JavaScript | 814 lines | 511 code | 201 blank | 102 comment | 128 complexity | 85b392fc5cafa121177af85be1c87557 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * ShiftNav.js
- *
- * http://shiftnav.io
- *
- * Copyright Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark http://sevenspark.com
- */
- ;(function($,sr){
- // debouncing function from John Hann
- // http://unscriptable.com/index.php/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/
- var debounce = function (func, threshold, execAsap) {
- var timeout;
- return function debounced () {
- var obj = this, args = arguments;
- function delayed () {
- if (!execAsap)
- func.apply(obj, args);
- timeout = null;
- };
- if (timeout)
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- else if (execAsap)
- func.apply(obj, args);
- timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
- };
- }
- jQuery.fn[sr] = function(fn){ return fn ? this.bind('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); };
- })(jQuery,'shiftsmartresize');
- var shift_supports = (function() {
- var div = document.createElement('div'),
- vendors = 'Khtml Ms O Moz Webkit'.split(' ');
- return function(prop) {
- var len = vendors.length;
- if ( prop in div.style ) return true;
- prop = prop.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(val) {
- return val.toUpperCase();
- });
- while(len--) {
- if ( vendors[len] + prop in div.style ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- })();
- ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
- var pluginName = "shiftnav",
- defaults = {
- mouseEvents: true,
- retractors: true,
- touchOffClose: true,
- clicktest: false,
- windowstest: false,
- debug: false,
- open_current: false,
- collapse_accordions: false,
- scroll_offset:100,
- disable_transforms: false
- };
- function Plugin ( element, options ) {
- this.element = element;
- this.$shiftnav = $( this.element );
- this.$menu = this.$shiftnav.find( 'ul.shiftnav-menu' );
- this.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
- this._defaults = defaults;
- this._name = pluginName;
- this.touchenabled = ('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0);
- if( window.navigator.pointerEnabled ){
- this.touchStart = 'pointerdown';
- this.touchEnd = 'pointerup';
- this.touchMove = 'pointermove';
- }
- else if( window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ){
- this.touchStart = 'MSPointerDown';
- this.touchEnd = 'MSPointerUp';
- this.touchMove = 'MSPointerMove';
- }
- else{
- this.touchStart = 'touchstart';
- this.touchEnd = 'touchend';
- this.touchMove = 'touchmove';
- }
- this.toggleevent = this.touchEnd == 'touchend' ? this.touchEnd + ' click' : this.touchEnd; //add click except for IE
- //this.toggleevent = 'click';
- this.transitionend = 'transitionend.shiftnav webkitTransitionEnd.shiftnav msTransitionEnd.shiftnav oTransitionEnd.shiftnav';
- if( this.settings.clicktest ) this.touchEnd = 'click';
- this.init();
- }
- Plugin.prototype = {
- init: function () {
- this.$shiftnav.removeClass( 'shiftnav-nojs' ); //We're off and running
- //this.$toggles = $( '.shiftnav-toggle[data-shiftnav-target="'+this.$shiftnav.attr('id')+'"]' );
- this.$toggles = $( '.shiftnav-toggle[data-shiftnav-target="'+this.$shiftnav.data('shiftnav-id')+'"]' );
- //Initialize user interaction events
- this.initializeShiftNav();
- this.initializeTargets();
- this.initializeSubmenuToggleMouseEvents();
- this.initializeRetractors();
- this.initializeResponsiveToggle();
- //this.initializeTouchoffClose(); //attached on open instead
- },
- /* Initalizers */
- initializeShiftNav: function(){
- var $body = $('body'),
- plugin = this;
- //Only enable the site once
- if( !$body.hasClass( 'shiftnav-enabled' ) ){
- $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-enabled' );
- if( shiftnav_data.lock_body == 'on' ) $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-lock' );
- if( shiftnav_data.lock_body_x == 'on' ) $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-lock-x' );
- if( shiftnav_data.shift_body != 'off' ){
- if( shiftnav_data.shift_body_wrapper != '' ){
- $( shiftnav_data.shift_body_wrapper ).addClass( 'shiftnav-wrap' );
- }
- else{
- $body.wrapInner( '<div class="shiftnav-wrap"></div>' ); //unique
- $( 'video[autoplay]' ).each( function(){
- $(this).get(0).play();
- });
- }
- }
- else $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-disable-shift-body' );
- //Move elements outside of shifter
- $( '#shiftnav-toggle-main, #wpadminbar, .shiftnav-fixed-left, .shiftnav-fixed-right' ).appendTo( 'body' );
