Python | 416 lines | 324 code | 74 blank | 18 comment | 26 complexity | 9ca97484a9e1941e2a48ea0c8f9ec43b MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- """ PLC Factory: Entry point """
- __author__ = "Gregor Ulm"
- __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, European Spallation Source, Lund"
- __credits__ = [ "Gregor Ulm"
- , "David Brodrick"
- , "Nick Levchenko"
- , "Francois Bellorini"
- , "Ricardo Fernandes"
- ]
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __maintainer__ = "Gregor Ulm"
- __email__ = "gregor.ulm@esss.se"
- __status__ = "Production"
- __env__ = "Python version 2.7"
- # Python libraries
- import argparse
- import datetime
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- # PLC Factory modules
- import ccdb
- import glob
- import plcf
- import processTemplate as pt
- # global variables
- TEMPLATE_DIR = "templates"
- OUTPUT_DIR = "output"
- def getArtefact(deviceType, filenames, tag, templateID):
- assert isinstance(deviceType, str )
- assert isinstance(filenames, list)
- assert isinstance(tag, str )
- assert isinstance(templateID, str )
- lines = []
- for filename in filenames:
- if matchingArtefact(filename, tag, templateID):
- ccdb.getArtefact(deviceType, filename)
- with open(filename) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- break
- return lines
- def getTemplateName(deviceType, filenames, templateID):
- assert isinstance(deviceType, str )
- assert isinstance(filenames, list)
- assert isinstance(templateID, str )
- result = ""
- for filename in filenames:
- if matchingArtefact(filename, "TEMPLATE", templateID):
- result = filename
- # download header and save in template directory
- ccdb.getArtefact(deviceType, filename)
- break
- return result
- def matchingArtefact(filename, tag, templateID):
- assert isinstance(filename, str)
- assert isinstance(tag, str)
- assert isinstance(templateID, str)
- # attached artefacts may be of different file types, e.g. PDF
- if not filename.endswith('.txt'):
- return False
- # exactly one '.' in filename
- assert filename.count('.') == 1
- filename = filename.split('.')[0] # removing '.txt.
- tmp = filename.split("_") # separating fields in filename
- # extract template ID
- name = tmp[-1]
- return name == templateID and tag in filename
- def createFilename(header, device, templateID, deviceType):
- assert isinstance(header, list)
- assert isinstance(device, str )
- assert isinstance(templateID, str )
- assert isinstance(deviceType, str )
- tag = "#FILENAME"
- tagPos = findTag(header, tag)
- # default filename is chosen when no custom filename is specified
- if len(header) == 0 or tagPos == -1:
- outputFile = device + "_" + deviceType + "_template-" + templateID \
- + "_" + glob.timestamp + ".scl"
- return outputFile
- else:
- filename = header[tagPos]
- # remove tag and strip surrounding whitespace
- filename = filename[len(tag):].strip()
- filename = plcf.keywordsHeader(filename, device, templateID)
- return filename
- def findTag(lines, tag):
- assert isinstance(lines, list)
- assert isinstance(tag, str )
- tagPos = -1
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- if lines[i].startswith(tag):
- tagPos = i
- break
- return tagPos
- def processHash(header):
- assert isinstance(header, list)
- tag = "#HASH"
- hashSum = ccdb.getHash()
- pos = -1
- for i in range(len(header)):
- if tag in header[i]:
- pos = i
- break
- if pos == -1:
- return header
- line = header[pos]
- tagPos = line.find(tag)
- line = line[:tagPos] + hashSum + line[tagPos + len(tag):]
- header[pos] = line
- return header
- def replaceTag(line, tag, insert):
- assert isinstance(line, str)
- assert isinstance(tag, str)
- assert isinstance(insert, str)
- start = line.find(tag)
- assert start != -1
- end = start + len(tag)
- return line[:start] + insert + line[end:]
- # ensures that filenames are legal in Windows
- # (OSX automatically replaces illegal characters)
- def sanitizeFilename(filename):
- assert isinstance(filename, str)
- result = map(lambda x: '_' if x in '<>:"/\|?*' else x, filename)
- return "".join(result)
- def processRoot(templateID, device):
- assert isinstance(templateID, str)
- assert isinstance(device, str)
- # get artifact names of files attached to root device
- (deviceType, rootArtefacts) = ccdb.getArtefactNames(device)
- # find devices this PLC controls
- controls = ccdb.control(device)
- print device + " controls: "
- for elem in controls:
- print "\t- " + elem
- print "\n"
- # change working directory to template directory
- os.chdir(TEMPLATE_DIR)
- header = getArtefact(deviceType, rootArtefacts, "HEADER", templateID)
