https://gitlab.com/sugesk/flickr4java · Java · 411 lines · 220 code · 67 blank · 124 comment · 20 complexity · 206f162ebfd321165d7a53bde34f2f69 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2005 Aetrion LLC.
- */
- package com.flickr4java.flickr.tags;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.FlickrException;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.Response;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.Transport;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Photo;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.PhotoList;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.PhotoUtils;
- import com.flickr4java.flickr.util.XMLUtilities;
- import org.w3c.dom.Element;
- import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
- import org.w3c.dom.Text;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- /**
- * Interface for working with Flickr tags.
- *
- * @author Anthony Eden
- * @version $Id: TagsInterface.java,v 1.19 2009/07/02 21:52:35 x-mago Exp $
- */
- public class TagsInterface {
- public static final String METHOD_GET_CLUSTERS = "flickr.tags.getClusters";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_HOT_LIST = "flickr.tags.getHotList";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_LIST_PHOTO = "flickr.tags.getListPhoto";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_LIST_USER = "flickr.tags.getListUser";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_LIST_USER_POPULAR = "flickr.tags.getListUserPopular";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_LIST_USER_RAW = "flickr.tags.getListUserRaw";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_RELATED = "flickr.tags.getRelated";
- public static final String METHOD_GET_CLUSTER_PHOTOS = "flickr.tags.getClusterPhotos";
- public static final String PERIOD_WEEK = "week";
- public static final String PERIOD_DAY = "day";
- private final String apiKey;
- private final String sharedSecret;
- private final Transport transportAPI;
- /**
- * Construct a TagsInterface.
- *
- * @param apiKey
- * The API key
- * @param transportAPI
- * The Transport interface
- */
- public TagsInterface(String apiKey, String sharedSecret, Transport transportAPI) {
- this.apiKey = apiKey;
- this.sharedSecret = sharedSecret;
- this.transportAPI = transportAPI;
- }
- /**
- * Search for tag-clusters.
- * <p/>
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @since 1.2
- * @param searchTag
- * @return a list of clusters
- */
- public ClusterList getClusters(String searchTag) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_CLUSTERS);
- parameters.put("tag", searchTag);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- ClusterList clusters = new ClusterList();
- Element clustersElement = response.getPayload();
- NodeList clusterElements = clustersElement.getElementsByTagName("cluster");
- for (int i = 0; i < clusterElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Cluster cluster = new Cluster();
- NodeList tagElements = ((Element) clusterElements.item(i)).getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int j = 0; j < tagElements.getLength(); j++) {
- Tag tag = new Tag();
- tag.setValue(((Text) tagElements.item(j).getFirstChild()).getData());
- cluster.addTag(tag);
- }
- clusters.addCluster(cluster);
- }
- return clusters;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the first 24 photos for a given tag cluster.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param tag
- * @param clusterId
- * @return PhotoList
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public PhotoList<Photo> getClusterPhotos(String tag, String clusterId) throws FlickrException {
- PhotoList<Photo> photos = new PhotoList<Photo>();
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_CLUSTER_PHOTOS);
- parameters.put("tag", tag);
- parameters.put("cluster_id", clusterId);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element photosElement = response.getPayload();
- NodeList photoNodes = photosElement.getElementsByTagName("photo");
- photos.setPage("1");
- photos.setPages("1");
- photos.setPerPage("" + photoNodes.getLength());
- photos.setTotal("" + photoNodes.getLength());
- for (int i = 0; i < photoNodes.getLength(); i++) {
- Element photoElement = (Element) photoNodes.item(i);
- photos.add(PhotoUtils.createPhoto(photoElement));
- }
- return photos;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of hot tags for the given period.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param period
- * valid values are 'day' or 'week'
- * @param count
- * maximum is 200
- * @return The collection of HotlistTag objects
- */
- public Collection<HotlistTag> getHotList(String period, int count) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_HOT_LIST);
- parameters.put("period", period);
- parameters.put("count", "" + count);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element tagsElement = response.getPayload();
- List<HotlistTag> tags = new ArrayList<HotlistTag>();
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- HotlistTag tag = new HotlistTag();
- tag.setScore(tagElement.getAttribute("score"));
- tag.setValue(((Text) tagElement.getFirstChild()).getData());
- tags.add(tag);
- }
- return tags;
