JavaScript | 723 lines | 691 code | 12 blank | 20 comment | 59 complexity | d533540e20fb23c9aa8825e30c6e7ac6 MD5 | raw file
- /* =========================================================
- * composer-automapper.js v0.2.1
- * =========================================================
- * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery
- *
- * Visual composer automapper for shortcodes
- * ========================================================= */
- var vc_am = {
- current_form: false
- };
- (function ( $ ) {
- "use strict";
- _.extend( wp.shortcode.prototype, {
- taggedString: function () {
- var text = '[<span class="vc_preview-tag">' + this.tag + '</span>';
- _.each( this.attrs.numeric, function ( value ) {
- if ( /\s/.test( value ) ) {
- text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">"' + value + '"</span>';
- } else {
- text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">' + value + '</span>';
- }
- } );
- _.each( this.attrs.named, function ( value, name ) {
- text += ' <span class="vc_preview-param">' + name + '="' + value + '"</span>';
- } );
- // If the tag is marked as `single` or `self-closing`, close the
- // tag and ignore any additional content.
- if ( 'single' === this.type ) {
- return text + ']';
- } else if ( 'self-closing' === this.type ) {
- return text + ' /]';
- }
- // Complete the opening tag.
- text += ']';
- if ( this.content ) {
- text += '<span class="vc_preview-content">' + this.content + '</span>';
- }
- // Add the closing tag.
- return text + '[/<span class="vc_preview-tag">' + this.tag + '</span>]';
- }
- } );
- wp.shortcode.atmPreview = function ( options ) {
- return new wp.shortcode( options ).taggedString();
- };
- var message_timer, show_message = function ( text, type ) {
- if ( message_timer ) {
- window.clearTimeout( message_timer );
- $( '.vc_settings-automapper' ).remove();
- message_timer = false;
- }
- var $message = $( '<div class="vc_atm-message updated' + (type ? ' vc_message-' + type : '') + '" style="display: none;"></div>' );
- $message.text( text );
- $message.prependTo( $( '#vc_settings-automapper' ) ).fadeIn( 500, function () {
- var $message = $( this );
- window.setTimeout( function () {
- $message.remove();
- }, 2000 );
- } );
- },
- template_options = {
- evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g,
- interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g,
- escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g
- },
- to_title = function ( string ) {
- string = string.replace( /_|-/, ' ' );
- return string.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + string.slice( 1 );
- };
- var showMessageMore = function ( text, typeClass, timeout, remove ) {
- if ( remove ) {
- $( '.vc_atm-message' ).remove();
- }
- var $message = $( '<div class="vc_atm-message ' + (typeClass ? typeClass : '') + '" style="display: none;"></div>' );
- $message.text( text );
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( timeout ) ) {
- window.setTimeout( function () {
- $message.remove();
- }, timeout );
- }
- return $message;
- };
- var showValidationError = function ( text, $el ) {
- if ( _.isUndefined( $el ) || ! $el.length ) {
- $el = $( '.tab_intro' );
- }
- showMessageMore( text, 'error', undefined, true ).insertBefore( $el ).fadeIn( 500 );
- };
- var request_url = window.ajaxurl + '?vc_action=automapper',
- sync_callback = function ( method, model, options ) {
- var data;
- if ( method === 'create' ) {
- model.set( 'id', window.vc_guid() );
- data = {
- vc_action: 'create',
- data: model.toJSON()
- };
- } else if ( method === 'update' ) {
- data = {
- vc_action: 'update',
- id: model.get( 'id' ),
- data: model.toJSON()
- };
- } else if ( method === 'delete' ) {
- data = {
- vc_action: 'delete',
- id: model.get( 'id' )
- };
- } else {
- data = {
- vc_action: 'read'
- };
- }
- $.ajax( {
- method: 'POST',
- url: request_url,
