Python | 254 lines | 216 code | 16 blank | 22 comment | 30 complexity | afdfa241e25a8954c6a06ee55a060979 MD5 | raw file
- from __future__ import print_function
- import os
- import pprint
- import re
- from urllib.request import urlretrieve
- import datetime
- import numpy as np
- from ase.utils import popen3
- import ase.io
- from ase.atom import Atom
- from ase.atoms import Atoms
- from ase.data import atomic_numbers
- from ase.data import ground_state_magnetic_moments
- # Transition Metals First-row (TM1R): 10.1021/ct6001187 # 32 compounds
- # Transition Metals Second-row (TM2R): 10.1021/ct700178y # 19 compounds
- # Transition Metals Third-row (TM3R): 10.1021/ct800172j # 25 compounds
- #http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ct6001187/suppl_file/ct6001187-file002.pdf
- #http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ct700178y/suppl_file/ct700178y-file002.pdf
- #http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ct800172j/suppl_file/ct800172j_si_001.pdf
- url_root = 'http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/'
- journal = '10.1021'
- database_files = {
- 'TM1R2006': {'doi': journal + '/ct6001187', 'module': 'TMXR200X_TM1R2006'},
- 'TM2R2007': {'doi': journal + '/ct700178y', 'module': 'TMXR200X_TM2R2007'},
- 'TM3R2008': {'doi': journal + '/ct800172j', 'module': 'TMXR200X_TM3R2008'},
- }
- database_files['TM1R2006']['pdf'] = database_files['TM1R2006']['doi'] + '/suppl_file/ct6001187-file002.pdf'
- database_files['TM2R2007']['pdf'] = database_files['TM2R2007']['doi'] + '/suppl_file/ct700178y-file002.pdf'
- database_files['TM3R2008']['pdf'] = database_files['TM3R2008']['doi'] + '/suppl_file/ct800172j_si_001.pdf'
- def download_file(url, filename, dir='.'):
- # do not mirror subdirectory structure of url
- outfile = os.path.join(dir, os.path.basename(filename))
- if 0: # fails, use files from disk
- urlretrieve(os.path.join(url, filename), outfile)
- return outfile
- def read_geometries(filename, dir='.'):
- txt = os.path.join(dir, filename)
- fh = open(txt, 'rb')
- table = fh.read()
- firstsplit = '(in xyz format):' # TM1R2006 and TM2R2007
- dataformat = 'xyz'
- if table.find('(Gaussian archive entries):') != -1:
- firstsplit = '(Gaussian archive entries):' # TM3R2008
- dataformat = 'gaussian'
- table = table.split(firstsplit)
- table = table[1]
- # remove one or two digit numbers (page numbers/numbers of atoms in xyz format)
- table = re.sub('\n\d\d\n', '\n', table)
- table = re.sub('\n\d\n', '\n', table)
- # remove S + two digit numbers (page numbers)
- table = re.sub('\nS\d\d\n', '\n', table)
- # remove S + one digit (page numbers)
- table = re.sub('\nS\d\n', '\n', table)
- # remove empty lines
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1140958/whats-a-quick-one-liner-to-remove-empty-lines-from-a-python-string
- table = os.linesep.join([s for s in table.splitlines() if s])
- geometries = []
- if dataformat == 'xyz':
- # split on new lines
- table = table.split('\n')
- # mark compound names with ':' tags
- for n, line in enumerate(table):
- if not (line.find('.') != -1):
- # remove method/basis set information
- table[n] = table[n].replace(' BP86/qzvp', '')
- table[n] = ':' + table[n] + ':'
- table = '\n'.join([s for s in table])
- # split into compounds
- # http://simonwillison.net/2003/Oct/26/reSplit/
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/647655/python-regex-split-and-special-character
- table = re.compile('(:.*:)').split(table)
- # remove empty elements
- table = [l.strip() for l in table]
- table = [l for l in table if len(l) > 1]
- # extract compounds
- for n in range(0, len(table), 2):
- compound = table[n].replace(':', '').replace(' ', '_')
- geometry = []
- for atom in table[n+1].split('\n'):
- geometry.append(Atom(symbol=atom.split()[0], position=atom.split()[1:]))
- atoms = Atoms(geometry)
- # set the charge and magnetic moment on the heaviest atom (better ideas?)
- heaviest = max([a.get_atomic_number() for a in atoms])
- heaviest_index = [a.get_atomic_number() for a in atoms].index(heaviest)
- charge = 0.0
- if abs(charge) > 0.0:
- charges = [0.0 for a in atoms]
- charges[heaviest_index] = charge
- atoms.set_initial_charges(charges)
- if compound in [ # see corresponding articles
- 'Ti(BH4)3', # TM1R2006
- 'V(NMe2)4', # TM1R2006
- 'Cu(acac)2', # TM1R2006
- 'Nb(Cp)(C7H7)_Cs', # TM2R2007
- 'CdMe_C3v', # TM2R2007
- ]:
- multiplicity = 2.0
- else:
- multiplicity = 1.0
- if multiplicity > 1.0:
- magmoms = [0.0 for a in atoms]
- magmoms[heaviest_index] = multiplicity - 1
- atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms)
- geometries.append((compound, atoms))
- elif dataformat == 'gaussian':
- # remove new lines
- table = table.replace('\n', '')
- # fix: MeHg(Cl) written as MeHg(CN)
- table = table.replace(
- 'MeHg(CN), qzvp (SDD/def-qzvp for metal)\\\\0,1\\Hg,0.,0.,0.1975732257',
- 'MeHg(Cl), qzvp (SDD/def-qzvp for metal)\\\\0,1\\Hg,0.,0.,0.1975732257')
- # split on compound end marks
- table = table.split('\\\@')
- # remove empty elements
- table = [l.strip() for l in table]
- table = [l for l in table if len(l) > 1]
- # extract compounds
- for n, line in enumerate(table):
- # split on gaussian separator '\\'
- entries = line.split('\\\\')
- compound = entries[2].split(',')[0].split(' ')[0]
- # charge and multiplicity from gaussian archive
- charge, multiplicity = entries[3].split('\\')[0].split(',')
- charge = float(charge)
- multiplicity = float(multiplicity)
- if compound in ['Au(Me)PMe3']: # in gzmat format!
