Python | 432 lines | 341 code | 71 blank | 20 comment | 95 complexity | 0ecc4f82bdc17526292e8e4f0c256a6c MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # lint.py - part of the FDroid server tool
- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Daniel Martà <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public Licen
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- from . import common
- from . import metadata
- from . import rewritemeta
- config = None
- options = None
- def enforce_https(domain):
- return (re.compile(r'.*[^sS]://[^/]*' + re.escape(domain) + r'(/.*)?'),
- domain + " URLs should always use https://")
- https_enforcings = [
- enforce_https('github.com'),
- enforce_https('gitlab.com'),
- enforce_https('bitbucket.org'),
- enforce_https('apache.org'),
- enforce_https('google.com'),
- enforce_https('svn.code.sf.net'),
- ]
- def forbid_shortener(domain):
- return (re.compile(r'https?://[^/]*' + re.escape(domain) + r'/.*'),
- "URL shorteners should not be used")
- http_url_shorteners = [
- forbid_shortener('goo.gl'),
- forbid_shortener('t.co'),
- forbid_shortener('ur1.ca'),
- ]
- http_checks = https_enforcings + http_url_shorteners + [
- (re.compile(r'.*github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+\.git'),
- "Appending .git is not necessary"),
- (re.compile(r'.*://[^/]*(github|gitlab|bitbucket|rawgit)[^/]*/([^/]+/){1,3}master'),
- "Use /HEAD instead of /master to point at a file in the default branch"),
- ]
- regex_checks = {
- 'Web Site': http_checks,
- 'Source Code': http_checks,
- 'Repo': https_enforcings,
- 'Issue Tracker': http_checks + [
- (re.compile(r'.*github\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/*$'),
- "/issues is missing"),
- (re.compile(r'.*gitlab\.com/[^/]+/[^/]+/*$'),
- "/issues is missing"),
- ],
- 'Donate': http_checks + [
- (re.compile(r'.*flattr\.com'),
- "Flattr donation methods belong in the FlattrID flag"),
- ],
- 'Changelog': http_checks,
- 'Author Name': [
- (re.compile(r'^\s'),
- "Unnecessary leading space"),
- (re.compile(r'.*\s$'),
- "Unnecessary trailing space"),
- ],
- 'License': [
- (re.compile(r'^(|None|Unknown)$'),
- "No license specified"),
- ],
- 'Summary': [
- (re.compile(r'^$'),
- "Summary yet to be filled"),
- (re.compile(r'.*\b(free software|open source)\b.*', re.IGNORECASE),
- "No need to specify that the app is Free Software"),
- (re.compile(r'.*((your|for).*android|android.*(app|device|client|port|version))', re.IGNORECASE),
- "No need to specify that the app is for Android"),
- (re.compile(r'.*[a-z0-9][.!?]( |$)'),
- "Punctuation should be avoided"),
- (re.compile(r'^\s'),
- "Unnecessary leading space"),
- (re.compile(r'.*\s$'),
- "Unnecessary trailing space"),
- ],
- 'Description': [
- (re.compile(r'^No description available$'),
- "Description yet to be filled"),
- (re.compile(r'\s*[*#][^ .]'),
- "Invalid bulleted list"),
- (re.compile(r'^\s'),
- "Unnecessary leading space"),
- (re.compile(r'.*\s$'),
- "Unnecessary trailing space"),
- (re.compile(r'.*([^[]|^)\[[^:[\]]+( |\]|$)'),
- "Invalid link - use [http://foo.bar Link title] or [http://foo.bar]"),
- (re.compile(r'(^|.* )https?://[^ ]+'),
- "Unlinkified link - use [http://foo.bar Link title] or [http://foo.bar]"),
- ],
- }
- def check_regexes(app):
- for f, checks in regex_checks.items():
- for m, r in checks:
- v = app.get_field(f)
- t = metadata.fieldtype(f)
- if t == metadata.TYPE_MULTILINE:
- for l in v.splitlines():
- if m.match(l):
- yield "%s at line '%s': %s" % (f, l, r)
- else:
- if v is None:
- continue
- if m.match(v):
- yield "%s '%s': %s" % (f, v, r)
- def get_lastbuild(builds):
- lowest_vercode = -1
- lastbuild = None
- for build in builds:
- if not build.disable:
- vercode = int(build.vercode)
