JavaScript | 252 lines | 193 code | 7 blank | 52 comment | 33 complexity | d3c97ecc11a7291f23292cdb9f832924 MD5 | raw file
- /* =========================================================
- * composer-models.js v0.2
- * =========================================================
- * Copyright 2013 Wpbakery
- *
- * Visual composer backbone/underscore models for shortcodes.
- * ========================================================= */
- (function ( $ ) {
- var store = vc.storage;
- /**
- * Shortcode model.
- * Represents shortcode as an object.
- * @type {*}
- */
- vc.shortcode = Backbone.Model.extend( {
- settings: false,
- defaults: function () {
- var id = window.vc_guid();
- return {
- id: id,
- shortcode: 'vc_text_block',
- order: vc.shortcodes.getNextOrder(),
- params: {},
- parent_id: false,
- root_id: id,
- cloned: false,
- html: false,
- view: false
- };
- },
- initialize: function () {
- this.bind( 'remove', this.removeChildren, this );
- this.bind( 'remove', this.removeEvents, this );
- },
- removeEvents: function ( model ) {
- //triggering shortcodes and shortcodes:destroy events
- vc.events.triggerShortcodeEvents( 'destroy', model );
- },
- /**
- * Synchronize data with our storage.
- * @param method
- * @param model
- * @param options
- */
- sync: function ( method, model, options ) {
- var resp;
- // Select action to do with data in you storage
- switch ( method ) {
- case "read":
- resp = model.id ? store.find( model ) : store.findAll();
- break;
- case "create":
- resp = store.create( model );
- break;
- case "update":
- resp = store.update( model );
- break;
- case "delete":
- resp = store.destroy( model );
- break;
- }
- // Response
- if ( resp ) {
- options.success( resp );
- } else {
- options.error( "Record not found" );
- }
- },
- getParam: function ( key ) {
- return _.isObject( this.get( 'params' ) ) && ! _.isUndefined( this.get( 'params' )[ key ] ) ? this.get( 'params' )[ key ] : '';
- },
- /**
- * Remove all children of model from storage.
- * Will remove children of children models too.
- * @param parent - model which is parent
- */
- removeChildren: function ( parent ) {
- var models = vc.shortcodes.where( { parent_id: parent.id } );
- _.each( models, function ( model ) {
- vc.storage.lock();
- model.destroy();
- this.removeChildren( model );
- }, this );
- if ( models.length ) {
- vc.storage.save();
- }
- },
- setting: function ( name ) {
- if ( this.settings === false ) {
- this.settings = vc.getMapped( this.get( 'shortcode' ) ) || {};
- }
- return this.settings[ name ];
- }
- } );
- /**
- * Collection of shortcodes.
- * Extended Backbone.Collection object.
- * This collection can be used for root(raw) shortcodes list and inside another shortcodes list as inner shortcodes.
- * @type {*}
- */
- var Shortcodes = vc.shortcodes_collection = Backbone.Collection.extend( {
- model: vc.shortcode,
- last_index: 0,
- getNextOrder: function () {
- return this.last_index ++;
- },
- comparator: function ( model ) {
- return model.get( 'order' );
- },
- initialize: function () {
- // this.on('add', this.checkUpdateOrder, this);
- },
- /**
- * Updates order of other models if new one has not last order value.
- */
- checkUpdateOrder: function ( model ) {
- var model_order = model.get( 'order' );
- if ( model_order < this.length ) {
- _.each( this.filter( function ( shortcode ) {
- return model.id != shortcode.id && model.get( 'parent_id' ) === shortcode.get( 'parent_id' ) && shortcode.get( 'order' ) >= model_order;
- } ), function ( shortcode ) {
- shortcode.save( { order: shortcode.get( 'order' ) + 1 } );
- } );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Create new models from shortcode string.
- * @param shortcodes_string - string of shortcodes.
- * @param parent_model - parent shortcode model for parsed objects from string.