- var $wrap = $( '.shiftnav-wrap' );
- //Pad top when either using the Full Bar & Auto Gap, or if override is enabled
- var $main_toggle = $( '#shiftnav-toggle-main' );
- if( ( !$main_toggle.hasClass( 'shiftnav-toggle-style-burger_only') && $main_toggle.hasClass( 'shiftnav-togglebar-gap-auto' ) ) ||
- $main_toggle.hasClass( 'shiftnav-togglebar-gap-on' ) ){
- var toggleHeight = $main_toggle.outerHeight();
- $wrap.css( 'padding-top' , toggleHeight );
- $main_toggle.addClass( 'shiftnav-togglebar-gap-on' );
- if( shiftnav_data.shift_body == 'off' ){
- //$body.css( 'padding-top' , toggleHeight );
- // var css = document.createElement("style");
- // css.type = "text/css";
- var style = '@media screen and (max-width:'+(shiftnav_data.breakpoint-1)+'px){ body.shiftnav-disable-shift-body{ padding-top:'+ toggleHeight + 'px; } }';
- var sheet = null;
- //Get the existing style element in the site head, or create one if it does not exist
- var style_el = document.getElementById( 'shiftnav-dynamic-css' );
- if( style_el ){
- sheet = style_el.sheet;
- }
- else{
- style_el = document.createElement("style");
- style_el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
- document.head.appendChild(style_el);
- sheet = style_el.sheet;
- }
- //Add the rule to the style element
- if( sheet && "insertRule" in sheet ){
- sheet.insertRule( style , 0 );
- }
- // else{
- // $body.css( 'padding-top' , toggleHeight ); //would need to pair with an extra class and padding-top:0 in PHP generated CSS
- // }
- }
- }
- else if( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) $( 'html' ).addClass( 'shiftnav-nogap' );
- //Setup non-transform
- //Some browsers provide false positives for feature detection, so we have to do browser detection as well, sadly
- var fpos = false; //falsePositive -
- var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- //Many mobile Android browsers are dumb
- if( /android/.test( ua ) ){
- fpos = true; //we're going to whitelist mobile Android browsers, so assume false positive on Android
- //always ignore old androids
- if( /android [1-3]/.test( ua ) ) fpos = true;
- //Chrome on 4+ is good
- else if( /chrome/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
- //Firefox on 4+ is good
- else if( /firefox/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
- //always allow Chrome
- //else if( /chrome/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
- //Android 4.4+ is okay
- //else if( /android 4.[4-9]/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
- //else fpos = true;
- }
- if( !shift_supports( 'transform' ) || fpos || plugin.settings.disable_transforms ){
- $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-no-transforms' );
- }
- //Handle searchbar toggle
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( this.toggleevent , function( e ){
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- var $drop = $( this ).next( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );
- //Close
- if( $drop.hasClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' ) ){
- $drop.removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
- $( 'body' ).off( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );
- }
- //Open
- else{
- $drop.addClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
- $drop.find( '.shiftnav-search-input' ).focus();
- //Close on click-off - can't do this immediately because IE is so damn dumb
- if( plugin.settings.touchOffClose ){
- setTimeout( function(){
- $( 'body' ).on( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' , function( e ){
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
- $( 'body' ).off( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );
- });
- }, 100);
- }
- }
- });
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).on( this.toggleevent , function( e ){
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- //When the dropdown loses focus, close it it touch off close is enabled
- if( this.settings.touchOffClose ){
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop .shiftnav-search-input').on( 'blur' , function( e ){
- if( $( this ).val() == '' && !toggle_clicked ){
- $( this ).parents( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
- }
- });
- }
- var toggle_clicked;
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( 'mousedown' , function( e ){
- toggle_clicked = true;
- });
- $( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( 'mouseup' , function( e ){
- toggle_clicked = false;
- });
