Python | 288 lines | 217 code | 50 blank | 21 comment | 2 complexity | 937f037a52b22ffaa2fc9b8f5c67417a MD5 | raw file
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
- # a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
- # under the License.
- import copy
- import mock
- from heat.engine import properties
- from heat.engine import resource
- from heat.engine.resources.openstack.keystone import service
- from heat.engine import stack
- from heat.engine import template
- from heat.tests import common
- from heat.tests import fakes
- from heat.tests import utils
- keystone_service_template = {
- 'heat_template_version': '2015-04-30',
- 'resources': {
- 'test_service': {
- 'type': 'OS::Keystone::Service',
- 'properties': {
- 'name': 'test_service_1',
- 'description': 'Test service',
- 'type': 'orchestration',
- 'enabled': False
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RESOURCE_TYPE = 'OS::Keystone::Service'
- class KeystoneServiceTest(common.HeatTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(KeystoneServiceTest, self).setUp()
- self.ctx = utils.dummy_context()
- # Mock client
- self.keystoneclient = mock.Mock()
- self.patchobject(resource.Resource, 'client',
- return_value=fakes.FakeKeystoneClient(
- client=self.keystoneclient))
- self.services = self.keystoneclient.services
- # Mock client plugin
- self.keystone_client_plugin = mock.MagicMock()
- def _setup_service_resource(self, stack_name, use_default=False):
- tmpl_data = copy.deepcopy(keystone_service_template)
- if use_default:
- props = tmpl_data['resources']['test_service']['properties']
- del props['name']
- del props['enabled']
- del props['description']
- test_stack = stack.Stack(
- self.ctx, stack_name,
- template.Template(tmpl_data)
- )
- r_service = test_stack['test_service']
- r_service.client = mock.MagicMock()
- r_service.client.return_value = self.keystoneclient
- r_service.client_plugin = mock.MagicMock()
- r_service.client_plugin.return_value = self.keystone_client_plugin
- return r_service
- def _get_mock_service(self):
- value = mock.MagicMock()
- value.id = '477e8273-60a7-4c41-b683-fdb0bc7cd152'
- return value
- def test_service_handle_create(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_service_create')
- mock_service = self._get_mock_service()
- self.services.create.return_value = mock_service
- # validate the properties
- self.assertEqual(
- 'test_service_1',
- rsrc.properties.get(service.KeystoneService.NAME))
- self.assertEqual(
- 'Test service',
- rsrc.properties.get(
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION))
- self.assertEqual(
- 'orchestration',
- rsrc.properties.get(service.KeystoneService.TYPE))
- self.assertFalse(rsrc.properties.get(
- service.KeystoneService.ENABLED))
- rsrc.handle_create()
- # validate service creation
- self.services.create.assert_called_once_with(
- name='test_service_1',
- description='Test service',
- type='orchestration',
- enabled=False)
- # validate physical resource id
- self.assertEqual(mock_service.id, rsrc.resource_id)
- def test_service_handle_create_default(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_create_with_defaults',
- use_default=True)
- mock_service = self._get_mock_service()
- self.services.create.return_value = mock_service
- rsrc.physical_resource_name = mock.MagicMock()
- rsrc.physical_resource_name.return_value = 'foo'
- # validate the properties
- self.assertIsNone(
- rsrc.properties.get(service.KeystoneService.NAME))
- self.assertIsNone(rsrc.properties.get(
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION))
- self.assertEqual(
- 'orchestration',
- rsrc.properties.get(service.KeystoneService.TYPE))
- self.assertTrue(rsrc.properties.get(service.KeystoneService.ENABLED))
- rsrc.handle_create()
- # validate service creation with physical resource name
- self.services.create.assert_called_once_with(
- name='foo',
- description=None,
- type='orchestration',
- enabled=True)
- def test_service_handle_update(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_update')
- rsrc.resource_id = '477e8273-60a7-4c41-b683-fdb0bc7cd151'
- prop_diff = {service.KeystoneService.NAME: 'test_service_1_updated',
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION:
- 'Test Service updated',
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE: 'heat_updated',
- service.KeystoneService.ENABLED: False}
- rsrc.handle_update(json_snippet=None,
- tmpl_diff=None,
- prop_diff=prop_diff)
- self.services.update.assert_called_once_with(
- service=rsrc.resource_id,
- name=prop_diff[service.KeystoneService.NAME],
- description=prop_diff[service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION],
- type=prop_diff[service.KeystoneService.TYPE],
- enabled=prop_diff[service.KeystoneService.ENABLED]
- )
- def test_service_handle_update_default_name(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_update_default_name')
- rsrc.resource_id = '477e8273-60a7-4c41-b683-fdb0bc7cd151'
- rsrc.physical_resource_name = mock.MagicMock()
- rsrc.physical_resource_name.return_value = 'foo'
- # Name is reset to None, so default to physical resource name
- prop_diff = {service.KeystoneService.NAME: None}
- rsrc.handle_update(json_snippet=None,
- tmpl_diff=None,
- prop_diff=prop_diff)
- # validate default name to physical resource name
- self.services.update.assert_called_once_with(
- service=rsrc.resource_id,
- name='foo',
- type=None,
- description=None,
- enabled=None
- )
- def test_service_handle_update_only_enabled(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_update_enabled_only')
- rsrc.resource_id = '477e8273-60a7-4c41-b683-fdb0bc7cd151'
- prop_diff = {service.KeystoneService.ENABLED: False}
- rsrc.handle_update(json_snippet=None,
- tmpl_diff=None,
- prop_diff=prop_diff)
- self.services.update.assert_called_once_with(
- service=rsrc.resource_id,
- name=None,
- description=None,
- type=None,
- enabled=prop_diff[service.KeystoneService.ENABLED]
- )
- def test_properties_title(self):
- property_title_map = {
- service.KeystoneService.NAME: 'name',
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION: 'description',
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE: 'type',
- service.KeystoneService.ENABLED: 'enabled'
- }
- for actual_title, expected_title in property_title_map.items():
- self.assertEqual(
- expected_title,
- actual_title,
- 'KeystoneService PROPERTIES(%s) title modified.' %
- actual_title)
- def test_property_name_validate_schema(self):
- schema = service.KeystoneService.properties_schema[
- service.KeystoneService.NAME]
- self.assertTrue(
- schema.update_allowed,
- 'update_allowed for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.NAME)
- self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING,
- schema.type,
- 'type for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.NAME)
- self.assertEqual('Name of keystone service.',
- schema.description,
- 'description for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.NAME)
- def test_property_description_validate_schema(self):
- schema = service.KeystoneService.properties_schema[
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION]
- self.assertTrue(
- schema.update_allowed,
- 'update_allowed for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION)
- self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING,
- schema.type,
- 'type for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION)
- self.assertEqual('Description of keystone service.',
- schema.description,
- 'description for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.DESCRIPTION)
- def test_property_type_validate_schema(self):
- schema = service.KeystoneService.properties_schema[
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE]
- self.assertTrue(
- schema.update_allowed,
- 'update_allowed for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE)
- self.assertTrue(
- schema.required,
- 'required for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE)
- self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING,
- schema.type,
- 'type for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE)
- self.assertEqual('Type of keystone Service.',
- schema.description,
- 'description for property %s is modified' %
- service.KeystoneService.TYPE)
- def test_show_resource(self):
- rsrc = self._setup_service_resource('test_show_resource')
- moc_service = mock.Mock()
- moc_service.to_dict.return_value = {'attr': 'val'}
- self.services.get.return_value = moc_service
- attributes = rsrc._show_resource()
- self.assertEqual({'attr': 'val'}, attributes)