https://gitlab.com/github-cloud-corporation/dex · Go · 96 lines · 80 code · 9 blank · 7 comment · 19 complexity · e835987ccb4a684f639f0bd061a3bebe MD5 · raw file
- // +build acceptance
- package acceptance
- import (
- "crypto/rand"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/mailgun/mailgun-go"
- "testing"
- )
- func TestGetDomains(t *testing.T) {
- domain := reqEnv(t, "MG_DOMAIN")
- apiKey := reqEnv(t, "MG_API_KEY")
- mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(domain, apiKey, "")
- n, domains, err := mg.GetDomains(mailgun.DefaultLimit, mailgun.DefaultSkip)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- fmt.Printf("TestGetDomains: %d domains retrieved\n", n)
- for _, d := range domains {
- fmt.Printf("TestGetDomains: %#v\n", d)
- }
- }
- func TestGetSingleDomain(t *testing.T) {
- domain := reqEnv(t, "MG_DOMAIN")
- apiKey := reqEnv(t, "MG_API_KEY")
- mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(domain, apiKey, "")
- _, domains, err := mg.GetDomains(mailgun.DefaultLimit, mailgun.DefaultSkip)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- dr, rxDnsRecords, txDnsRecords, err := mg.GetSingleDomain(domains[0].Name)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- fmt.Printf("TestGetSingleDomain: %#v\n", dr)
- for _, rxd := range rxDnsRecords {
- fmt.Printf("TestGetSingleDomains: %#v\n", rxd)
- }
- for _, txd := range txDnsRecords {
- fmt.Printf("TestGetSingleDomains: %#v\n", txd)
- }
- }
- func TestGetSingleDomainNotExist(t *testing.T) {
- domain := reqEnv(t, "MG_DOMAIN")
- apiKey := reqEnv(t, "MG_API_KEY")
- mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(domain, apiKey, "")
- _, _, _, err := mg.GetSingleDomain(randomString(32, "com.edu.org.")+".com")
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("Did not expect a domain to exist")
- }
- ure, ok := err.(*mailgun.UnexpectedResponseError)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatal("Expected UnexpectedResponseError")
- }
- if ure.Actual != 404 {
- t.Fatalf("Expected 404 response code; got %d", ure.Actual)
- }
- }
- func TestAddDeleteDomain(t *testing.T) {
- // First, we need to add the domain.
- domain := reqEnv(t, "MG_DOMAIN")
- apiKey := reqEnv(t, "MG_API_KEY")
- mg := mailgun.NewMailgun(domain, apiKey, "")
- randomDomainName := randomString(16, "DOMAIN") + ".example.com"
- randomPassword := randomString(16, "PASSWD")
- err := mg.CreateDomain(randomDomainName, randomPassword, mailgun.Tag, false)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- // Next, we delete it.
- err = mg.DeleteDomain(randomDomainName)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
- // randomString generates a string of given length, but random content.
- // All content will be within the ASCII graphic character set.
- // (Implementation from Even Shaw's contribution on
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12771930/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-generate-a-long-random-string-in-go).
- func randomString(n int, prefix string) string {
- const alphanum = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- var bytes = make([]byte, n)
- rand.Read(bytes)
- for i, b := range bytes {
- bytes[i] = alphanum[b%byte(len(alphanum))]
- }
- return prefix + string(bytes)
- }