Python | 311 lines | 276 code | 18 blank | 17 comment | 14 complexity | b8e3cbcb2ea6fcc63d7155215dfd55c4 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ###################################################
- # LOCAL import
- ###################################################
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.iptvplayerinit import TranslateTXT as _, SetIPTVPlayerLastHostError
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.ihost import CHostBase, CBaseHostClass, CDisplayListItem, RetHost, CUrlItem, ArticleContent
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.tools.iptvtools import printDBG, printExc, CSearchHistoryHelper, remove_html_markup, GetLogoDir, GetCookieDir, byteify
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.pCommon import common, CParsingHelper
- import Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.urlparser as urlparser
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.youtube_dl.utils import clean_html
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.tools.iptvtypes import strwithmeta
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.moonwalkcc import MoonwalkParser
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.youtubeparser import YouTubeParser
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # FOREIGN import
- ###################################################
- import copy
- import re
- import urllib
- import base64
- try: import json
- except Exception: import simplejson as json
- from datetime import datetime
- from Components.config import config, ConfigSelection, ConfigYesNo, ConfigText, getConfigListEntry
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.asynccall import MainSessionWrapper
- from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # Config options for HOST
- ###################################################
- def GetConfigList():
- optionList = []
- return optionList
- ###################################################
- def gettytul():
- return 'http://hdprofili.weebly.com/'
- class HDProfili(CBaseHostClass):
- MAIN_URL = 'http://hdprofili.weebly.com/'
- SEARCH_URL = MAIN_URL + 'index.php?q='
- DEFAULT_ICON_URL = 'http://hdprofili.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/9/8/30985093/1449164652.png'
- {'category':'movie_cats', 'title': _('Movie'), 'url':MAIN_URL+'filma-me-titra-shqip', 'icon':DEFAULT_ICON_URL },
- {'category':'list_items1', 'title': _('Animation [dubbing]'), 'url':MAIN_URL+'filma-te-dubluar-ne-shqip.html', 'icon':DEFAULT_ICON_URL },
- {'category':'list_items3', 'title': _('Series [dubbing]'), 'url':MAIN_URL+'seriale-dubluar-ne-shqip.html', 'icon':DEFAULT_ICON_URL },
- {'category':'list_items2', 'title': _('Animation [subtitles]'), 'url':MAIN_URL+'filma-te-animuar-me-titra-shqip.html', 'icon':DEFAULT_ICON_URL },
- {'category':'list_items3', 'title': _('Series [subtitles]'), 'url':MAIN_URL+'seriale-te-animuar-me-titra-shqip.html', 'icon':DEFAULT_ICON_URL },
- ]
- def __init__(self):
- CBaseHostClass.__init__(self, {'history':'HDProfili', 'cookie':'HDProfili.cookie'})
- def _getFullUrl(self, url):
- mainUrl = self.MAIN_URL
- if 0 < len(url) and not url.startswith('http'):
- if url.startswith('/'):
- url = url[1:]
- url = mainUrl + url
- if not mainUrl.startswith('https://'):
- url = url.replace('https://', 'http://')
- return url
- def listsTab(self, tab, cItem, type='dir'):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listsTab")
- for item in tab:
- params = dict(cItem)
- params.update(item)
- params['name'] = 'category'
- if type == 'dir':
- self.addDir(params)
- else: self.addVideo(params)
- def listMainMenu(self):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listMainMenu")
- self.listsTab(self.MAIN_CAT_TAB, {'name':'category'})
- def listCategories(self, cItem, category):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listCategories")
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(cItem['url'])
- if not sts: return
