mUserEnteredPin) && mUserEnteredConfirmationPin == null) {
- mDataListener.showCommonPinWarning(new DialogButtonCallback() {
- @Override
- public void onPositiveClicked() {
- clearPinViewAndReset();
- }
- @Override
- public void onNegativeClicked() {
- validateAndConfirmPin();
- }
- });
- } else {
- validateAndConfirmPin();
- }
- }
- }
- private void validateAndConfirmPin() {
- // Validate
- if (!mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_IDENTIFIER, "").isEmpty()) {
- mDataListener.setTitleVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
- validatePIN(mUserEnteredPin);
- } else if (mUserEnteredConfirmationPin == null) {
- // End of Create - Change to Confirm
- mUserEnteredConfirmationPin = mUserEnteredPin;
- mUserEnteredPin = "";
- mDataListener.setTitleString(R.string.confirm_pin);
- clearPinBoxes();
- } else if (mUserEnteredConfirmationPin.equals(mUserEnteredPin)) {
- // End of Confirm - Pin is confirmed
- createNewPin(mUserEnteredPin);
- } else {
- // End of Confirm - Pin Mismatch
- showErrorToast(R.string.pin_mismatch_error);
- mDataListener.setTitleString(R.string.create_pin);
- clearPinViewAndReset();
- }
- }
- private void clearPinViewAndReset() {
- clearPinBoxes();
- mUserEnteredConfirmationPin = null;
- }
- public void clearPinBoxes() {
- mUserEnteredPin = "";
- mDataListener.clearPinBoxes();
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess")
- @VisibleForTesting
- void updatePayload(CharSequenceX password) {
- mDataListener.showProgressDialog(R.string.decrypting_wallet, null);
- mCompositeSubscription.add(
- mAuthDataManager.updatePayload(
- mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_SHARED_KEY, ""),
- mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_GUID, ""),
- password)
- .doOnTerminate(() -> mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog())
- .subscribe(aVoid -> {
- mAppUtil.setSharedKey(mPayloadManager.getPayload().getSharedKey());
- double walletVersion = mPayloadManager.getVersion();
- if (walletVersion > PayloadManager.SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_VERSION) {
- mDataListener.showWalletVersionNotSupportedDialog((int) walletVersion);
- } else {
- setAccountLabelIfNecessary();
- if (!mPayloadManager.getPayload().isUpgraded()) {
- mDataListener.goToUpgradeWalletActivity();
- } else {
- mAppUtil.restartAppWithVerifiedPin();
- }
- }
- }, throwable -> mAppUtil.clearCredentialsAndRestart()));
- }
- public void validatePassword(CharSequenceX password) {
- mDataListener.showProgressDialog(R.string.validating_password, null);
- mCompositeSubscription.add(
- mAuthDataManager.updatePayload(
- mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_SHARED_KEY, ""),
- mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_GUID, ""),
- password)
- .doOnSubscribe(() -> mPayloadManager.setTempPassword(new CharSequenceX("")))
- .subscribe(o -> {
- mDataListener.showToast(R.string.pin_4_strikes_password_accepted, ToastCustom.TYPE_OK);
- mPrefsUtil.removeValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS);
- mPrefsUtil.removeValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_IDENTIFIER);
- mDataListener.restartPage();
- mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog();
- }, throwable -> {
- showErrorToast(R.string.invalid_password);
- mDataListener.showValidationDialog();
- }));
- }
- private void createNewPin(String pin) {
- mDataListener.showProgressDialog(R.string.creating_pin, null);
- mCompositeSubscription.add(
- mAuthDataManager.createPin(mPayloadManager.getTempPassword(), pin)
- .subscribe(createSuccessful -> {
- mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog();
- if (createSuccessful) {
- mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS, 0);
- updatePayload(mPayloadManager.getTempPassword());
- } else {
- throw Exceptions.propagate(new Throwable("Pin create failed"));
- }
- }, throwable -> {
- showErrorToast(R.string.create_pin_failed);
- mPrefsUtil.clear();
- mAppUtil.restartApp();
- }));
- }
- private void validatePIN(String pin) {
- mDataListener.showProgressDialog(R.string.validating_pin, null);
- mAuthDataManager.validatePin(pin)
- .subscribe(password -> {
- mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog();
- if (password != null) {
- mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS, 0);
- updatePayload(password);
- } else {
- incrementFailureCount();
- }
- }, throwable -> {
- showErrorToast(R.string.unexpected_error);
- mDataListener.restartPage();
- });
- }
- public void incrementFailureCount() {
- int fails = mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS, 0);
- mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS, ++fails);
- showErrorToast(R.string.invalid_pin);
- mDataListener.restartPage();
- }
- // Check user's password if PIN fails >= 4
- private void checkPinFails() {
- int fails = mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_FAILS, 0);
- if (fails >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
- showErrorToast(R.string.pin_4_strikes);
- mPayloadManager.getPayload().stepNumber = 0;
- mDataListener.showMaxAttemptsDialog();
- }
- }
- private void saveLoginAndPassword() {
- mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_EMAIL, email);
- mPayloadManager.setEmail(email);
- mPayloadManager.setTempPassword(password);
- }
- private void setAccountLabelIfNecessary() {
- if (mAppUtil.isNewlyCreated()
- && mPayloadManager.getPayload().getHdWallet() != null
- && (mPayloadManager.getPayload().getHdWallet().getAccounts().get(0).getLabel() == null
- || mPayloadManager.getPayload().getHdWallet().getAccounts().get(0).getLabel().isEmpty())) {
- mPayloadManager.getPayload().getHdWallet().getAccounts().get(0).setLabel(mStringUtils.getString(R.string.default_wallet_name));
- }
- }
- private void createWallet() {
- mCompositeSubscription.add(
- mAuthDataManager.createHdWallet(password.toString(), mStringUtils.getString(R.string.default_wallet_name))
- .doAfterTerminate(() -> mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog())
- .subscribe(payload -> {
- if (payload != null) {
- // Successfully created and saved
- mPrefsUtil.setValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_GUID, payload.getGuid());
- mAppUtil.setSharedKey(payload.getSharedKey());
- } else {
- showErrorToast(R.string.remote_save_ko);
- }
- }, throwable -> showErrorToastAndRestartApp(R.string.hd_error)));
- }
- private boolean isPinCommon(String pin) {
- List<String> commonPins = new ArrayList<String>() {{
- add("1234");
- add("1111");
- add("1212");
- add("7777");
- add("1004");
- }};
- return commonPins.contains(pin);
- }
- public void resetApp() {
- mAppUtil.clearCredentialsAndRestart();
- }
- public boolean allowExit() {
- return bAllowExit;
- }
- public boolean isCreatingNewPin() {
- return mPrefsUtil.getValue(PrefsUtil.KEY_PIN_IDENTIFIER, "").isEmpty();
- }
- @UiThread
- private void showErrorToast(@StringRes int message) {
- mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog();
- mDataListener.showToast(message, ToastCustom.TYPE_ERROR);
- }
- @UiThread
- private void showErrorToastAndRestartApp(@StringRes int message) {
- mDataListener.dismissProgressDialog();
- mDataListener.showToast(message, ToastCustom.TYPE_ERROR);
- resetApp();
- }
- @NonNull
- public AppUtil getAppUtil() {
- return mAppUtil;
- }
- @Override
- public void destroy() {
- // Clear all subscriptions so that:
- // 1) all processes stop and no memory is leaked
- // 2) processes don't try to update a null View
- // 3) background processes don't leak memory
- mCompositeSubscription.clear();
- }
- }