- //Setup shift panel height
- $( '.shiftnav' ).css( 'max-height' , window.innerHeight );
- $( window ).shiftsmartresize( function(){
- $( '.shiftnav' ).css( 'max-height' , window.innerHeight );
- });
- }
- this.$shiftnav.appendTo( 'body' );
- if( this.$shiftnav.hasClass( 'shiftnav-right-edge' ) ){
- this.edge = 'right';
- }
- else this.edge = 'left';
- this.openclass = 'shiftnav-open shiftnav-open-' + this.edge;
- this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-panel-close' ).on( 'click' , function(){
- plugin.closeShiftNav();
- });
- //Set retractor heights
- this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-submenu-activation' ).each( function(){
- //var length = $( this ).outerHeight();
- var length = $( this ).siblings( '.shiftnav-target' ).outerHeight();
- $( this ).css( { 'height' : length , 'width' : length } );
- //$( this ).css( 'height' , $( this ).parent( '.menu-item' ).height() );
- });
- //Current open
- if( plugin.settings.open_current ){
- $( '.shiftnav .shiftnav-sub-accordion.current-menu-item, .shiftnav .shiftnav-sub-accordion.current-menu-ancestor' ).addClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- }
- },
- initializeTargets: function(){
- var plugin = this;
- this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-scrollto' )
- .removeClass( 'current-menu-item' )
- .removeClass( 'current-menu-ancestor');
- this.$shiftnav.on( 'click' , '.shiftnav-target' , function( e ){
- var scrolltarget = $(this).data( 'shiftnav-scrolltarget' );
- if( scrolltarget ){
- var $target = $( scrolltarget ).first();
- if( $target.length > 0 ){
- //Make current
- var $li = $(this).parent('.menu-item');
- $li.siblings().removeClass( 'current-menu-item' ).removeClass( 'current-menu-ancestor' );
- $li.addClass( 'current-menu-item' );
- var top = $target.offset().top;
- top = top - plugin.settings.scroll_offset;
- $( 'html,body' ).animate({
- scrollTop: top
- }, 1000 , 'swing' ,
- function(){
- plugin.closeShiftNav(); //close the menu after a successful scroll
- });
- return false; //don't follow any links if this scroll target is present
- }
- //if target isn't present here, redirect with hash
- else{
- var href = $(this).attr( 'href' );
- if( href && href.indexOf( '#' ) == -1 ){ //check that hash does not already exist
- if( scrolltarget.indexOf( '#' ) == -1 ){ //if this is a class, add a hash tag
- scrolltarget = '#'+scrolltarget;
- }
- window.location = href + scrolltarget; //append hash/scroll target to URL and redirect
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- //No href, no worries
- }
- }
- else if( $( this ).is( 'span' ) ){
- var $li = $( this ).parent( '.menu-item' );
- if( $li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-active' ) ){
- plugin.closeSubmenu( $li , 'disabledLink' , plugin );
- }
- else{
- plugin.openSubmenu( $li , 'disabledLink' , plugin );
- }
- }
- });
- },
- initializeSubmenuToggleMouseEvents: function(){
- //Don't initialize if mouse events are disabled
- if( !this.settings.mouseEvents ) return;
- if( this.settings.clicktest ) return;
- if( this.settings.windowstest ) return;
- if( this.settings.debug ) console.log( 'initializeSubmenuToggleMouseEvents' );
- var plugin = this;
- this.$shiftnav.on( 'mouseup.shift-submenu-toggle' , '.shiftnav-submenu-activation' , function(e){ plugin.handleMouseActivation( e , this , plugin ); } );
- //$shiftnav.on( 'mouseout.shift-submenu-toggle' , '.menu-item' , this.handleMouseout ); //now only added on mouseover
- },
- disableSubmenuToggleMouseEvents: function(){
- if( this.settings.debug ) console.log( 'disableSubmenuToggleMouseEvents' );
- $shiftnav.off( 'mouseover.shift-submenu-toggle' );
- $shiftnav.off( 'mouseout.shift-submenu-toggle' );
- },
- initializeRetractors: function() {
- if( !this.settings.retractors ) return; //Don't initialize if retractors are disabled
- var plugin = this;
- //set up the retractors
- this.$shiftnav.on( 'mouseup.shiftnav' , '.shiftnav-retract' , function(e){ plugin.handleSubmenuRetractorEnd( e , this, plugin); } );
- },
- initializeResponsiveToggle: function(){
- var plugin = this;
- this.$toggles.on( 'click' , 'a', function(e){ //this.toggleevent,
- //allow link to be clicked but don't propagate so toggle won't activate
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- //Toggle on click
- this.$toggles.on( 'click' , function(e){
- plugin.toggle( $(this) , plugin , e );
- });
- },
- toggle: function( $toggle , plugin , e ){
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- //Ignore click events when toggle is disabled to avoid both touch and click events firing