- dataType: 'json',
- data: _.extend( data, { action: 'vc_automapper' } ),
- context: this
- } ).done( function ( data ) {
- var result = model;
- if ( data && method === 'read' ) {
- result = data;
- }
- // Response
- if ( result ) {
- (method === 'read') && options.success( result );
- } else {
- options.error( "Not found" );
- }
- } ).error( function ( data ) {
- } );
- };
- var ShortcodeModel = Backbone.Model.extend( {
- defaults: function () {
- return {
- tag: '',
- name: '',
- category: '',
- description: '',
- params: []
- };
- },
- sync: sync_callback
- } );
- var ShortcodesCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend( {
- model: ShortcodeModel,
- sync: sync_callback
- } );
- vc_am.shortcodes = new ShortcodesCollection;
- var ShortcodeView = Backbone.View.extend( {
- tagName: 'li',
- // className: 'vc_automapper-item',
- className: 'widget',
- events: {
- 'click .vc_automapper-edit-btn': 'edit',
- 'click h4, widget-action': 'edit',
- 'click .vc_automapper-delete-btn': 'clear'
- },
- template_html: $( '#vc_automapper-item-tpl' ).html() || '<span>{{ tag }}</span>',
- initialize: function () {
- this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
- this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.removeView )
- },
- render: function () {
- this.$el.html( _.template( this.template_html,
- this.model.toJSON(),
- template_options ) ).attr( 'data-item-id', this.model.get( 'id' ) );
- return this;
- },
- edit: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- new EditFormView( { model: this.model } ).render();
- },
- clear: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- if ( confirm( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete ) ) {
- this.model.destroy();
- }
- },
- removeView: function () {
- this.$el.remove();
- }
- } );
- var FormView = Backbone.View.extend( {
- render: function () {
- vc_am.current_form && vc_am.current_form.close();
- vc_am.current_form = this;
- return this;
- },
- getType: function () {
- return 'form';
- },
- validate: function ( attrs ) {
- var result = false;
- if ( ! attrs.name ) {
- return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_shortcode_name_is_required;
- }
- if ( ! attrs.tag || ! attrs.tag.match( /^\S+$/ ) ) {
- return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode_tag;
- }
- var fields_required = [
- 'param_name',
- 'heading',
- 'type'
- ];
- _.each( attrs.params, function ( param ) {
- _.each( fields_required, function ( field ) {
- if ( param[ field ] === '' ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields // '';
- } else if ( field == 'param_name' && ! param[ field ].match( /^[a-z0-9_]+$/g ) ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields;
- }
- }, this );
- }, this );
- return result || null;
- },
- isValid: function ( data ) {
- this.validationError = this.validate( data );
- return this.validationError ? false : true;
- },
- close: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- vc_am.current_form = false;
- this.remove();
- }
- } );
- var ComplexShortcodeView = Backbone.View.extend( {
- _$widget_title: false,
- _$form_view: false,
- edit_view: false,
- tagName: 'li',
- className: 'widget',
- events: {
- 'click .vc_automapper-edit-btn': 'edit',
- 'click h4, .widget-action': 'edit'
- },
- template_html: $( '#vc_automapper-item-complex-tpl' ).html() || '<span>{{ tag }}</span>',
- header_template_html: '<h4>{{ name }}<span class="in-widget-title"></span></h4>',
- initialize: function () {
- _.bindAll( this, 'removeEditForm' );
- // this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.renderTitle);
- this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.removeView );
- this.model.view = this;
- },
- render: function () {
- this.$el.html( _.template( this.template_html,
- this.model.toJSON(),
- template_options ) ).attr( 'data-item-id', this.model.get( 'id' ) );
