Java | 343 lines | 222 code | 47 blank | 74 comment | 22 complexity | cd7d7a0fa05e187637e77cfb9d33d4d6 MD5 | raw file
- package com.dumbhippo.server.blocks;
- import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.Set;
- import javax.ejb.EJB;
- import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
- import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
- import org.jboss.annotation.IgnoreDependency;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import com.dumbhippo.GlobalSetup;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Block;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.ExternalAccountType;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.Group;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.GroupBlockData;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.StackInclusion;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.User;
- import com.dumbhippo.persistence.UserBlockData;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.ChatSystem;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.ExternalAccountSystem;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.GroupSystem;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.IdentitySpider;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.NotFoundException;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.PersonViewer;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.Stacker;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.util.EJBUtil;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.views.PersonView;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.views.SystemViewpoint;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.views.UserViewpoint;
- import com.dumbhippo.server.views.Viewpoint;
- public abstract class AbstractBlockHandlerBean<BlockViewSubType extends BlockView> implements BlockHandler {
- static private final Logger logger = GlobalSetup.getLogger(AbstractBlockHandlerBean.class);
- @PersistenceContext(unitName = "dumbhippo")
- protected EntityManager em;
- @EJB
- protected ChatSystem chatSystem;
- @EJB
- protected IdentitySpider identitySpider;
- @EJB
- protected GroupSystem groupSystem;
- @EJB
- protected ExternalAccountSystem externalAccountSystem;
- @EJB
- protected PersonViewer personViewer;
- @EJB
- @IgnoreDependency
- protected Stacker stacker;
- private Class<? extends BlockViewSubType> viewClass;
- private Constructor<? extends BlockViewSubType> viewClassConstructorUser;
- private Constructor<? extends BlockViewSubType> viewClassConstructorGroup;
- protected AbstractBlockHandlerBean(Class<? extends BlockViewSubType> viewClass) {
- this.viewClass = viewClass;
- try {
- this.viewClassConstructorUser = viewClass.getConstructor(Viewpoint.class, Block.class, UserBlockData.class, boolean.class);
- } catch (SecurityException e) {
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- }
- try {
- this.viewClassConstructorGroup = viewClass.getConstructor(Viewpoint.class, Block.class, GroupBlockData.class, boolean.class);
- } catch (SecurityException e) {
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- }
- if (this.viewClassConstructorUser == null || this.viewClassConstructorGroup == null)
- logger.debug("{} must override createBlockView since it lacks the expected constructors for its view class", this.getClass().getName());
- }
- private void checkCreationInvariants(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block) throws BlockNotVisibleException {
- UserViewpoint userview = null;
- if (viewpoint instanceof UserViewpoint)
- userview = (UserViewpoint) viewpoint;
- if (block.getInclusion() == StackInclusion.ONLY_WHEN_VIEWING_SELF) {
- User user = identitySpider.lookupUser(block.getData1AsGuid());
- if (userview == null || !userview.getViewer().equals(user)) {
- // FIXME should this be a RuntimeException? logger.warn is here so we can investigate
- // that if the exception ever really happens
- logger.warn("Trying to view an ONLY_WHEN_VIEWING_SELF block from a different viewpoint: {} block={}", userview, block);
- throw new BlockNotVisibleException("ONLY_WHEN_VIEWING_SELF block is not visible to non-self viewpoint");
- }
- }
- }
- public BlockViewSubType getUnpopulatedBlockView(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block,
- UserBlockData ubd, boolean participated) throws BlockNotVisibleException {
- checkCreationInvariants(viewpoint, block);
- BlockViewSubType blockView = createBlockView(viewpoint, block, ubd, participated);
- checkBlockViewVisible(blockView);
- return blockView;
- }
- public BlockViewSubType getUnpopulatedBlockView(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block,
- GroupBlockData gbd, boolean participated) throws BlockNotVisibleException {
- checkCreationInvariants(viewpoint, block);
- BlockViewSubType blockView = createBlockView(viewpoint, block, gbd, participated);
- checkBlockViewVisible(blockView);
- return blockView;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new block view. This should just create the object, not fill it in at all.
- * There are two later stages for filling it in; checkBlockViewVisible() will be called
- * to see if the viewpoint can view the block view, and then populateBlockViewImpl()
- * will be called to initialize any additional details on the block view if it is
- * visible.
- *
- * The default implementation just constructs an instance of viewClass.
- *
- * @param viewpoint
- * @param block
- * @param ubd
- * @return new block view
- */
- protected BlockViewSubType createBlockView(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block,
- UserBlockData ubd, boolean participated) {
- if (viewClassConstructorUser == null)
- throw new IllegalStateException("Must override createBlockView if your block view type doesn't have the right constructor");
- try {
- return viewClassConstructorUser.newInstance(viewpoint, block, ubd, participated);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- protected BlockViewSubType createBlockView(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block,
- GroupBlockData gbd, boolean participated) {
- if (viewClassConstructorUser == null)
- throw new IllegalStateException("Must override createBlockView if your block view type doesn't have the right constructor");
- try {
- return viewClassConstructorGroup.newInstance(viewpoint, block, gbd, participated);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * The default implementation of this returns immediately if block.isPublicBlock(), otherwise
- * tries to call populateBlockViewImpl() and lets that throw BlockNotVisibleException if appropriate.
- * Subclasses may be able to do something more efficient than a full populateBlockViewImpl().