- if( e.originalEvent.type == 'click' && $(this).data( 'disableToggle' ) ){
- return;
- }
- if( plugin.$shiftnav.hasClass( 'shiftnav-open-target' ) ){
- //console.log( 'close shift nav' );
- plugin.closeShiftNav();
- }
- else{
- //console.log('open shift nav');
- var toggle_id = $toggle.attr( 'id' );
- var tag = toggle_id == 'shiftnav-toggle-main' ? '[Main Toggle Bar]' : '"'+$(this).text()+'"';
- //When clicking on main toggle, and the menu is open,
- //but it's not the main panel, close whichever panel is actually open instead
- if( ( ( toggle_id == 'shiftnav-toggle-main-button' ) ||
- ( toggle_id == 'shiftnav-toggle-main' ) ) &&
- $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'shiftnav-open' ) ){
- //Close all shiftnavs
- $( '.shiftnav.shiftnav-open-target' ).shiftnav( 'closeShiftNav' );
- }
- else{
- plugin.openShiftNav( 'toggle: ' + tag );
- }
- }
- //Temporarily disable toggle for click event when touch is fired
- if( e.originalEvent.type != 'click' ){
- $( this ).data( 'disableToggle' , true );
- setTimeout( function(){
- $( this ).data( 'disableToggle' , false );
- }, 1000 );
- }
- return false;
- },
- openShiftNav: function( tag ){
- tag = tag || '?';
- var plugin = this;
- if( this.settings.debug ) console.log( 'openShiftNav ' + tag );
- $( 'body' )
- .removeClass( 'shiftnav-open-right shiftnav-open-left' )
- .addClass( this.openclass )
- .addClass( 'shiftnav-transitioning' );
- //console.log( 'close ' + $( '.shiftnav-open-target' ).attr( 'id' ) );
- $( '.shiftnav-open-target' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-open-target' );
- this.$shiftnav
- .addClass( 'shiftnav-open-target' )
- .on( plugin.transitionend, function(){
- //if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'finished submenu close transition' );
- $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-transitioning' );
- $( this ).off( plugin.transitionend );
- });
- this.disableTouchoffClose();
- this.initializeTouchoffClose();
- },
- closeShiftNav: function(){
- var plugin = this;
- $( 'body' )
- .removeClass( this.openclass )
- .addClass( 'shiftnav-transitioning' );
- this.$shiftnav
- .removeClass( 'shiftnav-open-target' )
- .on( plugin.transitionend, function(){
- //if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'finished submenu close transition' );
- $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-transitioning' );
- $( this ).off( plugin.transitionend );
- });
- this.disableTouchoffClose();
- },
- initializeTouchoffClose: function(){
- if( !this.settings.touchOffClose ) return; //Don't initialize if touch off close is disabled
- var plugin = this;
- $( document ).on( 'click.shiftnav ' + this.touchEnd + '.shiftnav' , function( e ){ plugin.handleTouchoffClose( e , this , plugin ); } );
- },
- disableTouchoffClose: function(){
- $( document ).off( '.shiftnav' );
- },
- handleMouseActivation: function( e , activator , plugin ){
- if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'handleMouseover, add mouseout', e );
- var $li = $( activator ).parent();
- if( $li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-active' ) ){
- plugin.closeSubmenu( $li , 'mouseActivate' , plugin );
- }
- else{
- plugin.openSubmenu( $li , 'mouseActivate' , plugin );
- }
- //Only attach mouseout after mouseover, this way menus opened by touch won't be closed by mouseout
- //$li.on( 'mouseout.shift-submenu-toggle' , function( e ){ plugin.handleMouseout( e , this , plugin ); } );
- },
- handleSubmenuRetractorEnd: function( e , li , plugin ){
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var $li = $(li).parent( 'ul' ).parent( 'li' );
- plugin.closeSubmenu( $li , 'handleSubmenuRetractor' , plugin );
- if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'handleSubmenuRetractorEnd ' + $li.find('> a').text());
- },
- handleTouchoffClose: function( e , _this , plugin ){
- //Don't fire during transtion
- if( $( 'body' ).is( '.shiftnav-transitioning' ) ) return;
- if( $(e.target).parents().add( $(e.target) ).filter( '.shiftnav, .shiftnav-toggle, .shiftnav-ignore' ).length === 0 ){
- if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'touchoff close ', e );
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- plugin.closeShiftNav();
- plugin.disableTouchoffClose();
- }
- },
- /* Controllers */
- scrollPanel: function( y ){
- if( shiftnav_data.scroll_panel == 'off' ) return 0;
- if( typeof y == 'undefined' ){
- return this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-inner' ).scrollTop();