- return this;
- },
- renderTitle: function () {
- this.$widgetTitle().html( _.template( this.header_template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options ) );
- },
- edit: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- if ( this.$editForm().is( ':animated' ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- this.$el.addClass( 'vc_opened' );
- if ( this.edit_view ) {
- this.close();
- } else {
- this.edit_view = new EditFormInnerView( { model: this.model } ).render();
- }
- },
- $widgetTitle: function () {
- if ( ! this._$widget_title ) {
- this._$widget_title = this.$el.find( '.widget-title' );
- }
- return this._$widget_title;
- },
- $editForm: function () {
- if ( ! this._$edit_form ) {
- this._$edit_form = this.$el.find( '.widget-inside' );
- }
- return this._$edit_form;
- },
- removeEditForm: function () {
- this.edit_view && this.edit_view.remove();
- this.edit_view = false;
- },
- beforeSave: function () {
- this.$el.find( '#vc_atm-name' ).val( $( '#vc_atm-header-name' ).val() );
- },
- close: function () {
- vc_am.current_form = false;
- this.$el.removeClass( 'vc_opened' );
- this.renderTitle();
- this.$editForm().slideUp( 200 );
- this.removeEditForm(); // delayed call causes bug with empty params(remove called with delay)
- },
- clear: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- this.model.destroy();
- },
- removeView: function () {
- this.remove();
- }
- } );
- var AddFormView = FormView.extend( {
- className: 'vc_add-form-atm',
- template_html: $( '#vc_automapper-add-form-tpl' ).html(),
- events: {
- 'click #vc_atm-parse-string': 'parseShortcode',
- 'click .vc_atm-cancel': 'close'
- },
- getType: function () {
- return 'create';
- },
- render: function () {
- AddFormView.__super__.render.call( this );
- this.$el.html( _.template( this.template_html, {}, template_options ) );
- this.$el.insertAfter( '.vc_automapper-toolbar' );
- return this;
- },
- parseShortcode: function ( e ) {
- var string, matches, data, params = [], attr;
- e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
- string = $( '#vc_atm-shortcode-string' ).val();
- if ( _.isEmpty( string ) ) {
- this.$el.addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- showValidationError( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode, this.$el );
- return false;
- }
- matches = string.match( vc_regexp_shortcode() );
- if ( ! matches ) {
- this.$el.addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- showValidationError( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode, this.$el );
- return false;
- }
- attr = wp.shortcode.attrs( matches[ 3 ] );
- _.each( attr.named, function ( value, key ) {
- params.push( {
- param_name: key,
- type: "textfield",
- heading: to_title( key ),
- description: 'Example: ' + value,
- value: value
- } );
- }, this );
- if ( matches[ 5 ] ) {
- params.push( {
- param_name: 'content',
- type: "textarea",
- heading: 'Content',
- description: '',
- value: matches[ 5 ]
- } );
- }
- data = {
- tag: matches[ 2 ],
- name: to_title( matches[ 2 ] ),
- category: window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.my_shortcodes_category,
- params: params
- };
- if ( this.isValid( data ) ) {
- vc_am.shortcodes.create( data );
- show_message( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.new_shortcode_mapped, 'success' );
- // new EditFormView({model: vc_am.shortcodes.last()}).render();
- $( '.vc_atm-message' ).remove();
- vc_am.shortcodes.last().view.edit();
- } else {
- this.$el.addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- showValidationError( this.validationError );
- }
- }
- } );
- var EditFormView = FormView.extend( {
- className: 'vc_edit-form',
- active_preview: false,
- events: {
- 'click #vc_atm-save': 'save',
- 'click .vc_atm-cancel': 'close',
- 'click .vc_atm-delete': 'clear',
- 'click #vc_atm-add-param': 'addParam',
