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Python | 188 lines | 135 code | 24 blank | 29 comment | 5 complexity | a23f345af7306b1cd8c83aa7870d1083 MD5 | raw file
  1. '''
  2. Created on Dec 2, 2016
  3. script to plot and correct relative humidity data from 095b based on the plots from
  4. and time series plot from this script. also updates the netCDF file
  5. now located on bunnyhill. plots up before and after histograms.
  6. @author: pkormos
  7. '''
  8. import netCDF4 as nc
  9. import numpy as np
  10. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  11. from pandas import Series, date_range
  12. def rhstretch(data,old_low,new_low,old_high):
  13. slp = (1-new_low)/(old_high-old_low)
  14. itc = new_low - old_low * slp
  15. return(data*slp+itc)
  16. stn0 = 'rc-095b'
  17. wyoi = np.arange(1984, 2015) # water years of interest
  18. # bring in precipitation data
  19. pnc = '/Volumes/megadozer/CZO/nc_working_files/' # netcdf file name
  20. pn = nc.Dataset(pnc, 'r') # create precip ncdf file
  21. pvar = pn.variables["precipitation"]
  22. p_st = pn.variables['stations'] # id for stations
  23. tt_list = ["station_%s" % i for i in range(np.shape(pvar)[1])]
  24. p_list = [p_st.getncattr(tt_list[k]) for k in range(np.shape(pvar)[1])] # sorted rh station list
  25. ppt = Series([:,p_list.index(stn0)],np.nan).ravel(),index=date_range('1962-1-1', '2014-12-31 23:00', freq='H')) # make pandas dataset
  26. pn.close()
  27. # # bring in relative humidity data
  28. rnc = '/Volumes/megadozer/CZO/nc_working_files/' # netcdf file name
  29. rn = nc.Dataset(rnc, 'r') # create precip ncdf file
  30. rvar = rn.variables["relative_humidity"]
  31. rh_st = rn.variables['stations'] # id for stations
  32. tt_list = ["station_%s" % i for i in range(np.shape(rvar)[1])]
  33. r_list = [rh_st.getncattr(tt_list[k]) for k in range(np.shape(rvar)[1])] # sorted rh station list
  34. rh = Series([:,r_list.index(stn0)],np.nan).ravel(),index=date_range('18-Jun-1981 11:00:00', '01-Oct-2014', freq='H')) # make pandas dataset
  35. rn.close()
  36. # # plot up data to check it
  37. # fig0 = plt.figure(num=10, figsize=(17,8.5))
  38. # ax3 = fig0.add_subplot(1,1,1)
  39. # rh.plot()
  40. # ax3.set_xlim('1999/10/1','2014/10/1')
  41. # ax3.hlines(y=1,xmin='1983/10/1',xmax='2014/10/1')
  42. # ax3.hlines(y=.1,xmin='1983/10/1',xmax='2014/10/1')
  43. # plot original and corrected data
  44. rh = rh.clip_upper(1)
  45. t1 = '6/1/2001 0:00'
  46. t2 = '9/30/2014 23:00'
  47. fig2 = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=(14,8.5), dpi=100, facecolor='w')
  48. ax12 = fig2.add_axes([.05, .05, .9, .9])
  49. ppt[t1:t2].plot(style= 'g-', ax=ax12)
  50. ax2 = ax12.twinx()
  51. rh[t1:t2].plot(style = 'b-', ax=ax2) # plot time series before modification
  52. l0 = ax2.hlines(y=1,xmin=t1,xmax = t2,color='k')
  53. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=.1,xmin=t1,xmax = t2,color='k')
  54. ## correct first section of data
  55. st1 = '04/01/2003 1:00'
  56. nd1 = '10/01/2004 0:00'
  57. strt = 0.98 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  58. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  59. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  60. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  61. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  62. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  63. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  64. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  65. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
  66. ## correct 2nd section of data
  67. st1 = '10/01/2004 0:00'
  68. nd1 = '10/01/2005 0:00'
  69. strt = 0.95 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  70. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  71. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  72. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  73. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  74. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  75. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  76. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  77. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='k-',ax=ax2)
  78. ## correct 3rd section of data
  79. st1 = '10/01/2005 1:00'
  80. nd1 = '10/01/2006 0:00'
  81. strt = 0.97 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  82. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  83. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  84. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  85. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  86. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  87. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  88. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  89. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='m-',ax=ax2)
  90. ## correct 4th section of data
  91. st1 = '10/01/2006 1:00'
  92. nd1 = '10/01/2007 0:00'
  93. strt = 0.93 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  94. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  95. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  96. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  97. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  98. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  99. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  100. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  101. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
  102. ## correct 5th section of data
  103. st1 = '10/01/2007 1:00'
  104. nd1 = '10/01/2008 0:00'
  105. strt = 0.96 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  106. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  107. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  108. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  109. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  110. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  111. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  112. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  113. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='k-',ax=ax2)
  114. ## correct 6th section of data
  115. st1 = '10/01/2011 1:00'
  116. nd1 = '10/01/2012 0:00'
  117. strt = 0.98 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  118. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  119. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  120. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  121. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  122. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  123. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  124. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  125. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='m-',ax=ax2)
  126. ## correct 7th section of data
  127. st1 = '10/01/2012 1:00'
  128. nd1 = '10/01/2014 0:00'
  129. strt = 0.99 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
  130. strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
  131. strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
  132. l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  133. l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
  134. l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
  135. rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
  136. rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
  137. l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
  138. # plot histograms for 144 rh during precip events
  139. year_st = 2003
  140. fig1 = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(8.5,14), dpi=100, facecolor='w')
  141. for y in np.arange(year_st,year_st+12):
  142. rh0 = rh['10/1/%s 0:00'%(y-1):'9/30/%s 23:00'%y] # get rh time slice for stn0
  143. ppt0 = ppt['10/1/%s 0:00'%(y-1):'9/30/%s 23:00'%y] # get rh time slice for stn0]
  144. pind = ppt0>0 # index to times with precip
  145. rind = np.isfinite(rh0)
  146. ind = pind&rind
  147. b_edg = np.linspace(0, 1, num=51) # bin edges
  148. width = 0.02
  149. wts = ppt0[ind].dropna()
  150. whst = np.histogram(rh0[ind].dropna(),bins = b_edg,weights=wts) # get weighted histogram bar heights
  151. ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(6,2,y-year_st+1)
  152. rects1 =[1][0:np.size(whst[0])]+.01,whst[0], width, color='green')
  153. plt.axis([0,1.01,0,plt.ylim()[1]])
  154. plt.title('WY%s R.H.'%(y),y=.83, x=0.4)
  155. plt.grid(True)
  157. ## update the netcdf file with the corrected data
  158. rn = nc.Dataset(rnc, 'r+') # create precip ncdf file
  159. rvar = rn.variables["relative_humidity"]
  160. rvar[:,r_list.index(stn0)] = np.array(rh)
  161. # a = rvar[:,r_list.index(stn0)]
  162. # plt.plot(a)
  163. rn.close()