Python | 967 lines | 765 code | 26 blank | 176 comment | 43 complexity | 3fbd96c9e90f81372f6ac22ce2bb2991 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
- # Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
- # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
- # lowing conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- #
- # Parts of this code were copied or derived from sample code supplied by AWS.
- # The following notice applies to that code.
- #
- # This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any
- # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software
- # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that
- # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software
- # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon
- # Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of
- # this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its
- # affiliates.
- """
- Some handy utility functions used by several classes.
- """
- import socket
- import urllib
- import urllib2
- import imp
- import subprocess
- import StringIO
- import time
- import logging.handlers
- import boto
- import boto.provider
- import tempfile
- import smtplib
- import datetime
- import re
- import email.mime.multipart
- import email.mime.base
- import email.mime.text
- import email.utils
- import email.encoders
- import gzip
- import base64
- try:
- from hashlib import md5
- except ImportError:
- from md5 import md5
- try:
- import hashlib
- _hashfn = hashlib.sha512
- except ImportError:
- import md5
- _hashfn = md5.md5
- from boto.compat import json
- # List of Query String Arguments of Interest
- qsa_of_interest = ['acl', 'cors', 'defaultObjectAcl', 'location', 'logging',
- 'partNumber', 'policy', 'requestPayment', 'torrent',
- 'versioning', 'versionId', 'versions', 'website',
- 'uploads', 'uploadId', 'response-content-type',
- 'response-content-language', 'response-expires',
- 'response-cache-control', 'response-content-disposition',
- 'response-content-encoding', 'delete', 'lifecycle',
- 'tagging', 'restore',
- # storageClass is a QSA for buckets in Google Cloud Storage.
- # (StorageClass is associated to individual keys in S3, but
- # having it listed here should cause no problems because
- # GET bucket?storageClass is not part of the S3 API.)
- 'storageClass',
- # websiteConfig is a QSA for buckets in Google Cloud Storage.
- 'websiteConfig',
- # compose is a QSA for objects in Google Cloud Storage.
- 'compose']
- _first_cap_regex = re.compile('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)')
- _number_cap_regex = re.compile('([a-z])([0-9]+)')
- _end_cap_regex = re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])')
- def unquote_v(nv):
- if len(nv) == 1:
- return nv
- else:
- return (nv[0], urllib.unquote(nv[1]))
- def canonical_string(method, path, headers, expires=None,
- provider=None):
- """
- Generates the aws canonical string for the given parameters
- """
- if not provider:
- provider = boto.provider.get_default()
- interesting_headers = {}
- for key in headers:
- lk = key.lower()
- if headers[key] != None and (lk in ['content-md5', 'content-type', 'date'] or
- lk.startswith(provider.header_prefix)):
- interesting_headers[lk] = str(headers[key]).strip()
- # these keys get empty strings if they don't exist
- if 'content-type' not in interesting_headers:
- interesting_headers['content-type'] = ''
- if 'content-md5' not in interesting_headers:
- interesting_headers['content-md5'] = ''
- # just in case someone used this. it's not necessary in this lib.
- if provider.date_header in interesting_headers:
- interesting_headers['date'] = ''
- # if you're using expires for query string auth, then it trumps date
- # (and provider.date_header)
- if expires:
- interesting_headers['date'] = str(expires)
- sorted_header_keys = sorted(interesting_headers.keys())
- buf = "%s\n" % method
- for key in sorted_header_keys:
- val = interesting_headers[key]
- if key.startswith(provider.header_prefix):
- buf += "%s:%s\n" % (key, val)
- else:
- buf += "%s\n" % val
- # don't include anything after the first ? in the resource...
- # unless it is one of the QSA of interest, defined above
- t = path.split('?')
- buf += t[0]
- if len(t) > 1:
- qsa = t[1].split('&')
- qsa = [a.split('=', 1) for a in qsa]
- qsa = [unquote_v(a) for a in qsa if a[0] in qsa_of_interest]
- if len(qsa) > 0:
- qsa.sort(cmp=lambda x, y:cmp(x[0], y[0]))
- qsa = ['='.join(a) for a in qsa]
- buf += '?'
