Python | 380 lines | 369 code | 4 blank | 7 comment | 1 complexity | 62bae661fdc0e0bd3f2d3402f95718ca MD5 | raw file
- from __future__ import print_function
- import warnings
- from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator, all_properties
- from ase.constraints import dict2constraint
- from ase.atoms import Atoms
- from ase.io.aff import affopen, DummyWriter, InvalidAFFError
- from ase.io.jsonio import encode, decode
- from ase.io.pickletrajectory import PickleTrajectory
- from ase.parallel import world
- __all__ = ['Trajectory', 'PickleTrajectory']
- def Trajectory(filename, mode='r', atoms=None, properties=None, master=None):
- """A Trajectory can be created in read, write or append mode.
- Parameters:
- filename: str
- The name of the file. Traditionally ends in .traj.
- mode: str
- The mode. 'r' is read mode, the file should already exist, and
- no atoms argument should be specified.
- 'w' is write mode. The atoms argument specifies the Atoms
- object to be written to the file, if not given it must instead
- be given as an argument to the write() method.
- 'a' is append mode. It acts as write mode, except that
- data is appended to a preexisting file.
- atoms: Atoms object
- The Atoms object to be written in write or append mode.
- properties: list of str
- If specified, these calculator properties are saved in the
- trajectory. If not specified, all supported quantities are
- saved. Possible values: energy, forces, stress, dipole,
- charges, magmom and magmoms.
- master: bool
- Controls which process does the actual writing. The
- default is that process number 0 does this. If this
- argument is given, processes where it is True will write.
- The atoms, properties and master arguments are ignores in read mode.
- """
- if mode == 'r':
- return TrajectoryReader(filename)
- return TrajectoryWriter(filename, mode, atoms, properties, master=master)
- class TrajectoryWriter:
- """Writes Atoms objects to a .traj file."""
- def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', atoms=None, properties=None,
- extra=[], master=None):
- """A Trajectory writer, in write or append mode.
- Parameters:
- filename: str
- The name of the file. Traditionally ends in .traj.
- mode: str
- The mode. 'r' is read mode, the file should already exist, and
- no atoms argument should be specified.
- 'w' is write mode. The atoms argument specifies the Atoms
- object to be written to the file, if not given it must instead
- be given as an argument to the write() method.
- 'a' is append mode. It acts as write mode, except that
- data is appended to a preexisting file.
- atoms: Atoms object
- The Atoms object to be written in write or append mode.
- properties: list of str
- If specified, these calculator properties are saved in the
- trajectory. If not specified, all supported quantities are
- saved. Possible values: energy, forces, stress, dipole,
- charges, magmom and magmoms.
- master: bool
- Controls which process does the actual writing. The
- default is that process number 0 does this. If this
- argument is given, processes where it is True will write.
- """
- if master is None:
- master = (world.rank == 0)
- self.master = master
- self.atoms = atoms
- self.properties = properties
- self.numbers = None
- self.pbc = None
- self.masses = None
- self._open(filename, mode)
- def _open(self, filename, mode):
- if mode not in 'aw':
- raise ValueError('mode must be "w" or "a".')
- if self.master:
- self.backend = affopen(filename, mode, tag='ASE-Trajectory')
- if len(self.backend) > 0:
- r = affopen(filename)
- self.numbers = r.numbers
- self.pbc = r.pbc
- else:
- self.backend = DummyWriter()
- def write(self, atoms=None, **kwargs):
- """Write the atoms to the file.
- If the atoms argument is not given, the atoms object specified
- when creating the trajectory object is used.
- Use keyword arguments to add extra properties::
- writer.write(atoms, energy=117, dipole=[0, 0, 1.0])
- """
- b = self.backend
- if atoms is None:
- atoms = self.atoms
- if hasattr(atoms, 'interpolate'):
- # seems to be a NEB
- neb = atoms
- assert not neb.parallel or world.size == 1
- for image in neb.images:
- self.write(image)
- return
- while hasattr(atoms, 'atoms_for_saving'):
- # Seems to be a Filter or similar, instructing us to
- # save the original atoms.
- atoms = atoms.atoms_for_saving
- if len(b) == 0:
- b.write(version=1)
- # Atomic numbers and periodic boundary conditions are only
- # written once - in the header. Store them here so that we can
- # check that they are the same for all images:
- self.numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
- self.pbc = atoms.get_pbc()
- else:
- if (atoms.pbc != self.pbc).any():
- raise ValueError('Bad periodic boundary conditions!')
- elif len(atoms) != len(self.numbers):
- raise ValueError('Bad number of atoms!')
- elif (atoms.numbers != self.numbers).any():
- raise ValueError('Bad atomic numbers!')
- write_atoms(b, atoms, write_header=(len(b) == 0))
- calc = atoms.get_calculator()
- if calc is None and len(kwargs) > 0:
- calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms)
- if calc is not None:
- if not hasattr(calc, 'get_property'):
- calc = OldCalculatorWrapper(calc)
- c = b.child('calculator')
- c.write(name=calc.name)
- for prop in all_properties:
- if prop in kwargs:
- x = kwargs[prop]
- else:
- if self.properties is not None:
- if prop in self.properties:
- x = calc.get_property(prop, atoms)
- else:
- x = None
- else:
- try:
- x = calc.get_property(prop, atoms,
- allow_calculation=False)
- except (NotImplementedError, KeyError):
- # KeyError is needed for Jacapo.
