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- <strong>Training plus Englisch, Gymnasium 5. Klasse</strong><br />
- plus Online-Test- und Trainingscenter'<br />
- <strong class="c2">Autor:</strong>
- <a href='/webOPACClient/search.do?methodToCall=quickSearch&Kateg=100&Content=Bollinger%2C+Susan'>Bollinger, Susan</a>
- <strong class="c2">Ort, Verlag:</strong> Berlin ; München, Langenscheidt<br />
- <strong class="c2">Seiten: Ill.:</strong>
- 127 S.<br />
- <strong class="c2">Signatur:</strong>
- 210 I 211 Bol
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- <strong class="c2">ISBN/ISSN:</strong>
- 978-3-468-60052-4
- ,
- 3-468-60052-6
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