Python | 326 lines | 303 code | 5 blank | 18 comment | 15 complexity | b274a8293e3fd07bb72f189aa0697274 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """Installer for gemini: a lightweight db framework for disease and population genetics.
- https://github.com/arq5x/gemini
- Handles installation of:
- - Required third party software
- - Required Python libraries
- - Gemini application
- - Associated data files
- Requires: Python 2.7, git, and compilers (gcc, g++)
- Run gemini_install.py -h for usage.
- """
- import argparse
- import platform
- import os
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import urllib2
- remotes = {"requirements_pip":
- "https://raw.github.com/arq5x/gemini/master/requirements.txt",
- "requirements_conda":
- "",
- "versioned_installations":
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arq5x/gemini/master/versioning/",
- "cloudbiolinux":
- "https://github.com/chapmanb/cloudbiolinux.git",
- "gemini":
- "https://github.com/arq5x/gemini.git",
- "anaconda":
- "http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-3.5.5-%s-x86_64.sh"}
- def main(args):
- check_dependencies()
- work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmpgemini_install")
- if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
- os.makedirs(work_dir)
- os.chdir(work_dir)
- if args.gemini_version != 'latest':
- requirements_pip = os.path.join( remotes['versioned_installations'], args.gemini_version, 'requirements_pip.txt' )
- requirements_conda = os.path.join( remotes['versioned_installations'], args.gemini_version, 'requirements_conda.txt' )
- try:
- urllib2.urlopen( requirements_pip )
- except:
- sys.exit('Gemini version %s could not be found. Try the latest version.' % args.gemini_version)
- remotes.update( {'requirements_pip': requirements_pip, 'requirements_conda': requirements_conda} )
- print "Installing isolated base python installation"
- make_dirs(args)
- anaconda = install_anaconda_python(args, remotes)
- print "Installing gemini..."
- install_conda_pkgs(anaconda, remotes, args)
- gemini = install_gemini(anaconda, remotes, args.datadir, args.tooldir, args.sudo)
- if args.install_tools:
- cbl = get_cloudbiolinux(remotes["cloudbiolinux"])
- fabricrc = write_fabricrc(cbl["fabricrc"], args.tooldir, args.datadir,
- "ubuntu", args.sudo)
- print "Installing associated tools..."
- install_tools(gemini["fab"], cbl["tool_fabfile"], fabricrc)
- os.chdir(work_dir)
- install_data(gemini["python"], gemini["data_script"], args)
- os.chdir(work_dir)
- test_script = install_testbase(args.datadir, remotes["gemini"], gemini)
- print "Finished: gemini, tools and data installed"
- print " Tools installed in:\n %s" % args.tooldir
- print " Data installed in:\n %s" % args.datadir
- print " Run tests with:\n cd %s && bash %s" % (os.path.dirname(test_script),
- os.path.basename(test_script))
- print " NOTE: be sure to add %s/bin to your PATH." % args.tooldir
- print " NOTE: Install data files for GERP_bp & CADD_scores (not installed by default).\n "
- shutil.rmtree(work_dir)
- def install_gemini(anaconda, remotes, datadir, tooldir, use_sudo):
- """Install gemini plus python dependencies inside isolated Anaconda environment.
