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- <?php
- namespace Craft;
- /**
- * Class ContentService
- *
- * @author Pixel & Tonic, Inc. <support@pixelandtonic.com>
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014, Pixel & Tonic, Inc.
- * @license http://buildwithcraft.com/license Craft License Agreement
- * @see http://buildwithcraft.com
- * @package craft.app.services
- * @since 1.0
- */
- class ContentService extends BaseApplicationComponent
- {
- // Properties
- // =========================================================================
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- public $contentTable = 'content';
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- public $fieldColumnPrefix = 'field_';
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- public $fieldContext = 'global';
- // Public Methods
- // =========================================================================
- /**
- * Returns the content model for a given element.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element The element whose content we're looking for.
- *
- * @return ContentModel|null The element's content or `null` if no content has been saved for the element.
- */
- public function getContent(BaseElementModel $element)
- {
- if (!$element->id || !$element->locale)
- {
- return;
- }
- $originalContentTable = $this->contentTable;
- $originalFieldColumnPrefix = $this->fieldColumnPrefix;
- $originalFieldContext = $this->fieldContext;
- $this->contentTable = $element->getContentTable();
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $element->getFieldColumnPrefix();
- $this->fieldContext = $element->getFieldContext();
- $row = craft()->db->createCommand()
- ->from($this->contentTable)
- ->where(array(
- 'elementId' => $element->id,
- 'locale' => $element->locale
- ))
- ->queryRow();
- if ($row)
- {
- $row = $this->_removeColumnPrefixesFromRow($row);
- $content = new ContentModel($row);
- }
- else
- {
- $content = null;
- }
- $this->contentTable = $originalContentTable;
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $originalFieldColumnPrefix;
- $this->fieldContext = $originalFieldContext;
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * Instantiates a new content model for a given element.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element The element for which we should create a new content model.
- *
- * @return ContentModel The new content model.
- */
- public function createContent(BaseElementModel $element)
- {
- $originalContentTable = $this->contentTable;
- $originalFieldColumnPrefix = $this->fieldColumnPrefix;
- $originalFieldContext = $this->fieldContext;
- $this->contentTable = $element->getContentTable();
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $element->getFieldColumnPrefix();
- $this->fieldContext = $element->getFieldContext();
- $content = new ContentModel();
- $content->elementId = $element->id;
- $content->locale = $element->locale;
- $this->contentTable = $originalContentTable;
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $originalFieldColumnPrefix;
- $this->fieldContext = $originalFieldContext;
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * Saves an element's content.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element The element whose content we're saving.
- * @param bool $validate Whether the element's content should be validated first.
- * @param bool $updateOtherLocales Whether any non-translatable fields' values should be copied to the
- * element's other locales.
- *
- * @throws Exception
- * @return bool Whether the content was saved successfully. If it wasn't, any validation errors will be saved on the
- * element and its content model.
- */
- public function saveContent(BaseElementModel $element, $validate = true, $updateOtherLocales = true)
- {
- if (!$element->id)
- {
- throw new Exception(Craft::t('Cannot save the content of an unsaved element.'));
- }
- $originalContentTable = $this->contentTable;
- $originalFieldColumnPrefix = $this->fieldColumnPrefix;
- $originalFieldContext = $this->fieldContext;
- $this->contentTable = $element->getContentTable();
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $element->getFieldColumnPrefix();
- $this->fieldContext = $element->getFieldContext();
- $content = $element->getContent();
- if (!$validate || $this->validateContent($element))
- {
- $this->_saveContentRow($content);
- $fieldLayout = $element->getFieldLayout();
- if ($fieldLayout)
- {
- if ($updateOtherLocales && craft()->isLocalized())
- {
- $this->_duplicateNonTranslatableFieldValues($element, $content, $fieldLayout, $nonTranslatableFields, $otherContentModels);
- }
- $this->_updateSearchIndexes($element, $content, $fieldLayout, $nonTranslatableFields, $otherContentModels);
- }
- $success = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $element->addErrors($content->getErrors());
- $success = false;
- }
- $this->contentTable = $originalContentTable;
- $this->fieldColumnPrefix = $originalFieldColumnPrefix;
- $this->fieldContext = $originalFieldContext;
- return $success;
- }
- /**
- * Validates some content with a given field layout.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element The element whose content should be validated.
- *
- * @return bool Whether the element's content validates.
- */
- public function validateContent(BaseElementModel $element)
- {
- $elementType = craft()->elements->getElementType($element->getElementType());
- $fieldLayout = $element->getFieldLayout();
- $content = $element->getContent();
- // Set the required fields from the layout
- $attributesToValidate = array('id', 'elementId', 'locale');
- $requiredFields = array();
- if ($elementType->hasTitles())
- {
- $requiredFields[] = 'title';
- $attributesToValidate[] = 'title';
- }
- if ($fieldLayout)
- {
- foreach ($fieldLayout->getFields() as $fieldLayoutField)
- {
- $field = $fieldLayoutField->getField();
- if ($field)
- {
- $attributesToValidate[] = $field->handle;
- if ($fieldLayoutField->required)
- {
- $requiredFields[] = $field->id;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($requiredFields)
- {
- $content->setRequiredFields($requiredFields);
- }
- return $content->validate($attributesToValidate);
- }
- /**
- * Fires an 'onSaveContent' event.
- *
- * @param Event $event
- *
- * @return null
- */
- public function onSaveContent(Event $event)
- {
- $this->raiseEvent('onSaveContent', $event);
- }
- // Private Methods
- // =========================================================================
- /**
- * Saves a content model to the database.