- *
- * @param blockView the block view which may or may not be visible to its viewpoint
- * @throws BlockNotVisibleException if blockView's viewpoint can't see this blockView
- */
- protected void checkBlockViewVisible(BlockViewSubType blockView) throws BlockNotVisibleException {
- Block block = blockView.getBlock();
- if (!block.isPublicBlock()) {
- populateBlockViewImpl(blockView); // throws if we can't see the block contents
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fill in a block view. Called by the default implementation of checkBlockViewVisible() and also
- * by the default implementation of populateBlockView() - thus may be called twice. The second
- * call will be skipped if blockView.isPopulated(), so set that flag once you fully populate.
- *
- * @param blockView a block view
- * @throws BlockNotVisibleException if the block view is not visible to its viewpoint
- */
- protected abstract void populateBlockViewImpl(BlockViewSubType blockView)
- throws BlockNotVisibleException;
- // this is final because you need to override populateBlockViewImpl instead.
- public final void populateBlockView(BlockView blockView) {
- try {
- if (!blockView.isPopulated())
- populateBlockViewImpl(viewClass.cast(blockView));
- } catch (BlockNotVisibleException e) {
- logger.warn("populateBlockView() should not run into a BlockNotVisibleException because prepareBlockView() should have done it {}",
- blockView);
- throw new RuntimeException("prepareBlockView missed a visibility check", e);
- }
- }
- private Set<User> getUsersWhoCareAboutData1User(Block block, User user) {
- Set<User> peopleWhoCare = null;
- switch (block.getInclusion()) {
- peopleWhoCare = identitySpider.getUsersWhoHaveUserAsContact(SystemViewpoint.getInstance(), user);
- // we also show each block to its "owner" when it is IN_ALL_STACKS;
- // we include the "owner" for the ONLY_WHEN_VIEWED_BY_OTHERS block, so
- // that the block is displayed in the owner's mugshot when it is viewed
- // by another person
- peopleWhoCare.add(user);
- return peopleWhoCare;
- peopleWhoCare = Collections.singleton(user);
- return peopleWhoCare;
- // no default, it hides bugs
- }
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid inclusion " + block);
- }
- protected User getData1User(Block block) {
- User user;
- try {
- user = EJBUtil.lookupGuid(em, User.class, block.getData1AsGuid());
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid user in data1 of " + block, e);
- }
- return user;
- }
- protected PersonView getData1UserView(Viewpoint viewpoint, Block block) {
- User user = getData1User(block);
- // No PersonViewExtra are needed since we know this isn't a contact so we have a name
- // without having to get any resources.
- PersonView userView = personViewer.getPersonView(viewpoint, user);
- return userView;
- }
- /**
- * Utility helper for implementing getInterestedUsers() that gets everyone with
- * the user id in data1 listed in their contacts.
- *
- * Returns only the person themselves in the set if block.getInclusion() == ONLY_WHEN_VIEWING_SELF.
- *
- * @param block
- * @return
- */
- protected final Set<User> getUsersWhoCareAboutData1User(Block block) {
- return getUsersWhoCareAboutData1User(block, getData1User(block));
- }
- protected final Set<User> getUsersWhoCareAboutData1UserAndExternalAccount(Block block, ExternalAccountType accountType) {
- User user = getData1User(block);
- if (externalAccountSystem.getExternalAccountExistsLovedAndEnabled(SystemViewpoint.getInstance(), user, accountType)) {
- return getUsersWhoCareAboutData1User(block, user);
- } else {
- return Collections.emptySet();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Utility helper for implementing getInterestedUsers() that gets everyone in
- * the group identified by the group id in data1.
- *
- * @param block
- * @return
- */
- protected final Set<User> getUsersWhoCareAboutData1Group(Block block) {
- Group group;
- try {
- group = EJBUtil.lookupGuid(em, Group.class, block.getData1AsGuid());
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid group in data1 of " + block, e);
- }
- Set<User> groupMembers = groupSystem.getUserMembers(SystemViewpoint.getInstance(), group);
- return groupMembers;
- }
- /**
- * Utility helper for implementing getInterestedGroups() that returns
- * a single-member set with the group stored in data1.
- *
- * @param block
- * @return
- */
- protected Set<Group> getData1GroupAsSet(Block block) {
- Group group;
- try {
- group = EJBUtil.lookupGuid(em, Group.class, block.getData1AsGuid());
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- return Collections.singleton(group);
- }
- private Set<Group> getGroupsData1UserIsIn(Block block, User user) {
- switch (block.getInclusion()) {
- return groupSystem.findRawGroups(SystemViewpoint.getInstance(), user);
- return Collections.emptySet();
- // no default, hides bugs
- }
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid inclusion " + block);
- }
- /**
- * Utility helper for implementing getInterestedGroups() that returns
- * the set of groups the user id stored in data1 is a member of.
- *
- * Returns an empty set of groups if the block's inclusion is
- *
- * @param block
- * @return
- */
- protected final Set<Group> getGroupsData1UserIsIn(Block block) {
- User user = getData1User(block);
- return getGroupsData1UserIsIn(block, user);
- }
- protected final Set<Group> getGroupsData1UserIsInIfExternalAccount(Block block, ExternalAccountType accountType) {
- User user = getData1User(block);
- if (externalAccountSystem.getExternalAccountExistsLovedAndEnabled(SystemViewpoint.getInstance(), user, accountType)) {
- return getGroupsData1UserIsIn(block, user);
- } else {
- return Collections.emptySet();
- }
- }
- }