Python | 215 lines | 155 code | 37 blank | 23 comment | 31 complexity | 81cb165df8f71afabfd0d69f2e4316ec MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #Author: Tim Henderson
- #Email: tim.tadh@gmail.com
- #For licensing see the LICENSE file in the top level directory.
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from six.moves import map
- from six.moves import range
- import copy
- import itertools
- import os
- import sys
- import random
- import unittest
- from random import randint, seed, shuffle
- from zss import (
- simple_distance,
- Node,
- )
- from zss.compare import strdist
- seed(os.urandom(15))
- N = 3
- def product(*args, **kwds):
- # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
- # product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
- pools = list(map(tuple, args)) * kwds.get('repeat', 1)
- result = [[]]
- for pool in pools:
- result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool]
- for prod in result:
- yield tuple(prod)
- if not hasattr(itertools, 'product'):
- setattr(itertools, 'product', product)
- tree1_nodes = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
- def tree1():
- return (
- Node("f")
- .addkid(Node("d")
- .addkid(Node("a"))
- .addkid(Node("c")
- .addkid(Node("b"))))
- .addkid(Node("e"))
- )
- tree2_nodes = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
- def tree2():
- return (
- Node("a")
- .addkid(Node("c")
- .addkid(Node("d")
- .addkid(Node("b"))
- .addkid(Node("e"))))
- .addkid(Node("f"))
- )
- tree3_nodes = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
- def tree3():
- return (
- Node("a")
- .addkid(Node("d")
- .addkid(Node("f"))
- .addkid(Node("c")
- .addkid(Node("b"))))
- .addkid(Node("e"))
- )
- tree4_nodes = ['q','b','c','d','e','f']
- def tree4():
- return (
- Node("f")
- .addkid(Node("d")
- .addkid(Node("q"))
- .addkid(Node("c")
- .addkid(Node("b"))))
- .addkid(Node("e"))
- )
- def randtree(depth=2, alpha='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', repeat=2, width=2):
- labels = [''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(alpha, repeat=repeat)]
- shuffle(labels)
- labels = (x for x in labels)
- root = Node("root")
- p = [root]
- c = list()
- for x in range(depth-1):
- for y in p:
- for z in range(randint(1,1+width)):
- n = Node(next(labels))
- y.addkid(n)
- c.append(n)
- p = c
- c = list()
- return root
- class TestTestNode(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_contains(self):
- root = tree1()
- self.assertTrue("a" in root)
- self.assertTrue("b" in root)
- self.assertTrue("c" in root)
- self.assertTrue("d" in root)
- self.assertTrue("e" in root)
- self.assertTrue("f" in root)
- self.assertFalse("q" in root)
- def test_get(self):
- root = tree1()
- self.assertEqual(root.get("a").label, "a")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("b").label, "b")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("c").label, "c")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("d").label, "d")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("e").label, "e")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("f").label, "f")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("a").label, "x")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("b").label, "x")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("c").label, "x")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("d").label, "x")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("e").label, "x")
- self.assertNotEqual(root.get("f").label, "x")
- self.assertEqual(root.get("x"), None)
- def test_iter(self):
- root = tree1()
- self.assertEqual(list(x.label for x in root.iter()), ['f','d','e','a','c','b'])
- class TestCompare(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_distance(self):
- trees = itertools.product([tree1(), tree2(), tree3(), tree4()], repeat=2)
- for a,b in trees:
- ab = simple_distance(a,b)
- ba = simple_distance(b,a)
- #print '-----------------------------'
- #print a
- #print '------'
- #print b
- #print '------'
- #print ab, ba
- self.assertEqual(ab,ba)
- self.assertTrue((ab == 0 and a is b) or a is not b)
- #break
- trees = itertools.product([tree1(), tree2(), tree3(), tree4()], repeat=3)
- for a,b,c in trees:
- ab = simple_distance(a,b)
- bc = simple_distance(b,c)
- ac = simple_distance(a,c)
- self.assertTrue(ac <= ab + bc)
- #break
- #def test_randtree(self):
- #print randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2)
- def test_symmetry(self):
- trees = itertools.product((randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N)), repeat=2)
- for a,b in trees:
- ab = simple_distance(a,b)
- ba = simple_distance(b,a)
- #print '-----------------------------'
- #print ab, ba
- self.assertEqual(ab, ba)
- def test_nondegenercy(self):
- trees = itertools.product((randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N)), repeat=2)
- for a,b in trees:
- d = simple_distance(a,b)
- #print '-----------------------------'
- #print d, a is b
- self.assertTrue((d == 0 and a is b) or a is not b)
- def test_triangle_inequality(self):
- trees = itertools.product((randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N)), (randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N)), (randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N)))
- for a,b,c in trees:
- #print '--------------------------------'
- ab = simple_distance(a,b)
- bc = simple_distance(b,c)
- ac = simple_distance(a,c)
- #print ab, bc, ac
- self.assertTrue(ac <= ab + bc)
- def test_labelchange(self):
- for A in (randtree(5, repeat=3, width=2) for x in range(N*4)):
- B = copy.deepcopy(A)
- node = random.choice([n for n in B.iter()])
- old_label = str(node.label)
- node.label = 'xty'
- assert simple_distance(A, B) == strdist(old_label, node.label)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- import cProfile
- cProfile.run('unittest.main()', 'profile')
- else:
- unittest.main()