C# | 554 lines | 422 code | 55 blank | 77 comment | 108 complexity | 96098b8bc2553bebedae99d48a998206 MD5 | raw file
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- public class Map : MonoBehaviour {
- // Dictionary<string, Land> map = new Dictionary<string, Land>();
- Dict<Land> map = new Dict<Land>();
- List<Land> landList = new List<Land>();
- List<int> intList = new List<int>();
- Dictionary<Land, int> f_Scores = new Dictionary<Land, int>();
- Dictionary<Land, int> g_Scores = new Dictionary<Land, int>();
- Dictionary<Land, Land> cameFrom = new Dictionary<Land, Land>();
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start () {
- setUpMap();
- // printContents();
- }
- // Update is called once per frame
- void Update (){
- }
- public void check(){
- Debug.Log("There is an instance of this thing on another thing");
- }
- // getters and seters
- // i set these 2 getters to void and returned nothing but i do not know
- // why. so i guess this is why commenting is incredibly important
- // these will not work since the key is an object where the values
- // are technically not the same
- public Land getLandAt(Vector2 iarry){
- return map.get((int)iarry.x, (int)iarry.y);
- }
- public Land getLandAt(int x, int y){
- // Vector2 arry = new Vector2();
- // arry.x = x;
- // arry.y = y;
- string arry = x + "," + y;
- return map.get(arry);
- }
- public Land getLandAt(string pos){
- return map.get(pos);
- }
- // helper methods
- public void printContents(){
- string mapString = map.ToString();
- Debug.Log(mapString);
- }
- private void setUpMap(){
- foreach(Transform ch in transform){
- Land land = ch.gameObject.GetComponent<Land>();
- if(land != null){
- string pos = land.x + "," + land.y;
- map.Add(pos, land);
- }
- else
- Debug.Log(ch.position);
- }
- }
- public Land[] getNeighborsOfLand(Land current){
- Land[] lArray = new Land[4];
- lArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- lArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- lArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- lArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- return lArray;
- }
- // this recursive will hightlight all possible areas that a unit can go to
- // well here it goes
- // i think this is the A* algorithm
- // i might put this in a different script or class
- // most likely in a unit class since i can just make each unit have
- // a link to the map class
- public void findMovableLands(List<Land> arlLand, Land land, int m){
- arlLand.Add(land);
- recGetUnitMovableV(arlLand, land, m);
- }
- public void findMovableLands(Unit u, Land l, int m){
- u.getMoveableList().Add(l);
- recGetUnitLandList(u, l, m, -1);
- }
- // for attacking
- public void recGetUnitMovableV(List<Land> arlLand, Land land, int m){
- if(land == null)
- return;
- int x = land.x;
- int y = land.y;
- if(!arlLand.Contains(land))
- arlLand.Add(land);
- if(m > 0){
- m--;
- // check left
- recGetUnitMovableV(arlLand, map.get(x-1, y), m);
- // check right
- recGetUnitMovableV(arlLand, map.get(x+1, y), m);
- // check up
- recGetUnitMovableV(arlLand, map.get(x, y+1), m);
- // check down
- recGetUnitMovableV(arlLand, map.get(x, y-1), m);
- }
- }
- // for moving
- public void recGetUnitLandList(Unit u, Land l,int m, int indexPrior){
- if(l == null)
- return;
- m = m+l.terrain;
- int x = l.x;
- int y = l.y;
- bool walk = true;
- if(null != l.getUnit()){
- Unit other = l.getUnit();
- walk = other.getTeam() == u.getTeam();
- }
- else
- walk = l.getWalkable();
- if(m>=0 && (walk || u.getMoveableList().Contains(l))){
- if(!u.getMoveableList().Contains(l))
- u.getMoveableList().Add(l);
- if(indexPrior < u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l)){
- m--;
- // check left
- recGetUnitLandList(u, map.get(x-1, y), m, u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l));
- // check right
- recGetUnitLandList(u, map.get(x+1, y), m, u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l));
- // check up
- recGetUnitLandList(u, map.get(x, y+1), m, u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l));
- // check down
- recGetUnitLandList(u, map.get(x, y-1), m, u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l));
- }
- }
- }
- // always clear the int list before hand
- public void recGetUnitLandList(Unit u, int m){
- List<Land> newList = new List<Land>();
- List<int> newIntList = new List<int>();
- bool areAllZero = true;
- foreach(Land current in landList){
- int thing = landList.IndexOf(current);
- int move = intList[thing];
- if(move > 0){
- areAllZero = false;
- Land[] lArray = new Land[4];
- lArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- lArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- lArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- lArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- for(int i =0; i<lArray.Length; i++){