- """
- # Work around issue with distribute where asks for 'distribute==0.0'
- # try:
- # subprocess.check_call([anaconda["easy_install"], "--upgrade", "distribute"])
- # except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- # try:
- # subprocess.check_call([anaconda["pip"], "install", "--upgrade", "distribute"])
- # except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- # pass
- # Ensure latest version of fabric for running CloudBioLinux
- subprocess.check_call([anaconda["pip"], "install", "fabric>=1.7.0"])
- # allow downloads excluded in recent pip (1.5 or greater) versions
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen([anaconda["pip"], "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- pip_version = p.communicate()[0].split()[1]
- except:
- pip_version = ""
- pip_compat = []
- if pip_version >= "1.5":
- for req in ["python-graph-core", "python-graph-dot"]:
- pip_compat += ["--allow-external", req, "--allow-unverified", req]
- subprocess.check_call([anaconda["pip"], "install"] + pip_compat + ["-r", remotes["requirements_pip"]])
- python_bin = os.path.join(anaconda["dir"], "bin", "python")
- _cleanup_problem_files(anaconda["dir"])
- _add_missing_inits(python_bin)
- for final_name, ve_name in [("gemini", "gemini"), ("gemini_python", "python"),
- ("gemini_pip", "pip")]:
- final_script = os.path.join(tooldir, "bin", final_name)
- ve_script = os.path.join(anaconda["dir"], "bin", ve_name)
- sudo_cmd = ["sudo"] if use_sudo else []
- if os.path.lexists(final_script):
- subprocess.check_call(sudo_cmd + ["rm", "-f", final_script])
- else:
- subprocess.check_call(sudo_cmd + ["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(final_script)])
- cmd = ["ln", "-s", ve_script, final_script]
- subprocess.check_call(sudo_cmd + cmd)
- library_loc = subprocess.check_output("%s -c 'import gemini; print gemini.__file__'" % python_bin,
- shell=True)
- return {"fab": os.path.join(anaconda["dir"], "bin", "fab"),
- "data_script": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(library_loc.strip()), "install-data.py"),
- "python": python_bin,
- "cmd": os.path.join(anaconda["dir"], "bin", "gemini")}
- def install_conda_pkgs(anaconda, remotes, args):
- if args.gemini_version != 'latest':
- pkgs = ["--file", remotes['requirements_conda']]
- else:
- pkgs = ["bx-python", "conda", "cython", "ipython", "jinja2", "nose", "numpy",
- "pip", "pycrypto", "pyparsing", "pysam", "pyyaml",
- "pyzmq", "pandas", "scipy"]
- channels = ["-c", "https://conda.binstar.org/bcbio"]
- subprocess.check_call([anaconda["conda"], "install", "--yes"] + channels + pkgs)
- def install_anaconda_python(args, remotes):
- """Provide isolated installation of Anaconda python.
- http://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/index.html
- """
- anaconda_dir = os.path.join(args.datadir, "anaconda")
- bindir = os.path.join(anaconda_dir, "bin")
- conda = os.path.join(bindir, "conda")
- if platform.mac_ver()[0]:
- distribution = "macosx"
- else:
- distribution = "linux"
- if not os.path.exists(anaconda_dir) or not os.path.exists(conda):
- if os.path.exists(anaconda_dir):
- shutil.rmtree(anaconda_dir)
- url = remotes["anaconda"] % ("MacOSX" if distribution == "macosx" else "Linux")
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.basename(url)):
- subprocess.check_call(["wget", url])
- subprocess.check_call("bash %s -b -p %s" %
- (os.path.basename(url), anaconda_dir), shell=True)
- return {"conda": conda,
- "pip": os.path.join(bindir, "pip"),
- "easy_install": os.path.join(bindir, "easy_install"),
- "dir": anaconda_dir}
- def _add_missing_inits(python_bin):
- """pip/setuptools strips __init__.py files with namespace declarations.
- I have no idea why, but this adds them back.
- """
- library_loc = subprocess.check_output("%s -c 'import pygraph.classes.graph; "
- "print pygraph.classes.graph.__file__'" % python_bin,
- shell=True)
- pygraph_init = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(library_loc.strip()), os.pardir,
- "__init__.py"))
- if not os.path.exists(pygraph_init):
- with open(pygraph_init, "w") as out_handle:
- out_handle.write("__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)\n")
- def _cleanup_problem_files(venv_dir):
- """Remove problem bottle items in PATH which conflict with site-packages
- """
- for cmd in ["bottle.py", "bottle.pyc"]:
- bin_cmd = os.path.join(venv_dir, "bin", cmd)
- if os.path.exists(bin_cmd):
- os.remove(bin_cmd)
- def install_tools(fab_cmd, fabfile, fabricrc):
- """Install 3rd party tools used by Gemini using a custom CloudBioLinux flavor.
- """
- tools = ["tabix", "grabix", "samtools", "bedtools"]
- flavor_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "gemini-flavor")
- if not os.path.exists(flavor_dir):
- os.makedirs(flavor_dir)
- with open(os.path.join(flavor_dir, "main.yaml"), "w") as out_handle:
- out_handle.write("packages:\n")
- out_handle.write(" - bio_nextgen\n")
- out_handle.write("libraries:\n")
- with open(os.path.join(flavor_dir, "custom.yaml"), "w") as out_handle:
- out_handle.write("bio_nextgen:\n")
- for tool in tools:
- out_handle.write(" - %s\n" % tool)
- cmd = [fab_cmd, "-f", fabfile, "-H", "localhost", "-c", fabricrc,
- "install_biolinux:target=custom,flavor=%s" % flavor_dir]
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
- def install_data(python_cmd, data_script, args):
- """Install biological data used by gemini.