- buf += '&'.join(qsa)
- return buf
- def merge_meta(headers, metadata, provider=None):
- if not provider:
- provider = boto.provider.get_default()
- metadata_prefix = provider.metadata_prefix
- final_headers = headers.copy()
- for k in metadata.keys():
- if k.lower() in ['cache-control', 'content-md5', 'content-type',
- 'content-encoding', 'content-disposition',
- 'expires']:
- final_headers[k] = metadata[k]
- else:
- final_headers[metadata_prefix + k] = metadata[k]
- return final_headers
- def get_aws_metadata(headers, provider=None):
- if not provider:
- provider = boto.provider.get_default()
- metadata_prefix = provider.metadata_prefix
- metadata = {}
- for hkey in headers.keys():
- if hkey.lower().startswith(metadata_prefix):
- val = urllib.unquote_plus(headers[hkey])
- try:
- metadata[hkey[len(metadata_prefix):]] = unicode(val, 'utf-8')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- metadata[hkey[len(metadata_prefix):]] = val
- del headers[hkey]
- return metadata
- def retry_url(url, retry_on_404=True, num_retries=10):
- """
- Retry a url. This is specifically used for accessing the metadata
- service on an instance. Since this address should never be proxied
- (for security reasons), we create a ProxyHandler with a NULL
- dictionary to override any proxy settings in the environment.
- """
- for i in range(0, num_retries):
- try:
- proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({})
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
- req = urllib2.Request(url)
- r = opener.open(req)
- result = r.read()
- return result
- except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
- # in 2.6 you use getcode(), in 2.5 and earlier you use code
- if hasattr(e, 'getcode'):
- code = e.getcode()
- else:
- code = e.code
- if code == 404 and not retry_on_404:
- return ''
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- boto.log.exception('Caught exception reading instance data')
- # If not on the last iteration of the loop then sleep.
- if i + 1 != num_retries:
- time.sleep(2 ** i)
- boto.log.error('Unable to read instance data, giving up')
- return ''
- def _get_instance_metadata(url, num_retries):
- return LazyLoadMetadata(url, num_retries)
- class LazyLoadMetadata(dict):
- def __init__(self, url, num_retries):
- self._url = url
- self._num_retries = num_retries
- self._leaves = {}
- self._dicts = []
- data = boto.utils.retry_url(self._url, num_retries=self._num_retries)
- if data:
- fields = data.split('\n')
- for field in fields:
- if field.endswith('/'):
- key = field[0:-1]
- self._dicts.append(key)
- else:
- p = field.find('=')
- if p > 0:
- key = field[p + 1:]
- resource = field[0:p] + '/openssh-key'
- else:
- key = resource = field
- self._leaves[key] = resource
- self[key] = None
- def _materialize(self):
- for key in self:
- self[key]
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- if key not in self:
- # allow dict to throw the KeyError
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).__getitem__(key)
- # already loaded
- val = super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).__getitem__(key)
- if val is not None:
- return val
- if key in self._leaves:
- resource = self._leaves[key]
- val = boto.utils.retry_url(self._url + urllib.quote(resource,
- safe="/:"),
- num_retries=self._num_retries)
- if val and val[0] == '{':
- val = json.loads(val)
- else:
- p = val.find('\n')
- if p > 0:
- val = val.split('\n')
- self[key] = val
- elif key in self._dicts:
- self[key] = LazyLoadMetadata(self._url + key + '/',
- self._num_retries)
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).__getitem__(key)
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- try:
- return self[key]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def values(self):
- self._materialize()
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).values()
- def items(self):
- self._materialize()
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).items()
- def __str__(self):
- self._materialize()
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).__str__()
- def __repr__(self):
- self._materialize()
- return super(LazyLoadMetadata, self).__repr__()
- def _build_instance_metadata_url(url, version, path):
- """
- Builds an EC2 metadata URL for fetching information about an instance.
- Requires the following arguments: a URL, a version and a path.
- Example:
- >>> _build_instance_metadata_url('', 'latest', 'meta-data')
- """
- return '%s/%s/%s/' % (url, version, path)
- def get_instance_metadata(version='latest', url='',
- data='meta-data', timeout=None, num_retries=5):
- """
- Returns the instance metadata as a nested Python dictionary.
