Java | 617 lines | 384 code | 61 blank | 172 comment | 78 complexity | d60710afb3823f089a97729598775058 MD5 | raw file
- package za.co.ucs.accsys.webmodule;
- import za.co.ucs.accsys.peopleware.*;
- import za.co.ucs.lwt.db.*;
- import java.sql.*;
- /**
- * <p>
- * A WebProcess_FamilyRequisition is an extension of WebProcess that specializes
- * in Family Detail Requests
- * </p>
- */
- public final class WebProcess_FamilyRequisition extends WebProcess {
- /**
- * To change Family information, FamilyRequisition requires
- *
- * @param processDefinition - details of reporting structure, etc
- * @param owner - who created/is responsible for this process?
- * @param employee - which employee is requesting leave?
- * @param familyID - which family member? if Null, a new family member will
- * be created
- * @param firstName - String
- * @param secondName - String
- * @param surname
- * @param gender - String ('M' / 'F')
- * @param relation - String
- * @param birthDate - String ('yyyy/mm/dd')
- * @param medAidDependent - String ('Y','N');
- * @param commitType - ctInsert, ctUpdate, ctDelete
- * @param telHome - String
- * @param telWork - String
- * @param telCell - String
- * @param EMail - String
- */
- public WebProcess_FamilyRequisition(WebProcessDefinition processDefinition, Employee owner,
- Employee employee, Integer familyID, String firstName, String secondName, String surname,
- String gender, String relation, String birthDate, String telHome, String telWork,
- String telCell, String EMail, String medAidDependent, int commitType) {
- super(processDefinition, owner, employee);
- this.familyID = familyID;
- this.firstName = firstName;
- this.secondName = secondName;
- this.surname = surname;
- setGender(gender);
- this.relation = relation;
- this.birthDate = birthDate;
- this.medAidDependent = medAidDependent;
- this.telHome = telHome;
- this.telWork = telWork;
- this.telCell = telCell;
- this.EMail = EMail;
- this.commitType = commitType;
- // Is this a valid leave request?
- ValidationResult valid = validate();
- if (!valid.isValid()) {
- this.cancelProcess(valid.getInvalidReason());
- } else {
- this.escalateProcess(et_INITIAL, "");
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method should be implemented by each and every descendent of
- * WebProcess. It returns an instance of ValidationResult which contains
- * both the isValid() property as well as a reason in case of a non-valid
- * result.
- */
- @Override
- public ValidationResult validate() {
- if (isActive()) {
- Connection con = null;
- try {
- con = DatabaseObject.getNewConnectionFromPool();
- // If this is an update or delete, make sure the familyID is not null
- if ((commitType == ctUpdate) || (commitType == ctDelete)) {
- if (familyID == null) {
- DatabaseObject.releaseConnection(con);
- return (new ValidationResult(false, "Cannot update/delete family member. No member_id provided."));
- }
- }
- // If this is an update or delete, make sure there is a familyID and that it exists
- // in the database
- if (((commitType == ctUpdate) || (commitType == ctDelete)) && (familyID != null)) {
- ResultSet rs1 = DatabaseObject.openSQL(getFamilyMemberExistsStatement(), con);
- if (rs1.next()) {
- if (rs1.getInt(1) <= 0) {
- rs1.close();
- DatabaseObject.releaseConnection(con);
- return (new ValidationResult(false, "Family Member (member_id=" + familyID + ") does not exist in database."));
- }
- }
- rs1.close();
- }
- // If this is an insert, make sure the familyID has not yet been used
- // in the database
- if ((commitType == ctInsert) && (familyID != null)) {
- ResultSet rs1 = DatabaseObject.openSQL(getFamilyMemberExistsStatement(), con);
- if (rs1.next()) {
- if (rs1.getInt(1) > 0) {
- rs1.close();
- DatabaseObject.releaseConnection(con);
- return (new ValidationResult(false, "Family Member (member_id=" + familyID + ") already exist in database."));
- }
- }
- rs1.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- DatabaseObject.releaseConnection(con);
- }
- }
- return (new ValidationResult(true, ""));
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- if (commitType == ctDelete) {
- result.append("Delete Family Member: ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName());
- }
- if (commitType == ctUpdate) {
- // Explanation of what changes were requested
- String detail = getChanges(new Family(getEmployee(), familyID), false);
- result.append("Change Detail Of Family Member ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName()).append(detail);
- }
- if (commitType == ctInsert) {
- result.append("Add Family Member: ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName());
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- @Override
- public String toHTMLString() {
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- result.append("Process Number: [").append(this.hashCode()).append("]<br>");
- if (commitType == ctDelete) {
- result.append("Delete Family Member: ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName());
- }
- if (commitType == ctUpdate) {
- // Explanation of what changes were requested
- String detail = getChanges(new Family(getEmployee(), familyID), true);
- result.append("Change Detail Of Family Member ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName()).append("<br>").append(detail);
- }
- if (commitType == ctInsert) {
- // Explanation of what changes were requested
- String detail = getChanges(new Family(getEmployee(), familyID), true);
- result.append("Add Family Member: ").append(getSurname()).append(", ").append(getFirstName()).append("<br>").append(detail);
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a String representation of the differences between the instance
- * of Family and the current properties in this WebProcess
- */
- private String getChanges(Family family, boolean formatInHTML) {
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- if (formatInHTML) {
- try {
