Python | 229 lines | 163 code | 26 blank | 40 comment | 15 complexity | a824371b309569ac06c27ec80798ae15 MD5 | raw file
- """Supporting functions for the 'fix' command."""
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
- import logging
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- from . import params, smoothing
- def load_adjust_coverages(pset, ref_pset,
- fix_gc, fix_edge, fix_rmask):
- """Load and filter probe coverages; correct using reference and GC."""
- if 'gc' in pset:
- # Don't choke on Picard-derived files that have the GC column
- pset = pset.drop_extra_columns()
- # No corrections needed if there are no data rows (e.g. no antitargets)
- if not len(pset):
- return pset
- ref_matched = match_ref_to_probes(ref_pset, pset)
- # Drop probes that had poor coverage in the pooled reference
- ok_cvg_indices = ~mask_bad_probes(ref_matched)
- logging.info("Keeping %d of %d bins", sum(ok_cvg_indices), len(ref_matched))
- pset = pset[ok_cvg_indices]
- ref_matched = ref_matched[ok_cvg_indices]
- # Apply corrections for known systematic biases in coverage
- pset.center_all()
- if fix_gc:
- if 'gc' in ref_matched:
- logging.info("Correcting for GC bias...")
- pset = center_by_window(pset, .1, ref_matched['gc'])
- else:
- logging.warn("WARNING: Skipping correction for RepeatMasker bias")
- if fix_edge:
- logging.info("Correcting for density bias...")
- edge_bias = get_edge_bias(pset, params.INSERT_SIZE)
- pset = center_by_window(pset, .1, edge_bias)
- if fix_rmask:
- if 'rmask' in ref_matched:
- logging.info("Correcting for RepeatMasker bias...")
- pset = center_by_window(pset, .1, ref_matched['rmask'])
- else:
- logging.warn("WARNING: Skipping correction for RepeatMasker bias")
- # Normalize coverages according to the reference
- # (Subtract the reference log2 copy number to get the log2 ratio)
- pset.data['log2'] -= ref_matched['log2']
- pset.center_all()
- return apply_weights(pset, ref_matched)
- def mask_bad_probes(probes):
- """Flag the probes with excessively low or inconsistent coverage.
- Returns a bool array where True indicates probes that failed the checks.
- """
- mask = ((probes['log2'] < params.MIN_REF_COVERAGE) |
- (probes['spread'] > params.MAX_REF_SPREAD))
- if 'rmask' in probes:
- mask |= (probes['rmask'] > params.MAX_REPEAT_FRACTION)
- return mask
- def match_ref_to_probes(ref_pset, probes):
- """Filter the reference probes to match the target or antitarget probe set.
- """
- probes_labeled = probes.data.set_index(pd.Index(probes.coords()))
- ref_labeled = ref_pset.data.set_index(pd.Index(ref_pset.coords()))
- # Safety
- for dset, name in ((probes_labeled, "probe"),
- (ref_labeled, "reference")):
- dupes = dset.index.duplicated()
- if dupes.any():
- raise ValueError("Duplicated genomic coordinates in " + name +
- " set:\n" + "\n".join(map(str, dset.index[dupes])))
- ref_matched = ref_labeled.reindex(index=probes_labeled.index)
- # Check for signs that the wrong reference was used
- num_missing = pd.isnull(ref_matched.start).sum()
- if num_missing > 0:
- raise ValueError("Reference is missing %d bins found in %s"
- % (num_missing, probes.sample_id))
- return ref_pset.as_dataframe(ref_matched.reset_index(drop=True))
- def center_by_window(cnarr, fraction, sort_key):
- """Smooth out biases according to the trait specified by sort_key.
- E.g. correct GC-biased probes by windowed averaging across similar-GC
- probes; or for similar interval sizes.
- """
- # Separate neighboring probes that could have the same key
- # (to avoid re-centering actual CNV regions -- only want an independently
- # sampled subset of presumably overall-CN-neutral probes)
- df = cnarr.data.reset_index(drop=True)
- shuffle_order = np.random.permutation(df.index)
- df = df.reindex(shuffle_order)
- # Apply the same shuffling to the key array as to the target probe set
- assert isinstance(sort_key, (np.ndarray, pd.Series))
- sort_key = sort_key[shuffle_order]
- # Sort the data according to the specified parameter
- order = np.argsort(sort_key, kind='mergesort')
- df = df.iloc[order]
- biases = smoothing.rolling_median(df['log2'], fraction)
- # biases = smoothing.smoothed(df['log2'], fraction)
- df['log2'] -= biases
- fixarr = cnarr.as_dataframe(df)
- fixarr.sort()
- return fixarr
- def get_edge_bias(cnarr, margin):
- """Quantify the "edge effect" of the target tile and its neighbors.