- Simple values (e.g. local_hostname, hostname, etc.) will be
- stored as string values. Values such as ancestor-ami-ids will
- be stored in the dict as a list of string values. More complex
- fields such as public-keys and will be stored as nested dicts.
- If the timeout is specified, the connection to the specified url
- will time out after the specified number of seconds.
- """
- if timeout is not None:
- original = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
- try:
- metadata_url = _build_instance_metadata_url(url, version, data)
- return _get_instance_metadata(metadata_url, num_retries=num_retries)
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- return None
- finally:
- if timeout is not None:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(original)
- def get_instance_identity(version='latest', url='',
- timeout=None, num_retries=5):
- """
- Returns the instance identity as a nested Python dictionary.
- """
- iid = {}
- base_url = _build_instance_metadata_url(url, version, 'dynamic/instance-identity')
- if timeout is not None:
- original = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
- try:
- data = retry_url(base_url, num_retries=num_retries)
- fields = data.split('\n')
- for field in fields:
- val = retry_url(base_url + '/' + field + '/')
- if val[0] == '{':
- val = json.loads(val)
- if field:
- iid[field] = val
- return iid
- except urllib2.URLError, e:
- return None
- finally:
- if timeout is not None:
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(original)
- def get_instance_userdata(version='latest', sep=None,
- url=''):
- ud_url = _build_instance_metadata_url(url, version, 'user-data')
- user_data = retry_url(ud_url, retry_on_404=False)
- if user_data:
- if sep:
- l = user_data.split(sep)
- user_data = {}
- for nvpair in l:
- t = nvpair.split('=')
- user_data[t[0].strip()] = t[1].strip()
- return user_data
- ISO8601 = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
- ISO8601_MS = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
- RFC1123 = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'
- def get_ts(ts=None):
- if not ts:
- ts = time.gmtime()
- return time.strftime(ISO8601, ts)
- def parse_ts(ts):
- ts = ts.strip()
- try:
- dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts, ISO8601)
- return dt
- except ValueError:
- try:
- dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts, ISO8601_MS)
- return dt
- except ValueError:
- dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts, RFC1123)
- return dt
- def find_class(module_name, class_name=None):
- if class_name:
- module_name = "%s.%s" % (module_name, class_name)
- modules = module_name.split('.')
- c = None
- try:
- for m in modules[1:]:
- if c:
- c = getattr(c, m)
- else:
- c = getattr(__import__(".".join(modules[0:-1])), m)
- return c
- except:
- return None
- def update_dme(username, password, dme_id, ip_address):
- """
- Update your Dynamic DNS record with DNSMadeEasy.com
- """
- dme_url = 'https://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/servlet/updateip'
- dme_url += '?username=%s&password=%s&id=%s&ip=%s'
- s = urllib2.urlopen(dme_url % (username, password, dme_id, ip_address))
- return s.read()
- def fetch_file(uri, file=None, username=None, password=None):
- """
- Fetch a file based on the URI provided. If you do not pass in a file pointer
- a tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile, or None if the file could not be
- retrieved is returned.