- if (isDifferent(getSurname(), family.getSurname())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Surname:</td><td>From '").append(family.getSurname()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getSurname()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getFirstName(), family.getFirstName())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>First Name:</td><td>From '").append(family.getFirstName()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getFirstName()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getSecondName(), family.getSecondName())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Second Name:</td><td>From '").append(family.getSecondName()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getSecondName()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getBirthDate(), family.getBirthDate())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Birth Date:</td><td>From '").append(family.getBirthDate()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getBirthDate()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getGender(), family.getGender())) {
- String displayGender = "Unselected";
- String familyDisplayGender = "Unselected";
- if (!getGender().equals("")) {
- displayGender = getGender();
- }
- if (!family.getGender().equals("")) {
- familyDisplayGender = family.getGender();
- }
- result.append("<tr><td>Gender:</td><td>From '").append(familyDisplayGender).append("'</td><td>To '").append(displayGender).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getMedAidDependent(), family.getMedDependent())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Med. Aid Dependent:</td><td>From '").append(family.getMedDependent()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getMedAidDependent()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getRelation(), family.getRelation())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Relation:</td><td>From '").append(family.getRelation()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getRelation()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelHome(), family.getTelHome())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Tel Home:</td><td>From '").append(family.getTelHome()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getTelHome()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelWork(), family.getTelWork())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Tel Work:</td><td>From '").append(family.getTelWork()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getTelWork()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelCell(), family.getTelCell())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>Cell:</td><td>From '").append(family.getTelCell()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getTelCell()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getEMail(), family.getEMail())) {
- result.append("<tr><td>E-mail:</td><td>From '").append(family.getEMail()).append("'</td><td>To '").append(getEMail()).append("'</td></tr>");
- }
- } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
- result = new StringBuffer();
- result.append("<tr><td>The system is unable to determine the detail of this process.</td></tr>");
- }
- } else {
- try {
- String lineBreak = "\n";
- if (isDifferent(getSurname(), family.getSurname())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Surname: From '").append(family.getSurname()).append("' To '").append(getSurname()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getFirstName(), family.getFirstName())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("First Name: From '").append(family.getFirstName()).append("' To '").append(getFirstName()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getSecondName(), family.getSecondName())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Second Name: From '").append(family.getSecondName()).append("' To '").append(getSecondName()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getBirthDate(), family.getBirthDate())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Birth Date: From '").append(family.getBirthDate()).append("' To '").append(getBirthDate()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getGender(), family.getGender())) {
- String displayGender = "Unselected";
- String familyDisplayGender = "Unselected";
- if (!getGender().equals("")) {
- displayGender = getGender();
- }
- if (!family.getGender().equals("")) {
- familyDisplayGender = family.getGender();
- }
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Gender: From '").append(familyDisplayGender).append("' To '").append(displayGender).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getMedAidDependent(), family.getMedDependent())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Med. Aid Dependent: From '").append(family.getMedDependent()).append("' To '").append(getMedAidDependent()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getRelation(), family.getRelation())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Relation: From '").append(family.getRelation()).append("' To '").append(getRelation()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelHome(), family.getTelHome())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Tel Home: From '").append(family.getTelHome()).append("' To '").append(getTelHome()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelWork(), family.getTelWork())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Tel Work: From '").append(family.getTelWork()).append("' To '").append(getTelWork()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getTelCell(), family.getTelCell())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("Cell: From '").append(family.getTelCell()).append("' To '").append(getTelCell()).append("'");
- }
- if (isDifferent(getEMail(), family.getEMail())) {
- result.append(lineBreak).append("E-mail: From '").append(family.getEMail()).append("' To '").append(getEMail()).append("'");
- }
- } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
- result = new StringBuffer();
- result.append("The system is unable to determine the detail of this process.");
- }
- }
- if (formatInHTML) {
- result.insert(0, "<table class=process_detail><font size='-3'>");
- result.append("</font></table>");
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- private boolean isMedDependent() {
- return (getMedAidDependent().compareTo("Y") == 0);
- }
- /**
- * This statement gets executed when the process is to be written to the
- * database.
