Python | 356 lines | 278 code | 27 blank | 51 comment | 44 complexity | 609a229ab6d568720a008fa076ebb70a MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of the PsychoPy library
- # Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019 Open Science Tools Ltd.
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- # set the gamma LUT using platform-specific hardware calls
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
- from builtins import map
- from builtins import range
- import numpy
- import sys
- import platform
- import ctypes
- import ctypes.util
- from psychopy import logging, prefs
- import os
- # import platform specific C++ libs for controlling gamma
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- from ctypes import windll
- elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
- try:
- carbon = ctypes.CDLL(
- '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics')
- except OSError:
- try:
- carbon = ctypes.CDLL(
- '/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon')
- except OSError:
- carbon = ctypes.CDLL('/System/Library/Carbon.framework/Carbon')
- elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- # we need XF86VidMode
- xf86vm = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('Xxf86vm'))
- _TravisTesting = os.environ.get('TRAVIS') == 'true' # in Travis-CI testing
- # Handling what to do if gamma can't be set
- if prefs.general['gammaErrorPolicy'] == 'abort': # more clear to Builder users
- defaultGammaErrorPolicy = 'raise' # more clear to Python coders
- else:
- defaultGammaErrorPolicy = prefs.general['gammaErrorPolicy']
- problem_msg = 'The hardware look-up table function ({func:s}) failed. '
- raise_msg = (problem_msg +
- 'If you would like to proceed without look-up table '
- '(gamma) changes, you can change your `defaultGammaFailPolicy` in the '
- 'application preferences. For more information see\n'
- 'https://www.psychopy.org/troubleshooting.html#errors-with-getting-setting-the-gamma-ramp '
- )
- warn_msg = problem_msg + 'Proceeding without look-up table (gamma) changes.'
- def setGamma(screenID=None, newGamma=1.0, rampType=None, rampSize=None,
- driver=None, xDisplay=None, gammaErrorPolicy=None):
- """Sets gamma to a given value
- :param screenID: The screen ID in the Operating system
- :param newGamma: numeric or triplet (for independent RGB gamma vals)
- :param rampType: see :ref:`createLinearRamp` for possible ramp types
- :param rampSize: how large is the lookup table on your system?
- :param driver: string describing your gfx card driver (e.g. from pyglet)
- :param xDisplay: for linux only
- :param gammaErrorPolicy: whether you want to raise an error or warning
- :return:
- """
- if not gammaErrorPolicy:
- gammaErrorPolicy = defaultGammaErrorPolicy
- # make sure gamma is 3x1 array
- if type(newGamma) in [float, int]:
- newGamma = numpy.tile(newGamma, [3, 1])
- elif type(newGamma) in [list, tuple]:
- newGamma = numpy.array(newGamma)
- newGamma.shape = [3, 1]
- elif type(newGamma) is numpy.ndarray:
- newGamma.shape = [3, 1]
- # create LUT from gamma values
- newLUT = numpy.tile(
- createLinearRamp(rampType=rampType, rampSize=rampSize, driver=driver),
- (3, 1)
- )
- if numpy.all(newGamma == 1.0) == False:
- # correctly handles 1 or 3x1 gamma vals
- newLUT = newLUT**(1.0/numpy.array(newGamma))
- setGammaRamp(screenID, newLUT,
- xDisplay=xDisplay, gammaErrorPolicy=gammaErrorPolicy)
- def setGammaRamp(screenID, newRamp, nAttempts=3, xDisplay=None,
- gammaErrorPolicy=None):
- """Sets the hardware look-up table, using platform-specific functions.