- 'click .vc_delete-param': 'deleteParam',
- 'change #vc_atm-is-container': 'setContentParam',
- 'keyup .vc_param-name, .vc_param-value, #vc_atm-tag': 'setPreview',
- 'focus #vc_atm-tag': 'setTagFieldActive',
- 'focus .vc_params input, .vc_params textarea': 'setParamFieldActive',
- 'focus .vc_param.vc_content input, .vc_param.vc_content textarea': 'setContentParamFieldActive',
- 'blur #vc_atm-tag, vc_param input': 'unsetFieldActive',
- 'change .vc_param-field [name="type"]': 'changeParamType'
- },
- new: false,
- template_html: $( '#vc_automapper-form-tpl' ).html(),
- param_template_html: $( '#vc_atm-form-param-tpl' ).html(),
- getType: function () {
- return 'edit';
- },
- render: function () {
- EditFormView.__super__.render.call( this );
- this.$el.html( _.template( this.template_html, this.model.toJSON(), template_options ) );
- this.$el.insertAfter( $( '[data-item-id=' + this.model.id + ']' ).hide() );
- this.addAllParams();
- return this;
- },
- changeParamType: function ( e ) {
- var $this, $parent;
- $this = $( e.currentTarget );
- $parent = $this.parents( '.vc_fields' );
- if ( $this.val() === 'hidden' ) {
- $parent.find( '[name="heading"]' ).attr( 'disabled', true );
- $parent.find( '[name="description"]' ).attr( 'disabled', true );
- } else {
- $parent.find( '[name="heading"]' ).attr( 'disabled', false );
- $parent.find( '[name="description"]' ).attr( 'disabled', false );
- }
- },
- setTagFieldActive: function ( e ) {
- this.active_preview && $( this.active_preview ).removeClass( 'vc_active' );
- this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-tag';
- $( this.active_preview ).addClass( 'vc_active' );
- },
- setParamFieldActive: function ( e ) {
- var $control = $( e.currentTarget ),
- index = $control.parents( '.vc_param:first' ).index();
- this.active_preview && $( this.active_preview ).removeClass( 'vc_active' );
- this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-param:eq(' + index + ')';
- $( this.active_preview ).addClass( 'vc_active' );
- },
- setContentParamFieldActive: function ( e ) {
- this.active_preview && $( this.active_preview ).removeClass( 'vc_active' );
- this.active_preview = '#vc_shortcode-preview .vc_preview-content';
- $( this.active_preview ).addClass( 'vc_active' );
- },
- unsetFieldActive: function ( e ) {
- $( this.active_preview ).removeClass( 'vc_active' );
- this.active_preview = false;
- },
- /***
- * Escape double quotes in params value.
- * @param value
- * @return {*}
- */
- escapeParam: function ( value ) {
- return value && value.replace( /"/g, '``' );
- },
- getPreview: function ( data ) {
- var params = data.params,
- content = false,
- params_to_string = {};
- _.each( params, function ( value, key ) {
- if ( value.param_name !== 'content' ) {
- params_to_string[ value.param_name ] = this.escapeParam( value.value );
- } else {
- content = value.value;
- }
- }, this );
- return wp.shortcode.atmPreview( {
- tag: data.tag,
- attrs: params_to_string,
- content: content,
- type: content === false ? 'single' : ''
- } );
- },
- setPreview: function () {
- var data = {
- params: this.getParams(),
- tag: $( '#vc_atm-tag' ).val()
- };
- $( '#vc_shortcode-preview' ).html( this.getPreview( data ) );
- this.active_preview && $( this.active_preview ).addClass( 'vc_active' );
- },
- save: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
- this.$el.find( '.vc_error' ).removeClass( 'vc_error' );
- var data = {
- tag: $( '#vc_atm-tag' ).val(),
- name: $( '#vc_atm-name' ).val(),
- category: $( '#vc_atm-category' ).val(),
- description: $( '#vc_atm-description' ).val(),
- params: this.getParams()
- };
- if ( this.isValid( data ) ) {
- this.model.save( data );
- show_message( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.shortcode_updated, 'success' );
- this.close();
- } else {
- showValidationError( this.validationError, this.$el.find( '#vc_atm-save' ) );
- }
- },