- }
- else{
- this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-inner' ).scrollTop( y );
- }
- },
- openSubmenu: function( $li , tag , plugin ){
- if( !$li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-active' ) ){
- //plugin.setMinimumHeight( 'open' , $li );
- if( $li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-sub-shift' ) ){
- $li.siblings( '.shiftnav-active' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- //switch to position absolute, then delay activation below due to Firefox browser bug
- $li.toggleClass( 'shiftnav-caulk' );
- plugin.$shiftnav.addClass( 'shiftnav-sub-shift-active' );
- }
- else{
- if( plugin.settings.collapse_accordions ){
- $li.siblings( '.shiftnav-active' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- }
- }
- //Active flags
- $li.parents( 'ul' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active-current' );
- $li.find( '> ul' )
- .addClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active' )
- .addClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active-current' );
- //A dumb timeout hack to fix this FireFox browser bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=625289
- setTimeout( function(){
- $li.addClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- $li.trigger( 'shiftnav-open-submenu' ); //API
- $li.removeClass( 'shiftnav-caulk' );
- //Wait until item has moved before calculating position
- setTimeout( function(){
- //scroll to top of the menu, make note of initial position
- var y = plugin.scrollPanel();
- $li.data( 'scroll-back' , y );
- var scrollPanelTo = $li.offset().top + y;
- plugin.scrollPanel( scrollPanelTo );
- //plugin.scrollPanel( 0 );
- }, 100 );
- }, 1 );
- }
- },
- closeSubmenu: function( $li , tag , plugin ){
- //var plugin = this;
- if( this.settings.debug ) console.log( 'closeSubmenu ' + $li.find( '>a' ).text() + ' [' + tag + ']' );
- //If this menu is currently active and has a submenu, close it
- if( $li.hasClass( 'menu-item-has-children' ) && $li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-active' ) ){
- $li.addClass( 'shiftnav-in-transition' ); //transition class keeps visual flag until transition completes
- $li.each( function(){
- var _$li = $(this);
- var _$ul = _$li.find( '> ul' );
- //Remove the transition flag once the transition is completed
- _$ul.on( plugin.transitionend + '_closesubmenu', function(){
- if( plugin.settings.debug ) console.log( 'finished submenu close transition' );
- _$li.removeClass( 'shiftnav-in-transition' );
- _$ul.off( plugin.transitionend + '_closesubmenu' );
- });
- //Close all children
- plugin.closeSubmenu( _$li.find( '.shiftnav-active' ) , tag+'_recursive' , plugin );
- });
- }
- //Actually remove the active class, which causes the submenu to close
- $li.removeClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- //Shift Sub Specific
- if( $li.hasClass( 'shiftnav-sub-shift' ) ){
- if( $li.parents( '.shiftnav-sub-shift' ).length == 0 ) plugin.$shiftnav.removeClass( 'shiftnav-sub-shift-active' );
- //return to original position
- var y = $li.data( 'scroll-back' );
- if( y !== 'undefined' ) plugin.scrollPanel( y );
- //console.log( 'y = ' + y );
- }
- //Active flags
- $li.find( '> ul' )
- .removeClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active' )
- .removeClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active-current' );
- $li.closest( 'ul' ).addClass( 'shiftnav-sub-active-current' );
- $li.trigger( 'shiftnav-close-submenu' ); //API
- },
- closeAllSubmenus: function(){
- $( this.element ).find( 'li.menu-item-has-children' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-active' );
- },
- };
- $.fn[ pluginName ] = function ( options ) {
- var args = arguments;
- if ( options === undefined || typeof options === 'object' ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- if ( !$.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName ) ) {
- $.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ) );
- }
- });
- }
- else if ( typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') {
- // Cache the method call to make it possible to return a value
- var returns;
- this.each(function () {
- var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName);
- // Tests that there's already a plugin-instance and checks that the requested public method exists
- if ( instance instanceof Plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') {
- // Call the method of our plugin instance, and pass it the supplied arguments.