- Ramp should be provided as 3xN array in range 0:1.0
- On windows the first attempt to set the ramp doesn't always work. The
- parameter nAttemps allows the user to determine how many attempts should
- be made before failing
- """
- if not gammaErrorPolicy:
- gammaErrorPolicy = defaultGammaErrorPolicy
- LUTlength = newRamp.shape[1]
- if newRamp.shape[0] != 3 and newRamp.shape[1] == 3:
- newRamp = numpy.ascontiguousarray(newRamp.transpose())
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- newRamp = (numpy.around(255.0 * newRamp)).astype(numpy.uint16)
- # necessary, according to pyglet post from Martin Spacek
- newRamp.byteswap(True)
- for n in range(nAttempts):
- success = windll.gdi32.SetDeviceGammaRamp(
- screenID, newRamp.ctypes) # FB 504
- if success:
- break
- if not success:
- func = 'SetDeviceGammaRamp'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- newRamp = (newRamp).astype(numpy.float32)
- error = carbon.CGSetDisplayTransferByTable(
- screenID, LUTlength,
- newRamp[0, :].ctypes,
- newRamp[1, :].ctypes,
- newRamp[2, :].ctypes)
- if error:
- func = 'CGSetDisplayTransferByTable'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not _TravisTesting:
- newRamp = (numpy.around(65535 * newRamp)).astype(numpy.uint16)
- success = xf86vm.XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp(
- xDisplay, screenID, LUTlength,
- newRamp[0, :].ctypes,
- newRamp[1, :].ctypes,
- newRamp[2, :].ctypes)
- if not success:
- func = 'XF86VidModeSetGammaRamp'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif _TravisTesting:
- logging.warn("It looks like we're running in the Travis-CI testing "
- "environment. Hardware gamma table cannot be set")
- def getGammaRamp(screenID, xDisplay=None, gammaErrorPolicy=None):
- """Ramp will be returned as 3xN array in range 0:1
- screenID :
- ID of the given display as defined by the OS
- xDisplay :
- the identity (int?) of the X display
- gammaErrorPolicy : str
- 'raise' (ends the experiment) or 'warn' (logs a warning)
- """
- if not gammaErrorPolicy:
- gammaErrorPolicy = defaultGammaErrorPolicy
- rampSize = getGammaRampSize(screenID, xDisplay=xDisplay)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # init R, G, and B ramps
- origramps = numpy.empty((3, rampSize), dtype=numpy.uint16)
- success = windll.gdi32.GetDeviceGammaRamp(
- screenID, origramps.ctypes) # FB 504
- if not success:
- func = 'GetDeviceGammaRamp'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- else:
- origramps.byteswap(True) # back to 0:255
- origramps = origramps/255.0 # rescale to 0:1
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- # init R, G, and B ramps
- origramps = numpy.empty((3, rampSize), dtype=numpy.float32)
- n = numpy.empty([1], dtype=numpy.int)
- error = carbon.CGGetDisplayTransferByTable(
- screenID, rampSize,
- origramps[0, :].ctypes,
- origramps[1, :].ctypes,
- origramps[2, :].ctypes, n.ctypes)
- if error:
- func = 'CGSetDisplayTransferByTable'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not _TravisTesting:
- origramps = numpy.empty((3, rampSize), dtype=numpy.uint16)
- success = xf86vm.XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp(
- xDisplay, screenID, rampSize,
- origramps[0, :].ctypes,
- origramps[1, :].ctypes,
- origramps[2, :].ctypes)
- if not success:
- func = 'XF86VidModeGetGammaRamp'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- else:
- origramps = origramps/65535.0 # rescale to 0:1
- elif _TravisTesting:
- logging.warn("It looks like we're running in the Travis-CI testing "
- "environment. Hardware gamma table cannot be retrieved")
- origramps = None
- return origramps
- def createLinearRamp(rampType=None, rampSize=256, driver=None):
- """Generate the Nx3 values for a linear gamma ramp on the current platform.
- This uses heuristics about known graphics cards to guess the 'rampType' if
- none is explicitly given.
- Much of this work is ported from LoadIdentityClut.m, by Mario Kleiner
- for the psychtoolbox
- rampType 0 : an 8-bit CLUT ranging 0:1
- This is seems correct for most windows machines and older macOS systems
- Known to be used by:
- OSX 10.4.9 PPC with GeForceFX-5200
- rampType 1 : an 8-bit CLUT ranging (1/256.0):1
- For some reason a number of macs then had a CLUT that (erroneously?)