- data = self.cm.ph.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, '<p class="blog-category-list">', '</p>', False)[1]
- data = re.compile('<a[^<]+?href="([^"]+?)"[^<]*?>([^<]+?)</a>').findall(data)
- for item in data:
- params = dict(cItem)
- params.update({'title':item[1], 'url':self._getFullUrl(item[0]), 'category':category})
- self.addDir(params)
- def listItems1(self, cItem):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listItems1")
- page = cItem.get('page', 1)
- url = cItem['url']
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts: return
- nextPageUrl = self.cm.ph.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, '<div class="blog-page-nav-previous">', '</div>', False)[1]
- nextPageUrl = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(nextPageUrl, '<a[^<]+?href="([^"]+?)"[^<]*?>')[0]
- data = self.cm.ph.getAllItemsBeetwenMarkers(data, '<div class="blog-header">', '</table>', False)
- for item in data:
- url = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(item, 'href="([^"]+?)"')[0]
- title = self.cm.ph.getDataBeetwenMarkers(item, '<h2 class="blog-title">', '</h2>', False)[1]
- title = self.cleanHtmlStr( title )
- if title == '': continue
- icon = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(item, '<img[^>]+?src="([^"]+?)"')[0]
- desc = self.cm.ph.getDataBeetwenMarkers(item, '<span class="date-text">', '</span>', False)[1]
- params = dict(cItem)
- params.update({'title':title, 'icon':self._getFullUrl(icon), 'desc':self.cleanHtmlStr(desc), 'url':self._getFullUrl(url)})
- self.addVideo(params)
- if nextPageUrl != '':
- params = dict(cItem)
- params.update({'title':_('Next page'), 'page':cItem.get('page', 1)+1, 'url':self._getFullUrl(nextPageUrl)})
- self.addDir(params)
- def listItems2(self, cItem, data=None, serTitle=''):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listItems2")
- if data == None:
- url = cItem['url']
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts: return
- data = self.cm.ph.getAllItemsBeetwenMarkers(data, "<div class='galleryInnerImageHolder'>", '</a>', True)
- for item in data:
- url = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(item, '''href=["']([^"^']+?)["']''')[0]
- title = self.cleanHtmlStr( item )
- if title == '': title = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(item, '''title=["']([^"^']+?)["']''')[0]
- if title == '': continue
- icon = self.cm.ph.getSearchGroups(item, '''<img[^>]+?src=["']([^"^']+?)["']''')[0]
- desc = ''
- params = dict(cItem)
- params.update({'title':serTitle+title, 'icon':self._getFullUrl(icon), 'desc':self.cleanHtmlStr(desc), 'url':self._getFullUrl(url)})
- self.addVideo(params)
- def listItems3(self, cItem):
- printDBG("HDProfili.listItems3")
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(cItem['url'])
- if not sts: return
- sp = '<h2 class="wsite-content-title" style="text-align:center;">'
- data = self.cm.ph.getDataBeetwenMarkers(data, sp, '</script>', False)[1]
- data = data.split(sp)
- for serItem in data:
- serieTitle = self.cleanHtmlStr( serItem.split('</h2>')[0] )
- self.listItems2(cItem, serItem, serieTitle + ': ')
- def getLinksForVideo(self, cItem):
- printDBG("HDProfili.getLinksForVideo [%s]" % cItem)
- urlTab = []
- if 'hdprofili.weebly.com' in cItem['url']:
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(cItem['url'])
- if not sts: return []
- playerUrlTab = re.compile('''<iframe[^>]+?src=["']([^"^']+?)["']''', re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
- for url in playerUrlTab:
- if url.startswith('//'):
- url = 'http:' + url
- if not url.startswith('http'): continue
- if 1 != self.up.checkHostSupport(url): continue
- urlTab.append({'name':self.up.getHostName(url), 'url':url, 'need_resolve':1})
- else:
- urlTab.append({'name':'main', 'url':cItem['url'], 'need_resolve':1})
- return urlTab
- def getVideoLinks(self, videoUrl):
- printDBG("HDProfili.getVideoLinks [%s]" % videoUrl)
- urlTab = []
- if videoUrl.startswith('http'):
