Python | 261 lines | 233 code | 13 blank | 15 comment | 7 complexity | 675a1683a7892b8422a582cb1ee24e64 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- """Script for listing top buildbot crashes."""
- from __future__ import print_function
- import collections
- import contextlib
- import datetime
- import multiprocessing
- import logging
- import optparse
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- from chromite.buildbot import cbuildbot_config
- from chromite.buildbot import constants
- from chromite.buildbot import manifest_version
- from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
- from chromite.lib import parallel
- def ConvertGoogleStorageURLToHttpURL(url):
- return url.replace('gs://', 'http://sandbox.google.com/storage/')
- class CrashTriager(object):
- CRASH_PATTERN = re.compile(r'/([^/.]*)\.(\d+)[^/]*\.dmp\.txt$')
- STACK_TRACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'Thread 0 ((?:[^\n]+\n)*)')
- FUNCTION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\S+!\S+')
- def __init__(self, start_date, chrome_branch, all_programs, list_all, jobs):
- self.start_date = start_date
- self.chrome_branch = chrome_branch
- self.crash_triage_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
- self.stack_trace_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
- self.stack_traces = collections.defaultdict(list)
- self.all_programs = all_programs
- self.list_all = list_all
- self.jobs = jobs
- def Run(self):
- """Run the crash triager, printing the most common stack traces."""
- with self._PrintStackTracesInBackground():
- with self._DownloadCrashesInBackground():
- with self._ProcessCrashListInBackground():
- pass
- def _GetGSPath(self, bot_id, build_config):
- """Get the Google Storage path where crashes are stored for a given bot.
- Args:
- bot_id: Gather crashes from this bot id.
- build_config: Configuration options for this bot.
- """
- if build_config['gs_path'] == cbuildbot_config.GS_PATH_DEFAULT:
- gsutil_archive = 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/' + bot_id
- else:
- gsutil_archive = build_config['gs_path']
- return gsutil_archive
- def _ListCrashesForBot(self, bot_id, build_config):
- """List all crashes for the specified bot.
- Example output line: [
- 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/amd64-generic-full/R18-1414.0.0-a1-b537/' +
- 'chrome.20111207.181520.2533.dmp.txt'
- ]
- Args:
- bot_id: Gather crashes from this bot id.
- build_config: Configuration options for this bot.
- """
- chrome_branch = self.chrome_branch
- gsutil_archive = self._GetGSPath(bot_id, build_config)
- pattern = '%s/R%s-**.dmp.txt' % (gsutil_archive, chrome_branch)
- out = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['gsutil', 'ls', pattern],
- error_code_ok=True,
- redirect_stdout=True,
- redirect_stderr=True,
- print_cmd=False)
- if out.returncode == 0:
- return out.output.split('\n')
- return []
- def _ProcessCrashListForBot(self, bot_id, build_config):
- """Process crashes for a given bot.
- Args:
- bot_id: Gather crashes from this bot id.
- build_config: Configuration options for this bot.
- """
- for line in self._ListCrashesForBot(bot_id, build_config):
- m = self.CRASH_PATTERN.search(line)
- if m is None: continue
- program, crash_date = m.groups()
- if self.all_programs or program == 'chrome':
- crash_date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(crash_date, '%Y%m%d')
- if self.start_date <= crash_date_obj:
- self.crash_triage_queue.put((program, crash_date, line))
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _ProcessCrashListInBackground(self):
- """Create a worker process for processing crash lists."""
- with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(self._ProcessCrashListForBot,
- processes=self.jobs) as queue:
- for bot_id, build_config in cbuildbot_config.config.iteritems():
- if build_config['vm_tests']:
- queue.put((bot_id, build_config))
- yield
- def _GetStackTrace(self, crash_report_url):
- """Retrieve a stack trace using gsutil cat.
- Args:
- crash_report_url: The URL where the crash is stored.
- """
- out = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['gsutil', 'cat', crash_report_url],
- error_code_ok=True,
- redirect_stdout=True,
- redirect_stderr=True,
- print_cmd=False)
- return out
- def _DownloadStackTrace(self, program, crash_date, url):
- """Download a crash report, queuing up the stack trace info.