- The result is proportional to the change in the target's coverage due to
- these edge effects, i.e. the expected loss of coverage near the target
- edges and, if there are close neighboring tiles, gain of coverage due
- to "spill over" reads from the neighbor tiles.
- (This is not the actual change in coverage. This is just a tribute.)
- """
- output_by_chrom = []
- for _chrom, subarr in cnarr.by_chromosome():
- tile_starts = np.asarray(subarr['start'])
- tile_ends = np.asarray(subarr['end'])
- tgt_sizes = tile_ends - tile_starts
- # Calculate coverage loss at (both edges of) each tile
- losses = edge_losses(tgt_sizes, margin)
- # Find tiled intervals within a margin (+/- bp) of the given probe
- # (excluding the probe itself), then calculate the relative coverage
- # "gain" due to the neighbors, if any
- gap_sizes = np.asarray(tile_starts[1:]) - np.asarray(tile_ends[:-1])
- ok_gaps_mask = (gap_sizes < margin)
- ok_gaps = gap_sizes[ok_gaps_mask]
- left_gains = edge_gains(tgt_sizes[1:][ok_gaps_mask], ok_gaps, margin)
- right_gains = edge_gains(tgt_sizes[:-1][ok_gaps_mask], ok_gaps, margin)
- gains = np.zeros(len(subarr))
- gains[np.concatenate([[False], ok_gaps_mask])] += left_gains
- gains[np.concatenate([ok_gaps_mask, [False]])] += right_gains
- output_by_chrom.append(gains - losses)
- return np.concatenate(output_by_chrom)
- def edge_losses(target_sizes, insert_size):
- """Calculate coverage losses at the edges of baited regions.
- Letting i = insert size and t = target size, the proportional loss of
- coverage near the two edges of the baited region (combined) is::
- i/2t
- If the "shoulders" extend outside the bait $(t < i), reduce by::
- (i-t)^2 / 4it
- on each side, or (i-t)^2 / 2it total.
- """
- losses = insert_size / (2 * target_sizes)
- # Drop the shoulder part that would extend past the bait
- small_mask = (target_sizes < insert_size)
- t_small = target_sizes[small_mask]
- losses[small_mask] -= ((insert_size - t_small)**2
- / (2 * insert_size * t_small))
- return losses
- def edge_gains(target_sizes, gap_sizes, insert_size):
- """Calculate coverage gain from neighboring baits' flanking reads.
- Letting i = insert size, t = target size, g = gap to neighboring bait,
- the gain of coverage due to a nearby bait, if g < i, is::
- (i-g)^2 / 4it
- If the neighbor flank extends beyond the target (t+g < i), reduce by::
- (i-t-g)^2 / 4it
- If a neighbor overlaps the target, treat it as adjacent (gap size 0).
- """
- if not (gap_sizes <= insert_size).all():
- raise ValueError("Gaps greater than insert size:\n" +
- gap_sizes[gap_sizes > insert_size].head())
- gap_sizes = np.maximum(0, gap_sizes)
- gains = ((insert_size - gap_sizes)**2
- / (4 * insert_size * target_sizes))
- # Drop the flank part that extends past this baited region
- past_other_side_mask = (target_sizes + gap_sizes < insert_size)
- g_past = gap_sizes[past_other_side_mask]
- t_past = target_sizes[past_other_side_mask]
- gains[past_other_side_mask] -= ((insert_size - t_past - g_past)**2
- / (4 * insert_size * t_past))
- return gains
- def apply_weights(cnarr, ref_matched, epsilon=1e-4):
- """Calculate weights for each bin.
- Weights are derived from:
- - bin sizes
- - average bin coverage depths in the reference
- - the "spread" column of the reference.
- """
- # Relative bin sizes
- sizes = ref_matched['end'] - ref_matched['start']
- weights = sizes / sizes.max()
- if (np.abs(np.mod(ref_matched['log2'], 1)) > epsilon).any():
- # NB: Not used with a flat reference
- logging.info("Weighting bins by relative coverage depths in reference")
- # Penalize bins that deviate from expected coverage
- flat_cvgs = ref_matched.expect_flat_cvg()
- weights *= 2 ** -np.abs(ref_matched['log2'] - flat_cvgs)
- if (ref_matched['spread'] > epsilon).any():
- # NB: Not used with a flat or paired reference
- logging.info("Weighting bins by coverage spread in reference")
- # Inverse of variance, 0--1
- variances = ref_matched['spread'] ** 2
- invvars = 1.0 - (variances / variances.max())
- weights = (weights + invvars) / 2
- # Avoid 0-value bins -- CBS doesn't like these
- weights = np.maximum(weights, epsilon)
- return cnarr.add_columns(weight=weights)