JavaScript | 629 lines | 507 code | 108 blank | 14 comment | 36 complexity | c6fa620e3befe2b77962705611b51839 MD5 | raw file
- describe('Core_loadData', function () {
- var id = 'testContainer';
- beforeEach(function () {
- this.$container = $('<div id="' + id + '"></div>').appendTo('body');
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- if (this.$container) {
- destroy();
- this.$container.remove();
- }
- });
- var arrayOfArrays = function () {
- return [
- ["", "Kia", "Nissan", "Toyota", "Honda"],
- ["2008", 10, 11, 12, 13],
- ["2009", 20, 11, 14, 13],
- ["2010", 30, 15, 12, 13]
- ];
- };
- var arrayOfObjects = function () {
- return [
- {id: 1, name: "Ted", lastName: "Right"},
- {id: 2, name: "Frank", lastName: "Honest"},
- {id: 3, name: "Joan", lastName: "Well"},
- {id: 4, name: "Sid", lastName: "Strong"},
- {id: 5, name: "Jane", lastName: "Neat"},
- {id: 6, name: "Chuck", lastName: "Jackson"},
- {id: 7, name: "Meg", lastName: "Jansen"},
- {id: 8, name: "Rob", lastName: "Norris"},
- {id: 9, name: "Sean", lastName: "O'Hara"},
- {id: 10, name: "Eve", lastName: "Branson"}
- ];
- };
- var arrayOfNestedObjects = function () {
- return [
- {
- id: 1,
- name: {
- first: "Ted",
- last: "Right"
- },
- 'full.street': 'Street I',
- },
- {
- id: 2,
- name: {
- first: "Frank",
- last: "Honest"
- },
- 'full.street': 'Street II',
- },
- {
- id: 3,
- name: {
- first: "Joan",
- last: "Well"
- },
- 'full.street': 'Street III',
- }
- ]
- };
- var htmlData = [
- ['<b>H&M</b>']
- ];
- it('should allow array of arrays', function () {
- handsontable();
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Nissan");
- });
- it('should allow array of objects', function () {
- handsontable({
- columns: [
- {data: "id"},
- {data: "lastName"},
- {data: "name"}
- ]
- });
- loadData(arrayOfObjects());
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Ted");
- });
- it('should allow array of objects when columns as a function', function () {
- handsontable({
- columns: function(column) {
- var colMeta = {};
- if (column === 0) {
- colMeta.data = 'id';
- } else if (column === 1) {
- colMeta.data = 'lastName';
- } else if (column === 2) {
- colMeta.data = 'name';
- } else {
- colMeta = null;
- }
- return colMeta;
- }
- });
- loadData(arrayOfObjects());
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Ted");
- });
- it('should allow array of nested objects', function () {
- handsontable({
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects(),
- colHeaders: true,
- columns: [
- {data: "id"},
- {data: "name.last"},
- {data: "name.first"},
- {data: "full.street"},
- ]
- });
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Ted");
- expect(getDataAtCell(1, 3)).toEqual("Street II");
- expect(getDataAtRowProp(2, 'full.street')).toEqual("Street III");
- });
- it('should allow array of nested objects when columns as a function', function () {
- handsontable({
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects(),
- colHeaders: true,
- columns: function(column) {
- var colMeta = {};
- if (column === 0) {
- colMeta.data = 'id';
- } else if (column === 1) {
- colMeta.data = 'name.last';
- } else if (column === 2) {
- colMeta.data = 'name.first';
- } else if (column === 3) {
- colMeta.data = 'full.street';
- } else {
- colMeta = null;
- }
- return colMeta;
- }
- });
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Ted");
- expect(getDataAtCell(1, 3)).toEqual("Street II");
- expect(getDataAtRowProp(2, 'full.street')).toEqual("Street III");
- });
- it('should figure out default column names for array of nested objects', function () {
- handsontable({
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects(),
- colHeaders: true
- });
- expect(getDataAtCell(0, 2)).toEqual("Right");
- });
- it('should trigger onChange callback when loaded array of arrays', function () {
- var called = false;
- handsontable({
- afterChange: function (changes, source) {
- if (source === 'loadData') {
- called = true;
- }
- }
- });
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- expect(called).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('should trigger onChange callback when loaded array of objects', function () {
- var called = false;
- handsontable({
- afterChange: function (changes, source) {
- if (source === 'loadData') {
- called = true;
- }
- }
- });
- loadData(arrayOfObjects());
- expect(called).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('should trigger onChange callback when loaded array of nested objects', function () {
- var called = false;
- handsontable({
- afterChange: function (changes, source) {
- if (source === 'loadData') {
- called = true;
- }
- }
- });
- loadData(arrayOfNestedObjects());
- expect(called).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('should create new rows for array of arrays (and respect minRows)', function () {
- handsontable({
- minRows: 20, //minRows should be respected
- data: arrayOfArrays()
- });
- expect(countRows()).toEqual(20); //TODO why this must be checked after render?