- x = None
- if x is not None:
- if prop in ['stress', 'dipole']:
- x = x.tolist()
- c.write(prop, x)
- info = {}
- for key, value in atoms.info.items():
- try:
- encode(value)
- except TypeError:
- warnings.warn('Skipping "{0}" info.'.format(key))
- else:
- info[key] = value
- if info:
- b.write(info=info)
- b.sync()
- def close(self):
- """Close the trajectory file."""
- self.backend.close()
- def __len__(self):
- return world.sum(len(self.backend))
- class TrajectoryReader:
- """Reads Atoms objects from a .traj file."""
- def __init__(self, filename):
- """A Trajectory in read mode.
- The filename traditionally ends in .traj.
- """
- self.numbers = None
- self.pbc = None
- self.masses = None
- self._open(filename)
- def _open(self, filename):
- try:
- self.backend = affopen(filename, 'r')
- except InvalidAFFError:
- raise RuntimeError('This is not a valid ASE trajectory file. '
- 'If this is an old-format (version <3.9) '
- 'PickleTrajectory file you can convert it '
- 'with ase.io.trajectory.convert("%s") '
- 'or:\n\n $ python -m ase.io.trajectory %s'
- % (filename, filename))
- self._read_header()
- def _read_header(self):
- b = self.backend
- if b.get_tag() != 'ASE-Trajectory':
- raise IOError('This is not a trajectory file!')
- if len(b) > 0:
- self.pbc = b.pbc
- self.numbers = b.numbers
- self.masses = b.get('masses')
- self.constraints = b.get('constraints', '[]')
- def close(self):
- """Close the trajectory file."""
- self.backend.close()
- def __getitem__(self, i=-1):
- b = self.backend[i]
- atoms = read_atoms(b, header=[self.pbc, self.numbers, self.masses,
- self.constraints])
- if 'calculator' in b:
- results = {}
- c = b.calculator
- for prop in all_properties:
- if prop in c:
- results[prop] = c.get(prop)
- calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results)
- calc.name = b.calculator.name
- atoms.set_calculator(calc)
- return atoms
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.backend)
- def __iter__(self):
- for i in range(len(self)):
- yield self[i]
- def read_atoms(backend, header=None):
- b = backend
- if header:
- pbc, numbers, masses, constraints = header
- else:
- pbc = b.pbc
- numbers = b.numbers
- masses = b.get('masses')
- constraints = b.get('constraints', '[]')
- atoms = Atoms(positions=b.positions,
- numbers=numbers,
- cell=b.cell,
- masses=masses,
- pbc=pbc,
- info=b.get('info'),
- constraint=[dict2constraint(d)
- for d in decode(constraints)],
- momenta=b.get('momenta'),
- magmoms=b.get('magmoms'),
- charges=b.get('charges'),
- tags=b.get('tags'))
- return atoms
- def write_atoms(backend, atoms, write_header=True):
- b = backend
- if write_header:
- b.write(pbc=atoms.pbc.tolist(),
- numbers=atoms.numbers)
- if atoms.constraints:
- if all(hasattr(c, 'todict') for c in atoms.constraints):
- b.write(constraints=encode(atoms.constraints))
- if atoms.has('masses'):
- b.write(masses=atoms.get_masses())
- b.write(positions=atoms.get_positions(),
- cell=atoms.get_cell().tolist())
- if atoms.has('tags'):
- b.write(tags=atoms.get_tags())
- if atoms.has('momenta'):
- b.write(momenta=atoms.get_momenta())
- if atoms.has('magmoms'):
- b.write(magmoms=atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments())
- if atoms.has('charges'):
- b.write(charges=atoms.get_initial_charges())
- def read_traj(filename, index):
- trj = TrajectoryReader(filename)
- for i in range(*index.indices(len(trj))):
- yield trj[i]
- def write_traj(filename, images):
- """Write image(s) to trajectory."""
- trj = TrajectoryWriter(filename, mode='w')
- if isinstance(images, Atoms):
- images = [images]
- for atoms in images:
- trj.write(atoms)
- trj.close()
- class OldCalculatorWrapper:
- def __init__(self, calc):
- self.calc = calc
- try:
- self.name = calc.name
- except AttributeError:
- self.name = calc.__class__.__name__.lower()
- def get_property(self, prop, atoms, allow_calculation=True):
- try:
- if (not allow_calculation and
- self.calc.calculation_required(atoms, [prop])):
- return None
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- method = 'get_' + {'energy': 'potential_energy',
- 'magmom': 'magnetic_moment',
- 'magmoms': 'magnetic_moments',
- 'dipole': 'dipole_moment'}.get(prop, prop)
- try:
- result = getattr(self.calc, method)(atoms)
- except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError
- return result
- def convert(name):
- import os
- t = TrajectoryWriter(name + '.new')
- for atoms in PickleTrajectory(name, _warn=False):
- t.write(atoms)
- t.close()
- os.rename(name, name + '.old')
- os.rename(name + '.new', name)
- def main():
- import optparse
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='python -m ase.io.trajectory '
- 'a1.traj [a2.traj ...]',
- description='Convert old trajectory '
- 'file(s) to new format. '
- 'The old file is kept as a1.traj.old.')
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- for name in args:
- convert(name)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()