Python | 332 lines | 303 code | 10 blank | 19 comment | 6 complexity | 6ada5b5dba6fda7e44b0a8dcd8c7b6a7 MD5 | raw file
- """This plugin provides test results in the standard XUnit XML format.
- It's designed for the `Jenkins`_ (previously Hudson) continuous build
- system, but will probably work for anything else that understands an
- XUnit-formatted XML representation of test results.
- Add this shell command to your builder ::
- nosetests --with-xunit
- And by default a file named nosetests.xml will be written to the
- working directory.
- In a Jenkins builder, tick the box named "Publish JUnit test result report"
- under the Post-build Actions and enter this value for Test report XMLs::
- **/nosetests.xml
- If you need to change the name or location of the file, you can set the
- ``--xunit-file`` option.
- Here is an abbreviated version of what an XML test report might look like::
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <testsuite name="nosetests" tests="1" errors="1" failures="0" skip="0">
- <testcase classname="path_to_test_suite.TestSomething"
- name="test_it" time="0">
- <error type="exceptions.TypeError" message="oops, wrong type">
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- TypeError: oops, wrong type
- </error>
- </testcase>
- </testsuite>
- .. _Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/
- """
- import codecs
- import doctest
- import os
- import sys
- import traceback
- import re
- import inspect
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- from time import time
- from xml.sax import saxutils
- from nose.plugins.base import Plugin
- from nose.exc import SkipTest
- from nose.pyversion import UNICODE_STRINGS
- # Invalid XML characters, control characters 0-31 sans \t, \n and \r
- CONTROL_CHARACTERS = re.compile(r"[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037]")
- TEST_ID = re.compile(r'^(.*?)(\(.*\))$')
- def xml_safe(value):
- """Replaces invalid XML characters with '?'."""
- return CONTROL_CHARACTERS.sub('?', value)
- def escape_cdata(cdata):
- """Escape a string for an XML CDATA section."""
- return xml_safe(cdata).replace(']]>', ']]>]]><![CDATA[')
- def id_split(idval):
- m = TEST_ID.match(idval)
- if m:
- name, fargs = m.groups()
- head, tail = name.rsplit(".", 1)
- return [head, tail+fargs]
- else:
- return idval.rsplit(".", 1)
- def nice_classname(obj):
- """Returns a nice name for class object or class instance.
- >>> nice_classname(Exception()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- '...Exception'
- >>> nice_classname(Exception) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- '...Exception'
- """
- if inspect.isclass(obj):
- cls_name = obj.__name__
- else:
- cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__
- mod = inspect.getmodule(obj)
- if mod:
- name = mod.__name__
- # jython
- if name.startswith('org.python.core.'):
- name = name[len('org.python.core.'):]
- return "%s.%s" % (name, cls_name)
- else:
- return cls_name
- def exc_message(exc_info):
- """Return the exception's message."""
- exc = exc_info[1]
- if exc is None:
- # str exception
- result = exc_info[0]
- else:
- try:
- result = str(exc)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- try:
- result = unicode(exc)
- except UnicodeError:
- # Fallback to args as neither str nor
- # unicode(Exception(u'\xe6')) work in Python < 2.6
- result = exc.args[0]
- return xml_safe(result)
- def format_exception(exc_info):
- ec, ev, tb = exc_info
- # formatError() may have turned our exception object into a string, and
- # Python 3's traceback.format_exception() doesn't take kindly to that (it
- # expects an actual exception object). So we work around it, by doing the
- # work ourselves if ev is a string.
- if isinstance(ev, basestring):
- tb_data = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))
- return tb_data + ev
- else:
- return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))
- class Tee(object):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self._streams = args
- def write(self, *args):
- for s in self._streams:
- s.write(*args)
- def flush(self):
- for s in self._streams:
- s.flush()
- class Xunit(Plugin):
- """This plugin provides test results in the standard XUnit XML format."""
- name = 'xunit'
- score = 1500
- encoding = 'UTF-8'
- error_report_file = None
- def __init__(self):
- super(Xunit, self).__init__()
- self._capture_stack = []
- self._currentStdout = None
- self._currentStderr = None
- def _timeTaken(self):
- if hasattr(self, '_timer'):
- taken = time() - self._timer
- else:
- # test died before it ran (probably error in setup())
- # or success/failure added before test started probably
- # due to custom TestResult munging
- taken = 0.0
- return taken
- def _quoteattr(self, attr):
- """Escape an XML attribute. Value can be unicode."""
- attr = xml_safe(attr)
- if isinstance(attr, unicode) and not UNICODE_STRINGS:
- attr = attr.encode(self.encoding)
- return saxutils.quoteattr(attr)
- def options(self, parser, env):
- """Sets additional command line options."""
- Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
- parser.add_option(
- '--xunit-file', action='store',
- dest='xunit_file', metavar="FILE",
- default=env.get('NOSE_XUNIT_FILE', 'nosetests.xml'),
- help=("Path to xml file to store the xunit report in. "
- "Default is nosetests.xml in the working directory "
- def configure(self, options, config):
- """Configures the xunit plugin."""
- Plugin.configure(self, options, config)
- self.config = config
- if self.enabled:
- self.stats = {'errors': 0,
- 'failures': 0,
- 'passes': 0,
- 'skipped': 0
- }
- self.errorlist = []
- self.error_report_file = codecs.open(options.xunit_file, 'w',
- self.encoding, 'replace')
- def report(self, stream):
- """Writes an Xunit-formatted XML file
- The file includes a report of test errors and failures.
- """
- self.stats['encoding'] = self.encoding
- self.stats['total'] = (self.stats['errors'] + self.stats['failures']
- + self.stats['passes'] + self.stats['skipped'])
- self.error_report_file.write(
- u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%(encoding)s"?>'
- u'<testsuite name="nosetests" tests="%(total)d" '
- u'errors="%(errors)d" failures="%(failures)d" '
- u'skip="%(skipped)d">' % self.stats)
- self.error_report_file.write(u''.join([self._forceUnicode(e)
- for e in self.errorlist]))
- self.error_report_file.write(u'</testsuite>')
- self.error_report_file.close()
- if self.config.verbosity > 1:
- stream.writeln("-" * 70)
- stream.writeln("XML: %s" % self.error_report_file.name)
- def _startCapture(self):
- self._capture_stack.append((sys.stdout, sys.stderr))
- self._currentStdout = StringIO()
- self._currentStderr = StringIO()
- sys.stdout = Tee(self._currentStdout, sys.stdout)
- sys.stderr = Tee(self._currentStderr, sys.stderr)
- def startContext(self, context):
- self._startCapture()
- def beforeTest(self, test):
- """Initializes a timer before starting a test."""
- self._timer = time()
- self._startCapture()
- def _endCapture(self):
- if self._capture_stack:
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self._capture_stack.pop()
- def afterTest(self, test):
- self._endCapture()
- self._currentStdout = None
- self._currentStderr = None
- def finalize(self, test):
- while self._capture_stack:
- self._endCapture()
- def _getCapturedStdout(self):
- if self._currentStdout:
- value = self._currentStdout.getvalue()
- if value:
- return '<system-out><![CDATA[%s]]></system-out>' % escape_cdata(
- value)
- return ''
- def _getCapturedStderr(self):
- if self._currentStderr:
- value = self._currentStderr.getvalue()
- if value:
- return '<system-err><![CDATA[%s]]></system-err>' % escape_cdata(
- value)
- return ''
- def addError(self, test, err, capt=None):
- """Add error output to Xunit report.
- """
- taken = self._timeTaken()
- if issubclass(err[0], SkipTest):
- type = 'skipped'
- self.stats['skipped'] += 1
- else:
- type = 'error'
- self.stats['errors'] += 1
- tb = format_exception(err)
- id = test.id()
- self.errorlist.append(
- '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s time="%(taken).3f">'
- '<%(type)s type=%(errtype)s message=%(message)s><![CDATA[%(tb)s]]>'
- '</%(type)s>%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' %
- {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]),
- 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]),
- 'taken': taken,
- 'type': type,
- 'errtype': self._quoteattr(nice_classname(err[0])),
- 'message': self._quoteattr(exc_message(err)),
- 'tb': escape_cdata(tb),
- 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(),
- 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(),
- })
- def addFailure(self, test, err, capt=None, tb_info=None):
- """Add failure output to Xunit report.
- """
- taken = self._timeTaken()
- tb = format_exception(err)
- self.stats['failures'] += 1
- id = test.id()
- self.errorlist.append(
- '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s time="%(taken).3f">'
- '<failure type=%(errtype)s message=%(message)s><![CDATA[%(tb)s]]>'
- '</failure>%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' %
- {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]),
- 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]),
- 'taken': taken,
- 'errtype': self._quoteattr(nice_classname(err[0])),
- 'message': self._quoteattr(exc_message(err)),
- 'tb': escape_cdata(tb),
- 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(),
- 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(),
- })
- def addSuccess(self, test, capt=None):
- """Add success output to Xunit report.
- """
- taken = self._timeTaken()
- self.stats['passes'] += 1
- id = test.id()
- self.errorlist.append(
- '<testcase classname=%(cls)s name=%(name)s '
- 'time="%(taken).3f">%(systemout)s%(systemerr)s</testcase>' %
- {'cls': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[0]),
- 'name': self._quoteattr(id_split(id)[-1]),
- 'taken': taken,
- 'systemout': self._getCapturedStdout(),
- 'systemerr': self._getCapturedStderr(),
- })
- def _forceUnicode(self, s):
- if isinstance(s, str):
- s = s.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')
- return s