- The URI can be either an HTTP url, or "s3://bucket_name/key_name"
- """
- boto.log.info('Fetching %s' % uri)
- if file == None:
- file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- try:
- if uri.startswith('s3://'):
- bucket_name, key_name = uri[len('s3://'):].split('/', 1)
- c = boto.connect_s3(aws_access_key_id=username,
- aws_secret_access_key=password)
- bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name)
- key = bucket.get_key(key_name)
- key.get_contents_to_file(file)
- else:
- if username and password:
- passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
- passman.add_password(None, uri, username, password)
- authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
- urllib2.install_opener(opener)
- s = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
- file.write(s.read())
- file.seek(0)
- except:
- raise
- boto.log.exception('Problem Retrieving file: %s' % uri)
- file = None
- return file
- class ShellCommand(object):
- def __init__(self, command, wait=True, fail_fast=False, cwd=None):
- self.exit_code = 0
- self.command = command
- self.log_fp = StringIO.StringIO()
- self.wait = wait
- self.fail_fast = fail_fast
- self.run(cwd=cwd)
- def run(self, cwd=None):
- boto.log.info('running:%s' % self.command)
- self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.command, shell=True,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- cwd=cwd)
- if(self.wait):
- while self.process.poll() == None:
- time.sleep(1)
- t = self.process.communicate()
- self.log_fp.write(t[0])
- self.log_fp.write(t[1])
- boto.log.info(self.log_fp.getvalue())
- self.exit_code = self.process.returncode
- if self.fail_fast and self.exit_code != 0:
- raise Exception("Command " + self.command + " failed with status " + self.exit_code)
- return self.exit_code
- def setReadOnly(self, value):
- raise AttributeError
- def getStatus(self):
- return self.exit_code
- status = property(getStatus, setReadOnly, None, 'The exit code for the command')
- def getOutput(self):
- return self.log_fp.getvalue()
- output = property(getOutput, setReadOnly, None, 'The STDIN and STDERR output of the command')
- class AuthSMTPHandler(logging.handlers.SMTPHandler):
- """
- This class extends the SMTPHandler in the standard Python logging module
- to accept a username and password on the constructor and to then use those
- credentials to authenticate with the SMTP server. To use this, you could
- add something like this in your boto config file:
- [handler_hand07]
- class=boto.utils.AuthSMTPHandler
- level=WARN
- formatter=form07
- args=('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'from@abc', ['user1@abc', 'user2@xyz'], 'Logger Subject')
- """
- def __init__(self, mailhost, username, password,
- fromaddr, toaddrs, subject):
- """
- Initialize the handler.
- We have extended the constructor to accept a username/password
- for SMTP authentication.
- """
- logging.handlers.SMTPHandler.__init__(self, mailhost, fromaddr,
- toaddrs, subject)
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- def emit(self, record):
- """
- Emit a record.
- Format the record and send it to the specified addressees.
- It would be really nice if I could add authorization to this class
- without having to resort to cut and paste inheritance but, no.
- """
- try:
- port = self.mailport
- if not port:
- port = smtplib.SMTP_PORT
- smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.mailhost, port)
- smtp.login(self.username, self.password)
- msg = self.format(record)
- msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\nDate: %s\r\n\r\n%s" % (
- self.fromaddr,
- ','.join(self.toaddrs),
- self.getSubject(record),
- email.utils.formatdate(), msg)
- smtp.sendmail(self.fromaddr, self.toaddrs, msg)
- smtp.quit()
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- self.handleError(record)
- class LRUCache(dict):
- """A dictionary-like object that stores only a certain number of items, and
- discards its least recently used item when full.
- >>> cache = LRUCache(3)
- >>> cache['A'] = 0
- >>> cache['B'] = 1
- >>> cache['C'] = 2
- >>> len(cache)
- 3
- >>> cache['A']
- 0
- Adding new items to the cache does not increase its size. Instead, the least
- recently used item is dropped:
- >>> cache['D'] = 3
- >>> len(cache)
- 3
- >>> 'B' in cache
- False
- Iterating over the cache returns the keys, starting with the most recently
- used:
- >>> for key in cache:
- ... print key
- D
- A
- C
- This code is based on the LRUCache class from Genshi which is based on
- `Myghty <http://www.myghty.org>`_'s LRUCache from ``myghtyutils.util``,
- written by Mike Bayer and released under the MIT license (Genshi uses the
- BSD License).
