Java | 655 lines | 513 code | 91 blank | 51 comment | 80 complexity | 7abd15300d86cc1817dcd6f7075be0f4 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * WorldGuard, a suite of tools for Minecraft
- * Copyright (C) sk89q <http://www.sk89q.com>
- * Copyright (C) WorldGuard team and contributors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit;
- import com.sk89q.util.yaml.YAMLFormat;
- import com.sk89q.util.yaml.YAMLProcessor;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.Blacklist;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.BlacklistLoggerHandler;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.logger.ConsoleHandler;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.logger.DatabaseHandler;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.logger.FileHandler;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.target.TargetMatcherParseException;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.blacklist.target.TargetMatcherParser;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.commands.CommandUtils;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.internal.BukkitBlacklist;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.internal.TargetMatcherSet;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.chest.ChestProtection;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.chest.SignChestProtection;
- import com.sk89q.worldguard.util.report.Unreported;
- import org.bukkit.block.Block;
- import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
- import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
- import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
- import org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- /**
- * Holds the configuration for individual worlds.
- *
- * @author sk89q
- * @author Michael
- */
- public class WorldConfiguration {
- private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WorldConfiguration.class.getCanonicalName());
- private static final TargetMatcherParser matcherParser = new TargetMatcherParser();
- public static final String CONFIG_HEADER = "#\r\n" +
- "# WorldGuard's world configuration file\r\n" +
- "#\r\n" +
- "# This is a world configuration file. Anything placed into here will only\r\n" +
- "# affect this world. If you don't put anything in this file, then the\r\n" +
- "# settings will be inherited from the main configuration file.\r\n" +
- "#\r\n" +
- "# If you see {} below, that means that there are NO entries in this file.\r\n" +
- "# Remove the {} and add your own entries.\r\n" +
- "#\r\n";
- @Unreported private WorldGuardPlugin plugin;
- @Unreported private String worldName;
- @Unreported private YAMLProcessor parentConfig;
- @Unreported private YAMLProcessor config;
- private File blacklistFile;
- @Unreported private Blacklist blacklist;
- @Unreported private ChestProtection chestProtection = new SignChestProtection();
- /* Configuration data start */
- public boolean summaryOnStart;
- public boolean opPermissions;
- public boolean buildPermissions;
- public String buildPermissionDenyMessage = "";
- public boolean fireSpreadDisableToggle;
- public boolean itemDurability;
- public boolean simulateSponge;
- public int spongeRadius;
- public boolean disableExpDrops;
- public Set<PotionEffectType> blockPotions;
- public boolean blockPotionsAlways;
- public boolean pumpkinScuba;
- public boolean redstoneSponges;
- public boolean noPhysicsGravel;
- public boolean noPhysicsSand;
- public boolean ropeLadders;
- public boolean allowPortalAnywhere;
- public Set<Integer> preventWaterDamage;
- public boolean blockLighter;
- public boolean disableFireSpread;
- public Set<Integer> disableFireSpreadBlocks;
- public boolean preventLavaFire;
- public Set<Integer> allowedLavaSpreadOver;
- public boolean blockTNTExplosions;
- public boolean blockTNTBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockCreeperExplosions;
- public boolean blockCreeperBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockWitherExplosions;
- public boolean blockWitherBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockWitherSkullExplosions;
- public boolean blockWitherSkullBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockEnderDragonBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockEnderDragonPortalCreation;
- public boolean blockFireballExplosions;
- public boolean blockFireballBlockDamage;
- public boolean blockOtherExplosions;
- public boolean blockEntityPaintingDestroy;
- public boolean blockEntityItemFrameDestroy;
- public boolean blockPluginSpawning;
- public boolean blockGroundSlimes;
- public boolean blockZombieDoorDestruction;
- public boolean disableContactDamage;
- public boolean disableFallDamage;
- public boolean disableLavaDamage;
- public boolean disableFireDamage;
- public boolean disableLightningDamage;
- public boolean disableDrowningDamage;
- public boolean disableSuffocationDamage;
- public boolean teleportOnSuffocation;
- public boolean disableVoidDamage;
- public boolean teleportOnVoid;
- public boolean disableExplosionDamage;
- public boolean disableMobDamage;
- public boolean useRegions;
- public boolean highFreqFlags;
- public boolean checkLiquidFlow;
- public int regionWand;
- public Set<EntityType> blockCreatureSpawn;
- public boolean allowTamedSpawns;
- // public boolean useiConomy;
- // public boolean buyOnClaim;
- // public double buyOnClaimPrice;
- public int maxClaimVolume;
- public boolean claimOnlyInsideExistingRegions;
- public int maxRegionCountPerPlayer;
- public boolean boundedLocationFlags;
- public boolean antiWolfDumbness;
- public boolean signChestProtection;
- public boolean disableSignChestProtectionCheck;
- public boolean removeInfiniteStacks;
- public boolean disableCreatureCropTrampling;
- public boolean disablePlayerCropTrampling;
- public boolean preventLightningFire;
- public Set<Integer> disallowedLightningBlocks;
- public boolean disableThunder;
- public boolean disableWeather;
- public boolean alwaysRaining;
- public boolean alwaysThundering;
- public boolean disablePigZap;
- public boolean disableCreeperPower;
- public boolean disableHealthRegain;
- public boolean disableMushroomSpread;
- public boolean disableIceMelting;
- public boolean disableSnowMelting;
- public boolean disableSnowFormation;
- public boolean disableIceFormation;
- public boolean disableLeafDecay;
- public boolean disableGrassGrowth;
- public boolean disableMyceliumSpread;
- public boolean disableVineGrowth;
- public boolean disableEndermanGriefing;
- public boolean disableSnowmanTrails;
- public boolean disableSoilDehydration;
- public Set<Integer> allowedSnowFallOver;
- public boolean regionInvinciblityRemovesMobs;
- public boolean regionNetherPortalProtection;
- public boolean fakePlayerBuildOverride;
- public boolean explosionFlagCancellation;
- public boolean disableDeathMessages;
- public boolean disableObsidianGenerators;
- public boolean strictEntitySpawn;
- public TargetMatcherSet allowAllInteract;
- public TargetMatcherSet blockUseAtFeet;
- private Map<String, Integer> maxRegionCounts;
- /* Configuration data end */
- /**
- * Construct the object.
- *
- * @param plugin The WorldGuardPlugin instance
- * @param worldName The world name that this WorldConfiguration is for.
- * @param parentConfig The parent configuration to read defaults from
- */
- public WorldConfiguration(WorldGuardPlugin plugin, String worldName, YAMLProcessor parentConfig) {
- File baseFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "worlds/" + worldName);
- File configFile = new File(baseFolder, "config.yml");
- blacklistFile = new File(baseFolder, "blacklist.txt");
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.worldName = worldName;
- this.parentConfig = parentConfig;
- plugin.createDefaultConfiguration(configFile, "config_world.yml");
- plugin.createDefaultConfiguration(blacklistFile, "blacklist.txt");
- config = new YAMLProcessor(configFile, true, YAMLFormat.EXTENDED);
- loadConfiguration();
- if (summaryOnStart) {
- log.info("Loaded configuration for world '" + worldName + "'");
- }
- }
- private boolean getBoolean(String node, boolean def) {
- boolean val = parentConfig.getBoolean(node, def);
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- return config.getBoolean(node, def);
- } else {
- return val;
- }
- }
- private String getString(String node, String def) {
- String val = parentConfig.getString(node, def);
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- return config.getString(node, def);
