Python | 286 lines | 231 code | 26 blank | 29 comment | 15 complexity | 168e01093fc8582b89b73436ebe16597 MD5 | raw file
- # coding=utf-8
- # Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md).
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).
- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, generators, nested_scopes, print_function,
- unicode_literals, with_statement)
- import hashlib
- import logging
- import os
- import re
- import select
- import threading
- import time
- from contextlib import closing
- from six import string_types
- from twitter.common.collections import maybe_list
- from pants.base.build_environment import get_buildroot
- from pants.java.executor import Executor, SubprocessExecutor
- from pants.java.nailgun_client import NailgunClient
- from pants.pantsd.process_manager import ProcessGroup, ProcessManager
- from pants.util.dirutil import safe_file_dump, safe_open
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class NailgunProcessGroup(ProcessGroup):
- _NAILGUN_KILL_LOCK = threading.Lock()
- def __init__(self, metadata_base_dir=None):
- super(NailgunProcessGroup, self).__init__(name='nailgun', metadata_base_dir=metadata_base_dir)
- # TODO: this should enumerate the .pids dir first, then fallback to ps enumeration (& warn).
- def _iter_nailgun_instances(self, everywhere=False):
- def predicate(proc):
- if proc.name() == NailgunExecutor._PROCESS_NAME:
- if not everywhere:
- return NailgunExecutor._PANTS_NG_BUILDROOT_ARG in proc.cmdline()
- else:
- return any(arg.startswith(NailgunExecutor._PANTS_NG_ARG_PREFIX) for arg in proc.cmdline())
- return self.iter_instances(predicate)
- def killall(self, everywhere=False):
- """Kills all nailgun servers started by pants.
- :param bool everywhere: If ``True``, kills all pants-started nailguns on this machine;
- otherwise restricts the nailguns killed to those started for the
- current build root.
- """
- with self._NAILGUN_KILL_LOCK:
- for proc in self._iter_nailgun_instances(everywhere):
- logger.info('killing nailgun server pid={pid}'.format(pid=proc.pid))
- proc.terminate()
- # TODO: Once we integrate standard logging into our reporting framework, we can consider making
- # some of the log.debug() below into log.info(). Right now it just looks wrong on the console.
- class NailgunExecutor(Executor, ProcessManager):
- """Executes java programs by launching them in nailgun server.
- If a nailgun is not available for a given set of jvm args and classpath, one is launched and
- re-used for the given jvm args and classpath on subsequent runs.
- """
- # 'NGServer 0.9.1 started on, port 53785.'
- _NG_PORT_REGEX = re.compile(r'.*\s+port\s+(\d+)\.$')
- # Used to identify if we own a given nailgun server.
- _PANTS_NG_ARG_PREFIX = b'-Dpants.buildroot'
- _PANTS_FINGERPRINT_ARG_PREFIX = b'-Dpants.nailgun.fingerprint'
- _PANTS_OWNER_ARG_PREFIX = b'-Dpants.nailgun.owner'
- _PANTS_NG_BUILDROOT_ARG = '='.join((_PANTS_NG_ARG_PREFIX, get_buildroot()))
- _NAILGUN_SPAWN_LOCK = threading.Lock()
- _PROCESS_NAME = b'java'
- def __init__(self, identity, workdir, nailgun_classpath, distribution, ins=None,
- connect_timeout=10, connect_attempts=5, metadata_base_dir=None):
- Executor.__init__(self, distribution=distribution)
- ProcessManager.__init__(self,
- name=identity,
- process_name=self._PROCESS_NAME,
- metadata_base_dir=metadata_base_dir)
- if not isinstance(workdir, string_types):
- raise ValueError('Workdir must be a path string, not: {workdir}'.format(workdir=workdir))
- self._identity = identity
- self._workdir = workdir
- self._ng_stdout = os.path.join(workdir, 'stdout')
- self._ng_stderr = os.path.join(workdir, 'stderr')
- self._nailgun_classpath = maybe_list(nailgun_classpath)
- self._ins = ins
- self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
- self._connect_attempts = connect_attempts
- def __str__(self):
- return 'NailgunExecutor({identity}, dist={dist}, pid={pid} socket={socket})'.format(
- identity=self._identity, dist=self._distribution, pid=self.pid, socket=self.socket)
- def _parse_fingerprint(self, cmdline):
- fingerprints = [cmd.split('=')[1] for cmd in cmdline if cmd.startswith(
- return fingerprints[0] if fingerprints else None
- @property
- def fingerprint(self):
- """This provides the nailgun fingerprint of the running process otherwise None."""