- *
- * @param ContentModel $content
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- private function _saveContentRow(ContentModel $content)
- {
- $values = array(
- 'id' => $content->id,
- 'elementId' => $content->elementId,
- 'locale' => $content->locale,
- );
- $excludeColumns = array_keys($values);
- $excludeColumns = array_merge($excludeColumns, array_keys(DbHelper::getAuditColumnConfig()));
- $fullContentTableName = craft()->db->addTablePrefix($this->contentTable);
- $contentTableSchema = craft()->db->schema->getTable($fullContentTableName);
- foreach ($contentTableSchema->columns as $columnSchema)
- {
- if ($columnSchema->allowNull && !in_array($columnSchema->name, $excludeColumns))
- {
- $values[$columnSchema->name] = null;
- }
- }
- // If the element type has titles, than it's required and will be set. Otherwise, no need to include it (it
- // might not even be a real column if this isn't the 'content' table).
- if ($content->title)
- {
- $values['title'] = $content->title;
- }
- foreach (craft()->fields->getFieldsWithContent() as $field)
- {
- $handle = $field->handle;
- $value = $content->$handle;
- $values[$this->fieldColumnPrefix.$field->handle] = ModelHelper::packageAttributeValue($value, true);
- }
- $isNewContent = !$content->id;
- if (!$isNewContent)
- {
- $affectedRows = craft()->db->createCommand()->update($this->contentTable, $values, array('id' => $content->id));
- }
- else
- {
- $affectedRows = craft()->db->createCommand()->insert($this->contentTable, $values);
- }
- if ($affectedRows)
- {
- if ($isNewContent)
- {
- // Set the new ID
- $content->id = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
- }
- // Fire an 'onSaveContent' event
- $this->onSaveContent(new Event($this, array(
- 'content' => $content,
- 'isNewContent' => $isNewContent
- )));
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copies the new values of any non-translatable fields across the element's
- * other locales.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element
- * @param ContentModel $content
- * @param FieldLayoutModel $fieldLayout
- * @param array &$nonTranslatableFields
- * @param array &$otherContentModels
- *
- * @return null
- */
- private function _duplicateNonTranslatableFieldValues(BaseElementModel $element, ContentModel $content, FieldLayoutModel $fieldLayout, &$nonTranslatableFields, &$otherContentModels)
- {
- // Get all of the non-translatable fields
- $nonTranslatableFields = array();
- foreach ($fieldLayout->getFields() as $fieldLayoutField)
- {
- $field = $fieldLayoutField->getField();
- if ($field && !$field->translatable)
- {
- if ($field->hasContentColumn())
- {
- $nonTranslatableFields[$field->id] = $field;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($nonTranslatableFields)
- {
- // Get the other locales' content
- $rows = craft()->db->createCommand()
- ->from($this->contentTable)
- ->where(
- array('and', 'elementId = :elementId', 'locale != :locale'),
- array(':elementId' => $element->id, ':locale' => $content->locale))
- ->queryAll();
- // Remove the column prefixes
- foreach ($rows as $i => $row)
- {
- $rows[$i] = $this->_removeColumnPrefixesFromRow($row);
- }
- $otherContentModels = ContentModel::populateModels($rows);
- foreach ($otherContentModels as $otherContentModel)
- {
- foreach ($nonTranslatableFields as $field)
- {
- $handle = $field->handle;
- $otherContentModel->$handle = $content->$handle;
- }
- $this->_saveContentRow($otherContentModel);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the search indexes based on the new content values.
- *
- * @param BaseElementModel $element
- * @param ContentModel $content
- * @param FieldLayoutModel $fieldLayout
- * @param array|null &$nonTranslatableFields
- * @param array|null &$otherContentModels
- *
- * @return null
- */
- private function _updateSearchIndexes(BaseElementModel $element, ContentModel $content, FieldLayoutModel $fieldLayout, &$nonTranslatableFields = null, &$otherContentModels = null)
- {
- $searchKeywordsByLocale = array();
- foreach ($fieldLayout->getFields() as $fieldLayoutField)
- {
- $field = $fieldLayoutField->getField();
- if ($field)
- {
- $fieldType = $field->getFieldType();
- if ($fieldType)
- {
- $fieldType->element = $element;
- $handle = $field->handle;
- // Set the keywords for the content's locale
- $fieldSearchKeywords = $fieldType->getSearchKeywords($element->getFieldValue($handle));
- $searchKeywordsByLocale[$content->locale][$field->id] = $fieldSearchKeywords;
- // Should we queue up the other locales' new keywords too?
- if (isset($nonTranslatableFields[$field->id]))
- {
- foreach ($otherContentModels as $otherContentModel)
- {
- $searchKeywordsByLocale[$otherContentModel->locale][$field->id] = $fieldSearchKeywords;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($searchKeywordsByLocale as $localeId => $keywords)
- {
- craft()->search->indexElementFields($element->id, $localeId, $keywords);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes the column prefixes from a given row.
- *
- * @param array $row
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function _removeColumnPrefixesFromRow($row)
- {
- $fieldColumnPrefixLength = strlen($this->fieldColumnPrefix);
- foreach ($row as $column => $value)
- {
- if (strncmp($column, $this->fieldColumnPrefix, $fieldColumnPrefixLength) === 0)
- {
- $fieldHandle = substr($column, $fieldColumnPrefixLength);
- $row[$fieldHandle] = $value;
- unset($row[$column]);
- }
- }
- return $row;
- }
- }