- } else {
- return val;
- }
- }
- private int getInt(String node, int def) {
- int val = parentConfig.getInt(node, def);
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- return config.getInt(node, def);
- } else {
- return val;
- }
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private double getDouble(String node, double def) {
- double val = parentConfig.getDouble(node, def);
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- return config.getDouble(node, def);
- } else {
- return val;
- }
- }
- private List<Integer> getIntList(String node, List<Integer> def) {
- List<Integer> res = parentConfig.getIntList(node, def);
- if (res == null || res.size() == 0) {
- parentConfig.setProperty(node, new ArrayList<Integer>());
- }
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- res = config.getIntList(node, def);
- }
- return res;
- }
- private TargetMatcherSet getTargetMatchers(String node) {
- TargetMatcherSet set = new TargetMatcherSet();
- List<String> inputs = parentConfig.getStringList(node, null);
- if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) {
- parentConfig.setProperty(node, new ArrayList<String>());
- return set;
- }
- for (String input : inputs) {
- try {
- set.add(matcherParser.fromInput(input));
- } catch (TargetMatcherParseException e) {
- log.warning("Failed to parse the block / item type specified as '" + input + "'");
- }
- }
- return set;
- }
- private List<String> getStringList(String node, List<String> def) {
- List<String> res = parentConfig.getStringList(node, def);
- if (res == null || res.size() == 0) {
- parentConfig.setProperty(node, new ArrayList<String>());
- }
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- res = config.getStringList(node, def);
- }
- return res;
- }
- private List<String> getKeys(String node) {
- List<String> res = parentConfig.getKeys(node);
- if (res == null || res.size() == 0) {
- res = config.getKeys(node);
- }
- if (res == null) {
- res = new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- return res;
- }
- private Object getProperty(String node) {
- Object res = parentConfig.getProperty(node);
- if (config.getProperty(node) != null) {
- res = config.getProperty(node);
- }
- return res;
- }
- /**
- * Load the configuration.
- */
- private void loadConfiguration() {
- try {
- config.load();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- log.severe("Error reading configuration for world " + worldName + ": ");
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (ParserException e) {
- log.severe("Error parsing configuration for world " + worldName + ". ");
- throw e;
- }
- summaryOnStart = getBoolean("summary-on-start", true);
- opPermissions = getBoolean("op-permissions", true);
- buildPermissions = getBoolean("build-permission-nodes.enable", false);
- buildPermissionDenyMessage = CommandUtils.replaceColorMacros(
- getString("build-permission-nodes.deny-message", "&eSorry, but you are not permitted to do that here."));
- strictEntitySpawn = getBoolean("event-handling.block-entity-spawns-with-untraceable-cause", false);
- allowAllInteract = getTargetMatchers("event-handling.interaction-whitelist");
- blockUseAtFeet = getTargetMatchers("event-handling.emit-block-use-at-feet");
- itemDurability = getBoolean("protection.item-durability", true);
- removeInfiniteStacks = getBoolean("protection.remove-infinite-stacks", false);
- disableExpDrops = getBoolean("protection.disable-xp-orb-drops", false);
- disableObsidianGenerators = getBoolean("protection.disable-obsidian-generators", false);
- blockPotions = new HashSet<PotionEffectType>();
- for (String potionName : getStringList("gameplay.block-potions", null)) {
- PotionEffectType effect = PotionEffectType.getByName(potionName);
- if (effect == null) {
- log.warning("Unknown potion effect type '" + potionName + "'");
- } else {
- blockPotions.add(effect);
- }
- }
- blockPotionsAlways = getBoolean("gameplay.block-potions-overly-reliably", false);
- simulateSponge = getBoolean("simulation.sponge.enable", false);
- spongeRadius = Math.max(1, getInt("simulation.sponge.radius", 3)) - 1;
- redstoneSponges = getBoolean("simulation.sponge.redstone", false);
- pumpkinScuba = getBoolean("default.pumpkin-scuba", false);
