Python | 329 lines | 141 code | 9 blank | 179 comment | 27 complexity | 56b13b12930fc7fd5dc26eeecb18c6d2 MD5 | raw file
- """Analyze a set of multiple variables with a linear models
- multiOLS:
- take a model and test it on a series of variables defined over a
- pandas dataset, returning a summary for each variable
- multigroup:
- take a boolean vector and the definition of several groups of variables
- and test if the group has a fraction of true values higher than the
- rest. It allows to test if the variables in the group are significantly
- more significant than outside the group.
- """
- from patsy import dmatrix
- import pandas as pd
- from statsmodels.api import OLS
- from statsmodels.api import stats
- import numpy as np
- import logging
- def _model2dataframe(model_endog, model_exog, model_type=OLS, **kwargs):
- """return a series containing the summary of a linear model
- All the exceding parameters will be redirected to the linear model
- """
- # create the linear model and perform the fit
- model_result = model_type(model_endog, model_exog, **kwargs).fit()
- # keeps track of some global statistics
- statistics = pd.Series({'r2': model_result.rsquared,
- 'adj_r2': model_result.rsquared_adj})
- # put them togher with the result for each term
- result_df = pd.DataFrame({'params': model_result.params,
- 'pvals': model_result.pvalues,
- 'std': model_result.bse,
- 'statistics': statistics})
- # add the complexive results for f-value and the total p-value
- fisher_df = pd.DataFrame({'params': {'_f_test': model_result.fvalue},
- 'pvals': {'_f_test': model_result.f_pvalue}})
- # merge them and unstack to obtain a hierarchically indexed series
- res_series = pd.concat([result_df, fisher_df]).unstack()
- return res_series.dropna()
- def multiOLS(model, dataframe, column_list=None, method='fdr_bh',
- alpha=0.05, subset=None, model_type=OLS, **kwargs):
- """apply a linear model to several endogenous variables on a dataframe
- Take a linear model definition via formula and a dataframe that will be
- the environment of the model, and apply the linear model to a subset
- (or all) of the columns of the dataframe. It will return a dataframe
- with part of the information from the linear model summary.
- Parameters
- ----------
- model : string
- formula description of the model
- dataframe : pandas.dataframe
- dataframe where the model will be evaluated
- column_list : list of strings, optional
- Names of the columns to analyze with the model.
- If None (Default) it will perform the function on all the
- eligible columns (numerical type and not in the model definition)
- model_type : model class, optional
- The type of model to be used. The default is the linear model.
- Can be any linear model (OLS, WLS, GLS, etc..)
- method: string, optional
- the method used to perform the pvalue correction for multiple testing.
- default is the Benjamini/Hochberg, other available methods are:
- `bonferroni` : one-step correction
- `sidak` : on-step correction
- `holm-sidak` :
- `holm` :
- `simes-hochberg` :
- `hommel` :
- `fdr_bh` : Benjamini/Hochberg
- `fdr_by` : Benjamini/Yekutieli
- alpha: float, optional
- the significance level used for the pvalue correction (default 0.05)
- subset: boolean array
- the selected rows to be used in the regression
- all the other parameters will be directed to the model creation.
- Returns
- -------
- summary : pandas.DataFrame
- a dataframe containing an extract from the summary of the model
- obtained for each columns. It will give the model complexive f test
- result and p-value, and the regression value and standard deviarion
- for each of the regressors. The Dataframe has a hierachical column
- structure, divided as:
- - params: contains the parameters resulting from the models. Has
- an additional column named _f_test containing the result of the
- F test.
- - pval: the pvalue results of the models. Has the _f_test column
- for the significativity of the whole test.
- - adj_pval: the corrected pvalues via the multitest function.
- - std: uncertainties of the model parameters
- - statistics: contains the r squared statistics and the adjusted
- r squared.
- Notes
- -----
- The main application of this function is on system biology to perform
- a linear model testing of a lot of different parameters, like the
- different genetic expression of several genes.