- if lowest_vercode == -1 or vercode < lowest_vercode:
- lowest_vercode = vercode
- if not lastbuild or int(build.vercode) > int(lastbuild.vercode):
- lastbuild = build
- return lastbuild
- def check_ucm_tags(app):
- lastbuild = get_lastbuild(app.builds)
- if (lastbuild is not None
- and lastbuild.commit
- and app.UpdateCheckMode == 'RepoManifest'
- and not lastbuild.commit.startswith('unknown')
- and lastbuild.vercode == app.CurrentVersionCode
- and not lastbuild.forcevercode
- and any(s in lastbuild.commit for s in '.,_-/')):
- yield "Last used commit '%s' looks like a tag, but Update Check Mode is '%s'" % (
- lastbuild.commit, app.UpdateCheckMode)
- def check_char_limits(app):
- limits = config['char_limits']
- if len(app.Summary) > limits['Summary']:
- yield "Summary of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
- len(app.Summary), limits['Summary'])
- if len(app.Description) > limits['Description']:
- yield "Description of length %s is over the %i char limit" % (
- len(app.Description), limits['Description'])
- def check_old_links(app):
- usual_sites = [
- 'github.com',
- 'gitlab.com',
- 'bitbucket.org',
- ]
- old_sites = [
- 'gitorious.org',
- 'code.google.com',
- ]
- if any(s in app.Repo for s in usual_sites):
- for f in ['Web Site', 'Source Code', 'Issue Tracker', 'Changelog']:
- v = app.get_field(f)
- if any(s in v for s in old_sites):
- yield "App is in '%s' but has a link to '%s'" % (app.Repo, v)
- def check_useless_fields(app):
- if app.UpdateCheckName == app.id:
- yield "Update Check Name is set to the known app id - it can be removed"
- filling_ucms = re.compile(r'^(Tags.*|RepoManifest.*)')
- def check_checkupdates_ran(app):
- if filling_ucms.match(app.UpdateCheckMode):
- if not app.AutoName and not app.CurrentVersion and app.CurrentVersionCode == '0':
- yield "UCM is set but it looks like checkupdates hasn't been run yet"
- def check_empty_fields(app):
- if not app.Categories:
- yield "Categories are not set"
- all_categories = set([
- "Connectivity",
- "Development",
- "Games",
- "Graphics",
- "Internet",
- "Money",
- "Multimedia",
- "Navigation",
- "Phone & SMS",
- "Reading",
- "Science & Education",
- "Security",
- "Sports & Health",
- "System",
- "Theming",
- "Time",
- "Writing",
- ])
- def check_categories(app):
- for categ in app.Categories:
- if categ not in all_categories:
- yield "Category '%s' is not valid" % categ
- def check_duplicates(app):
- if app.Name and app.Name == app.AutoName:
- yield "Name '%s' is just the auto name - remove it" % app.Name
- links_seen = set()
- for f in ['Source Code', 'Web Site', 'Issue Tracker', 'Changelog']:
- v = app.get_field(f)
- if not v:
- continue
- v = v.lower()
- if v in links_seen:
- yield "Duplicate link in '%s': %s" % (f, v)
- else:
- links_seen.add(v)
- name = app.Name or app.AutoName
- if app.Summary and name:
- if app.Summary.lower() == name.lower():
- yield "Summary '%s' is just the app's name" % app.Summary
- if app.Summary and app.Description and len(app.Description) == 1:
- if app.Summary.lower() == app.Description[0].lower():
- yield "Description '%s' is just the app's summary" % app.Summary
- seenlines = set()
- for l in app.Description.splitlines():
- if len(l) < 1:
- continue
- if l in seenlines:
- yield "Description has a duplicate line"
- seenlines.add(l)
- desc_url = re.compile(r'(^|[^[])\[([^ ]+)( |\]|$)')
- def check_mediawiki_links(app):
- wholedesc = ' '.join(app.Description)
- for um in desc_url.finditer(wholedesc):
- url = um.group(1)
- for m, r in http_checks:
- if m.match(url):
- yield "URL '%s' in Description: %s" % (url, r)
- def check_bulleted_lists(app):
- validchars = ['*', '#']
- lchar = ''
- lcount = 0
- for l in app.Description.splitlines():
- if len(l) < 1:
- lcount = 0
- continue
- if l[0] == lchar and l[1] == ' ':
- lcount += 1
- if lcount > 2 and lchar not in validchars:
- yield "Description has a list (%s) but it isn't bulleted (*) nor numbered (#)" % lchar
- break
- else:
- lchar = l[0]
- lcount = 1
- def check_builds(app):
- for build in app.builds:
- if build.disable:
- if build.disable.startswith('Generated by import.py'):
- yield "Build generated by `fdroid import` - remove disable line once ready"
- continue
- for s in ['master', 'origin', 'HEAD', 'default', 'trunk']:
- if build.commit and build.commit.startswith(s):
- yield "Branch '%s' used as commit in build '%s'" % (s, build.version)
- for srclib in build.srclibs:
- ref = srclib.split('@')[1].split('/')[0]
- if ref.startswith(s):
- yield "Branch '%s' used as commit in srclib '%s'" % (s, srclib)
- def check_files_dir(app):
- dir_path = os.path.join('metadata', app.id)
- if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
- return
- files = set()
- for name in os.listdir(dir_path):
- path = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- yield "Found non-file at %s" % path
- continue
- files.add(name)
- used = set()
- for build in app.builds:
- for fname in build.patch:
- if fname not in files:
- yield "Unknown file %s in build '%s'" % (fname, build.version)
- else:
- used.add(fname)
- for name in files.difference(used):
- yield "Unused file at %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, name)
- def check_format(app):
- if options.format and not rewritemeta.proper_format(app):
- yield "Run rewritemeta to fix formatting"
- def check_extlib_dir(apps):
- dir_path = os.path.join('build', 'extlib')
- files = set()
- for root, dirs, names in os.walk(dir_path):
- for name in names:
- files.add(os.path.join(root, name)[len(dir_path) + 1:])
- used = set()
- for app in apps:
- for build in app.builds:
- for path in build.extlibs:
- if path not in files:
- yield "%s: Unknown extlib %s in build '%s'" % (app.id, path, build.version)
- else:
- used.add(path)
- for path in files.difference(used):
- if any(path.endswith(s) for s in [
- '.gitignore',
- 'source.txt', 'origin.txt', 'md5.txt',
- 'NOTICE', 'NOTICE.txt',
- ]):
- continue
- yield "Unused extlib at %s" % os.path.join(dir_path, path)
- def main():
- global config, options
- # Parse command line...
- parser = ArgumentParser(usage="%(prog)s [options] [APPID [APPID ...]]")
- common.setup_global_opts(parser)
- parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Also warn about formatting issues, like rewritemeta -l")
- parser.add_argument("appid", nargs='*', help="app-id in the form APPID")
- metadata.add_metadata_arguments(parser)
- options = parser.parse_args()
- metadata.warnings_action = options.W
- config = common.read_config(options)
- # Get all apps...
- allapps = metadata.read_metadata(xref=True)
- apps = common.read_app_args(options.appid, allapps, False)
- anywarns = False
- apps_check_funcs = []
- if len(options.appid) == 0:
- # otherwise it finds tons of unused extlibs
- apps_check_funcs.append(check_extlib_dir)
- for check_func in apps_check_funcs:
- for warn in check_func(apps.values()):
- anywarns = True
- print(warn)
- for appid, app in apps.items():
- if app.Disabled:
- continue
- app_check_funcs = [
- check_regexes,
- check_ucm_tags,
- check_char_limits,
- check_old_links,
- check_checkupdates_ran,
- check_useless_fields,
- check_empty_fields,
- check_categories,
- check_duplicates,
- check_mediawiki_links,
- check_bulleted_lists,
- check_builds,
- check_files_dir,
- check_format,
- ]
- for check_func in app_check_funcs:
- for warn in check_func(app):
- anywarns = True
- print("%s: %s" % (appid, warn))
- if anywarns:
- sys.exit(1)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()