C++ | 179 lines | 102 code | 36 blank | 41 comment | 4 complexity | 5d15c45f1c19665363ff7288bf4cbff5 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * @file test/common/types/policybucket.cpp
- * @author Aleksander Zdyb <a.zdyb@samsung.com>
- * @version 1.0
- * @brief Tests for Cynara::PolicyBucket
- */
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <tuple>
- #include <vector>
- #include <gmock/gmock.h>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include "exceptions/InvalidBucketIdException.h"
- #include "types/PolicyBucket.h"
- #include "types/PolicyCollection.h"
- #include "types/PolicyKey.h"
- #include "../../helpers.h"
- using namespace Cynara;
- class PolicyBucketFixture : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
- virtual ~PolicyBucketFixture() {}
- protected:
- const PolicyKey pk1 = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("1");
- const PolicyKey pk2 = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("2");
- const PolicyKey pk3 = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("3");
- const PolicyKey otherPk = Helpers::generatePolicyKey("_");
- const PolicyCollection pkPolicies = {
- Policy::simpleWithKey(pk1, PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(pk2, PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(pk3, PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW)
- };
- const PolicyCollection wildcardPolicies = {
- Policy::simpleWithKey(PolicyKey("c1", "u1", "*"), PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(PolicyKey("*", "u1", "p2"), PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(PolicyKey("*", "*", "p1"), PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW),
- Policy::simpleWithKey(PolicyKey("*", "*", "*"), PredefinedPolicyType::ALLOW)
- };
- const std::vector<PolicyBucketId> goodIds = {
- "_goodid", "good_id", "goodid_", "-goodid", "good-id", "goodid-"
- };
- const std::vector<PolicyBucketId> badIds = {
- "{badid", "bad[id", "badid~", "/badid", "bad*id", "badid|", "badid;", "\tbadid", "badid\n",
- " badid", "bad id", "badid "
- };
- };
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered) {
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered", pkPolicies);
- bucket.setDefaultPolicy(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(pk1);
- // Elements match
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, UnorderedElementsAre(pkPolicies.at(0)));
- // default policy matches
- ASSERT_EQ(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY, filtered.defaultPolicy());
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_other) {
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_other", pkPolicies);
- bucket.setDefaultPolicy(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(otherPk);
- // No policies should be found
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, IsEmpty());
- // default policy should be preserved
- ASSERT_EQ(PredefinedPolicyType::DENY, filtered.defaultPolicy());
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_wildcard_1) {
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- // Leave policies with given client, given user and any privilege
- auto policiesToStay = Helpers::pickFromCollection(wildcardPolicies, { 0, 1, 3 });
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_wildcard_1", wildcardPolicies);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(PolicyKey("c1", "u1", "p2"));
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, UnorderedElementsAreArray(policiesToStay));
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_wildcard_2) {
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- // Leave policies with given client, given user and any privilege
- auto policiesToStay = Helpers::pickFromCollection(wildcardPolicies, { 2, 3 });
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_wildcard_2", wildcardPolicies);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(PolicyKey("cccc", "u1", "p1"));
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, UnorderedElementsAreArray(policiesToStay));
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_wildcard_3) {
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- // Leave policies with given client, given user and any privilege
- auto policiesToStay = Helpers::pickFromCollection(wildcardPolicies, { 0, 3 });
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_wildcard_3", wildcardPolicies);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(PolicyKey("c1", "u1", "pppp"));
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, UnorderedElementsAreArray(policiesToStay));
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_wildcard_4) {
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
- // Leave policies with given client, given user and any privilege
- auto policiesToStay = Helpers::pickFromCollection(wildcardPolicies, { 3 });
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_wildcard_4", wildcardPolicies);
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(PolicyKey("cccc", "uuuu", "pppp"));
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, UnorderedElementsAreArray(policiesToStay));
- }
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, filtered_wildcard_none) {
- using ::testing::IsEmpty;
- PolicyBucket bucket("filtered_wildcard_none",
- PolicyCollection({ wildcardPolicies.begin(),
- wildcardPolicies.begin() + 3 }));
- auto filtered = bucket.filtered(PolicyKey("cccc", "uuuu", "pppp"));
- ASSERT_THAT(filtered, IsEmpty());
- }
- /**
- * @brief Validate PolicyBucketIds during creation - passing bucket ids
- * @test Scenario:
- * - Iterate through vector of valid bucket ids and create them normally
- * - PolicyBucket constructor should not throw any exception
- */
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, bucket_id_validation_passes) {
- for (auto it = goodIds.begin(); it != goodIds.end(); ++it) {
- ASSERT_NO_THROW(PolicyBucket(PolicyBucketId(*it)));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief Validate PolicyBucketIds during creation - failing bucket ids
- * @test Scenario:
- * - Iterate through vector of bucket ids containing forbidden characters
- * - PolicyBucket constructor should throw an exception every time it is called
- */
- TEST_F(PolicyBucketFixture, bucket_id_validation_fails) {
- for (auto it = badIds.begin(); it != badIds.end(); ++it) {
- ASSERT_THROW(PolicyBucket(PolicyBucketId(*it)), InvalidBucketIdException);
- }
- }