- if len(header) == 0:
- print "No header found.\n"
- else:
- print "Header read.\n"
- footer = getArtefact(deviceType, rootArtefacts, "FOOTER", templateID)
- if len(footer) == 0:
- print "No footer found.\n"
- else:
- print "Footer read.\n"
- print "Processing entire tree of controls-relationships:\n"
- return (deviceType, rootArtefacts, controls, header, footer)
- def processTemplateID(templateID, device):
- assert isinstance(templateID, str)
- assert isinstance(device, str)
- print "#" * 60
- print "Template ID " + templateID
- print "Device at root: " + device + "\n"
- # collect lines to be written at the end
- output = []
- # process header/footer
- (deviceType, rootArtefacts, controls, header, footer) = \
- processRoot(templateID, device)
- # for each device, find corresponding template and process it
- output = []
- toProcess = controls # starting with devices controlled by PLC
- processed = set()
- outputFile = \
- createFilename(header, device, templateID, deviceType)
- headerFileName = ""
- headerFiles = filter(lambda x: "HEADER" in x and templateID in x, rootArtefacts)
- if len(headerFiles) >= 1:
- headerFileName = headerFiles[0]
- if not headerFileName == "":
- header = pt.process(device, headerFileName)
- while toProcess != []:
- elem = toProcess.pop()
- if elem in processed: # this should be redundant
- continue
- print elem
- # get template
- (deviceType, artefacts) = ccdb.getArtefactNames(elem)
- print "Device type: " + deviceType
- filename = getTemplateName(deviceType, artefacts, templateID)
- if filename != "":
- # process template and add result to output
- output += pt.process(elem, filename)
- output.append("\n\n")
- print "Template processed."
- else:
- print "No template found."
- controls = ccdb.control(elem)
- print "This device controls: "
- if len(controls) > 0:
- for c in controls:
- print "\t- " + c #, c in processed
- if c not in processed:
- toProcess.append(c)
- else:
- print "N/A"
- print "=" * 40
- processed.add(elem)
- print "\n"
- os.chdir("..")
- # process #HASH keyword in header
- header = processHash(header)
- output = header + output + footer
- outputFile = sanitizeFilename(outputFile)
- if len(output) == 0:
- print "There were no templates for ID = " + templateID + ".\n"
- return
- lines = output
- output = []
- # Process counters; initialize
- numOfCounters = 9
- counters = dict()
- for n in range(numOfCounters):
- counters["Counter" + str(n + 1)] = 0
- for line in lines:
- if "[PLCF#" in line and "#COUNTER" not in line:
- line = plcf.evalCounter(line, counters)
- elif "[PLCF#" in line and '#COUNTER' in line:
- (counters, line) = plcf.evalCounterIncrease(line, counters)
- assert isinstance(line, str)
- assert "[PLCF#" not in line # PLCF should now all be be processed
- output.append(line)
- #write file
- os.chdir(OUTPUT_DIR)
- with open(outputFile,'w') as f:
- for line in output:
- line = line.rstrip()
- if not line.startswith("#COUNTER") \
- and not line.startswith("#FILENAME"):
- f.write(line + "\n")
- os.chdir("..")
- print "Output file written: " + outputFile + "\n",
- print "Hash sum: " + glob.hashSum
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- os.system('clear')
- start_time = time.time()
- glob.timestamp = '{:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now())
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument(
- '-d',
- '--device',
- help='device / installation slot',
- required=True
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '-t',
- '--template',
- help='template name',
- nargs = '*',
- type=str,
- required=True)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--test',
- help='select test database',
- action='store_true',
- required=False)
- # this argument is just for show as the corresponding value is
- # set to True by default
- parser.add_argument(
- '--production',
- help='select production database',
- action='store_true',
- required=False)
- # retrieve parameters
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # PLC name and template number given as arguments
- device = args.device
- templateIDs = args.template
- if args.test:
- glob.production = False
- assert len(templateIDs) >= 1, "at least one template ID must be given"
- # remove templates downloaded in a previous run
- os.chdir(TEMPLATE_DIR)
- files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
- for f in files:
- if "TEMPLATE" in f:
- os.remove(f)
- os.chdir("..")
- map(lambda x: processTemplateID(x, device), templateIDs)
- print("--- %.1f seconds ---\n" % (time.time() - start_time))