- });
- it('should create new rows for array of nested objects (and respect minRows)', function () {
- handsontable({
- minRows: 20, //minRows should be respected
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects()
- });
- expect(countRows()).toEqual(20); //TODO why this must be checked after render?
- });
- it('HTML special chars should be escaped by default', function () {
- handsontable();
- loadData(htmlData);
- expect(getCell(0, 0).innerHTML).toEqual('<b>H&M</b>');
- });
- it('should create as many rows as needed by array of objects', function () {
- handsontable({
- minRows: 6,
- data: arrayOfObjects()
- });
- expect(getCell(9, 1).innerHTML).toEqual('Eve');
- });
- //https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/pull/233
- it('should not invoke the cells callback multiple times with the same row/col (without overlays)', function () {
- var cellsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('cellsSpy');
- handsontable({
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects(),
- colWidths: [90, 90, 90, 90],
- rowHeights: [23, 23, 23, 23],
- cells: cellsSpy
- });
- //
- expect(cellsSpy.calls.length).toEqual(43);
- });
- it('should not invoke the cells callback multiple times with the same row/col (with overlays)', function () {
- var cellsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('cellsSpy');
- handsontable({
- data: arrayOfNestedObjects(),
- colHeaders: true,
- rowHeaders: true,
- colWidths: [90, 90, 90, 90],
- rowHeights: [90, 90, 90, 90],
- cells: cellsSpy
- });
- expect(cellsSpy.calls.length).toEqual(56);
- });
- it('should remove grid rows if new data source has less of them', function () {
- var data1 = [
- ["a"],
- ["b"],
- ["c"],
- ["d"],
- ["e"],
- ["f"],
- ["g"],
- ["h"]
- ];
- var data2 = [
- ["a"],
- ["b"],
- ["c"],
- ["d"],
- ["e"]
- ];
- handsontable({
- data: data1,
- rowHeaders: true,
- colHeaders: true
- });
- selectCell(7, 0);
- loadData(data2);
- expect(countRows()).toBe(data2.length);
- expect(getSelected()).toEqual([4, 0, 4, 0]);
- });
- it('should remove grid rows if new data source has less of them (with minSpareRows)', function () {
- var data1 = [
- ["a"],
- ["b"],
- ["c"],
- ["d"],
- ["e"],
- ["f"],
- ["g"],
- ["h"]
- ];
- var data2 = [
- ["a"],
- ["b"],
- ["c"],
- ["d"],
- ["e"]
- ];
- handsontable({
- data: data1,
- minSpareCols: 1,
- minSpareRows: 1,
- rowHeaders: true,
- colHeaders: true
- });
- selectCell(8, 0);
- loadData(data2);
- expect(countRows()).toBe(6); //+1 because of minSpareRows
- expect(getSelected()).toEqual([5, 0, 5, 0]);
- });
- it('loading empty data should remove all rows', function () {
- var data1 = [
- ["a"],
- ["b"],
- ["c"],
- ["d"],
- ["e"],
- ["f"],
- ["g"],
- ["h"]
- ];
- var data2 = [];
- handsontable({
- data: data1,
- rowHeaders: true,
- colHeaders: true
- });
- selectCell(7, 0);
- loadData(data2);
- expect(countRows()).toBe(0);
- expect(getSelected()).toEqual(null);
- });
- it('should only have as many columns as in settings', function () {
- var data1 = arrayOfArrays();
- handsontable({
- data: data1,
- columns: [
- { data: 1 },
- { data: 3 }
- ]
- });
- expect(countCols()).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should only have as many columns as in settings when columns is a function', function () {
- var data1 = arrayOfArrays();
- handsontable({
- data: data1,
- columns: function(column) {
- var colMeta = {
- data: column
- };
- if ([1, 3].indexOf(column) < 0) {
- colMeta = null
- }
- return colMeta;
- }
- });
- expect(countCols()).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should throw error when trying to load a string (constructor)', function () {
- var errors = 0;
- try {
- handsontable({
- data: "string"
- });
- }
- catch (e) {
- errors++;
- }
- expect(errors).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should throw error when trying to load a string (loadData)', function () {
- var errors = 0;
- try {
- handsontable();
- loadData("string");
- }
- catch (e) {
- errors++;
- }
- expect(errors).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should load Backbone Collection as data source', function () {
- // code borrowed from demo/backbone.js
- var CarModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
- var CarCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: CarModel,
- // Backbone.Collection doesn't support `splice`, yet! Easy to add.
