Python | 211 lines | 180 code | 3 blank | 28 comment | 2 complexity | 0bf42b510785d308dfc80e99ee1abd42 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Authors: Josef Perktold, Skipper Seabold, Denis A. Engemann
- """
- import numpy as np
- from statsmodels.graphics.plottools import rainbow
- import utils
- def interaction_plot(x, trace, response, func=np.mean, ax=None, plottype='b',
- xlabel=None, ylabel=None, colors=[], markers=[],
- linestyles=[], legendloc='best', legendtitle=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- Interaction plot for factor level statistics.
- Note. If categorial factors are supplied levels will be internally
- recoded to integers. This ensures matplotlib compatiblity.
- uses pandas.DataFrame to calculate an `aggregate` statistic for each
- level of the factor or group given by `trace`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : array-like
- The `x` factor levels constitute the x-axis. If a `pandas.Series` is
- given its name will be used in `xlabel` if `xlabel` is None.
- trace : array-like
- The `trace` factor levels will be drawn as lines in the plot.
- If `trace` is a `pandas.Series` its name will be used as the
- `legendtitle` if `legendtitle` is None.
- response : array-like
- The reponse or dependent variable. If a `pandas.Series` is given
- its name will be used in `ylabel` if `ylabel` is None.
- func : function
- Anything accepted by `pandas.DataFrame.aggregate`. This is applied to
- the response variable grouped by the trace levels.
- plottype : str {'line', 'scatter', 'both'}, optional
- The type of plot to return. Can be 'l', 's', or 'b'
- ax : axes, optional
- Matplotlib axes instance
- xlabel : str, optional
- Label to use for `x`. Default is 'X'. If `x` is a `pandas.Series` it
- will use the series names.
- ylabel : str, optional
- Label to use for `response`. Default is 'func of response'. If
- `response` is a `pandas.Series` it will use the series names.
- colors : list, optional
- If given, must have length == number of levels in trace.
- linestyles : list, optional
- If given, must have length == number of levels in trace.
- markers : list, optional
- If given, must have length == number of lovels in trace
- kwargs
- These will be passed to the plot command used either plot or scatter.
- If you want to control the overall plotting options, use kwargs.
- Returns
- -------
- fig : Figure
- The figure given by `ax.figure` or a new instance.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> import numpy as np
- >>> np.random.seed(12345)
- >>> weight = np.random.randint(1,4,size=60)
- >>> duration = np.random.randint(1,3,size=60)
- >>> days = np.log(np.random.randint(1,30, size=60))
- >>> fig = interaction_plot(weight, duration, days,
- ... colors=['red','blue'], markers=['D','^'], ms=10)
- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- >>> plt.show()
- .. plot::
- import numpy as np
- from statsmodels.graphics.factorplots import interaction_plot
- np.random.seed(12345)
- weight = np.random.randint(1,4,size=60)
- duration = np.random.randint(1,3,size=60)
- days = np.log(np.random.randint(1,30, size=60))
- fig = interaction_plot(weight, duration, days,
- colors=['red','blue'], markers=['D','^'], ms=10)
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- #plt.show()
- """
- from pandas import DataFrame
- fig, ax = utils.create_mpl_ax(ax)
- response_name = ylabel or getattr(response, 'name', 'response')
- ylabel = '%s of %s' % (func.func_name, response_name)
- xlabel = xlabel or getattr(x, 'name', 'X')
- legendtitle = legendtitle or getattr(trace, 'name', 'Trace')
- ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
- ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)
- x_values = x_levels = None
- if isinstance(x[0], str):
- x_levels = [l for l in np.unique(x)]
- x_values = xrange(len(x_levels))
- x = _recode(x, dict(zip(x_levels, x_values)))
- data = DataFrame(dict(x=x, trace=trace, response=response))
- plot_data = data.groupby(['trace', 'x']).aggregate(func).reset_index()
- # return data
- # check plot args
- n_trace = len(plot_data['trace'].unique())
- if linestyles:
- try:
- assert len(linestyles) == n_trace
- except AssertionError, err:
- raise ValueError("Must be a linestyle for each trace level")
- else: # set a default
- linestyles = ['-'] * n_trace
- if markers:
- try:
- assert len(markers) == n_trace
- except AssertionError, err:
- raise ValueError("Must be a linestyle for each trace level")
- else: # set a default
- markers = ['.'] * n_trace
- if colors:
- try:
- assert len(colors) == n_trace
- except AssertionError, err:
- raise ValueError("Must be a linestyle for each trace level")
- else: # set a default
- #TODO: how to get n_trace different colors?
- colors = rainbow(n_trace)
- if plottype == 'both' or plottype == 'b':
- for i, (values, group) in enumerate(plot_data.groupby(['trace'])):
- # trace label
- label = str(group['trace'].values[0])
- ax.plot(group['x'], group['response'], color=colors[i],
- marker=markers[i], label=label,
- linestyle=linestyles[i], **kwargs)
- elif plottype == 'line' or plottype == 'l':
- for i, (values, group) in enumerate(plot_data.groupby(['trace'])):
- # trace label
- label = str(group['trace'].values[0])
- ax.plot(group['x'], group['response'], color=colors[i],
- label=label, linestyle=linestyles[i], **kwargs)
- elif plottype == 'scatter' or plottype == 's':
- for i, (values, group) in enumerate(plot_data.groupby(['trace'])):
- # trace label
- label = str(group['trace'].values[0])
- ax.scatter(group['x'], group['response'], color=colors[i],
- label=label, marker=markers[i], **kwargs)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Plot type %s not understood" % plottype)
- ax.legend(loc=legendloc, title=legendtitle)
- ax.margins(.1)
- if all([x_levels, x_values]):
- ax.set_xticks(x_values)
- ax.set_xticklabels(x_levels)
- return fig
- def _recode(x, levels):
- """ Recode categorial data to int factor.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : array-like
- array like object supporting with numpy array methods of categorially
- coded data.
- levels : dict
- mapping of labels to integer-codings
- Returns
- -------
- out : instance numpy.ndarray
- """
- from pandas import Series
- name = None
- if isinstance(x, Series):
- name = x.name
- x = x.values
- if x.dtype.type not in [np.str_, np.object_]:
- raise ValueError('This is not a categorial factor.'
- ' Array of str type required.')
- elif not isinstance(levels, dict):
- raise ValueError('This is not a valid value for levels.'
- ' Dict required.')
- elif not (np.unique(x) == np.unique(levels.keys())).all():
- raise ValueError('The levels do not match the array values.')
- else:
- out = np.empty(x.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
- for level, coding in levels.items():
- out[x == level] = coding
- if name:
- out = Series(out)
- out.name = name
- return out