- """
- data_dir = os.path.join(args.datadir, "gemini_data") if args.sharedpy else args.datadir
- cmd = [python_cmd, data_script, data_dir]
- if args.install_data:
- print "Installing gemini data..."
- else:
- cmd.append("--nodata")
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
- def install_testbase(datadir, repo, gemini):
- """Clone or update gemini code so we have the latest test suite.
- """
- gemini_dir = os.path.join(datadir, "gemini")
- cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- needs_git = True
- if os.path.exists(gemini_dir):
- os.chdir(gemini_dir)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "pull", "origin", "master", "--tags"])
- needs_git = False
- except:
- os.chdir(cur_dir)
- shutil.rmtree(gemini_dir)
- if needs_git:
- os.chdir(os.path.split(gemini_dir)[0])
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", repo])
- os.chdir(gemini_dir)
- _update_testdir_revision(gemini["cmd"])
- os.chdir(cur_dir)
- return os.path.join(gemini_dir, "master-test.sh")
- def _update_testdir_revision(gemini_cmd):
- """Update test directory to be in sync with a tagged installed version or development.
- """
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen([gemini_cmd, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- gversion = p.communicate()[0].split()[1]
- except:
- gversion = ""
- tag = ""
- if gversion:
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen("git tag -l | grep %s" % gversion, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- tag = p.communicate()[0].strip()
- except:
- tag = ""
- if tag:
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", "tags/%s" % tag])
- pass
- else:
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "reset", "--hard", "HEAD"])
- def write_fabricrc(base_file, tooldir, datadir, distribution, use_sudo):
- out_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(base_file))
- with open(base_file) as in_handle:
- with open(out_file, "w") as out_handle:
- for line in in_handle:
- if line.startswith("system_install"):
- line = "system_install = %s\n" % tooldir
- elif line.startswith("local_install"):
- line = "local_install = %s/install\n" % tooldir
- elif line.startswith("data_files"):
- line = "data_files = %s\n" % datadir
- elif line.startswith("distribution"):
- line = "distribution = %s\n" % distribution
- elif line.startswith("use_sudo"):
- line = "use_sudo = %s\n" % use_sudo
- elif line.startswith("edition"):
- line = "edition = minimal\n"
- elif line.startswith("#galaxy_home"):
- line = "galaxy_home = %s\n" % os.path.join(datadir, "galaxy")
- out_handle.write(line)
- return out_file
- def make_dirs(args):
- sudo_cmd = ["sudo"] if args.sudo else []
- for dname in [args.datadir, args.tooldir]:
- if not os.path.exists(dname):
- subprocess.check_call(sudo_cmd + ["mkdir", "-p", dname])
- username = subprocess.check_output("echo $USER", shell=True).strip()
- subprocess.check_call(sudo_cmd + ["chown", username, dname])
- def get_cloudbiolinux(repo):
- base_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "cloudbiolinux")
- if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", repo])
- return {"fabricrc": os.path.join(base_dir, "config", "fabricrc.txt"),
- "tool_fabfile": os.path.join(base_dir, "fabfile.py")}
- def check_dependencies():
- """Ensure required tools for installation are present.
- """
- print "Checking required dependencies..."
- for cmd, url in [("git", "http://git-scm.com/"),
- ("wget", "http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/"),
- ("curl", "http://curl.haxx.se/")]:
- try:
- retcode = subprocess.call([cmd, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- except OSError:
- retcode = 127
- if retcode == 127:
- raise OSError("gemini requires %s (%s)" % (cmd, url))
- else:
- print " %s found" % cmd
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automated installer for gemini framework.")
- parser.add_argument("tooldir", help="Directory to install 3rd party software tools",
- type=os.path.abspath)
- parser.add_argument("datadir", help="Directory to install gemini data files",
- type=os.path.abspath)
- parser.add_argument("--gemini-version", dest="gemini_version", default="latest",
- help="Install one specific gemini version with a fixed dependency chain.")
- parser.add_argument("--nosudo", help="Specify we cannot use sudo for commands",
- dest="sudo", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_argument("--notools", help="Do not install tool dependencies",
- dest="install_tools", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_argument("--nodata", help="Do not install data dependencies",
- dest="install_data", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_argument("--sharedpy", help=("Indicate we share an Anaconda Python directory with "
- "another project. Creates unique gemini data directory."),
- action="store_true", default=False)
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- parser.print_help()
- else:
- main(parser.parse_args())