Python | 372 lines | 228 code | 40 blank | 104 comment | 45 complexity | 2cdf831d7e8d3f9133a4c7a297272f06 MD5 | raw file
- __author__ = "Johannes Köster"
- __contributors__ = ["Per Unneberg"]
- __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Johannes Köster"
- __email__ = "koester@jimmy.harvard.edu"
- __license__ = "MIT"
- import os
- import json
- import re
- import inspect
- import textwrap
- from itertools import chain
- from collections import Mapping
- import multiprocessing
- import string
- import shlex
- import sys
- from snakemake.io import regex, Namedlist, Wildcards
- from snakemake.logging import logger
- from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError
- import snakemake
- def simplify_path(path):
- """Return a simplified version of the given path."""
- relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
- if relpath.startswith("../../"):
- return path
- else:
- return relpath
- def linecount(filename):
- """Return the number of lines of given file.
- Args:
- filename (str): the path to the file
- """
- with open(filename) as f:
- return sum(1 for l in f)
- def listfiles(pattern, restriction=None, omit_value=None):
- """Yield a tuple of existing filepaths for the given pattern.
- Wildcard values are yielded as the second tuple item.
- Args:
- pattern (str): a filepattern. Wildcards are specified in snakemake syntax, e.g. "{id}.txt"
- restriction (dict): restrict to wildcard values given in this dictionary
- omit_value (str): wildcard value to omit
- Yields:
- tuple: The next file matching the pattern, and the corresponding wildcards object
- """
- pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern)
- first_wildcard = re.search("{[^{]", pattern)
- if first_wildcard:
- dirname = os.path.dirname(pattern[:first_wildcard.start()])
- if not dirname:
- dirname = "."
- else:
- dirname = os.path.dirname(pattern)
- pattern = re.compile(regex(pattern))
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
- for f in chain(filenames, dirnames):
- if dirpath != ".":
- f = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
- match = re.match(pattern, f)
- if match:
- wildcards = Namedlist(fromdict=match.groupdict())
- if restriction is not None:
- invalid = any(omit_value not in v and v != wildcards[k]
- for k, v in restriction.items())
- if not invalid:
- yield f, wildcards
- else:
- yield f, wildcards
- def makedirs(dirnames):
- """Recursively create the given directory or directories without
- reporting errors if they are present.
- """
- if isinstance(dirnames, str):
- dirnames = [dirnames]
- for dirname in dirnames:
- os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
- def report(text, path,
- stylesheet=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "report.css"),
- defaultenc="utf8",
- template=None,
- metadata=None, **files):
- """Create an HTML report using python docutils.
- Attention: This function needs Python docutils to be installed for the
- python installation you use with Snakemake.
- All keywords not listed below are intepreted as paths to files that shall
- be embedded into the document. They keywords will be available as link
- targets in the text. E.g. append a file as keyword arg via F1=input[0]
- and put a download link in the text like this:
- .. code:: python
- report('''
- ==============
- Report for ...
- ==============
- Some text. A link to an embedded file: F1_.
- Further text.
- ''', outputpath, F1=input[0])
- Instead of specifying each file as a keyword arg, you can also expand
- the input of your rule if it is completely named, e.g.:
- report('''
- Some text...
- ''', outputpath, **input)
- Args:
- text (str): The "restructured text" as it is expected by python docutils.
- path (str): The path to the desired output file
- stylesheet (str): An optional path to a css file that defines the style of the document. This defaults to <your snakemake install>/report.css. Use the default to get a hint how to create your own.
- defaultenc (str): The encoding that is reported to the browser for embedded text files, defaults to utf8.
- template (str): An optional path to a docutils HTML template.
- metadata (str): E.g. an optional author name or email address.
- """
- try:
- import snakemake.report
- except ImportError:
- raise WorkflowError(
- "Python 3 package docutils needs to be installed to use the report function.")
- snakemake.report.report(text, path,
- stylesheet=stylesheet,
- defaultenc=defaultenc,
- template=template,
- metadata=metadata, **files)
- def R(code):
- """Execute R code
- This function executes the R code given as a string.
- The function requires rpy2 to be installed.
- Args:
- code (str): R code to be executed
- """
- try:
- import rpy2.robjects as robjects
- except ImportError:
- raise ValueError(
- "Python 3 package rpy2 needs to be installed to use the R function.")
- robjects.r(format(textwrap.dedent(code), stepout=2))
- class SequenceFormatter(string.Formatter):
- """string.Formatter subclass with special behavior for sequences.
- This class delegates formatting of individual elements to another
- formatter object. Non-list objects are formatted by calling the
- delegate formatter's "format_field" method. List-like objects
- (list, tuple, set, frozenset) are formatted by formatting each
- element of the list according to the specified format spec using
- the delegate formatter and then joining the resulting strings with
- a separator (space by default).
- """
- def __init__(self, separator=" ", element_formatter=string.Formatter(),
- *args, **kwargs):
- self.separator = separator
- self.element_formatter = element_formatter
- def format_element(self, elem, format_spec):
- """Format a single element
- For sequences, this is called once for each element in a
- sequence. For anything else, it is called on the entire
- object. It is intended to be overridden in subclases.