- validate: function ( attrs ) {
- $( '.vc_error,.form-invalid' ).removeClass( 'vc_error form-invalid' );
- var result = false, added_param_names = {};
- if ( ! attrs.name ) {
- $( '#vc_atm-name' ).addClass( 'vc_error' );
- $( '#vc_atm-header-name' ).parent().addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_shortcode_name_is_required;
- }
- if ( ! attrs.tag || ! attrs.tag.match( /^\S+$/ ) ) {
- $( '#vc_atm-tag' ).addClass( 'vc_error' ).parent().addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- return window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_valid_shortcode_tag;
- }
- var fields_required = [
- 'param_name',
- 'heading',
- 'type'
- ];
- _.each( attrs.params, function ( param, index ) {
- var $field_el = $( '#vc_atm-params-list [name=param_name]:eq(' + index + ')' );
- if ( param.param_name === 'content' && ! $field_el.data( 'system' ) ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_content_param_not_manually;
- $field_el.addClass( 'vc_error' );
- $field_el.closest( '.vc_param-field' ).addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- return;
- }
- if ( _.isBoolean( added_param_names[ param.param_name ] ) && added_param_names[ param.param_name ] == true ) {
- $field_el.addClass( 'vc_error' );
- $field_el.closest( '.vc_param-field' ).addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- if ( ! result ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_param_already_exists.replace( /\%s/,
- param.param_name );
- }
- }
- added_param_names[ param.param_name ] = true;
- _.each( fields_required, function ( field ) {
- if ( (param.type !== 'hidden' && param[ field ] === '') || (param.type === 'hidden' && field !== 'heading' && param[ field ] === '') ) {
- $( '#vc_atm-params-list [name=' + field + ']:eq(' + index + ')' )
- .addClass( 'vc_error' )
- .closest( '.vc_param-field' )
- .addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- if ( ! result ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_enter_required_fields;
- }
- } else if ( field == 'param_name' && ! param[ field ].match( /^[a-z0-9_]+$/g ) ) {
- $field_el
- .addClass( 'vc_error' )
- .closest( '.vc_param-field' )
- .addClass( 'form-invalid' );
- if ( ! result ) {
- result = window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.error_wrong_param_name;
- }
- }
- }, this );
- }, this );
- return result || null;
- },
- setContentParam: function ( e ) {
- var $control = $( e.currentTarget );
- if ( $control.is( ':checked' ) ) {
- this.addParamField( {
- type: 'textarea',
- heading: 'Content',
- description: '',
- param_name: 'content',
- value: ''
- } );
- this.setParamSorting();
- } else {
- this.removeParamField( 'content' );
- }
- this.setPreview();
- },
- addAllParams: function () {
- $( '#vc_atm-params-list' ).empty();
- _.each( this.model.get( 'params' ), function ( param ) {
- this.addParamField( param );
- if ( param.param_name === 'content' ) {
- $( '#vc_atm-is-container' ).prop( 'checked', true );
- }
- }, this );
- this.setParamSorting();
- },
- getParams: function () {
- var params = [];
- _.each( $( '.vc_param' ), function ( param ) {
- var $param = $( param );
- params.push( {
- param_name: $param.find( '[name=param_name]' ).val(),
- type: $param.find( '[name=type]' ).val(),
- description: $param.find( '[name=description]' ).val(),
- heading: $param.find( '[name=heading]' ).val(),
- value: $param.find( '[name=value]' ).val()
- } );
- }, this );
- return params;
- },
- addParam: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- this.addParamField( { type: '', heading: '', description: '', param_name: '', value: '' } );
- this.setPreview();
- },
- removeParamField: function ( name ) {
- $( '.vc_param-name[value="' + name + '"]' ).parents( '.vc_param' ).remove();
- },
- addParamField: function ( attr ) {
