Java | 191 lines | 151 code | 30 blank | 10 comment | 8 complexity | c972465fa5633d647490beb5861caade MD5 | raw file
- package com.dumbhippo.server.impl;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
- import javax.ejb.EJB;
- import javax.ejb.Stateless;
- import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
- import javax.persistence.NoResultException;
- import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
- import javax.persistence.Query;
- import org.jboss.annotation.IgnoreDependency;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import com.dumbhippo.ExceptionUtils;
- import com.dumbhippo.GlobalSetup;
- import com.dumbhippo.TypeUtils;
- import com.dumbhippo.identity20.Guid;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Account;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Client;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.EmailResource;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Resource;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.User;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.ValidationException;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.AccountSystem;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.Character;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.Enabled;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.IdentitySpider;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.NotFoundException;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.Stacker;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.TransactionRunner;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.UnauthorizedException;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.util.EJBUtil;
- @Stateless
- public class AccountSystemBean implements AccountSystem {
- static private final Logger logger = GlobalSetup.getLogger(AccountSystem.class);
- @PersistenceContext(unitName = "dumbhippo")
- private EntityManager em;
- @EJB
- private IdentitySpider spider;
- @EJB
- private TransactionRunner runner;
- @EJB
- @IgnoreDependency
- private Stacker stacker;
- public Account createAccountFromResource(Resource res) {
- User user = new User();
- user.setNickname(res.getDerivedNickname());
- Account account = new Account(user);
- em.persist(user);
- em.persist(account);
- // Important to add the account first here so other code
- // can just assume all users have accounts. Specifically
- // the GroupMember canonicalization code assumes this for example.
- spider.addVerifiedOwnershipClaim(user, account);
- spider.addVerifiedOwnershipClaim(user, res);
- stacker.onUserCreated(user.getGuid());
- return account;
- }
- public Account createAccountFromEmail(String email) throws ValidationException {
- Resource res = spider.getEmail(email);
- return createAccountFromResource(res);
- }
- public Client authorizeNewClient(Account acct, String name) {
- Client c = new Client(acct, name);
- em.persist(c);
- acct.authorizeNewClient(c);
- return c;
- }
- public Account checkClientCookie(Guid guid, String authKey) throws NotFoundException, UnauthorizedException {
- Account account = lookupAccountByOwnerId(guid);
- if (!account.checkClientCookie(authKey))
- throw new UnauthorizedException("Invalid authorization cookie");
- return account;
- }
- public Client getExistingClient(Guid userId, long clientId) throws NotFoundException {
- Client client = em.find(Client.class, clientId);
- if (client == null)
- throw new NotFoundException("Client not found");
- if (!client.getAccount().getOwner().getGuid().equals(userId))
- throw new RuntimeException("Client doesn't match user");
- return client;
- }
- public Account lookupAccountByUser(User user) {
- if (!em.contains(user)) {
- try {
- user = EJBUtil.lookupGuid(em, User.class, user.getGuid());
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Failed to look up user", e);
- }
- }
- return user.getAccount();
- }
- public Account lookupAccountByOwnerId(Guid ownerId) throws NotFoundException {
- User user = EJBUtil.lookupGuid(em, User.class, ownerId);
- return user.getAccount();
- }
- public long getNumberOfActiveAccounts() {
- try {
- Number num = (Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(a) FROM Account a").getSingleResult();
- return num.longValue();
- } catch (NoResultException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Failed to count number of accounts", e);
- }
- }
- public Set<Account> getActiveAccounts() {
- Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Account a WHERE a.wasSentShareLinkTutorial = TRUE");
- Set<Account> accounts = new HashSet<Account>();
- List list = q.getResultList();
- for (Object o : list) {
- accounts.add((Account) o);
- }
- return accounts;
- }
- public List<Account> getRecentlyActiveAccounts() {
- Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Account a WHERE a.lastLoginDate >= :weekAgo");
- q.setParameter("weekAgo", new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
- return TypeUtils.castList(Account.class, q.getResultList());
- }
- public User getCharacter(final Character whichOne) {
- try {
- return runner.runTaskThrowingConstraintViolation(new Callable<User>() {
- public User call() {
- EmailResource email;
- try {
- email = spider.getEmail(whichOne.getEmail());
- } catch (ValidationException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Character has invalid email address!");
- }
- User user = spider.getUser(email);
- if (user == null) {
- // don't add any special handling in here - it should be OK if
- // someone just creates the character accounts manually without running
- // this code. We don't want to start doing "if (character) ; else ;" all
- // over the place.
- logger.info("Creating special user " + whichOne);
- Account account = createAccountFromResource(email);
- user = account.getOwner();
- user.setNickname(whichOne.getDefaultNickname());
- }
- return user;
- }
- });
- } catch (Exception e) {
- ExceptionUtils.throwAsRuntimeException(e);
- return null; // not reached
- }
- }
- public Map<String, String> getPrefs(Account account) {
- Map<String,String> prefs = new HashMap<String, String>();
- // account.isMusicSharingEnabled() could return null, so we should use getMusicSharingEnabled()
- // method in identitySpider to get the right default
- prefs.put("musicSharingEnabled", Boolean.toString(spider.getMusicSharingEnabled(account.getOwner(),
- // not strictly a "pref" but this is a convenient place to send this to the client
- prefs.put("musicSharingPrimed", Boolean.toString(account.isMusicSharingPrimed()));
- return prefs;
- }
- }