- if self.cmdline:
- return self._parse_fingerprint(self.cmdline)
- def _create_owner_arg(self, workdir):
- # Currently the owner is identified via the full path to the workdir.
- return '='.join((self._PANTS_OWNER_ARG_PREFIX, workdir))
- def _create_fingerprint_arg(self, fingerprint):
- return '='.join((self._PANTS_FINGERPRINT_ARG_PREFIX, fingerprint))
- @staticmethod
- def _fingerprint(jvm_options, classpath, java_version):
- """Compute a fingerprint for this invocation of a Java task.
- :param list jvm_options: JVM options passed to the java invocation
- :param list classpath: The -cp arguments passed to the java invocation
- :param Revision java_version: return value from Distribution.version()
- :return: a hexstring representing a fingerprint of the java invocation
- """
- digest = hashlib.sha1()
- # TODO(John Sirois): hash classpath contents?
- [digest.update(item) for item in (''.join(sorted(jvm_options)),
- ''.join(sorted(classpath)),
- repr(java_version))]
- return digest.hexdigest()
- def _runner(self, classpath, main, jvm_options, args, cwd=None):
- """Runner factory. Called via Executor.execute()."""
- command = self._create_command(classpath, main, jvm_options, args)
- class Runner(self.Runner):
- @property
- def executor(this):
- return self
- @property
- def command(self):
- return list(command)
- def run(this, stdout=None, stderr=None, cwd=None):
- nailgun = self._get_nailgun_client(jvm_options, classpath, stdout, stderr)
- try:
- logger.debug('Executing via {ng_desc}: {cmd}'.format(ng_desc=nailgun, cmd=this.cmd))
- return nailgun.execute(main, cwd, *args)
- except nailgun.NailgunError as e:
- self.terminate()
- raise self.Error('Problem launching via {ng_desc} command {main} {args}: {msg}'
- .format(ng_desc=nailgun, main=main, args=' '.join(args), msg=e))
- return Runner()
- def _check_nailgun_state(self, new_fingerprint):
- running = self.is_alive()
- updated = running and (self.fingerprint != new_fingerprint or
- self.cmd != self._distribution.java)
- logging.debug('Nailgun {nailgun} state: updated={up!s} running={run!s} fingerprint={old_fp} '
- 'new_fingerprint={new_fp} distribution={old_dist} new_distribution={new_dist}'
- .format(nailgun=self._identity, up=updated, run=running,
- old_fp=self.fingerprint, new_fp=new_fingerprint,
- old_dist=self.cmd, new_dist=self._distribution.java))
- return running, updated
- def _get_nailgun_client(self, jvm_options, classpath, stdout, stderr):
- """This (somewhat unfortunately) is the main entrypoint to this class via the Runner. It handles
- creation of the running nailgun server as well as creation of the client."""
- classpath = self._nailgun_classpath + classpath
- new_fingerprint = self._fingerprint(jvm_options, classpath, self._distribution.version)
- with self._NAILGUN_SPAWN_LOCK:
- running, updated = self._check_nailgun_state(new_fingerprint)
- if running and updated:
- logger.debug('Found running nailgun server that needs updating, killing {server}'
- .format(server=self._identity))
- self.terminate()
- if (not running) or (running and updated):
- return self._spawn_nailgun_server(new_fingerprint, jvm_options, classpath, stdout, stderr)
- return self._create_ngclient(self.socket, stdout, stderr)
- def _await_socket(self, timeout):
- """Blocks for the nailgun subprocess to bind and emit a listening port in the nailgun stdout."""