- """
- class _Item(object):
- def __init__(self, key, value):
- self.previous = self.next = None
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
- def __init__(self, capacity):
- self._dict = dict()
- self.capacity = capacity
- self.head = None
- self.tail = None
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return key in self._dict
- def __iter__(self):
- cur = self.head
- while cur:
- yield cur.key
- cur = cur.next
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._dict)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- item = self._dict[key]
- self._update_item(item)
- return item.value
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- item = self._dict.get(key)
- if item is None:
- item = self._Item(key, value)
- self._dict[key] = item
- self._insert_item(item)
- else:
- item.value = value
- self._update_item(item)
- self._manage_size()
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(self._dict)
- def _insert_item(self, item):
- item.previous = None
- item.next = self.head
- if self.head is not None:
- self.head.previous = item
- else:
- self.tail = item
- self.head = item
- self._manage_size()
- def _manage_size(self):
- while len(self._dict) > self.capacity:
- del self._dict[self.tail.key]
- if self.tail != self.head:
- self.tail = self.tail.previous
- self.tail.next = None
- else:
- self.head = self.tail = None
- def _update_item(self, item):
- if self.head == item:
- return
- previous = item.previous
- previous.next = item.next
- if item.next is not None:
- item.next.previous = previous
- else:
- self.tail = previous
- item.previous = None
- item.next = self.head
- self.head.previous = self.head = item
- class Password(object):
- """
- Password object that stores itself as hashed.
- Hash defaults to SHA512 if available, MD5 otherwise.
- """
- hashfunc = _hashfn
- def __init__(self, str=None, hashfunc=None):
- """
- Load the string from an initial value, this should be the
- raw hashed password.
- """
- self.str = str
- if hashfunc:
- self.hashfunc = hashfunc
- def set(self, value):
- self.str = self.hashfunc(value).hexdigest()
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.str)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if other == None:
- return False
- return str(self.hashfunc(other).hexdigest()) == str(self.str)
- def __len__(self):
- if self.str:
- return len(self.str)
- else:
- return 0
- def notify(subject, body=None, html_body=None, to_string=None,
- attachments=None, append_instance_id=True):
- attachments = attachments or []
- if append_instance_id:
- subject = "[%s] %s" % (boto.config.get_value("Instance", "instance-id"), subject)
- if not to_string:
- to_string = boto.config.get_value('Notification', 'smtp_to', None)
- if to_string:
- try:
- from_string = boto.config.get_value('Notification', 'smtp_from', 'boto')
- msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()
- msg['From'] = from_string
- msg['Reply-To'] = from_string
- msg['To'] = to_string
- msg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True)
- msg['Subject'] = subject
- if body:
- msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(body))
- if html_body:
- part = email.mime.base.MIMEBase('text', 'html')
- part.set_payload(html_body)
- email.encoders.encode_base64(part)
- msg.attach(part)
- for part in attachments:
- msg.attach(part)
- smtp_host = boto.config.get_value('Notification', 'smtp_host', 'localhost')
- # Alternate port support
- if boto.config.get_value("Notification", "smtp_port"):
- server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, int(boto.config.get_value("Notification", "smtp_port")))
- else:
- server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host)
- # TLS support
- if boto.config.getbool("Notification", "smtp_tls"):
- server.ehlo()
- server.starttls()
- server.ehlo()
- smtp_user = boto.config.get_value('Notification', 'smtp_user', '')
- smtp_pass = boto.config.get_value('Notification', 'smtp_pass', '')
- if smtp_user:
- server.login(smtp_user, smtp_pass)
- server.sendmail(from_string, to_string, msg.as_string())
- server.quit()
- except:
- boto.log.exception('notify failed')
- def get_utf8_value(value):
- if not isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, unicode):
- value = str(value)
- if isinstance(value, unicode):
- return value.encode('utf-8')
- else:
- return value
- def mklist(value):
- if not isinstance(value, list):
- if isinstance(value, tuple):
- value = list(value)
- else:
- value = [value]
- return value
- def pythonize_name(name):
- """Convert camel case to a "pythonic" name.