- started with 1/256 rather than 0. Known to be used by:
- OSX 10.4.9 with ATI Mobility Radeon X1600
- OSX 10.5.8 with ATI Radeon HD-2600
- maybe all ATI cards?
- rampType 2 : a 10-bit CLUT ranging 0:(1023/1024)
- A slightly odd 10-bit CLUT that doesn't quite finish on 1.0!
- Known to be used by:
- OSX 10.5.8 with Geforce-9200M (MacMini)
- OSX 10.5.8 with Geforce-8800
- rampType 3 : a nasty, bug-fixing 10bit CLUT for crumby macOS drivers
- Craziest of them all for Snow leopard. Like rampType 2, except that
- the upper half of the table has 1/256.0 removed?!!
- Known to be used by:
- OSX 10.6.0 with NVidia Geforce-9200M
- """
- def _versionTuple(v):
- # for proper sorting: _versionTuple('10.8') < _versionTuple('10.10')
- return tuple(map(int, v.split('.')))
- if rampType is None:
- # try to determine rampType from heuristics including sys info
- osxVer = platform.mac_ver()[0] # '' on non-Mac
- # OSX
- if osxVer:
- osxVerTuple = _versionTuple(osxVer)
- # driver provided
- if driver is not None:
- # nvidia
- if 'NVIDIA' in driver:
- # leopard nVidia cards don't finish at 1.0!
- if _versionTuple("10.5") < osxVerTuple < _versionTuple("10.6"):
- rampType = 2
- # snow leopard cards are plain crazy!
- elif _versionTuple("10.6") < osxVerTuple:
- rampType = 3
- else:
- rampType = 1
- # non-nvidia
- else: # is ATI or unknown manufacturer, default to (1:256)/256
- # this is certainly correct for radeon2600 on 10.5.8 and
- # radeonX1600 on 10.4.9
- rampType = 1
- # no driver info given
- else: # is ATI or unknown manufacturer, default to (1:256)/256
- # this is certainly correct for radeon2600 on 10.5.8 and
- # radeonX1600 on 10.4.9
- rampType = 1
- # win32 or linux
- else: # for win32 and linux this is sensible, not clear about Vista and Windows7
- rampType = 0
- if rampType == 0:
- ramp = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=rampSize)
- elif rampType == 1:
- ramp = numpy.linspace(1/256.0, 1.0, num=256)
- elif rampType == 2:
- ramp = numpy.linspace(0, 1023.0/1024, num=1024)
- elif rampType == 3:
- ramp = numpy.linspace(0, 1023.0/1024, num=1024)
- ramp[512:] = ramp[512:] - 1/256.0
- logging.info('Using gamma ramp type: %i' % rampType)
- return ramp
- def getGammaRampSize(screenID, xDisplay=None, gammaErrorPolicy=None):
- """Returns the size of each channel of the gamma ramp."""
- if not gammaErrorPolicy:
- gammaErrorPolicy = defaultGammaErrorPolicy
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # windows documentation (for SetDeviceGammaRamp) seems to indicate that
- # the LUT size is always 256
- rampSize = 256
- elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
- rampSize = carbon.CGDisplayGammaTableCapacity(screenID)
- elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') and not _TravisTesting:
- rampSize = ctypes.c_int()
- success = xf86vm.XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize(
- xDisplay,
- screenID,
- ctypes.byref(rampSize)
- )
- if not success:
- func = 'XF86VidModeGetGammaRampSize'
- if gammaErrorPolicy == 'raise':
- raise OSError(raise_msg.format(func=func))
- elif gammaErrorPolicy == 'warn':
- logging.warning(warn_msg.format(func=func))
- else:
- rampSize = rampSize.value
- else:
- assert _TravisTesting
- rampSize = 256
- if rampSize == 0:
- logging.warn(
- "The size of the gamma ramp was reported as 0. This can " +
- "mean that gamma settings have no effect. Proceeding with " +
- "a default gamma ramp size."
- )
- rampSize = 256
- return rampSize