Python | 346 lines | 298 code | 13 blank | 35 comment | 3 complexity | 0d4f6da108cbfe2edc877afb9325eaf1 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 2002, Thomas Hamelryck (thamelry@binf.ku.dk)
- # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
- # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
- # as part of this package.
- """Use the DSSP program to calculate secondary structure and accessibility.
- You need to have a working version of DSSP (and a license, free for academic
- use) in order to use this. For DSSP, see U{http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/}.
- The DSSP codes for secondary structure used here are:
- - H Alpha helix (4-12)
- - B Isolated beta-bridge residue
- - E Strand
- - G 3-10 helix
- - I pi helix
- - T Turn
- - S Bend
- - - None
- """
- from __future__ import print_function
- __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
- import re
- from Bio._py3k import StringIO
- import subprocess
- from Bio.Data import SCOPData
- from Bio.PDB.AbstractPropertyMap import AbstractResiduePropertyMap
- from Bio.PDB.PDBExceptions import PDBException
- from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
- # Match C in DSSP
- _dssp_cys=re.compile('[a-z]')
- # Maximal ASA of amino acids
- # Values from Sander & Rost, (1994), Proteins, 20:216-226
- # Used for relative accessibility
- MAX_ACC={}
- MAX_ACC["ALA"]=106.0
- MAX_ACC["CYS"]=135.0
- MAX_ACC["ASP"]=163.0
- MAX_ACC["GLU"]=194.0
- MAX_ACC["PHE"]=197.0
- MAX_ACC["GLY"]=84.0
- MAX_ACC["HIS"]=184.0
- MAX_ACC["ILE"]=169.0
- MAX_ACC["LYS"]=205.0
- MAX_ACC["LEU"]=164.0
- MAX_ACC["MET"]=188.0
- MAX_ACC["ASN"]=157.0
- MAX_ACC["PRO"]=136.0
- MAX_ACC["GLN"]=198.0
- MAX_ACC["ARG"]=248.0
- MAX_ACC["SER"]=130.0
- MAX_ACC["THR"]=142.0
- MAX_ACC["VAL"]=142.0
- MAX_ACC["TRP"]=227.0
- MAX_ACC["TYR"]=222.0
- def ss_to_index(ss):
- """
- Secondary structure symbol to index.
- H=0
- E=1
- C=2
- """
- if ss=='H':
- return 0
- if ss=='E':
- return 1
- if ss=='C':
- return 2
- assert 0
- def dssp_dict_from_pdb_file(in_file, DSSP="dssp"):
- """
- Create a DSSP dictionary from a PDB file.
- Example:
- --------
- >>> dssp_dict=dssp_dict_from_pdb_file("1fat.pdb")
- >>> aa, ss, acc=dssp_dict[('A', 1)]
- ::
- @param in_file: pdb file
- @type in_file: string ::
- @param DSSP: DSSP executable (argument to os.system)
- @type DSSP: string ::
- @return: a dictionary that maps (chainid, resid) to
- amino acid type, secondary structure code and
- accessibility.
- @rtype: {}
- """
- # Using universal newlines is important on Python 3, this
- # gives unicode handles rather than bytes handles.
- p = subprocess.Popen([DSSP, in_file], universal_newlines=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- out_dict, keys = _make_dssp_dict(StringIO(out))
- return out_dict, keys
- def make_dssp_dict(filename):
- """
- Return a DSSP dictionary that maps (chainid, resid) to
- aa, ss and accessibility, from a DSSP file. ::
- @param filename: the DSSP output file
- @type filename: string
- """
- with open(filename, "r") as handle:
- return _make_dssp_dict(handle)
- def _make_dssp_dict(handle):
- """
- Return a DSSP dictionary that maps (chainid, resid) to
- aa, ss and accessibility, from an open DSSP file object. ::
- @param handle: the open DSSP output file handle
- @type handle: file
- """
- dssp = {}
- start = 0
- keys = []
- for l in handle.readlines():
- sl = l.split()
- if len(sl) < 2:
- continue
- if sl[1] == "RESIDUE":
- # Start parsing from here
- start = 1
- continue
- if not start:
- continue
- if l[9] == " ":
- # Skip -- missing residue
- continue
- resseq = int(l[5:10])
- icode = l[10]
- chainid = l[11]
- aa = l[13]
- ss = l[16]
- if ss == " ":
- ss = "-"
- try:
- acc = int(l[34:38])
- phi = float(l[103:109])
- psi = float(l[109:115])
- except ValueError as exc:
- # DSSP output breaks its own format when there are >9999
- # residues, since only 4 digits are allocated to the seq num
- # field. See 3kic chain T res 321, 1vsy chain T res 6077.
- # Here, look for whitespace to figure out the number of extra
- # digits, and shift parsing the rest of the line by that amount.
- if l[34] != ' ':
- shift = l[34:].find(' ')
- acc = int((l[34+shift:38+shift]))
- phi = float(l[103+shift:109+shift])
- psi = float(l[109+shift:115+shift])
- else:
- raise ValueError(exc)
- res_id = (" ", resseq, icode)
- dssp[(chainid, res_id)] = (aa, ss, acc, phi, psi)
- keys.append((chainid, res_id))
- return dssp, keys
- class DSSP(AbstractResiduePropertyMap):
- """
- Run DSSP on a pdb file, and provide a handle to the
- DSSP secondary structure and accessibility.
- **Note** that DSSP can only handle one model.