- Land l = lArray[i];
- Debug.Log(l);
- if(l==null){
- Debug.Log(current);
- }
- else if(!u.getMoveableList().Contains(l) && !newList.Contains(l) && move-1+l.terrain >= 0 && l.walkable){
- u.getMoveableList().Add(l);
- newList.Add(l);
- newIntList.Add(move-1+l.terrain);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if all the outside ints are zero end the recursion
- if(areAllZero){
- return;
- }
- landList = newList;
- intList = newIntList;
- recGetUnitLandList(u, m);
- }
- // assume first l has been added already to the int list and landlist
- // best one
- public void getMoveRange(Unit u, Land current, int move){
- Land[] lArray = new Land[4];
- try{
- lArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- lArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- lArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- lArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- }
- catch{
- return;
- }
- for(int i =0; i<lArray.Length; i++){
- Land l = lArray[i];
- int newMove = 0;
- Unit uOnLand = null;
- bool goNext = true;
- if(l!=null){
- newMove = move-l.terrain-1;
- if(l.occupiedEh){
- uOnLand = l.getUnit();
- if(uOnLand.team != u.getTeam()){
- goNext = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if(l==null){
- }
- //ADD
- else if(!u.getMoveableList().Contains(l) && newMove >= 0 && (l.walkable||goNext)){
- u.getMoveableList().Add(l);
- intList.Add(move-1-l.terrain);
- getMoveRange(u, l, newMove);
- }
- else if(u.getMoveableList().Contains(l) && (l.walkable||goNext)){
- int index = u.getMoveableList().IndexOf(l);
- int oldMove = intList[index];
- if(newMove > oldMove){
- intList[index] = newMove;
- getMoveRange(u, l, newMove);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void getFullAttackRange(Unit u, Land current, int move, List<Land> thing, List<Land> closeOccupiedLands){
- Land[] lArray = new Land[4];
- lArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- lArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- lArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- lArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- for(int i =0; i<lArray.Length; i++){
- Land l = lArray[i];
- int newMove = 0;
- if(l!=null)
- newMove = move-l.terrain-1;
- if(l==null){
- }
- //ADD
- else if(!thing.Contains(l) && newMove >= 0 && (l.walkable || (!l.walkable && l.occupiedEh))){
- thing.Add(l);
- intList.Add(move-1-l.terrain);
- if(l.occupiedEh){
- if(l.getUnit().team != u.team){
- closeOccupiedLands.Add(l);
- }
- else
- getFullAttackRange(u, l, newMove, thing, closeOccupiedLands);
- }
- else
- getFullAttackRange(u, l, newMove, thing, closeOccupiedLands);
- }
- else if(thing.Contains(l) && (l.walkable || (!l.walkable && l.occupiedEh))){
- int index = thing.IndexOf(l);
- int oldMove = intList[index];
- if(newMove > oldMove){
- intList[index] = newMove;
- getFullAttackRange(u, l, newMove, thing, closeOccupiedLands);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public Unit getUnitInRange(Unit u){
- List<Land> listTracker = new List<Land>();
- List<Land> actualList = new List<Land>();
- listTracker.Add(u.getLandInhabiting());
- landList.Clear();
- intList.Clear();
- landList.Add(u.getLandInhabiting());
- intList.Add(u.move);
- getFullAttackRange(u, u.getLandInhabiting(), u.move, listTracker, actualList);
- Unit target = null;
- int mdist = 100;
- foreach(Land l in actualList){
- int newDist = mDist(u.getLandInhabiting(), l);
- if(newDist < mdist){
- if(l.getUnit().getTeam() != u.getTeam()){
- target = l.getUnit();
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
- }
- public void getMoveList(Unit unit){
- int move = unit.getMove();
- unit.getMoveableList().Add(unit.getLandInhabiting());
- landList.Clear();
- intList.Clear();
- landList.Add(unit.getLandInhabiting());
- intList.Add(unit.move);
- getMoveRange(unit, unit.getLandInhabiting(), unit.move);
- }
- public Land landClostestToTarget(Unit u, Unit target, Land current, int m, List<Land> newLand){
- Land landTarget = target.getLandInhabiting();
- if(m<=0){
- newLand.Add(current);
- return current;
- }
- Land[] landArray = new Land[4];
- landArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- landArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- landArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- landArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- for(int i=0; i<landArray.Length; i++){
- Land l = landArray[i];
- int newM = m-1+l.terrain;
- float dist = distance(l, landTarget);
- float curr = distance(current, landTarget);
- if(!l.walkable && l.occupiedEh){
- Unit unitOnLand = l.getUnit();
- if(unitOnLand == target){
- newLand.Add(l);
- return current;
- }
- }
- else if(l.terrain < 0 && dist < curr){
- newLand.Add(l);
- }
- if(!(newM <= -1) && l.walkable && dist < curr){
- newLand.Add(l);
