C++ | 155 lines | 63 code | 20 blank | 72 comment | 0 complexity | 2d2402d81802478552b85e9886364d6f MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * @file test/common/protocols/monitor/getentriesrequest.cpp
- * @author Zofia Abramowska <z.abramowska@samsung.com>
- * @version 1.0
- * @brief Tests for Cynara::MonitorGetEntriesRequest usage in
- * Cynara::ProtocolMonitorGet
- */
- #include <vector>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <cynara-limits.h>
- #include <protocol/ProtocolMonitorGet.h>
- #include <request/MonitorGetEntriesRequest.h>
- #include <types/Policy.h>
- #include <RequestTestHelper.h>
- #include <TestDataCollection.h>
- namespace {
- template<>
- void compare(const Cynara::MonitorGetEntriesRequest &req1,
- const Cynara::MonitorGetEntriesRequest &req2) {
- EXPECT_EQ(req1.bufferSize(), req2.bufferSize());
- EXPECT_EQ(req1.sequenceNumber(), req2.sequenceNumber());
- }
- static const uint64_t BUFF_SIZE_MIN = 0;
- static const uint64_t BUFF_SIZE_1 = 1;
- static const uint64_t BUFF_SIZE_HALF = (BUFF_SIZE_MAX + BUFF_SIZE_MIN) / 2;
- } /* namespace anonymous */
- using namespace Cynara;
- using namespace RequestTestHelper;
- using namespace TestDataCollection;
- /* *** compare by objects test cases *** */
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to 0
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is 0
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest01) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_MIN, SN::min);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- testRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to 1
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is 1
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest02) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_1, SN::min_1);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- testRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to half max value
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is half max value
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest03) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_HALF, SN::mid);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- testRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to max value
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is max value
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest04) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_MAX, SN::max);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- testRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /* *** compare by serialized data test cases *** */
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to 0
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is 0
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest05) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_MIN, SN::min);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- binaryTestRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to 1
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is 1
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest06) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_1, SN::min_1);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- binaryTestRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to half max value
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is half max value
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest07) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_HALF, SN::mid);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- binaryTestRequest(request, protocol);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Verify if MonitorGetEntriesRequest is properly (de)serialized with buffer size set
- * to max value
- * @test Expected result:
- * - buffer size is max value
- */
- TEST(ProtocolMonitorGet, MonitorGetEntriesRequest08) {
- auto request = std::make_shared<MonitorGetEntriesRequest>(BUFF_SIZE_MAX, SN::max);
- auto protocol = std::make_shared<ProtocolMonitorGet>();
- binaryTestRequest(request, protocol);
- }