- """
- return self.element_formatter.format_field(elem, format_spec)
- def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
- if isinstance(value, Wildcards):
- return ",".join("{}={}".format(name, value.get(name)) for name in value.keys())
- if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
- return self.separator.join(self.format_element(v, format_spec) for v in value)
- else:
- return self.format_element(value, format_spec)
- class QuotedFormatter(string.Formatter):
- """Subclass of string.Formatter that supports quoting.
- Using this formatter, any field can be quoted after formatting by
- appending "q" to its format string. By default, shell quoting is
- performed using "shlex.quote", but you can pass a different
- quote_func to the constructor. The quote_func simply has to take a
- string argument and return a new string representing the quoted
- form of the input string.
- Note that if an element after formatting is the empty string, it
- will not be quoted.
- """
- def __init__(self, quote_func=shlex.quote, *args, **kwargs):
- self.quote_func = quote_func
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
- do_quote = format_spec.endswith("q")
- if do_quote:
- format_spec = format_spec[:-1]
- formatted = super().format_field(value, format_spec)
- if do_quote and formatted != '':
- formatted = self.quote_func(formatted)
- return formatted
- class AlwaysQuotedFormatter(QuotedFormatter):
- """Subclass of QuotedFormatter that always quotes.
- Usage is identical to QuotedFormatter, except that it *always*
- acts like "q" was appended to the format spec.
- """
- def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
- if not format_spec.endswith("q"):
- format_spec += "q"
- return super().format_field(value, format_spec)
- def format(_pattern, *args, stepout=1, _quote_all=False, **kwargs):
- """Format a pattern in Snakemake style.
- This means that keywords embedded in braces are replaced by any variable
- values that are available in the current namespace.
- """
- frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
- while stepout > 1:
- if not frame.f_back:
- break
- frame = frame.f_back
- stepout -= 1
- variables = dict(frame.f_globals)
- # add local variables from calling rule/function
- variables.update(frame.f_locals)
- if "self" in variables and sys.version_info < (3, 5):
- # self is the first arg of fmt.format as well. Not removing it would
- # cause a multiple values error on Python <=3.4.2.
- del variables["self"]
- variables.update(kwargs)
- fmt = SequenceFormatter(separator=" ")
- if _quote_all:
- fmt.element_formatter = AlwaysQuotedFormatter()
- else:
- fmt.element_formatter = QuotedFormatter()
- try:
- return fmt.format(_pattern, *args, **variables)
- except KeyError as ex:
- raise NameError("The name {} is unknown in this context. Please "
- "make sure that you defined that variable. "
- "Also note that braces not used for variable access "
- "have to be escaped by repeating them, "
- "i.e. {{{{print $1}}}}".format(str(ex)))
- class Unformattable:
- def __init__(self, errormsg="This cannot be used for formatting"):
- self.errormsg = errormsg
- def __str__(self):
- raise ValueError(self.errormsg)
- def read_job_properties(jobscript,
- prefix="# properties",
- pattern=re.compile("# properties = (.*)")):
- """Read the job properties defined in a snakemake jobscript.
- This function is a helper for writing custom wrappers for the
- snakemake --cluster functionality. Applying this function to a
- jobscript will return a dict containing information about the job.
- """
- with open(jobscript) as jobscript:
- for m in map(pattern.match, jobscript):
- if m:
- return json.loads(m.group(1))
- def min_version(version):
- """Require minimum snakemake version, raise workflow error if not met."""
- import pkg_resources
- if pkg_resources.parse_version(
- snakemake.__version__) < pkg_resources.parse_version(version):
- raise WorkflowError(
- "Expecting Snakemake version {} or higher.".format(version))
- def update_config(config, overwrite_config):
- """Recursively update dictionary config with overwrite_config.
- See
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3232943/update-value-of-a-nested-dictionary-of-varying-depth
- for details.
- Args:
- config (dict): dictionary to update
- overwrite_config (dict): dictionary whose items will overwrite those in config
- """
- def _update(d, u):
- for (key, value) in u.items():
- if (isinstance(value, Mapping)):
- d[key] = _update(d.get(key, {}), value)
- else:
- d[key] = value
- return d
- _update(config, overwrite_config)
- def set_temporary_output(*rules):
- """Set the output of rules to temporary"""
- for rule in rules:
- logger.debug(
- "setting output of rule '{rule}' to temporary".format(rule=rule))
- rule.temp_output = set(rule.output)
- def set_protected_output(*rules):
- """Set the output of rules to protected"""
- for rule in rules:
- logger.debug(
- "setting output of rule '{rule}' to protected".format(rule=rule))
- rule.protected_output = set(rule.output)
- def available_cpu_count():
- """
- Return the number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this system.
- The number of available CPUs can be smaller than the total number of CPUs
- when the cpuset(7) mechanism is in use, as is the case on some cluster
- systems.
- Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/1006301/715090
- """
- try:
- with open('/proc/self/status') as f:
- status = f.read()
- m = re.search(r'(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$', status)
- if m:
- res = bin(int(m.group(1).replace(',', ''), 16)).count('1')
- if res > 0:
- return min(res, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
- except IOError:
- pass
- return multiprocessing.cpu_count()