- urlTab = self.up.getVideoLinkExt(videoUrl)
- return urlTab
- def getFavouriteData(self, cItem):
- return cItem['url']
- def getLinksForFavourite(self, fav_data):
- return self.getLinksForVideo({'url':fav_data})
- def handleService(self, index, refresh = 0, searchPattern = '', searchType = ''):
- printDBG('handleService start')
- CBaseHostClass.handleService(self, index, refresh, searchPattern, searchType)
- name = self.currItem.get("name", '')
- category = self.currItem.get("category", '')
- printDBG( "handleService: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| name[%s], category[%s] " % (name, category) )
- self.currList = []
- if name == None:
- self.listMainMenu()
- elif category == 'movie_cats':
- self.listCategories(self.currItem, 'list_items1')
- elif category == 'list_items1':
- self.listItems1(self.currItem)
- elif category == 'list_items2':
- self.listItems2(self.currItem)
- elif category == 'list_items3':
- self.listItems3(self.currItem)
- else:
- printExc()
- CBaseHostClass.endHandleService(self, index, refresh)
- class IPTVHost(CHostBase):
- def __init__(self):
- CHostBase.__init__(self, HDProfili(), True, [CDisplayListItem.TYPE_VIDEO, CDisplayListItem.TYPE_AUDIO])
- def getLogoPath(self):
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = [GetLogoDir('HDProfililogo.png')])
- def getLinksForVideo(self, Index = 0, selItem = None):
- retCode = RetHost.ERROR
- retlist = []
- if not self.isValidIndex(Index): return RetHost(retCode, value=retlist)
- urlList = self.host.getLinksForVideo(self.host.currList[Index])
- for item in urlList:
- retlist.append(CUrlItem(item["name"], item["url"], item['need_resolve']))
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = retlist)
- # end getLinksForVideo
- def getResolvedURL(self, url):
- # resolve url to get direct url to video file
- retlist = []
- urlList = self.host.getVideoLinks(url)
- for item in urlList:
- need_resolve = 0
- retlist.append(CUrlItem(item["name"], item["url"], need_resolve))
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = retlist)
- def converItem(self, cItem):
- hostList = []
- searchTypesOptions = [] # ustawione alfabetycznie
- hostLinks = []
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_UNKNOWN
- possibleTypesOfSearch = None
- if 'category' == cItem['type']:
- if cItem.get('search_item', False):
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_SEARCH
- possibleTypesOfSearch = searchTypesOptions
- else:
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_CATEGORY
- elif cItem['type'] == 'video':
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_VIDEO
- elif 'more' == cItem['type']:
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_MORE
- elif 'audio' == cItem['type']:
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_AUDIO
- if type in [CDisplayListItem.TYPE_AUDIO, CDisplayListItem.TYPE_VIDEO]:
- url = cItem.get('url', '')
- if '' != url:
- hostLinks.append(CUrlItem("Link", url, 1))
- title = cItem.get('title', '')
- description = cItem.get('desc', '')
- icon = cItem.get('icon', '')
- return CDisplayListItem(name = title,
- description = description,
- type = type,
- urlItems = hostLinks,
- urlSeparateRequest = 1,
- iconimage = icon,
- possibleTypesOfSearch = possibleTypesOfSearch)
- # end converItem
- def getSearchItemInx(self):
- try:
- list = self.host.getCurrList()
- for i in range( len(list) ):
- if list[i]['category'] == 'search':
- return i
- except Exception:
- printDBG('getSearchItemInx EXCEPTION')
- return -1
- def setSearchPattern(self):
- try:
- list = self.host.getCurrList()
- if 'history' == list[self.currIndex]['name']:
- pattern = list[self.currIndex]['title']
- search_type = list[self.currIndex]['search_type']
- self.host.history.addHistoryItem( pattern, search_type)
- self.searchPattern = pattern
- self.searchType = search_type
- except Exception:
- printDBG('setSearchPattern EXCEPTION')
- self.searchPattern = ''
- self.searchType = ''
- return