- with safe_open(self._ng_stdout, 'r') as ng_stdout:
- start_time = time.time()
- while 1:
- readable, _, _ = select.select([ng_stdout], [], [], self._SELECT_WAIT)
- if readable:
- line = ng_stdout.readline() # TODO: address deadlock risk here.
- try:
- return self._NG_PORT_REGEX.match(line).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
- raise NailgunClient.NailgunError(
- 'Failed to read nailgun output after {sec} seconds!'.format(sec=timeout))
- def _create_ngclient(self, port, stdout, stderr):
- return NailgunClient(port=port, ins=self._ins, out=stdout, err=stderr, workdir=get_buildroot())
- def ensure_connectable(self, nailgun):
- """Ensures that a nailgun client is connectable or raises NailgunError."""
- attempt_count = 1
- while 1:
- try:
- with closing(nailgun.try_connect()) as sock:
- logger.debug('Verified new ng server is connectable at {}'.format(sock.getpeername()))
- return
- except nailgun.NailgunConnectionError:
- if attempt_count >= self._connect_attempts:
- logger.debug('Failed to connect to ng after {} attempts'.format(self._connect_attempts))
- raise # Re-raise the NailgunConnectionError which provides more context to the user.
- attempt_count += 1
- time.sleep(self.WAIT_INTERVAL_SEC)
- def _spawn_nailgun_server(self, fingerprint, jvm_options, classpath, stdout, stderr):
- """Synchronously spawn a new nailgun server."""
- # Truncate the nailguns stdout & stderr.
- safe_file_dump(self._ng_stdout, '')
- safe_file_dump(self._ng_stderr, '')
- jvm_options = jvm_options + [self._PANTS_NG_BUILDROOT_ARG,
- self._create_owner_arg(self._workdir),
- self._create_fingerprint_arg(fingerprint)]
- post_fork_child_opts = dict(fingerprint=fingerprint,
- jvm_options=jvm_options,
- classpath=classpath,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr)
- logger.debug('Spawning nailgun server {i} with fingerprint={f}, jvm_options={j}, classpath={cp}'
- .format(i=self._identity, f=fingerprint, j=jvm_options, cp=classpath))
- self.daemon_spawn(post_fork_child_opts=post_fork_child_opts)
- # Wait for and write the port information in the parent so we can bail on exception/timeout.
- self.await_pid(self._connect_timeout)
- self.write_socket(self._await_socket(self._connect_timeout))
- logger.debug('Spawned nailgun server {i} with fingerprint={f}, pid={pid} port={port}'
- .format(i=self._identity, f=fingerprint, pid=self.pid, port=self.socket))
- client = self._create_ngclient(self.socket, stdout, stderr)
- self.ensure_connectable(client)
- return client
- def _check_process_buildroot(self, process):
- """Matches only processes started from the current buildroot."""
- return self._PANTS_NG_BUILDROOT_ARG in process.cmdline()
- def is_alive(self):
- """A ProcessManager.is_alive() override that ensures buildroot flags are present in the process
- command line arguments."""
- return super(NailgunExecutor, self).is_alive(self._check_process_buildroot)
- def post_fork_child(self, fingerprint, jvm_options, classpath, stdout, stderr):
- """Post-fork() child callback for ProcessManager.daemon_spawn()."""
- java = SubprocessExecutor(self._distribution)
- subproc = java.spawn(classpath=classpath,
- main='com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGServer',
- jvm_options=jvm_options,
- args=[':0'],
- stdin=safe_open('/dev/null', 'r'),
- stdout=safe_open(self._ng_stdout, 'w'),
- stderr=safe_open(self._ng_stderr, 'w'),
- close_fds=True)
- self.write_pid(subproc.pid)