- See Also
- --------
- statsmodels.stats.multitest
- contains several functions to perform the multiple p-value correction
- Examples
- --------
- Using the longley data as dataframe example
- >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
- >>> data = sm.datasets.longley.load_pandas()
- >>> df = data.exog
- >>> df['TOTEMP'] = data.endog
- This will perform the specified linear model on all the
- other columns of the dataframe
- >>> multiOLS('GNP + 1', df)
- This select only a certain subset of the columns
- >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, ['GNPDEFL', 'TOTEMP', 'POP'])
- It is possible to specify a trasformation also on the target column,
- conforming to the patsy formula specification
- >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, ['I(GNPDEFL**2)', 'center(TOTEMP)'])
- It is possible to specify the subset of the dataframe
- on which perform the analysis
- >> multiOLS('GNP + 1', df, subset=df.GNPDEFL > 90)
- Even a single column name can be given without enclosing it in a list
- >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, 'GNPDEFL')
- """
- # data normalization
- # if None take all the numerical columns that aren't present in the model
- # it's not waterproof but is a good enough criterion for everyday use
- if column_list is None:
- column_list = [name for name in dataframe.columns
- if dataframe[name].dtype != object and name not in model]
- # if it's a single string transform it in a single element list
- if isinstance(column_list, basestring):
- column_list = [column_list]
- if subset is not None:
- dataframe = dataframe.ix[subset]
- # perform each model and retrieve the statistics
- col_results = {}
- # as the model will use always the same endogenous variables
- # we can create them once and reuse
- model_exog = dmatrix(model, data=dataframe, return_type="dataframe")
- for col_name in column_list:
- # it will try to interpret the column name as a valid dataframe
- # index as it can be several times faster. If it fails it
- # interpret it as a patsy formula (for example for centering)
- try:
- model_endog = dataframe[col_name]
- except KeyError:
- model_endog = dmatrix(col_name + ' + 0', data=dataframe)
- # retrieve the result and store them
- res = _model2dataframe(model_endog, model_exog, model_type, **kwargs)
- col_results[col_name] = res
- # mangle them togheter and sort by complexive p-value
- summary = pd.DataFrame(col_results)
- # order by the p-value: the most useful model first!
- summary = summary.T.sort([('pvals', '_f_test')])
- summary.index.name = 'endogenous vars'
- # implementing the pvalue correction method
- smt = stats.multipletests
- for (key1, key2) in summary:
- if key1 != 'pvals':
- continue
- p_values = summary[key1, key2]
- corrected = smt(p_values, method=method, alpha=alpha)[1]
- # extend the dataframe of results with the column
- # of the corrected p_values
- summary['adj_' + key1, key2] = corrected
- return summary
- def _test_group(pvalues, group_name, group, exact=True):
- """test if the objects in the group are different from the general set.
- The test is performed on the pvalues set (ad a pandas series) over
- the group specified via a fisher exact test.
- """
- from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
- try:
- from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
- except ImportError:
- def chi2_contingency(*args, **kwds):
- raise ValueError('exact=False is not available with old scipy')
- totals = 1.0 * len(pvalues)
- total_significant = 1.0 * np.sum(pvalues)
- cross_index = [c for c in group if c in pvalues.index]
- missing = [c for c in group if c not in pvalues.index]
- if missing:
- s = ('the test is not well defined if the group '
- 'has elements not presents in the significativity '
- 'array. group name: {}, missing elements: {}')
- logging.warning(s.format(group_name, missing))
- # how many are significant and not in the group
- group_total = 1.0 * len(cross_index)
- group_sign = 1.0 * len([c for c in cross_index if pvalues[c]])
- group_nonsign = 1.0 * (group_total - group_sign)
- # how many are significant and not outside the group
- extern_sign = 1.0 * (total_significant - group_sign)
- extern_nonsign = 1.0 * (totals - total_significant - group_nonsign)
- # make the fisher test or the chi squared
- test = fisher_exact if exact else chi2_contingency
- table = [[extern_nonsign, extern_sign], [group_nonsign, group_sign]]
- pvalue = test(np.array(table))[1]
- # is the group more represented or less?