- Args:
- program: The program that crashed.
- crash_date: The date of the crash.
- url: The URL where the crash is stored.
- """
- out = self._GetStackTrace(url)
- if out.returncode == 0:
- self.stack_trace_queue.put((program, crash_date, url, out.output))
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _DownloadCrashesInBackground(self):
- """Create a worker process for downloading stack traces."""
- with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(self._DownloadStackTrace,
- queue=self.crash_triage_queue,
- processes=self.jobs):
- yield
- def _ProcessStackTrace(self, program, date, url, output):
- """Process a stack trace that has been downloaded.
- Args:
- program: The program that crashed.
- date: The date of the crash.
- url: The URL where the crash is stored.
- output: The content of the stack trace.
- """
- signature = 'uncategorized'
- m = self.STACK_TRACE_PATTERN.search(output)
- functions = []
- if m:
- trace = m.group(1)
- functions = self.FUNCTION_PATTERN.findall(trace)
- last_function = None
- for f in functions:
- if not f.startswith('libc-'):
- signature = f
- if last_function:
- signature += '[%s]' % last_function
- break
- last_function = f.partition('!')[2]
- else:
- if functions:
- signature = functions[0]
- stack_len = len(functions)
- self.stack_traces[(program, signature)].append((date, stack_len, url))
- def _PrintStackTraces(self):
- """Print all stack traces."""
- # Print header.
- if self.list_all:
- print('Crash count, program, function, date, URL')
- else:
- print('Crash count, program, function, first crash, last crash, URL')
- # Print details about stack traces.
- stack_traces = sorted(self.stack_traces.iteritems(),
- key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)
- for (program, signature), crashes in stack_traces:
- if self.list_all:
- for crash in sorted(crashes, reverse=True):
- crash_url = ConvertGoogleStorageURLToHttpURL(crash[2])
- output = (str(len(crashes)), program, signature, crash[0], crash_url)
- print(*output, sep=', ')
- else:
- first_date = min(x[0] for x in crashes)
- last_date = max(x[0] for x in crashes)
- crash_url = ConvertGoogleStorageURLToHttpURL(max(crashes)[2])
- output = (str(len(crashes)), program, signature, first_date, last_date,
- crash_url)
- print(*output, sep=', ')
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def _PrintStackTracesInBackground(self):
- with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(self._ProcessStackTrace,
- queue=self.stack_trace_queue,
- processes=1,
- onexit=self._PrintStackTraces):
- yield
- def _GetChromeBranch():
- """Get the current Chrome branch."""
- version_file = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, constants.VERSION_FILE)
- version_info = manifest_version.VersionInfo(version_file=version_file)
- return version_info.chrome_branch
- def _CreateParser():
- """Generate and return the parser with all the options."""
- # Parse options
- usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
- # Main options
- parser.add_option('', '--days', dest='days', default=7, type='int',
- help=('Number of days to look at for crash info.'))
- parser.add_option('', '--chrome_branch', dest='chrome_branch',
- default=_GetChromeBranch(),
- help=('Chrome branch to look at for crash info.'))
- parser.add_option('', '--all_programs', action='store_true',
- dest='all_programs', default=False,
- help=('Show crashes in programs other than Chrome.'))
- parser.add_option('', '--list', action='store_true', dest='list_all',
- default=False,
- help=('List all stack traces found (not just one).'))
- parser.add_option('', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default=32, type='int',
- help=('Number of processes to run in parallel.'))
- return parser
- def main(argv):
- # Setup boto config for gsutil.
- boto_config = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT,
- 'src/private-overlays/chromeos-overlay/googlestorage_account.boto'))
- if os.path.isfile(boto_config):
- os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = boto_config
- else:
- print('Cannot find %s' % boto_config, file=sys.stderr)
- print('This function requires a private checkout.', file=sys.stderr)
- print('See http://goto/chromeos-building', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- logging.disable(level=logging.INFO)
- parser = _CreateParser()
- (options, _) = parser.parse_args(argv)
- since = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=options.days)
- triager = CrashTriager(since, options.chrome_branch, options.all_programs,
- options.list_all, options.jobs)
- triager.Run()