- return landClostestToTarget(u, target, l, newM, newLand);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // public Land landClostestToTarget(Unit u, Unit target, Land current, int m){
- // Land landTarget = target.getLandInhabiting();
- // bool done = false;
- // Land nextLand = current;
- // // done is m == 0 or if distance is == 1
- // do{
- // float currDist = distance(current, landTarget);
- // Land[] landArray = new Land[4];
- // landArray[0] = map.get(nextLand.x-1, nextLand.y);
- // landArray[1] = map.get(nextLand.x+1, nextLand.y);
- // landArray[2] = map.get(nextLand.x, nextLand.y+1);
- // landArray[3] = map.get (nextLand.x, nextLand.y-1);
- //
- // for(int i = 0; i<landArray.Length; i++){
- // Land l = landArray[i];
- // if(Mathf.Approximately(distance(l, landTarget), 0)){
- // done = true;
- // }
- // else if(distance(l, landTarget) < currDist
- // && l.walkable){
- // nextLand = l;
- // }
- // }
- // if(!done)
- // m = m-1+nextLand.terrain;
- // if(m == 0)
- // done = true;
- //
- // }while(!done);
- // return nextLand;
- // }
- private float distance(Land l1, Land l2){
- return distance2D(l1.transform.position, l2.transform.position);
- }
- private float distance2D(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2){
- float x1 = vec1.x;
- float z1 = vec1.z;
- float x2 = vec2.x;
- float z2 = vec2.z;
- float deltaX = x1 - x2;
- float deltaZ = z1 - z2;
- float beforeSquare = deltaX * deltaX + deltaZ * deltaZ;
- float dist = Mathf.Sqrt(beforeSquare);
- return dist;
- }
- public List<Land> getNextMove(Unit u, Land target){
- Land first = u.getLandInhabiting();
- return aStarPathFinder(first, target, u);
- }
- private List<Land> aStarPathFinder(Land start, Land end, Unit u){
- f_Scores.Clear();
- g_Scores.Clear();
- cameFrom.Clear();
- List<Land> openList = new List<Land>();
- List<Land> closeList = new List<Land>();
- openList.Add(start);
- Land current = start;
- g_Scores.Add(start, 0);
- while(openList.Count > 0){
- // removing lowest rank
- current = getLowestFScore(end, openList);
- // checking if the g score is equal to the units move
- // or if current is the goal
- if(g_Scores[current] >= u.getMove() || current == end){
- if(current.occupiedEh){
- if(current.getUnit() != u){
- openList.Remove(current);
- closeList.Add(current);
- current = cameFrom[current];
- }
- else{
- end = current;
- break;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(g_Scores[current] == u.getMove())
- end = current;
- else if(g_Scores[current] > u.getMove()){
- end = cameFrom[current];
- }
- else
- end = current;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(g_Scores[current] < u.getMove() && mDist(end, current) == 1 && end.occupiedEh){
- end = current;
- break;
- }
- // removing current from open
- openList.Remove(current);
- // add ing it to close
- closeList.Add(current);
- // for neighbors of current
- Land[] landArray = new Land[4];
- landArray[0] = map.get(current.x-1, current.y);
- landArray[1] = map.get(current.x+1, current.y);
- landArray[2] = map.get(current.x, current.y+1);
- landArray[3] = map.get (current.x, current.y-1);
- for(int i=0; i<landArray.Length; i++){
- Land l = landArray[i];
- bool goForward = true;
- if(l == null){
- goForward = false;
- }
- else if(l.occupiedEh){
- Unit unit = l.getUnit();
- if(unit.team != u.team)
- goForward = false;
- // if(!l.walkable){
- // goForward = false;
- // }
- }
- if(goForward){
- int cost = g_Scores[current] + l.terrain + 1;
- if(openList.Contains(l)){
- if(cost < g_Scores[l]){
- g_Scores[l] = cost;
- }
- }
- else if(closeList.Contains(l)){
- if(cost < g_Scores[l] + l.terrain+1){
- closeList.Remove(l);
- openList.Add(l);
- g_Scores[l] = cost;
- cameFrom[l] = current;
- }
- }
- else if(!openList.Contains(l)){
- openList.Add(l);
- g_Scores.Add(l, cost);
- cameFrom.Add(l, current);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- List<Land> thing = new List<Land>();
- try{
- thing = getPath(start, end);
- }
- catch{
- Debug.Log("something went wrong in getPath()");
- }
- return thing;
- }
- private List<Land> getPath(Land start, Land end){
- List<Land> newList = new List<Land>();
- Land l = end;
- if(start == end){
- newList.Add(end);
- return newList;
- }
- while(l != start){
- newList.Add(l);
- l = cameFrom[l];
- }
- newList.Reverse();
- return newList;
- }
- private int mDist(Land start, Land end){
- int sX = start.x;
- int sY = start.y;
- int eX = end.x;
- int eY = end.y;
- int deltaX = Mathf.Abs(sX - eX);
- int deltaY = Mathf.Abs(sY - eY);
- return deltaX + deltaY;
- }
- private Land getLowestFScore(Land end, List<Land> list){
- List<Land> lowest = new List<Land>();
- int numLow = 100;
- foreach(Land l in list){
- int fScore = mDist(l, end) + g_Scores[l];
- if(fScore < numLow){
- lowest.Add(l);
- numLow = fScore;
- }
- }
- if(lowest.Count == 1){
- return lowest[0];
- }
- else{
- return lowest[lowest.Count-1];
- }
- }
- }