Python | 314 lines | 198 code | 15 blank | 101 comment | 2 complexity | 121270ab9d57091ffadca082a2729332 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- This node computes the poses for a set of robots/points to move from a current
- configuration to a target configuration.
- **Input(s):**
- * `event_in`: The desired event for the node:
- `e_start`: starts the component.
- `e_stop`: stops the component.
- - *type:* `std_msgs/String`
- * `target_poses`: Target poses for the controller to reach.
- - *type:* `geometry_msgs/PoseArray`
- * `current_poses`: Current poses of the robots/points.
- - *type:* `geometry_msgs/PoseArray`
- **Output(s):**
- * `poses_out`: The commanded poses for the robots/points.
- - *type:* `geometry_msgs/PoseArray`
- * `event_out`: The current event of the node.
- `e_running`: when the component is running.
- `e_stopped`: when the component is stopped.
- - *type:* `std_msgs/String`
- **Parameter(s):**
- * `loop_rate`: Node cycle rate (in Hz).
- * `number_of_robots`: Number of robots to control.
- * `gain`: Controller gain.
- * `scale`:Desired scale.
- * `weights`: Controller weights for each term.
- * `saturation`: Saturation threshold for the controller.
- """
- import numpy as np
- import rospy
- import std_msgs.msg
- import geometry_msgs.msg
- import udom_shape_control.arandas_controller_utils as utils
- from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
- from udom_shape_control.cfg import ArandasControllerConfig as ArandasController
- class ArandasControllerNode(object):
- """
- Computes the poses for a set of robots/points to move from a current configuration
- to a target configuration.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """
- Instantiates a Aranda's controller node.
- :return: A node to move a set of robots/points to a desired configuration.
- :rtype: ArandasControllerNode
- """
- # Params
- self.event = None
- self.target = None
- self.current = None
- self.centroid = None
- # Number of robots to control.
- self.number_of_robots = rospy.get_param('~number_of_robots', 5)
- # Controller gain.
- self.gain = rospy.get_param('~gain', 1e-2)
- # Desired scale.
- self.scale = rospy.get_param('~scale', 1.0)
- # Saturation threshold for the controller.
- self.saturation = rospy.get_param('~saturation', 0.03)
- # Controller weights for each term.
- self.weights = rospy.get_param('~weights', [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
- assert len(self.weights) == 5, "weights must be of dimension 5."
- # Node cycle rate (in Hz).
- rate = rospy.get_param('~loop_rate', 100)
- self.loop_rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
- # Create controller
- self.controller = utils.ArandasController(
- self.number_of_robots, self.gain, self.weights, self.scale)
- # Publishers
- self.event_out = rospy.Publisher("~event_out", std_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=10)
- self.command = rospy.Publisher(
- "~command", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
- self.target_pub = rospy.Publisher(
- "~target_logger", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
- self.current_pub = rospy.Publisher(
- "~current_logger", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
- self.destination = rospy.Publisher(
- "~destination", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
- self.destination_g = rospy.Publisher(
- "~destination_g", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
- # Subscribers
- rospy.Subscriber("~event_in", std_msgs.msg.String, self.event_in_cb)
- rospy.Subscriber('~target', geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, self.target_cb)
- rospy.Subscriber('~current', geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray, self.current_cb)
- rospy.Subscriber('~centroid', geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped, self.centroid_cb)
- # Dynamic Server Reconfiguration
- dynamic_reconfig_srv = Server(ArandasController, self.dynamic_reconfig_cb)
- def dynamic_reconfig_cb(self, config, level):
- """
- Reconfigures the parameters of the Aranda's controller.
- """
- self.gain = config.gain
- self.scale = config.scale
- self.saturation = config.saturation
- self.weights[0] = config.similarity_weight
- self.weights[1] = config.affine_weight
- self.weights[2] = config.centroid_weight
- self.weights[3] = config.scale_weight
- self.weights[4] = config.orientation_size_weight
- return config
- def event_in_cb(self, msg):
- """
- Obtains the event for the node (e.g. start, stop).