- # check openbabel version (babel >= 2.2 needed)
- cmd = popen3('babel -V')[1]
- output = cmd.read().strip()
- cmd.close()
- v1, v2, v3 = output.split()[2].split('.')
- v1, v2, v3 = int(v1), int(v2), int(v3)
- if not (v1 > 2 or ((v1 == 2) and (v2 >= 2))):
- print(compound + ': skipped - version of babel does not support gzmat format')
- continue # this one is given in z-matrix format
- finame = compound.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') + '.orig'
- foname = finame.split('.')[0] + '.xyz'
- fi = open(finame, 'w')
- fo = open(foname, 'w')
- if 1: # how to extract zmat by hand
- zmat = ['#'] # must start with gaussian input start
- zmat.extend('@') # separated by newline
- zmat.extend([compound])
- zmat.extend('@') # separated by newline
- zmat.extend([str(int(charge)) + ' ' + str(int(multiplicity))])
- zmat.extend(entries[3].replace(',', ' ').split('\\')[1:])
- zmat.extend('@') # atom and variable definitions separated by newline
- zmat.extend(entries[4].split('\\'))
- zmat.extend('@') # end with newline
- for l in zmat:
- fi.write(l.replace('@', '').replace('=', ' ') + '\n')
- fi.close()
- if 0:
- # or use the whole gausian archive entry
- entries = ''.join(entries)
- fi.write(entries)
- # convert gzmat into xyz using openbabel (babel >= 2.2 needed)
- cmd = popen3('babel -i gzmat ' + finame + ' -o xyz ' + foname)[2]
- error = cmd.read().strip()
- cmd.close()
- fo.close()
- if not (error.find('0 molecules') != -1):
- atoms = ase.io.read(foname)
- else:
- print(compound + ': babel conversion failed')
- continue # conversion failed
- else:
- positions = entries[3].replace(',', ' ').split('\\')[1:]
- geometry = []
- for k, atom in enumerate(positions):
- geometry.append(Atom(symbol=atom.split()[0],
- position=[float(p) for p in atom.split()[1:]]))
- atoms = Atoms(geometry)
- #
- # set the charge and magnetic moment on the heaviest atom (better ideas?)
- heaviest = max([a.get_atomic_number() for a in atoms])
- heaviest_index = [a.get_atomic_number() for a in atoms].index(heaviest)
- if abs(charge) > 0.0:
- charges = [0.0 for a in atoms]
- charges[heaviest_index] = charge
- atoms.set_initial_charges(charges)
- if multiplicity > 1.0:
- magmoms = [0.0 for a in atoms]
- magmoms[heaviest_index] = multiplicity - 1
- atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms)
- geometries.append((compound, atoms))
- return geometries
- def pdftotext(filename):
- os.system('pdftotext -raw -nopgbrk '+ filename)
- return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.txt'
- from ase.data.gmtkn30 import format_data
- def main():
- if not os.path.isdir('TMXR200X'):
- os.makedirs('TMXR200X')
- #for database in ['TM1R2006']:
- for database in database_files.keys():
- fh = open(database_files[database]['module'].lower() + '.py', 'w')
- fh.write('# Computer generated code! Hands off!\n')
- fh.write('# Generated: ' + str(datetime.date.today()) + '\n')
- fh.write('from numpy import array\n')
- fh.write('data = ')
- data = {} # specification of molecules
- # download structures
- file = database_files[database]['pdf']
- f = os.path.abspath(download_file(url_root, file, dir='TMXR200X'))
- f = pdftotext(f)
- geometries = read_geometries(f)
- # set number of unpaired electrons and charges
- no_unpaired_electrons = []
- charges = []
- for a in geometries:
- magmom = sum(a[1].get_initial_magnetic_moments())
- if magmom > 0.0:
- no_unpaired_electrons.append((a[0], magmom))
- charge = sum(a[1].get_charges())
- if abs(charge) > 0.0:
- charges.append((a[0], charge))
- data = format_data(database, geometries, no_unpaired_electrons, charges)
- # all constituent atoms
- atoms = []
- for formula, geometry in geometries:
- atoms.extend(list(set(geometry.get_chemical_symbols())))
- atoms=sorted(set(atoms))
- for atom in atoms:
- magmom=ground_state_magnetic_moments[atomic_numbers[atom]]
- data[atom] = {
- 'database': database,
- 'name': atom,
- 'symbols': atom,
- 'magmoms': [magmom], # None or list
- 'charges': None, # None or list
- 'positions': np.array([[0.0]*3]),
- }
- Atom(atom, magmom=magmom)
- pprint.pprint(data, stream=fh)
- fh.close()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()