- part = group_sign, group_nonsign, extern_sign, extern_nonsign
- #increase = (group_sign / group_total) > (total_significant / totals)
- increase = np.log((totals * group_sign)
- / (total_significant * group_total))
- return pvalue, increase, part
- def multigroup(pvals, groups, exact=True, keep_all=True, alpha=0.05):
- """Test if the given groups are different from the total partition.
- Given a boolean array test if each group has a proportion of positives
- different than the complexive proportion.
- The test can be done as an exact Fisher test or approximated as a
- Chi squared test for more speed.
- Parameters
- ----------
- pvals: pandas series of boolean
- the significativity of the variables under analysis
- groups: dict of list
- the name of each category of variables under exam.
- each one is a list of the variables included
- exact: boolean, optional
- If True (default) use the fisher exact test, otherwise
- use the chi squared test for contingencies tables.
- For high number of elements in the array the fisher test can
- be significantly slower than the chi squared.
- keep_all: boolean, optional
- if False it will drop those groups where the fraction
- of positive is below the expected result. If True (default)
- it will keep all the significant results.
- alpha: float, optional
- the significativity level for the pvalue correction
- on the whole set of groups (not inside the groups themselves).
- Returns
- -------
- result_df: pandas dataframe
- for each group returns:
- pvals - the fisher p value of the test
- adj_pvals - the adjusted pvals
- increase - the log of the odd ratio between the
- internal significant ratio versus the external one
- _in_sign - significative elements inside the group
- _in_non - non significative elements inside the group
- _out_sign - significative elements outside the group
- _out_non - non significative elements outside the group
- Notes
- -----
- This test allow to see if a category of variables is generally better
- suited to be described for the model. For example to see if a predictor
- gives more information on demographic or economical parameters,
- by creating two groups containing the endogenous variables of each
- category.
- This function is conceived for medical dataset with a lot of variables
- that can be easily grouped into functional groups. This is because
- The significativity of a group require a rather large number of
- composing elements.
- Examples
- --------
- A toy example on a real dataset, the Guerry dataset from R
- >>> url = "http://vincentarelbundock.github.com/"
- >>> url = url + "Rdatasets/csv/HistData/Guerry.csv"
- >>> df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col='dept')
- evaluate the relationship between the variuos paramenters whith the Wealth
- >>> pvals = multiOLS('Wealth', df)['adj_pvals', '_f_test']
- define the groups
- >>> groups = {}
- >>> groups['crime'] = ['Crime_prop', 'Infanticide',
- ... 'Crime_parents', 'Desertion', 'Crime_pers']
- >>> groups['religion'] = ['Donation_clergy', 'Clergy', 'Donations']
- >>> groups['wealth'] = ['Commerce', 'Lottery', 'Instruction', 'Literacy']
- do the analysis of the significativity
- >>> multigroup(pvals < 0.05, groups)
- """
- pvals = pd.Series(pvals)
- if not (set(pvals.unique()) <= set([False, True])):
- raise ValueError("the series should be binary")
- if hasattr(pvals.index, 'is_unique') and not pvals.index.is_unique:
- raise ValueError("series with duplicated index is not accepted")
- results = {'pvals': {},
- 'increase': {},
- '_in_sign': {},
- '_in_non': {},
- '_out_sign': {},
- '_out_non': {}}
- for group_name, group_list in groups.iteritems():
- res = _test_group(pvals, group_name, group_list, exact)
- results['pvals'][group_name] = res[0]
- results['increase'][group_name] = res[1]
- results['_in_sign'][group_name] = res[2][0]
- results['_in_non'][group_name] = res[2][1]
- results['_out_sign'][group_name] = res[2][2]
- results['_out_non'][group_name] = res[2][3]
- result_df = pd.DataFrame(results).sort('pvals')
- if not keep_all:
- result_df = result_df[result_df.increase]
- smt = stats.multipletests
- corrected = smt(result_df['pvals'], method='fdr_bh', alpha=alpha)[1]
- result_df['adj_pvals'] = corrected
- return result_df