JavaScript | 328 lines | 303 code | 25 blank | 0 comment | 2 complexity | da1a55f6f971ff3f3ccf852bd2f16bfc MD5 | raw file
- var muri = require('../')
- var assert = require('assert')
- describe('muri', function(){
- it('must begin with mongodb://', function(done){
- assert.throws(function () {
- muri('localhost:27017');
- }, /Invalid mongodb uri/);
- assert.doesNotThrow(function () {
- muri('mongodb://localhost:27017');
- })
- done();
- })
- describe('user:password', function(done){
- it('is optional', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://local:27017';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.ok(!val.auth);
- done();
- })
- it('parses properly', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://user:password@local:27017';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.ok(val.auth);
- assert.equal('user', val.auth.user);
- assert.equal('password', val.auth.pass);
- done();
- })
- it('handles # in the username', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://us#er:password@local:27017';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.ok(val.auth);
- assert.equal('us#er', val.auth.user);
- assert.equal('password', val.auth.pass);
- done();
- })
- it('handles # in the password', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://user:pa#ssword@local:27017';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.ok(val.auth);
- assert.equal('user', val.auth.user);
- assert.equal('pa#ssword', val.auth.pass);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('host', function(){
- it('must be specified', function(done){
- assert.throws(function () {
- muri('mongodb://');
- }, /Missing host/)
- assert.throws(function () {
- muri('mongodb:///fake');
- }, /Missing host/)
- assert.throws(function () {
- muri('mongodb://?yep');
- }, /Missing host/)
- assert.throws(function () {
- muri('mongodb:///?yep');
- }, /Missing host/)
- var val = muri('mongodb://local');
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal('local', val.hosts[0].host);
- done();
- })
- it('supports replica sets', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://local:27017,remote:27018,japan:99999');
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(3, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal('local', val.hosts[0].host);
- assert.equal(27017, val.hosts[0].port);
- assert.equal('remote', val.hosts[1].host);
- assert.equal(27018, val.hosts[1].port);
- assert.equal('japan', val.hosts[2].host);
- assert.equal(99999, val.hosts[2].port);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('port', function(){
- describe('with single host', function(){
- it('defaults to 27017 if not specified', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://local/');
- assert.equal(27017, val.hosts[0].port);
- done();
- })
- it('uses what is specified', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://local:27018');
- assert.equal(27018, val.hosts[0].port);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('with replica sets', function(){
- var val;
- before(function(){
- val = muri('mongodb://local,remote:27018,another');
- })
- it('defaults to 27017 if not specified', function(done){
- assert.equal(27017, val.hosts[0].port);
- assert.equal(27017, val.hosts[2].port);
- done();
- })
- it('uses what is specified', function(done){
- assert.equal(27018, val.hosts[1].port);
- done();
- })
- })
- })
- describe('database', function(){
- it('default', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/');
- assert.equal('test', val.db);
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost');
- assert.equal('test', val.db);
- done();
- })
- it('is overridable', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost,a,x:34343,b/muri');
- assert.equal('muri', val.db);
- done();
- })
- it('works with multiple specified protocols', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27020/testing,mongodb://localhost:27019,mongodb://localhost:27018'
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.equal('testing', val.db);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('querystring separator', function(){
- it('can be ; ', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://muri/?replicaSet=myreplset;slaveOk=true;x=1');
- assert.ok(val.options);
- assert.equal(true, val.options.slaveOk);
- assert.equal('myreplset', val.options.replicaSet);
- assert.equal(1, val.options.x);
- done();
- })
- it('can be & ', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://muri/?replicaSet=myreplset&slaveOk=true&x=1');
- assert.ok(val.options);
- assert.equal(true, val.options.slaveOk);
- assert.equal('myreplset', val.options.replicaSet);
- assert.equal(1, val.options.x);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('readPref tags', function(){
- describe('with & ', function(){
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny');
- assert.equal('test', val.db);
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny' }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'sf', rack: 2 }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/db?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2&readPreferenceTags=', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/db?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2&readPreferenceTags=');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'sf', rack: 2 }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:ny&readPreferenceTags=', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1&readPreferenceTags=dc:ny&readPreferenceTags=');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'ny' }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- })
- describe('with ; ', function(){
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'sf', rack: 2 }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/db?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2;readPreferenceTags=', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/db?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:sf,rack:2;readPreferenceTags=');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'sf', rack: 2 }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- it('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:ny;readPreferenceTags=', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://localhost/?readPreferenceTags=dc:ny,rack:1;readPreferenceTags=dc:ny;readPreferenceTags=');
- assert.deepEqual([{ dc: 'ny', rack: 1 }, { dc: 'ny' }], val.options.readPreferenceTags);
- done();
- })
- })
- })
- describe('unix domain sockets', function(){
- it('without auth', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb:///tmp/mongodb-27017.sock?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'test')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- it('without auth with a database name', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb:///tmp/mongodb-27017.sock/tester?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'tester')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- it('with auth', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://user:password@/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'admin')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- it('with auth with a db name', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://user:password@/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock/tester?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'tester')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- it('with auth + repl sets', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://user:password@/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock,/tmp/another-27018.sock?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'admin')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(2, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].ipc, '/tmp/another-27018.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- it('with auth + repl sets with a db name', function(done){
- var val = muri('mongodb://user:password@/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock,/tmp/another-27018.sock/tester?safe=false');
- assert.equal(val.db, 'tester')
- assert.ok(Array.isArray(val.hosts));
- assert.equal(2, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].ipc, '/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[0].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].ipc, '/tmp/another-27018.sock')
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].host, undefined);
- assert.equal(val.hosts[1].port, undefined);
- assert.equal(false, val.options.safe);
- done();
- })
- })
- it('all together now', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://u#ser:pas#s@local,remote:27018,japan:27019/neatdb'
- uri += '?replicaSet=myreplset&journal=true&w=2&wtimeoutMS=50'
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.equal('u#ser', val.auth.user);
- assert.equal('pas#s', val.auth.pass);
- assert.equal('neatdb', val.db);
- assert.equal(3, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal('local', val.hosts[0].host);
- assert.strictEqual(27017, val.hosts[0].port);
- assert.equal('remote', val.hosts[1].host);
- assert.strictEqual(27018, val.hosts[1].port);
- assert.equal('japan', val.hosts[2].host);
- assert.strictEqual(27019, val.hosts[2].port);
- assert.equal('myreplset', val.options.replicaSet);
- assert.equal(true, val.options.journal);
- assert.equal(50, val.options.wtimeoutMS);
- done();
- });
- it('ipv6', function(done) {
- var uri = 'mongodb://[::1]:27017/test';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.equal(1, val.hosts.length);
- assert.equal('::1', val.hosts[0].host);
- assert.equal(27017, val.hosts[0].port);
- done();
- });
- it('has a version', function(done){
- assert.ok(muri.version);
- done();
- })
- it('replica set name with a leading number', function(done){
- var uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test?replicaSet=1800-shard-0';
- var val = muri(uri);
- assert.equal('1800-shard-0', val.options.replicaSet);
- done()
- })
- })