Go | 238 lines | 183 code | 43 blank | 12 comment | 35 complexity | 5b93d6fffd660e1c2a4efe770ce2df70 MD5 | raw file
- package main
- import (
- "github.com/oschwald/maxminddb-golang"
- "gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2"
- "net"
- "regexp"
- "time"
- )
- // AnalyticsRecord encodes the details of a request
- type AnalyticsRecord struct {
- Method string
- Path string
- RawPath string
- ContentLength int64
- UserAgent string
- Day int
- Month time.Month
- Year int
- Hour int
- ResponseCode int
- APIKey string
- TimeStamp time.Time
- APIVersion string
- APIName string
- APIID string
- OrgID string
- OauthID string
- RequestTime int64
- RawRequest string
- RawResponse string
- IPAddress string
- Geo GeoData
- Tags []string
- Alias string
- ExpireAt time.Time `bson:"expireAt" json:"expireAt"`
- }
- type GeoData struct {
- Country struct {
- ISOCode string `maxminddb:"iso_code"`
- } `maxminddb:"country"`
- City struct {
- GeoNameID uint `maxminddb:"geoname_id"`
- Names map[string]string `maxminddb:"names"`
- } `maxminddb:"city"`
- Location struct {
- Latitude float64 `maxminddb:"latitude"`
- Longitude float64 `maxminddb:"longitude"`
- TimeZone string `maxminddb:"time_zone"`
- } `maxminddb:"location"`
- }
- const (
- ANALYTICS_KEYNAME string = "tyk-system-analytics"
- )
- func (a *AnalyticsRecord) GetGeo(ipStr string) {
- if !config.AnalyticsConfig.EnableGeoIP {
- return
- }
- // Not great, tightly coupled
- if analytics.GeoIPDB == nil {
- return
- }
- ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
- var record GeoData // Or any appropriate struct
- err := analytics.GeoIPDB.Lookup(ip, &record)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("GeoIP Failure (not recorded): ", err)
- return
- }
- log.Debug("ISO Code: ", record.Country.ISOCode)
- log.Debug("City: ", record.City.Names["en"])
- log.Debug("Lat: ", record.Location.Latitude)
- log.Debug("Lon: ", record.Location.Longitude)
- log.Debug("TZ: ", record.Location.TimeZone)
- a.Geo = record
- }
- type NormaliseURLPatterns struct {
- UUIDs *regexp.Regexp
- IDs *regexp.Regexp
- Custom []*regexp.Regexp
- }
- func InitNormalisationPatterns() NormaliseURLPatterns {
- thesePatterns := NormaliseURLPatterns{}
- uuidPat, pat1Err := regexp.Compile("[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-)?[0-9a-fA-F]{4}(-)?[0-9a-fA-F]{4}(-)?[0-9a-fA-F]{4}(-)?[0-9a-fA-F]{12}")
- if pat1Err != nil {
- log.Error("failed to compile custom pattern: ", pat1Err)
- }
- numPat, pat2Err := regexp.Compile(`\/(\d+)`)
- if pat2Err != nil {
- log.Error("failed to compile custom pattern: ", pat2Err)
- }
- custPats := []*regexp.Regexp{}
- for _, pattern := range config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.Custom {
- thisPat, patErr := regexp.Compile(pattern)
- if patErr != nil {
- log.Error("failed to compile custom pattern: ", patErr)
- } else {
- custPats = append(custPats, thisPat)
- }
- }
- thesePatterns.UUIDs = uuidPat
- thesePatterns.IDs = numPat
- thesePatterns.Custom = custPats
- return thesePatterns
- }
- func (a *AnalyticsRecord) NormalisePath() {
- if config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.Enabled {
- if config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.NormaliseUUIDs {
- a.Path = config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.compiledPatternSet.UUIDs.ReplaceAllString(a.Path, "{uuid}")
- }
- if config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.NormaliseNumbers {
- a.Path = config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.compiledPatternSet.IDs.ReplaceAllString(a.Path, "/{id}")
- }
- if len(config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.compiledPatternSet.Custom) > 0 {
- for _, r := range config.AnalyticsConfig.NormaliseUrls.compiledPatternSet.Custom {
- a.Path = r.ReplaceAllString(a.Path, "{var}")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func (a *AnalyticsRecord) SetExpiry(expiresInSeconds int64) {
- var expiry time.Duration
- expiry = time.Duration(expiresInSeconds) * time.Second
- if expiresInSeconds == 0 {
- // Expiry is set to 100 years
- expiry = (24 * time.Hour) * (365 * 100)
- }
- t := time.Now()
- t2 := t.Add(expiry)
- a.ExpireAt = t2
- }
- // AnalyticsError is an error for when writing to the storage engine fails
- type AnalyticsError struct{}
- func (e AnalyticsError) Error() string {
- return "Recording request failed!"
- }
- // AnalyticsHandler is an interface to record analytics data to a writer.
- type AnalyticsHandler interface {
- Init() error
- RecordHit(AnalyticsRecord) error
- }
- // RedisAnalyticsHandler implements AnalyticsHandler and will record analytics
- // data to a redis back end as defined in the Config object
- type RedisAnalyticsHandler struct {
- Store *RedisClusterStorageManager
- Clean Purger
- GeoIPDB *maxminddb.Reader
- }
- func (r *RedisAnalyticsHandler) Init() {
- if config.AnalyticsConfig.EnableGeoIP {
- go r.reloadDB()
- }
- analytics.Store.Connect()
- }
- func (r *RedisAnalyticsHandler) reloadDB() {
- thisDb, err := maxminddb.Open(config.AnalyticsConfig.GeoIPDBLocation)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Failed to init GeoIP Database: ", err)
- } else {
- oldDB := r.GeoIPDB
- r.GeoIPDB = thisDb
- if oldDB != nil {
- oldDB.Close()
- }
- }
- time.Sleep(time.Hour * 1)
- }
- // RecordHit will store an AnalyticsRecord in Redis
- func (r RedisAnalyticsHandler) RecordHit(thisRecord AnalyticsRecord) error {
- // If we are obfuscating API Keys, store the hashed representation (config check handled in hashing function)
- thisRecord.APIKey = publicHash(thisRecord.APIKey)
- if config.SlaveOptions.UseRPC {
- // Extend tag list to include this data so wecan segment by node if necessary
- thisRecord.Tags = append(thisRecord.Tags, "tyk-hybrid-rpc")
- }
- if config.DBAppConfOptions.NodeIsSegmented {
- // Extend tag list to include this data so wecan segment by node if necessary
- thisRecord.Tags = append(thisRecord.Tags, config.DBAppConfOptions.Tags...)
- }
- // Lets add some metadata
- if thisRecord.APIKey != "" {
- thisRecord.Tags = append(thisRecord.Tags, "key-"+thisRecord.APIKey)
- }
- if thisRecord.OrgID != "" {
- thisRecord.Tags = append(thisRecord.Tags, "org-"+thisRecord.OrgID)
- }
- thisRecord.Tags = append(thisRecord.Tags, "api-"+thisRecord.APIID)
- encoded, err := msgpack.Marshal(thisRecord)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Error encoding analytics data:")
- log.Error(err)
- return AnalyticsError{}
- }
- r.Store.AppendToSet(ANALYTICS_KEYNAME, string(encoded))
- return nil
- }