JavaScript | 150 lines | 131 code | 19 blank | 0 comment | 16 complexity | 3d2b5eb19dcb8775247ae6f5800ca697 MD5 | raw file
- (function() {
- var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
- this.IssuableForm = (function() {
- IssuableForm.prototype.issueMoveConfirmMsg = 'Are you sure you want to move this issue to another project?';
- IssuableForm.prototype.wipRegex = /^\s*(\[WIP\]\s*|WIP:\s*|WIP\s+)+\s*/i;
- function IssuableForm(form) {
- var $issuableDueDate;
- this.form = form;
- this.toggleWip = bind(this.toggleWip, this);
- this.renderWipExplanation = bind(this.renderWipExplanation, this);
- this.resetAutosave = bind(this.resetAutosave, this);
- this.handleSubmit = bind(this.handleSubmit, this);
- GitLab.GfmAutoComplete.setup();
- new UsersSelect();
- new ZenMode();
- this.titleField = this.form.find("input[name*='[title]']");
- this.descriptionField = this.form.find("textarea[name*='[description]']");
- this.issueMoveField = this.form.find("#move_to_project_id");
- if (!(this.titleField.length && this.descriptionField.length)) {
- return;
- }
- this.initAutosave();
- this.form.on("submit", this.handleSubmit);
- this.form.on("click", ".btn-cancel", this.resetAutosave);
- this.initWip();
- this.initMoveDropdown();
- $issuableDueDate = $('#issuable-due-date');
- if ($issuableDueDate.length) {
- $('.datepicker').datepicker({
- dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
- onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
- return $issuableDueDate.val(dateText);
- }
- }).datepicker('setDate', $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', $issuableDueDate.val()));
- }
- }
- IssuableForm.prototype.initAutosave = function() {
- new Autosave(this.titleField, [document.location.pathname, document.location.search, "title"]);
- return new Autosave(this.descriptionField, [document.location.pathname, document.location.search, "description"]);
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.handleSubmit = function() {
- var ref, ref1;
- if (((ref = parseInt((ref1 = this.issueMoveField) != null ? ref1.val() : void 0)) != null ? ref : 0) > 0) {
- if (!confirm(this.issueMoveConfirmMsg)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return this.resetAutosave();
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.resetAutosave = function() {
- this.titleField.data("autosave").reset();
- return this.descriptionField.data("autosave").reset();
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.initWip = function() {
- this.$wipExplanation = this.form.find(".js-wip-explanation");
- this.$noWipExplanation = this.form.find(".js-no-wip-explanation");
- if (!(this.$wipExplanation.length && this.$noWipExplanation.length)) {
- return;
- }
- this.form.on("click", ".js-toggle-wip", this.toggleWip);
- this.titleField.on("keyup blur", this.renderWipExplanation);
- return this.renderWipExplanation();
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.workInProgress = function() {
- return this.wipRegex.test(this.titleField.val());
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.renderWipExplanation = function() {
- if (this.workInProgress()) {
- this.$wipExplanation.show();
- return this.$noWipExplanation.hide();
- } else {
- this.$wipExplanation.hide();
- return this.$noWipExplanation.show();
- }
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.toggleWip = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (this.workInProgress()) {
- this.removeWip();
- } else {
- this.addWip();
- }
- return this.renderWipExplanation();
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.removeWip = function() {
- return this.titleField.val(this.titleField.val().replace(this.wipRegex, ""));
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.addWip = function() {
- return this.titleField.val("WIP: " + (this.titleField.val()));
- };
- IssuableForm.prototype.initMoveDropdown = function() {
- var $moveDropdown, pageSize;
- $moveDropdown = $('.js-move-dropdown');
- if ($moveDropdown.length) {
- pageSize = $moveDropdown.data('page-size');
- return $('.js-move-dropdown').select2({
- ajax: {
- url: $moveDropdown.data('projects-url'),
- quietMillis: 125,
- data: function(term, page, context) {
- return {
- search: term,
- offset_id: context
- };
- },
- results: function(data) {
- var context,
- more;
- if (data.length >= pageSize)
- more = true;
- if (data[data.length - 1])
- context = data[data.length - 1].id;
- return {
- results: data,
- more: more,
- context: context
- };
- }
- },
- formatResult: function(project) {
- return project.name_with_namespace;
- },
- formatSelection: function(project) {
- return project.name_with_namespace;
- }
- });
- }
- };
- return IssuableForm;
- })();
- }).call(this);