Python | 188 lines | 135 code | 24 blank | 29 comment | 5 complexity | a23f345af7306b1cd8c83aa7870d1083 MD5 | raw file
- '''
- Created on Dec 2, 2016
- script to plot and correct relative humidity data from 095b based on the plots from
- humidity_analysis.py. and time series plot from this script. also updates the netCDF file
- now located on bunnyhill. plots up before and after histograms.
- @author: pkormos
- '''
- import netCDF4 as nc
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from pandas import Series, date_range
- def rhstretch(data,old_low,new_low,old_high):
- slp = (1-new_low)/(old_high-old_low)
- itc = new_low - old_low * slp
- return(data*slp+itc)
- stn0 = 'rc-095b'
- wyoi = np.arange(1984, 2015) # water years of interest
- # bring in precipitation data
- pnc = '/Volumes/megadozer/CZO/nc_working_files/rcew_ppt_pk.nc' # netcdf file name
- pn = nc.Dataset(pnc, 'r') # create precip ncdf file
- pvar = pn.variables["precipitation"]
- p_st = pn.variables['stations'] # id for stations
- tt_list = ["station_%s" % i for i in range(np.shape(pvar)[1])]
- p_list = [p_st.getncattr(tt_list[k]) for k in range(np.shape(pvar)[1])] # sorted rh station list
- ppt = Series(np.ma.filled(pvar[:,p_list.index(stn0)],np.nan).ravel(),index=date_range('1962-1-1', '2014-12-31 23:00', freq='H')) # make pandas dataset
- pn.close()
- # # bring in relative humidity data
- rnc = '/Volumes/megadozer/CZO/nc_working_files/rcew_rh_pk.nc' # netcdf file name
- rn = nc.Dataset(rnc, 'r') # create precip ncdf file
- rvar = rn.variables["relative_humidity"]
- rh_st = rn.variables['stations'] # id for stations
- tt_list = ["station_%s" % i for i in range(np.shape(rvar)[1])]
- r_list = [rh_st.getncattr(tt_list[k]) for k in range(np.shape(rvar)[1])] # sorted rh station list
- rh = Series(np.ma.filled(rvar[:,r_list.index(stn0)],np.nan).ravel(),index=date_range('18-Jun-1981 11:00:00', '01-Oct-2014', freq='H')) # make pandas dataset
- rn.close()
- # # plot up data to check it
- # fig0 = plt.figure(num=10, figsize=(17,8.5))
- # ax3 = fig0.add_subplot(1,1,1)
- # rh.plot()
- # ax3.set_xlim('1999/10/1','2014/10/1')
- # ax3.hlines(y=1,xmin='1983/10/1',xmax='2014/10/1')
- # ax3.hlines(y=.1,xmin='1983/10/1',xmax='2014/10/1')
- # plot original and corrected data
- rh = rh.clip_upper(1)
- t1 = '6/1/2001 0:00'
- t2 = '9/30/2014 23:00'
- fig2 = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=(14,8.5), dpi=100, facecolor='w')
- ax12 = fig2.add_axes([.05, .05, .9, .9])
- ppt[t1:t2].plot(style= 'g-', ax=ax12)
- ax2 = ax12.twinx()
- rh[t1:t2].plot(style = 'b-', ax=ax2) # plot time series before modification
- l0 = ax2.hlines(y=1,xmin=t1,xmax = t2,color='k')
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=.1,xmin=t1,xmax = t2,color='k')
- ## correct first section of data
- st1 = '04/01/2003 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2004 0:00'
- strt = 0.98 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 2nd section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2004 0:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2005 0:00'
- strt = 0.95 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='k-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 3rd section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2005 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2006 0:00'
- strt = 0.97 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='m-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 4th section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2006 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2007 0:00'
- strt = 0.93 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 5th section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2007 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2008 0:00'
- strt = 0.96 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='k-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 6th section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2011 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2012 0:00'
- strt = 0.98 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='m-',ax=ax2)
- ## correct 7th section of data
- st1 = '10/01/2012 1:00'
- nd1 = '10/01/2014 0:00'
- strt = 0.99 # what the upper rh does go up to (increase this.)
- strb = 0.1 # what the lower rh should drop to
- strbb = 0.1 # what the lower rh does drop to
- l1 = ax2.hlines(y=strt, xmin=st1, xmax=nd1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l2 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=st1,color='r', linewidth=2) # plot line showing area to be changed
- l3 = ax2.vlines(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=nd1,color='r',linewidth=2)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rhstretch(rh[st1:nd1],strbb,strb,strt)
- rh[st1:nd1] = rh[st1:nd1].clip_upper(1)
- l4 = rh[st1:nd1].plot(style='c-',ax=ax2)
- # plot histograms for 144 rh during precip events
- year_st = 2003
- fig1 = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(8.5,14), dpi=100, facecolor='w')
- for y in np.arange(year_st,year_st+12):
- rh0 = rh['10/1/%s 0:00'%(y-1):'9/30/%s 23:00'%y] # get rh time slice for stn0
- ppt0 = ppt['10/1/%s 0:00'%(y-1):'9/30/%s 23:00'%y] # get rh time slice for stn0]
- pind = ppt0>0 # index to times with precip
- rind = np.isfinite(rh0)
- ind = pind&rind
- b_edg = np.linspace(0, 1, num=51) # bin edges
- width = 0.02
- wts = ppt0[ind].dropna()
- whst = np.histogram(rh0[ind].dropna(),bins = b_edg,weights=wts) # get weighted histogram bar heights
- ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(6,2,y-year_st+1)
- rects1 = ax1.bar(whst[1][0:np.size(whst[0])]+.01,whst[0], width, color='green')
- plt.axis([0,1.01,0,plt.ylim()[1]])
- plt.title('WY%s R.H.'%(y),y=.83, x=0.4)
- plt.grid(True)
- plt.show()
- ## update the netcdf file with the corrected data
- rn = nc.Dataset(rnc, 'r+') # create precip ncdf file
- rvar = rn.variables["relative_humidity"]
- rvar[:,r_list.index(stn0)] = np.array(rh)
- # a = rvar[:,r_list.index(stn0)]
- # plt.plot(a)
- rn.close()