- :param msg: Event message for the node.
- :type msg: std_msgs.msg.String
- """
- self.event = msg.data
- def target_cb(self, msg):
- """
- Obtains the target configuration.
- :param msg: Target configuration.
- :type msg: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray
- """
- self.target = msg
- def current_cb(self, msg):
- """
- Obtains the current configuration.
- :param msg: Current configuration.
- :type msg: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray
- """
- self.current = msg
- def centroid_cb(self, msg):
- """
- Obtains the desired centroid.
- :param msg: Desired centroid.
- :type msg: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped
- """
- self.centroid = msg
- def start(self):
- """
- Starts the node.
- """
- rospy.loginfo("Ready to start...")
- state = 'INIT'
- while not rospy.is_shutdown():
- if state == 'INIT':
- state = self.init_state()
- elif state == 'IDLE':
- state = self.idle_state()
- elif state == 'RUNNING':
- state = self.running_state()
- rospy.logdebug("State: {0}".format(state))
- self.loop_rate.sleep()
- def init_state(self):
- """
- Executes the INIT state of the state machine.
- :return: The updated state.
- :rtype: str
- """
- if self.event == 'e_start':
- return 'IDLE'
- else:
- return 'INIT'
- def idle_state(self):
- """
- Executes the IDLE state of the state machine.
- :return: The updated state.
- :rtype: str
- """
- if self.event == 'e_stop':
- self.event_out.publish('e_stopped')
- self.reset_component_data()
- return 'INIT'
- elif (self.target is not None) and (self.current is not None):
- return 'RUNNING'
- else:
- return 'IDLE'
- def running_state(self):
- """
- Executes the RUNNING state of the state machine.
- :return: The updated state.
- :rtype: str
- """
- if self.event == 'e_stop':
- self.event_out.publish('e_stopped')
- self.reset_component_data()
- return 'INIT'
- else:
- command = self.compute_command()
- self.event_out.publish('e_running')
- self.command.publish(command)
- self.target_pub.publish(self.target)
- self.current_pub.publish(self.current)
- self.reset_component_data()
- return 'IDLE'
- def compute_command(self):
- """
- Computes the required command to move towards a target configuration.
- :return: Command to move towards a target configuration.
- :rtype: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseArray
- """
- current = utils.pose_array_to_matrix(self.current)
- target = utils.pose_array_to_matrix(self.target)
- # Update controller parameters.
- self.controller.gain = self.gain
- self.controller.scale = self.scale
- self.controller.weights = self.weights
- self.controller.saturation = self.saturation
- if self.centroid is not None:
- centroid = np.array([
- self.centroid.pose.position.x, self.centroid.pose.position.y,
- self.centroid.pose.position.z])
- command_matrix = self.controller.compute_command(current, target, centroid)
- else:
- command_matrix = self.controller.compute_command(current, target)
- command = utils.matrix_to_pose_array(command_matrix)
- command.header.frame_id = self.current.header.frame_id
- command.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
- destination_matrix = self.controller.compute_destination(current, target)
- destination = utils.matrix_to_pose_array(destination_matrix)
- destination.header.frame_id = self.current.header.frame_id
- destination.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
- self.destination.publish(destination)
- destination_matrix_g = self.controller.compute_destination_g(current, target)
- destination_g = utils.matrix_to_pose_array(destination_matrix_g)
- destination_g.header.frame_id = self.current.header.frame_id
- destination_g.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
- self.destination_g.publish(destination_g)
- return command
- def reset_component_data(self):
- """
- Clears the data of the component.
- """
- self.event = None
- self.current = None
- def main():
- rospy.init_node("arandas_controller_node", anonymous=True)
- arandas_controller_node = ArandasControllerNode()
- arandas_controller_node.start()