- disableHealthRegain = getBoolean("default.disable-health-regain", false);
- noPhysicsGravel = getBoolean("physics.no-physics-gravel", false);
- noPhysicsSand = getBoolean("physics.no-physics-sand", false);
- ropeLadders = getBoolean("physics.vine-like-rope-ladders", false);
- allowPortalAnywhere = getBoolean("physics.allow-portal-anywhere", false);
- preventWaterDamage = new HashSet<Integer>(getIntList("physics.disable-water-damage-blocks", null));
- blockTNTExplosions = getBoolean("ignition.block-tnt", false);
- blockTNTBlockDamage = getBoolean("ignition.block-tnt-block-damage", false);
- blockLighter = getBoolean("ignition.block-lighter", false);
- preventLavaFire = getBoolean("fire.disable-lava-fire-spread", true);
- disableFireSpread = getBoolean("fire.disable-all-fire-spread", false);
- disableFireSpreadBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>(getIntList("fire.disable-fire-spread-blocks", null));
- allowedLavaSpreadOver = new HashSet<Integer>(getIntList("fire.lava-spread-blocks", null));
- blockCreeperExplosions = getBoolean("mobs.block-creeper-explosions", false);
- blockCreeperBlockDamage = getBoolean("mobs.block-creeper-block-damage", false);
- blockWitherExplosions = getBoolean("mobs.block-wither-explosions", false);
- blockWitherBlockDamage = getBoolean("mobs.block-wither-block-damage", false);
- blockWitherSkullExplosions = getBoolean("mobs.block-wither-skull-explosions", false);
- blockWitherSkullBlockDamage = getBoolean("mobs.block-wither-skull-block-damage", false);
- blockEnderDragonBlockDamage = getBoolean("mobs.block-enderdragon-block-damage", false);
- blockEnderDragonPortalCreation = getBoolean("mobs.block-enderdragon-portal-creation", false);
- blockFireballExplosions = getBoolean("mobs.block-fireball-explosions", false);
- blockFireballBlockDamage = getBoolean("mobs.block-fireball-block-damage", false);
- antiWolfDumbness = getBoolean("mobs.anti-wolf-dumbness", false);
- allowTamedSpawns = getBoolean("mobs.allow-tamed-spawns", true);
- disableEndermanGriefing = getBoolean("mobs.disable-enderman-griefing", false);
- disableSnowmanTrails = getBoolean("mobs.disable-snowman-trails", false);
- blockEntityPaintingDestroy = getBoolean("mobs.block-painting-destroy", false);
- blockEntityItemFrameDestroy = getBoolean("mobs.block-item-frame-destroy", false);
- blockPluginSpawning = getBoolean("mobs.block-plugin-spawning", true);
- blockGroundSlimes = getBoolean("mobs.block-above-ground-slimes", false);
- blockOtherExplosions = getBoolean("mobs.block-other-explosions", false);
- blockZombieDoorDestruction = getBoolean("mobs.block-zombie-door-destruction", false);
- disableFallDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-fall-damage", false);
- disableLavaDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-lava-damage", false);
- disableFireDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-fire-damage", false);
- disableLightningDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-lightning-damage", false);
- disableDrowningDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-drowning-damage", false);
- disableSuffocationDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-suffocation-damage", false);
- disableContactDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-contact-damage", false);
- teleportOnSuffocation = getBoolean("player-damage.teleport-on-suffocation", false);
- disableVoidDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-void-damage", false);
- teleportOnVoid = getBoolean("player-damage.teleport-on-void-falling", false);
- disableExplosionDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-explosion-damage", false);
- disableMobDamage = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-mob-damage", false);
- disableDeathMessages = getBoolean("player-damage.disable-death-messages", false);
- signChestProtection = getBoolean("chest-protection.enable", false);
- disableSignChestProtectionCheck = getBoolean("chest-protection.disable-off-check", false);
- disableCreatureCropTrampling = getBoolean("crops.disable-creature-trampling", false);
- disablePlayerCropTrampling = getBoolean("crops.disable-player-trampling", false);
- disallowedLightningBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>(getIntList("weather.prevent-lightning-strike-blocks", null));