- returns = instance[options].apply( instance, Array.prototype.slice.call( args, 1 ) );
- }
- // Allow instances to be destroyed via the 'destroy' method
- if (options === 'destroy') {
- $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null);
- }
- });
- // If the earlier cached method gives a value back return the value, otherwise return this to preserve chainability.
- return returns !== undefined ? returns : this;
- }
- };
- })( jQuery, window, document );
- (function($){
- var shiftnav_is_initialized = false;
- jQuery(function($) {
- initialize_shiftnav( 'document.ready' );
- });
- //Backup
- $( window ).on( 'load' , function(){
- initialize_shiftnav( 'window.load' );
- });
- function initialize_shiftnav( init_point ){
- if( shiftnav_is_initialized ) return;
- shiftnav_is_initialized = true;
- if( ( typeof console != "undefined" ) && init_point == 'window.load' ) console.log( 'ShiftNav initialized via ' + init_point );
- //Remove Loading Message
- $( '.shiftnav-loading' ).remove();
- //Run ShiftNav
- jQuery( '.shiftnav' ).shiftnav({
- open_current : shiftnav_data.open_current == 'on' ? true : false,
- collapse_accordions : shiftnav_data.collapse_accordions == 'on' ? true : false,
- breakpoint : parseInt( shiftnav_data.breakpoint ),
- touchOffClose: shiftnav_data.touch_off_close == 'on' ? true : false,
- scroll_offset: shiftnav_data.scroll_offset,
- disable_transforms: shiftnav_data.disable_transforms == 'on' ? true : false
- //debug: true
- //mouseEvents: false
- //clicktest: true
- });
- //Scroll to non-ID "hashes"
- if( window.location.hash.substring(1,2) == '.' ){
- var $scrollTarget = $( window.location.hash.substring(1) );
- if( $scrollTarget.length ){
- var top = $scrollTarget.offset().top - shiftnav_data.scroll_offset;
- if( $scrollTarget.length ) window.scrollTo( 0 , top );
- }
- }
- if( window.location.hash ){
- //Highlight item
- var hash = window.location.hash;
- if( hash.substring(1,2) == '.' ) hash = hash.substring(1);
- //Sanitize any hash string, just in case. These ar all the valid URL fragment characters, anything else gets stripped
- hash = hash.replace( /[^#a-z0-9!$&'()*+,;=]/gi , '' ); //hash = hash.replace(/\W/g,
- //var $li = $( '.shiftnav .shiftnav-target[data-shiftnav-scrolltarget="'+hash+'"]' ).parent();
- //Do it this way to avoid passing user-editable content into the $() function - find() is safer
- var $li = $( '.shiftnav' ).find( '.shiftnav-target[data-shiftnav-scrolltarget="'+hash+'"]' ).parent();
- if( $li.length ){
- //console.log( $li );
- $li.siblings().removeClass( 'current-menu-item' ).removeClass( 'current-menu-ancestor' );
- $li.addClass( 'current-menu-item' );
- }
- }
- $( '.shiftnav' ).trigger( 'shiftnav-loaded' );
- }
- function escapeHtml(str) {
- var div = document.createElement('div');
- div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
- return div.innerHTML;
- }
- })(jQuery);