- splice: hacked_splice
- });
- var cars = new CarCollection();
- cars.add([
- {make: "Dodge", model: "Ram", year: 2012, weight: 6811},
- {make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", year: 2012, weight: 3190},
- {make: "Smart", model: "Fortwo", year: 2012, weight: 1808}
- ]);
- handsontable({
- data: cars,
- columns: [
- attr("make"),
- attr("model"),
- attr("year")
- ]
- });
- // use the "good" Collection methods to emulate Array.splice
- function hacked_splice(index, howMany /* model1, ... modelN */) {
- var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(2).concat({at: index}),
- removed = this.models.slice(index, index + howMany);
- this.remove(removed).add.apply(this, args);
- return removed;
- }
- // normally, you'd get these from the server with .fetch()
- function attr(attr) {
- // this lets us remember `attr` for when when it is get/set
- return {data: function (car, value) {
- if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
- return car.get(attr);
- }
- car.set(attr, value);
- }};
- }
- expect(countRows()).toBe(3);
- });
- it('should load Backbone Collection as data source when columns is a function', function () {
- // code borrowed from demo/backbone.js
- var CarModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
- var CarCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: CarModel,
- // Backbone.Collection doesn't support `splice`, yet! Easy to add.
- splice: hacked_splice
- });
- var cars = new CarCollection();
- cars.add([
- {make: "Dodge", model: "Ram", year: 2012, weight: 6811},
- {make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", year: 2012, weight: 3190},
- {make: "Smart", model: "Fortwo", year: 2012, weight: 1808}
- ]);
- handsontable({
- data: cars,
- columns: function(column) {
- var colMeta = null;
- if (column === 0) {
- colMeta = attr("make");
- } else if (column === 1) {
- colMeta = attr("model");
- } else if (column === 2) {
- colMeta = attr("year");
- }
- return colMeta;
- }
- });
- // use the "good" Collection methods to emulate Array.splice
- function hacked_splice(index, howMany /* model1, ... modelN */) {
- var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(2).concat({at: index}),
- removed = this.models.slice(index, index + howMany);
- this.remove(removed).add.apply(this, args);
- return removed;
- }
- // normally, you'd get these from the server with .fetch()
- function attr(attr) {
- // this lets us remember `attr` for when when it is get/set
- return {data: function (car, value) {
- if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
- return car.get(attr);
- }
- car.set(attr, value);
- }};
- }
- expect(countRows()).toBe(3);
- });
- it('should clear cell properties after loadData', function () {
- handsontable();
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- getCellMeta(0, 0).foo = 'bar';
- expect(getCellMeta(0, 0).foo).toEqual("bar");
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- expect(getCellMeta(0, 0).foo).toBeUndefined();
- });
- it('should clear cell properties after loadData, but before rendering new data', function () {
- handsontable();
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- getCellMeta(0, 0).valid = false;
- render();
- expect(this.$container.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('htInvalid')).toEqual(true);
- loadData(arrayOfArrays());
- expect(this.$container.find('tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)').hasClass('htInvalid')).toEqual(false);
- });
- // https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/1700
- // can't edit anything after starting editing cell with no nested object
- it('should correct behave with cell with no nested object data source corresponding to column mapping', function () {
- var objectData = [
- {id: 1, user: {name: {first: "Ted", last: "Right"}}},
- {id: 2, user: {name: {}}},
- {id: 3}
- ];
- handsontable({
- data: objectData,
- columns: [
- {data: 'id'},
- {data: 'user.name.first'},
- {data: 'user.name.last'}
- ]
- });
- mouseDoubleClick(getCell(1, 1));
- document.activeElement.value = 'Harry';
- deselectCell();
- expect(objectData[1].user.name.first).toEqual('Harry');
- mouseDoubleClick(getCell(2, 1));
- document.activeElement.value = 'Barry';
- deselectCell();
- expect(objectData[2].user.name.first).toEqual('Barry');
- });
- it('should correct behave with cell with no nested object data source corresponding to column mapping when columns is a function', function () {
- var objectData = [
- {id: 1, user: {name: {first: "Ted", last: "Right"}}},
- {id: 2, user: {name: {}}},
- {id: 3}
- ];
- handsontable({
- data: objectData,
- columns: function(column) {
- var colMeta = null;
- if (column === 0) {
- colMeta = {data: 'id'}
- } else if (column === 1) {
- colMeta = {data: 'user.name.first'};
- } else if (column === 2) {
- colMeta = {data: 'user.name.last'};
- }
- return colMeta;
- }
- });
- mouseDoubleClick(getCell(1, 1));
- document.activeElement.value = 'Harry';
- deselectCell();
- expect(objectData[1].user.name.first).toEqual('Harry');
- mouseDoubleClick(getCell(2, 1));
- document.activeElement.value = 'Barry';
- deselectCell();
- expect(objectData[2].user.name.first).toEqual('Barry');
- });
- });