https://gitlab.com/Pourse/Server · Erlang · 215 lines · 161 code · 47 blank · 7 comment · 0 complexity · 94f00fe81c4a27d5aff8fc2941a54e44 MD5 · raw file
- -module(pourse_db_adapter).
- -export([
- start/0,
- ensure_all_started/0,
- new/0,
- get/3,
- get_index/4,
- get_index/5,
- get_index/7,
- put/4,
- put/6,
- delete_all/1,
- delete/2,
- delete/3,
- list_keys/2,
- get_value/1,
- update/2,
- add_index/3,
- update_index/4,
- delete/1
- ]).
- -include("config.hrl").
- start() ->
- ok = application:start(riakpool),
- ok = start_riakpool(),
- ok.
- ensure_all_started() ->
- application:start(riakpool),
- start_riakpool(),
- ok.
- new() ->
- {error, pool_already_started} = start_riakpool(),
- {?MODULE}.
- start_riakpool() ->
- riakpool:start_pool(?env(database, host), ?env(database, port)).
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- get(Bucket, Key, {?MODULE}) ->
- {ok, Res} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:get(Pid, Bucket, Key) end),
- {?MODULE, Res}.
- get_index(Bucket, IndexName, Value, {?MODULE}) ->
- case typeof(Value) of
- "bin" -> IndexType = binary_index;
- "int" -> IndexType = integer_index
- end,
- {ok, {ok, {index_results_v1, Result, _, _}}} =
- riakpool:execute(
- fun(Pid) ->
- riakc_pb_socket:get_index(
- Pid,
- Bucket,
- {IndexType, IndexName},
- Value
- )
- end
- ),
- {ok, Result}.
- get_index(Bucket, IndexName, StartRange, EndRange, {?MODULE}) ->
- case typeof(StartRange) of
- "bin" -> IndexType = binary_index;
- "int" -> IndexType = integer_index
- end,
- {ok, {ok, {index_results_v1, Result, undefined, undefined}}} =
- riakpool:execute(
- fun(Pid) ->
- riakc_pb_socket:get_index(
- Pid,
- Bucket,
- {IndexType, IndexName},
- StartRange, EndRange
- )
- end
- ),
- {ok, Result}.
- get_index(Bucket, IndexName, StartRange, EndRange, MaxResult, Continuation, {?MODULE}) ->
- case typeof(StartRange) of
- "bin" -> IndexType = binary_index;
- "int" -> IndexType = integer_index
- end,
- {ok, {ok, {index_results_v1, Result, undefined, NewContinuation}}} =
- riakpool:execute(
- fun(Pid) ->
- riakc_pb_socket:get_index_range(
- Pid,
- Bucket,
- {IndexType, IndexName},
- StartRange, EndRange,
- [
- {max_results, MaxResult},
- {continuation, Continuation}
- ]
- )
- end
- ),
- {ok, Result, NewContinuation}.
- put(Bucket, Key, Value, {?MODULE}) ->
- %put(Bucket, Key, Value, [], STATE).
- Object = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Key, Value),
- {ok, ok} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, Object) end),
- {?MODULE, {ok, Object}}.
- put(Bucket, Key, Value, IndexName, IndexVal, {?MODULE}) ->
- Object = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Key, Value),
- add_index(IndexName, IndexVal, {?MODULE, {ok, Object}}).
- delete_all({?MODULE}) ->
- {ok, {ok, Buckets}} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:list_buckets(Pid) end),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(B) ->
- case lists:prefix("Pourse_", binary_to_list(B)) of
- true -> delete(B, {?MODULE});
- false -> void
- end
- end,
- Buckets
- ),
- ok.
- delete(Bucket, {?MODULE}) ->
- Keys = list_keys(Bucket, {?MODULE}),
- lists:foreach(fun(Key) -> delete(Bucket, Key, {?MODULE}) end, Keys),
- ok.
- delete(Bucket, Key, {?MODULE}) ->
- ok = riakpool_client:delete(Bucket, Key).
- list_keys(Bucket, {?MODULE}) ->
- {ok, {ok, Res}} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(Pid, Bucket) end),
- Res.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- get_value({?MODULE, {ok, Object}}) ->
- Value = binary_to_term(riakc_obj:get_value(Object)),
- {ok, Value};
- get_value({?MODULE, {error, Reason}}) ->
- {error, Reason}.
- update(NewValue, {?MODULE, {ok, Object}}) ->
- Updated = riakc_obj:update_value(Object, NewValue),
- {ok, ok} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, Updated) end),
- {?MODULE, {ok, Updated}}.
- add_index(IndexName, IndexVal, {?MODULE, {ok, Object}}) ->
- IndexType = case typeof(IndexVal) of
- "bin" -> binary_index;
- "int" -> integer_index
- end,
- Meta = riakc_obj:get_update_metadata(Object),
- MD = riakc_obj:set_secondary_index(Meta,[{{IndexType, IndexName}, [IndexVal]}]),
- O = riakc_obj:update_metadata(Object, MD),
- {ok, ok} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, O) end),
- {?MODULE, {ok, O}}.
- update_index(IndexName, OldValue, NewValue, {?MODULE, {ok, Object}}) ->
- Meta = riakc_obj:get_update_metadata(Object),
- F = fun({A, B}) ->
- case A =:= list_to_binary(IndexName ++ "_" ++ typeof(OldValue)) andalso B =:= binof(OldValue) of
- false ->
- {A, B};
- true ->
- {IndexName ++ "_" ++ typeof(NewValue), NewValue}
- end
- end,
- NewMeta = dict:update(<<"index">>, fun(X) -> lists:map(F, X) end, Meta),
- O = riakc_obj:update_metadata(Object, NewMeta),
- {ok, ok} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, O) end),
- {?MODULE, {ok, O}}.
- delete({?MODULE, {ok, Object}}) ->
- {ok, ok} = riakpool:execute(fun(Pid) -> riakc_pb_socket:delete_obj(Pid, Object) end),
- ok.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- typeof(X) when is_binary(X) -> "bin";
- typeof(X) when is_integer(X) -> "int".
- binof(X) when is_binary(X) -> X;
- binof(X) when is_integer(X) -> integer_to_binary(X).