- preventLightningFire = getBoolean("weather.disable-lightning-strike-fire", false);
- disableThunder = getBoolean("weather.disable-thunderstorm", false);
- disableWeather = getBoolean("weather.disable-weather", false);
- disablePigZap = getBoolean("weather.disable-pig-zombification", false);
- disableCreeperPower = getBoolean("weather.disable-powered-creepers", false);
- alwaysRaining = getBoolean("weather.always-raining", false);
- alwaysThundering = getBoolean("weather.always-thundering", false);
- disableMushroomSpread = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-mushroom-spread", false);
- disableIceMelting = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-ice-melting", false);
- disableSnowMelting = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-snow-melting", false);
- disableSnowFormation = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-snow-formation", false);
- disableIceFormation = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-ice-formation", false);
- disableLeafDecay = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-leaf-decay", false);
- disableGrassGrowth = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-grass-growth", false);
- disableMyceliumSpread = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-mycelium-spread", false);
- disableVineGrowth = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-vine-growth", false);
- disableSoilDehydration = getBoolean("dynamics.disable-soil-dehydration", false);
- allowedSnowFallOver = new HashSet<Integer>(getIntList("dynamics.snow-fall-blocks", null));
- useRegions = getBoolean("regions.enable", true);
- regionInvinciblityRemovesMobs = getBoolean("regions.invincibility-removes-mobs", false);
- regionNetherPortalProtection = getBoolean("regions.nether-portal-protection", false);
- fakePlayerBuildOverride = getBoolean("regions.fake-player-build-override", true);
- explosionFlagCancellation = getBoolean("regions.explosion-flags-block-entity-damage", true);
- highFreqFlags = getBoolean("regions.high-frequency-flags", false);
- checkLiquidFlow = getBoolean("regions.protect-against-liquid-flow", false);
- regionWand = getInt("regions.wand", 334);
- maxClaimVolume = getInt("regions.max-claim-volume", 30000);
- claimOnlyInsideExistingRegions = getBoolean("regions.claim-only-inside-existing-regions", false);
- boundedLocationFlags = getBoolean("regions.location-flags-only-inside-regions", false);
- maxRegionCountPerPlayer = getInt("regions.max-region-count-per-player.default", 7);
- maxRegionCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
- maxRegionCounts.put(null, maxRegionCountPerPlayer);
- for (String key : getKeys("regions.max-region-count-per-player")) {
- if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
- Object val = getProperty("regions.max-region-count-per-player." + key);
- if (val != null && val instanceof Number) {
- maxRegionCounts.put(key, ((Number) val).intValue());
- }
- }
- }
- // useiConomy = getBoolean("iconomy.enable", false);
- // buyOnClaim = getBoolean("iconomy.buy-on-claim", false);
- // buyOnClaimPrice = getDouble("iconomy.buy-on-claim-price", 1.0);
- blockCreatureSpawn = new HashSet<EntityType>();
- for (String creatureName : getStringList("mobs.block-creature-spawn", null)) {
- EntityType creature = EntityType.fromName(creatureName);
- if (creature == null) {
- log.warning("Unknown mob type '" + creatureName + "'");
- } else if (!creature.isAlive()) {
- log.warning("Entity type '" + creatureName + "' is not a creature");
- } else {
- blockCreatureSpawn.add(creature);
- }
- }
- boolean useBlacklistAsWhitelist = getBoolean("blacklist.use-as-whitelist", false);
- // Console log configuration
- boolean logConsole = getBoolean("blacklist.logging.console.enable", true);
- // Database log configuration
- boolean logDatabase = getBoolean("blacklist.logging.database.enable", false);
- String dsn = getString("blacklist.logging.database.dsn", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft");
- String user = getString("blacklist.logging.database.user", "root");
- String pass = getString("blacklist.logging.database.pass", "");
- String table = getString("blacklist.logging.database.table", "blacklist_events");