- Example:
- --------
- >>> p = PDBParser()
- >>> structure = p.get_structure("1MOT", "1MOT.pdb")
- >>> model = structure[0]
- >>> dssp = DSSP(model, "1MOT.pdb")
- >>> # DSSP data is accessed by a tuple (chain_id, res_id)
- >>> a_key = list(dssp)[2]
- >>> # residue object, secondary structure, solvent accessibility,
- >>> # relative accessiblity, phi, psi
- >>> dssp[a_key]
- (<Residue ALA het= resseq=251 icode= >,
- 'H',
- 72,
- 0.67924528301886788,
- -61.200000000000003,
- -42.399999999999999)
- """
- def __init__(self, model, pdb_file, dssp="dssp"):
- """
- ::
- @param model: the first model of the structure
- @type model: L{Model} ::
- @param pdb_file: a PDB file
- @type pdb_file: string ::
- @param dssp: the dssp executable (ie. the argument to os.system)
- @type dssp: string
- """
- # create DSSP dictionary
- dssp_dict, dssp_keys = dssp_dict_from_pdb_file(pdb_file, dssp)
- dssp_map = {}
- dssp_list = []
- def resid2code(res_id):
- """Serialize a residue's resseq and icode for easy comparison."""
- return '%s%s' % (res_id[1], res_id[2])
- # Now create a dictionary that maps Residue objects to
- # secondary structure and accessibility, and a list of
- # (residue, (secondary structure, accessibility)) tuples
- for key in dssp_keys:
- chain_id, res_id = key
- chain = model[chain_id]
- try:
- res = chain[res_id]
- except KeyError:
- # In DSSP, HET field is not considered in residue identifier.
- # Thus HETATM records may cause unnecessary exceptions.
- # (See 3jui chain A res 593.)
- # Try the lookup again with all HETATM other than water
- res_seq_icode = resid2code(res_id)
- for r in chain:
- if r.id[0] not in (' ', 'W'):
- # Compare resseq + icode
- if resid2code(r.id) == res_seq_icode:
- # Found a matching residue
- res = r
- break
- else:
- raise KeyError(res_id)
- # For disordered residues of point mutations, BioPython uses the
- # last one as default, But DSSP takes the first one (alternative
- # location is blank, A or 1). See 1h9h chain E resi 22.
- # Here we select the res in which all atoms have altloc blank, A or
- # 1. If no such residues are found, simply use the first one appears
- # (as DSSP does).
- if res.is_disordered() == 2:
- for rk in res.disordered_get_id_list():
- # All atoms in the disordered residue should have the same
- # altloc, so it suffices to check the altloc of the first
- # atom.
- altloc = res.child_dict[rk].get_list()[0].get_altloc()
- if altloc in tuple('A1 '):
- res.disordered_select(rk)
- break
- else:
- # Simply select the first one
- res.disordered_select(res.disordered_get_id_list()[0])
- # Sometimes point mutations are put into HETATM and ATOM with altloc
- # 'A' and 'B'.
- # See 3piu chain A residue 273:
- # <Residue LLP het=H_LLP resseq=273 icode= >
- # <Residue LYS het= resseq=273 icode= >
- # DSSP uses the HETATM LLP as it has altloc 'A'
- # We check the altloc code here.
- elif res.is_disordered() == 1:
- # Check altloc of all atoms in the DisorderedResidue. If it
- # contains blank, A or 1, then use it. Otherwise, look for HET
- # residues of the same seq+icode. If not such HET residues are
- # found, just accept the current one.
- altlocs = set(a.get_altloc() for a in res.get_unpacked_list())
- if altlocs.isdisjoint('A1 '):
- # Try again with all HETATM other than water
- res_seq_icode = resid2code(res_id)
- for r in chain:
- if r.id[0] not in (' ', 'W'):
- if resid2code(r.id) == res_seq_icode and \
- r.get_list()[0].get_altloc() in tuple('A1 '):
- res = r
- break
- aa, ss, acc, phi, psi = dssp_dict[key]
- res.xtra["SS_DSSP"] = ss
- res.xtra["EXP_DSSP_ASA"] = acc
- res.xtra["PHI_DSSP"] = phi
- res.xtra["PSI_DSSP"] = psi
- # Relative accessibility
- resname = res.get_resname()
- try:
- rel_acc = acc/MAX_ACC[resname]
- except KeyError:
- # Invalid value for resname
- rel_acc = 'NA'
- else:
- if rel_acc > 1.0:
- rel_acc = 1.0
- res.xtra["EXP_DSSP_RASA"] = rel_acc
- # Verify if AA in DSSP == AA in Structure
- # Something went wrong if this is not true!
- # NB: DSSP uses X often
- resname = SCOPData.protein_letters_3to1.get(resname, 'X')
- if resname == "C":
- # DSSP renames C in C-bridges to a,b,c,d,...
- # - we rename it back to 'C'
- if _dssp_cys.match(aa):
- aa = 'C'
- # Take care of HETATM again
- if (resname != aa) and (res.id[0] == ' ' or aa != 'X'):
- raise PDBException("Structure/DSSP mismatch at %s" % res)
- dssp_map[key] = ((res, ss, acc, rel_acc, phi, psi))
- dssp_list.append((res, ss, acc, rel_acc, phi, psi))
- AbstractResiduePropertyMap.__init__(self, dssp_map, dssp_keys,
- dssp_list)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- p = PDBParser()
- s = p.get_structure('X', sys.argv[1])
- model = s[0]
- d = DSSP(model, sys.argv[1])
- for r in d:
- print(r)
- print("Handled %i residues" % len(d))
- print(sorted(d))
- if ('A', 1) in d:
- print(d[('A', 1)])
- print(s[0]['A'][1].xtra)
- # Secondary structure
- print(''.join(item[1] for item in d))