- */
- @Override
- String getCommitStatement() {
- String sqlString = "";
- if (commitType == ctInsert) {
- sqlString = getCommitAddCONSTANTStatement();
- }
- if (commitType == ctDelete) {
- sqlString = getCommitDeleteCONSTANTStatement();
- }
- if (commitType == ctUpdate) {
- sqlString = getCommitEditCONSTANTStatement();
- }
- return (prepareStatement(sqlString));
- }
- /**
- * Performs a ReplaceAll call without generating exceptions on NULL values
- *
- * @param regex - The regex search string
- * @param replacement - replacement string
- * @param string
- * @return
- */
- private String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement, String string) {
- if (string == null) {
- return ("");
- } else {
- return (string.replaceAll(regex, replacement));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Internal method to perform parameter replacements
- */
- private String prepareStatement(String aStatementWithParameters) {
- String sqlString = aStatementWithParameters;
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":companyID", getEmployee().getCompany().getCompanyID().toString());
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":employeeID", getEmployee().getEmployeeID().toString());
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":familyID", familyID.toString());
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":firstname", replaceAll("'", "`", firstName));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":secondname", replaceAll("'", "`", secondName));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":surname", replaceAll("'", "`", surname));
- if (birthDate.trim().length() == 0) {
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":birthdate", "null");
- } else {
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":birthdate", "'" + birthDate + "'");
- }
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":relation", replaceAll("'", "`", relation));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":gender", replaceAll("'", "`", gender));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":med_dependent_yn", medAidDependent);
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":telHome", replaceAll("'", "`", telHome));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":telWork", replaceAll("'", "`", telWork));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":telCell", replaceAll("'", "`", telCell));
- sqlString = sqlString.replaceAll(":EMail", replaceAll("'", "`", EMail));
- return sqlString;
- }
- /**
- * SQL Statement to be used to check weather the process is still valid.
- * These statements contain replacement characters that will be 'replaced'
- * before being fed to the DatabaseComponent.
- *
- */
- private String getFamilyMemberExistsStatement() {
- return prepareStatement(getFamilyMemberExistsCONSTANTStatement());
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property birthDate.
- *
- * @return Value of property birthDate.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getBirthDate() {
- return birthDate;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property birthDate.
- *
- * @param birthDate New value of property birthDate.
- *
- */
- public void setBirthDate(java.lang.String birthDate) {
- this.birthDate = birthDate;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property familyID.
- *
- * @return Value of property familyID.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.Integer getFamilyID() {
- return familyID;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property familyID.
- *
- * @param familyID New value of property familyID.
- *
- */
- public void setFamilyID(java.lang.Integer familyID) {
- this.familyID = familyID;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property firstName.
- *
- * @return Value of property firstName.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getFirstName() {
- return firstName;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property firstName.
- *
- * @param firstName New value of property firstName.
- *
- */
- public void setFirstName(java.lang.String firstName) {
- this.firstName = firstName;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property gender.
- *
- * @return Value of property gender.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getGender() {
- return gender;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property gender.
- *
- * @param gender New value of property gender.
- *
- */
- public void setGender(java.lang.String gender) {
- if (gender.contains("Unselected")) {
- gender = "";
- }
- this.gender = gender;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property medAidDependent.
- *
- * @return Value of property medAidDependent.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getMedAidDependent() {
- return medAidDependent;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property medAidDependent.
- *
- * @param medAidDependent New value of property medAidDependent.
- *
- */
- public void setMedAidDependent(java.lang.String medAidDependent) {
- this.medAidDependent = medAidDependent;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property relation.