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of tags for the specified photo.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param photoId
- * The photo ID
- * @return The collection of Tag objects
- */
- public Photo getListPhoto(String photoId) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_LIST_PHOTO);
- parameters.put("photo_id", photoId);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element photoElement = response.getPayload();
- Photo photo = new Photo();
- photo.setId(photoElement.getAttribute("id"));
- List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
- Element tagsElement = (Element) photoElement.getElementsByTagName("tags").item(0);
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- Tag tag = new Tag();
- tag.setId(tagElement.getAttribute("id"));
- tag.setAuthor(tagElement.getAttribute("author"));
- tag.setAuthorName(tagElement.getAttribute("authorname"));
- tag.setRaw(tagElement.getAttribute("raw"));
- tag.setValue(((Text) tagElement.getFirstChild()).getData());
- tags.add(tag);
- }
- photo.setTags(tags);
- return photo;
- }
- /**
- * Get a collection of tags used by the specified user.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param userId
- * The User ID
- * @return The User object
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public Collection<Tag> getListUser(String userId) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_LIST_USER);
- parameters.put("user_id", userId);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element whoElement = response.getPayload();
- List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
- Element tagsElement = (Element) whoElement.getElementsByTagName("tags").item(0);
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- Tag tag = new Tag();
- tag.setValue(((Text) tagElement.getFirstChild()).getData());
- tags.add(tag);
- }
- return tags;
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of the user's popular tags.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param userId
- * The user ID
- * @return The collection of Tag objects
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public Collection<Tag> getListUserPopular(String userId) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_LIST_USER_POPULAR);
- parameters.put("user_id", userId);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element whoElement = response.getPayload();
- List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
- Element tagsElement = (Element) whoElement.getElementsByTagName("tags").item(0);
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- Tag tag = new Tag();
- tag.setCount(tagElement.getAttribute("count"));
- tag.setValue(((Text) tagElement.getFirstChild()).getData());
- tags.add(tag);
- }
- return tags;
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of the user's (identified by token) popular tags.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @return The collection of Tag objects
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public Collection<TagRaw> getListUserRaw() throws FlickrException {
- return getListUserRaw(null);
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of the user's (identified by token) popular tags.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param tagVal
- * a tag to search for (optional)
- *
- * @return The collection of Tag objects
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public Collection<TagRaw> getListUserRaw(String tagVal) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_LIST_USER_RAW);
- if (tagVal != null) {
- parameters.put("tag", tagVal);
- }
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element whoElement = response.getPayload();
- List<TagRaw> tags = new ArrayList<TagRaw>();
- Element tagsElement = (Element) whoElement.getElementsByTagName("tags").item(0);
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- TagRaw tag = new TagRaw();
- tag.setClean(tagElement.getAttribute("clean"));
- NodeList rawElements = tagElement.getElementsByTagName("raw");
- for (int j = 0; j < rawElements.getLength(); j++) {
- Element rawElement = (Element) rawElements.item(j);
- tag.addRaw(((Text) rawElement.getFirstChild()).getData());
- }
- tags.add(tag);
- }
- return tags;
- }
- /**
- * Get the related tags.
- *
- * <p>
- * This method does not require authentication.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param tag
- * The source tag
- * @return A RelatedTagsList object
- * @throws FlickrException
- */
- public RelatedTagsList getRelated(String tag) throws FlickrException {
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_RELATED);
- parameters.put("tag", tag);
- Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
- if (response.isError()) {
- throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
- }
- Element tagsElement = response.getPayload();
- RelatedTagsList tags = new RelatedTagsList();
- tags.setSource(tagsElement.getAttribute("source"));
- NodeList tagElements = tagsElement.getElementsByTagName("tag");
- for (int i = 0; i < tagElements.getLength(); i++) {
- Element tagElement = (Element) tagElements.item(i);
- Tag t = new Tag();
- t.setValue(XMLUtilities.getValue(tagElement));
- tags.add(t);
- }
- return tags;
- }
- }