- // File log configuration
- boolean logFile = getBoolean("blacklist.logging.file.enable", false);
- String logFilePattern = getString("blacklist.logging.file.path", "worldguard/logs/%Y-%m-%d.log");
- int logFileCacheSize = Math.max(1, getInt("blacklist.logging.file.open-files", 10));
- // Load the blacklist
- try {
- // If there was an existing blacklist, close loggers
- if (blacklist != null) {
- blacklist.getLogger().close();
- }
- // First load the blacklist data from worldguard-blacklist.txt
- Blacklist blist = new BukkitBlacklist(useBlacklistAsWhitelist, plugin);
- blist.load(blacklistFile);
- // If the blacklist is empty, then set the field to null
- // and save some resources
- if (blist.isEmpty()) {
- this.blacklist = null;
- } else {
- this.blacklist = blist;
- if (summaryOnStart) {
- log.log(Level.INFO, "Blacklist loaded.");
- }
- BlacklistLoggerHandler blacklistLogger = blist.getLogger();
- if (logDatabase) {
- blacklistLogger.addHandler(new DatabaseHandler(dsn, user, pass, table, worldName, log));
- }
- if (logConsole) {
- blacklistLogger.addHandler(new ConsoleHandler(worldName, log));
- }
- if (logFile) {
- FileHandler handler =
- new FileHandler(logFilePattern, logFileCacheSize, worldName, log);
- blacklistLogger.addHandler(handler);
- }
- }
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "WorldGuard blacklist does not exist.");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not load WorldGuard blacklist: "
- + e.getMessage());
- }
- // Print an overview of settings
- if (summaryOnStart) {
- log.log(Level.INFO, blockTNTExplosions
- ? "(" + worldName + ") TNT ignition is blocked."
- : "(" + worldName + ") TNT ignition is PERMITTED.");
- log.log(Level.INFO, blockLighter
- ? "(" + worldName + ") Lighters are blocked."
- : "(" + worldName + ") Lighters are PERMITTED.");
- log.log(Level.INFO, preventLavaFire
- ? "(" + worldName + ") Lava fire is blocked."
- : "(" + worldName + ") Lava fire is PERMITTED.");
- if (disableFireSpread) {
- log.log(Level.INFO, "(" + worldName + ") All fire spread is disabled.");
- } else {
- if (disableFireSpreadBlocks.size() > 0) {
- log.log(Level.INFO, "(" + worldName
- + ") Fire spread is limited to "
- + disableFireSpreadBlocks.size() + " block types.");
- } else {
- log.log(Level.INFO, "(" + worldName
- + ") Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.");
- }
- }
- }
- config.setHeader(CONFIG_HEADER);
- config.save();
- }
- public Blacklist getBlacklist() {
- return this.blacklist;
- }
- public String getWorldName() {
- return this.worldName;
- }
- public boolean isChestProtected(Block block, Player player) {
- if (!signChestProtection) {
- return false;
- }
- if (plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.chest-protection.override")
- || plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.override.chest-protection")) {
- return false;
- }
- return chestProtection.isProtected(block, player);
- }
- public boolean isChestProtected(Block block) {
- return signChestProtection && chestProtection.isProtected(block, null);
- }
- public boolean isChestProtectedPlacement(Block block, Player player) {
- if (!signChestProtection) {
- return false;
- }
- if (plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.chest-protection.override")
- || plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.override.chest-protection")) {
- return false;
- }
- return chestProtection.isProtectedPlacement(block, player);
- }
- public boolean isAdjacentChestProtected(Block block, Player player) {
- if (!signChestProtection) {
- return false;
- }
- if (plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.chest-protection.override")
- || plugin.hasPermission(player, "worldguard.override.chest-protection")) {
- return false;
- }
- return chestProtection.isAdjacentChestProtected(block, player);
- }
- public ChestProtection getChestProtection() {
- return chestProtection;
- }
- public int getMaxRegionCount(Player player) {
- int max = -1;
- for (String group : plugin.getGroups(player)) {
- if (maxRegionCounts.containsKey(group)) {
- int groupMax = maxRegionCounts.get(group);
- if (max < groupMax) {
- max = groupMax;
- }
- }
- }
- if (max <= -1) {
- max = maxRegionCountPerPlayer;
- }
- return max;
- }
- }