- *
- * @return Value of property relation.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getRelation() {
- return relation;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property relation.
- *
- * @param relation New value of property relation.
- *
- */
- public void setRelation(java.lang.String relation) {
- this.relation = relation;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property secondName.
- *
- * @return Value of property secondName.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getSecondName() {
- return secondName;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property secondName.
- *
- * @param secondName New value of property secondName.
- *
- */
- public void setSecondName(java.lang.String secondName) {
- this.secondName = secondName;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for property surname.
- *
- * @return Value of property surname.
- *
- */
- public java.lang.String getSurname() {
- return surname;
- }
- /**
- * Setter for property surname.
- *
- * @param surname New value of property surname.
- *
- */
- public void setSurname(java.lang.String surname) {
- this.surname = surname;
- }
- public String getTelHome() {
- return telHome;
- }
- public void setTelHome(String telHome) {
- this.telHome = telHome;
- }
- public String getTelWork() {
- return telWork;
- }
- public void setTelWork(String telWork) {
- this.telWork = telWork;
- }
- public String getTelCell() {
- return telCell;
- }
- public void setTelCell(String telCell) {
- this.telCell = telCell;
- }
- public String getEMail() {
- return EMail;
- }
- public void setEMail(String EMail) {
- this.EMail = EMail;
- }
- // Fingerprint of previously compatible version
- /* In order to extract this UID, run the following command in the
- * folder where the current jwt.jar file resides BEFORE changing
- * the contents of the class.
- C:\Apache5\shared\lib>c:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\serialver -classpath lwt.jar za.co.ucs.accsys.webmodule.WebProcess_FamilyRequisition
- za.co.ucs.accsys.webmodule.WebProcess_EmployeeContact: static final long serialVersionUID = 9094426540099516746L;
- */
- static final long serialVersionUID = -4053465466338838752L;
- private Integer familyID;
- private String firstName = "";
- private String secondName = "";
- private String surname = "";
- private String gender = "";
- private String relation = "";
- private String birthDate = "";
- private String medAidDependent = "N";
- private String telHome = "";
- private String telWork = "";
- private String telCell = "";
- private String EMail = "";
- public static int ctInsert = 0;
- public static int ctUpdate = 1;
- public static int ctDelete = 2;
- private int commitType = ctInsert;
- private EmployeeSelection initialEmployeeSelection;
- private String getFamilyMemberExistsCONSTANTStatement() {
- return ("select count(*) from e_family with (NOLOCK) where company_id=:companyID "
- + "and employee_id=:employeeID and family_id=:familyID");
- }
- private String getNextFamilyIDCONSTANTStatement() {
- return ("if (select count(*) from e_family with (NOLOCK) where company_id=:companyID "
- + "and employee_id=:employeeID )>0 then "
- + "select max(family_id)+1 from e_family where company_id=:companyID "
- + "and employee_id=:employeeID else select 1; end if; ");
- }
- private String getCommitAddCONSTANTStatement() {
- return ("if not exists(select * from e_family where company_id=:companyID "
- + "and employee_id=:employeeID and family_id=:familyID) then"
- + " insert into e_family (company_id, employee_id, family_id, firstname, secondname,"
- + " surname, gender, relation, birthdate, med_dependent_yn, Tel_Home, Tel_Work, Tel_Cell, E_Mail)"
- + " values (:companyID,:employeeID,:familyID,':firstname',':secondname',"
- + " ':surname',':gender',':relation',:birthdate,':med_dependent_yn', ':telHome', ':telWork', ':telCell', ':EMail');"
- + " end if;");
- }
- private String getCommitEditCONSTANTStatement() {
- return (" update e_family set firstname=':firstname', secondname=':secondname', "
- + " surname=':surname', gender=':gender',relation=':relation', "
- + " birthdate=:birthdate, med_dependent_yn=':med_dependent_yn', Tel_Home=':telHome', Tel_Work=':telWork', Tel_Cell=':telCell', E_Mail=':EMail' "
- + " where company_id=:companyID and employee_id=:employeeID and family_id=:familyID");
- }
- private String getCommitDeleteCONSTANTStatement() {
- return (" delete from e_family where company_id=:companyID and employee_id=:employeeID "
- + " and family_id=:familyID");
- }
- @Override
- public String getProcessName() {
- return "Family Detail Request";
- }
- } // end LeaveRequisitionProcess