- var $block = $( '<div class="vc_param wpb_vc_row' + ( attr.param_name === 'content' ? ' vc_content' : '' ) + '"/>' ).appendTo( '#vc_atm-params-list' );
- $block.html( _.template( this.param_template_html, attr, template_options ) );
- },
- setParamSorting: function () {
- $( '#vc_atm-params-list' ).sortable( {
- items: '> .vc_param',
- tolerance: "pointer",
- handle: '.vc_move-param',
- update: this.setPreview,
- placeholder: "vc_sortable-placeholder"
- } );
- },
- deleteParam: function ( e ) {
- var $control;
- e && e.preventDefault();
- if ( confirm( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete_param ) ) {
- $control = $( e.currentTarget );
- $control.parents( '.vc_param' ).remove();
- this.setPreview();
- }
- },
- close: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- this.model && $( '[data-item-id=' + this.model.get( 'id' ) + ']' ).show();
- vc_am.current_form = false;
- $( '.vc_atm-message' ).remove();
- this.remove();
- },
- clear: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- if ( confirm( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete ) ) {
- this.model.destroy();
- this.close();
- }
- }
- } );
- var EditFormInnerView = EditFormView.extend( {
- template_html: $( '#vc_automapper-form-tpl' ).html(),
- getType: function () {
- return 'edit';
- },
- initialize: function () {
- _.bindAll( this, 'setPreview' );
- },
- render: function () {
- var params, content,
- parent = this.model.view;
- params = this.model.get( 'params' );
- EditFormView.__super__.render.call( this );
- this.$el.html( _.template( this.template_html,
- _.extend( { shortcode_preview: this.getPreview( this.model.toJSON() ) }, this.model.toJSON() ),
- template_options ) );
- this.$el.appendTo( parent.$editForm() );
- parent.$widgetTitle().html( '<span class="vc_atm-header"><input type="text" name="name" value="" id="vc_atm-header-name" class="vc_header-name"></span><span class="in-widget-title"></span>' );
- $( '#vc_atm-header-name' ).val( this.model.get( 'name' ) );
- this.addAllParams();
- parent.$editForm().slideDown();
- return this;
- },
- save: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- this.model.view.beforeSave();
- EditFormInnerView.__super__.save.call( this );
- },
- close: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- vc_am.current_form = false;
- this.model.view.close();
- },
- clear: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault();
- if ( confirm( window.i18nLocaleVcAutomapper.are_you_sure_delete ) ) {
- this.model.view.clear();
- this.remove();
- }
- }
- } );
- var AppView = Backbone.View.extend( {
- events: {
- 'click #vc_automapper-add-btn': 'create',
- 'submit': 'formSubmit'
- },
- className: 'vc_atm-form',
- addFormView: false,
- initialize: function () {
- this.listenTo( vc_am.shortcodes, 'add', this.addOne );
- this.listenTo( vc_am.shortcodes, 'reset', this.addAll );
- this.listenTo( vc_am.shortcodes, 'all', this.render );
- this.$list = $( '.vc_automapper-list' );
- vc_am.shortcodes.fetch();
- },
- formSubmit: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
- if ( _.isObject( e ) && this.addFormView && ! _.isEmpty( e.currentTarget ) && ! _.isEmpty( e.currentTarget[ 0 ] ) ) {
- var node, $el;
- node = e.currentTarget[ 0 ];
- $el = $( node );
- if ( $el.is( '#vc_atm-shortcode-string' ) ) {
- this.addFormView.parseShortcode();
- }
- }
- },
- addAll: function ( models ) {
- models.each( function ( model ) {
- this.addOne( model );
- }, this );
- },
- addOne: function ( model ) {
- var view = new ComplexShortcodeView( { model: model } );
- this.$list.append( view.render().el );
- },
- create: function ( e ) {
- e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
- if ( ! vc_am.current_form || vc_am.current_form.getType() !== 'create' ) {
- this.addFormView = new AddFormView().render();
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- }
- } );
- new AppView( { el: $( '#vc_settings-automapper' ) } );
- })( window.jQuery );