- Examples::
- pythonize_name('CamelCase') -> 'camel_case'
- pythonize_name('already_pythonized') -> 'already_pythonized'
- pythonize_name('HTTPRequest') -> 'http_request'
- pythonize_name('HTTPStatus200Ok') -> 'http_status_200_ok'
- pythonize_name('UPPER') -> 'upper'
- pythonize_name('') -> ''
- """
- s1 = _first_cap_regex.sub(r'\1_\2', name)
- s2 = _number_cap_regex.sub(r'\1_\2', s1)
- return _end_cap_regex.sub(r'\1_\2', s2).lower()
- def write_mime_multipart(content, compress=False, deftype='text/plain', delimiter=':'):
- """Description:
- :param content: A list of tuples of name-content pairs. This is used
- instead of a dict to ensure that scripts run in order
- :type list of tuples:
- :param compress: Use gzip to compress the scripts, defaults to no compression
- :type bool:
- :param deftype: The type that should be assumed if nothing else can be figured out
- :type str:
- :param delimiter: mime delimiter
- :type str:
- :return: Final mime multipart
- :rtype: str:
- """
- wrapper = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()
- for name, con in content:
- definite_type = guess_mime_type(con, deftype)
- maintype, subtype = definite_type.split('/', 1)
- if maintype == 'text':
- mime_con = email.mime.text.MIMEText(con, _subtype=subtype)
- else:
- mime_con = email.mime.base.MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
- mime_con.set_payload(con)
- # Encode the payload using Base64
- email.encoders.encode_base64(mime_con)
- mime_con.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=name)
- wrapper.attach(mime_con)
- rcontent = wrapper.as_string()
- if compress:
- buf = StringIO.StringIO()
- gz = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=buf)
- try:
- gz.write(rcontent)
- finally:
- gz.close()
- rcontent = buf.getvalue()
- return rcontent
- def guess_mime_type(content, deftype):
- """Description: Guess the mime type of a block of text
- :param content: content we're finding the type of
- :type str:
- :param deftype: Default mime type
- :type str:
- :rtype: <type>:
- :return: <description>
- """
- #Mappings recognized by cloudinit
- starts_with_mappings = {
- '#include': 'text/x-include-url',
- '#!': 'text/x-shellscript',
- '#cloud-config': 'text/cloud-config',
- '#upstart-job': 'text/upstart-job',
- '#part-handler': 'text/part-handler',
- '#cloud-boothook': 'text/cloud-boothook'
- }
- rtype = deftype
- for possible_type, mimetype in starts_with_mappings.items():
- if content.startswith(possible_type):
- rtype = mimetype
- break
- return(rtype)
- def compute_md5(fp, buf_size=8192, size=None):
- """
- Compute MD5 hash on passed file and return results in a tuple of values.
- :type fp: file
- :param fp: File pointer to the file to MD5 hash. The file pointer
- will be reset to its current location before the
- method returns.
- :type buf_size: integer
- :param buf_size: Number of bytes per read request.
- :type size: int
- :param size: (optional) The Maximum number of bytes to read from
- the file pointer (fp). This is useful when uploading
- a file in multiple parts where the file is being
- split inplace into different parts. Less bytes may
- be available.
- :rtype: tuple
- :return: A tuple containing the hex digest version of the MD5 hash
- as the first element, the base64 encoded version of the
- plain digest as the second element and the data size as
- the third element.
- """
- return compute_hash(fp, buf_size, size, hash_algorithm=md5)
- def compute_hash(fp, buf_size=8192, size=None, hash_algorithm=md5):
- hash_obj = hash_algorithm()
- spos = fp.tell()
- if size and size < buf_size:
- s = fp.read(size)
- else:
- s = fp.read(buf_size)
- while s:
- hash_obj.update(s)
- if size:
- size -= len(s)
- if size <= 0:
- break
- if size and size < buf_size:
- s = fp.read(size)
- else:
- s = fp.read(buf_size)
- hex_digest = hash_obj.hexdigest()
- base64_digest = base64.encodestring(hash_obj.digest())
- if base64_digest[-1] == '\n':
- base64_digest = base64_digest[0:-1]
- # data_size based on bytes read.
- data_size = fp.tell() - spos
- fp.seek(spos)
- return (hex_digest, base64_digest, data_size)
- def find_matching_headers(name, headers):
- """
- Takes a specific header name and a dict of headers {"name": "value"}.
- Returns a list of matching header names, case-insensitive.
- """
- return [h for h in headers if h.lower() == name.lower()]
- def merge_headers_by_name(name, headers):
- """
- Takes a specific header name and a dict of headers {"name": "value"}.
- Returns a string of all header values, comma-separated, that match the
- input header name, case-insensitive.
- """
- matching_headers = find_matching_headers(name, headers)
- return ','.join(str(headers[h]) for h in matching_headers
- if headers[h] is not None)