- */
- createFromString: function ( shortcodes_string, parent_model ) {
- var data = vc.storage.parseContent( {},
- shortcodes_string,
- _.isObject( parent_model ) ? parent_model.toJSON() : false );
- _.each( _.values( data ), function ( model ) {
- vc.shortcodes.create( model );
- }, this );
- },
- /**
- * Synchronize data with our storage.
- * @param method
- * @param model
- * @param options
- */
- sync: function ( method, model, options ) {
- var resp;
- // Select action to do with data in you storage
- switch ( method ) {
- case "read":
- resp = model.id ? store.find( model ) : store.findAll();
- break;
- case "create":
- resp = store.create( model );
- break;
- case "update":
- resp = store.update( model );
- break;
- case "delete":
- resp = store.destroy( model );
- break;
- }
- // Response
- if ( resp ) {
- options.success( resp );
- } else {
- options.error( "Record not found" );
- }
- },
- stringify: function ( state ) {
- return this.modelsToString( vc.shortcodes.where( { parent_id: false } ), state );
- },
- modelsToString: function ( models, state ) {
- var string = '';
- _.each( models, function ( model ) {
- var tag = model.get( 'shortcode' ),
- params = model.get( 'params' ),
- content = _.isString( params.content ) ? params.content : '';
- content += this.modelsToString( vc.shortcodes.where( { parent_id: model.get( 'id' ) } ), state );
- var data = {
- tag: tag,
- attrs: _.omit( params, 'content' ),
- content: content,
- type: _.isUndefined( vc.getParamSettings( tag,
- 'content' ) ) && ! vc.getMapped( tag ).is_container ? 'single' : ''
- };
- if ( _.isUndefined( state ) ) {
- model.trigger( 'stringify', model, data );
- } else {
- model.trigger( 'stringify:' + state, model, data );
- }
- string += wp.shortcode.string( data );
- }, this );
- return string;
- }
- } );
- vc.shortcodes = new vc.shortcodes_collection();
- vc.getDefaults = function ( tag ) {
- var defaults = {},
- params = _.isObject( vc.map[ tag ] ) && _.isArray( vc.map[ tag ].params ) ? vc.map[ tag ].params : [];
- _.each( params, function ( param ) {
- if ( _.isObject( param ) ) {
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( param.std ) ) {
- defaults[ param.param_name ] = param.std;
- } else if ( ! _.isUndefined( param.value ) ) {
- if ( vc.atts[ param.type ] && vc.atts[ param.type ].defaults ) {
- defaults[ param.param_name ] = vc.atts[ param.type ].defaults( param );
- } else if ( _.isObject( param.value ) ) {
- defaults[ param.param_name ] = _.values( param.value )[ 0 ];
- } else if ( _.isArray( param.value ) ) {
- defaults[ param.param_name ] = param.value[ 0 ];
- } else {
- defaults[ param.param_name ] = param.value;
- }
- }
- }
- } );
- return defaults;
- };
- vc.getParamSettings = _.memoize( function ( tag, paramName ) {
- var params, paramSettings;
- params = _.isObject( vc.map[ tag ] ) && _.isArray( vc.map[ tag ].params ) ? vc.map[ tag ].params : [];
- paramSettings = _.find( params, function ( settings ) {
- return _.isObject( settings ) && settings.param_name === paramName;
- }, this );
- return paramSettings;
- }, function () {
- return arguments[ 0 ] + ',' + arguments[ 1 ];
- } );
- vc.getParamSettingsByType = _.memoize( function ( tag, paramType ) {
- var params, paramSettings;
- params = _.isObject( vc.map[ tag ] ) && _.isArray( vc.map[ tag ].params ) ? vc.map[ tag ].params : [];
- paramSettings = _.find( params, function ( settings ) {
- return _.isObject( settings ) && settings.type === paramType;
- }, this );
- return paramSettings;
- }, function () {
- return arguments[ 0 ] + ',' + arguments[ 1 ];
- } );
- /**
- * Checks if given shortcode has el_id param
- */
- vc.shortcodeHasIdParam = _.memoize( function ( tag ) {
- return vc.getParamSettingsByType( tag, 'el_id' );
- } );
- })( window.jQuery );