Python | 318 lines | 247 code | 30 blank | 41 comment | 32 complexity | b118f1e33d55ac2ce5dfa21345aea285 MD5 | raw file
- """mboxreader - Pelican plugin to interface with Unix mailboxes.
- This pelican plugin implements a custom generator that can read from
- an arbitrary number of Unix mboxes (support for maildirs or other types
- of mail folders coming soon) and turns them into articles with a unique
- """
- from pelican import signals
- from pelican.generators import ArticlesGenerator, Generator
- from pelican.contents import Article, Page, Static, is_valid_content
- from pelican.utils import copy, process_translations, mkdir_p
- from pelican.utils import DateFormatter, slugify
- from pelican.readers import BaseReader, Readers
- from pelican import signals
- from itertools import chain, groupby
- from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
- from collections import defaultdict
- from functools import partial
- import datetime
- import mailbox
- import logging
- import os
- import pytz
- # Other dependency! dateutil.
- try:
- from dateutil import parser
- except ImportError: # NOQA?
- parser = False
- # Markdown-- a half-decent plaintext -> HTML converter, for now.
- try:
- from markdown import Markdown
- except ImportError:
- Markdown = False # NOQA
- # The logger.
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- # Settings methods, adapted from tag-cloud plugin.
- # https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/blob/master/tag_cloud/tag_cloud.py
- def set_default_settings(settings):
- settings.setdefault('MBOX_PATH', '[input.mbox]')
- settings.setdefault('MBOX_CATEGORY', '[Mailbox]')
- settings.setdefault('MBOX_AUTHOR_STRING', '')
- settings.setdefault('MBOX_MARKDOWNIFY', False)
- def init_default_config(pelican):
- from pelican.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG
- set_default_settings(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
- if pelican:
- set_default_settings(pelican.settings)
- def plaintext_to_html(plaintext, markdownify=False):
- # If markdownify is True, attempt to use markdown as a basic plaintext to
- # HTML converter. If we fail or if it's false, insert <p> tags as
- # appropriate and do no more.
- try:
- if not markdownify:
- raise RuntimeError
- content = Markdown().convert(plaintext)
- except:
- content = ''
- plaintext = plaintext.replace('\r\n', '\n')
- strings = plaintext.split('\n\n')
- for paragraph in strings:
- paragraph = paragraph.replace('\n', '<br/>')
- content += '<p>' + paragraph + '</p>\n\n'
- return content
- class MboxGenerator(ArticlesGenerator):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """initialize properties"""
- self.articles = [] # only articles in default language
- self.translations = []
- self.dates = {}
- self.categories = defaultdict(list)
- self.authors = defaultdict(list)
- super(MboxGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # Private helper function to generate
- def _generate_mbox_articles(self, mboxPath, mboxCategory):
- baseReader = BaseReader(self.settings)
- category = baseReader.process_metadata('category', mboxCategory)
- # Complain if the mbox path does not exist and is not readable.
- try:
- if not os.path.exists(mboxPath):
- raise RuntimeError
- mbox = mailbox.mbox(mboxPath)
- except:
- logger.error('Could not process mbox file %s', mboxPath)
- return
- # Retrieve some fields from the settings.
- authorString = self.settings.get('MBOX_AUTHOR_STRING')
- markdownify = self.settings.get('MBOX_MARKDOWNIFY')
- # Loop over all messages, turn them into article objects.
- all_articles = []
- slugs = []
- for message in mbox.itervalues():
- # Get author name.
- author = message['from']
- if author is None:
- author = 'Unknown'
- else:
- if '<' and '>' in author:
- author = author[:author.find(' <')]
- author = author.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
- # As a hack to avoid dealing with the fact that names can collide.
- if authorString is not None and authorString != '':
- author += ' ' + authorString
- authorObject = baseReader.process_metadata('author', author)
- # Get date object, using python-dateutil as an easy hack.
- # If there is no date in the message, abort, we shouldn't bother.
- if message['date'] is None:
- continue
- if parser:
- date = parser.parse(message['date'])
- else:
- logger.error('No python-dateutil, we cannot continue as ' +
- 'date formats cannot be parsed. ')
- continue
- monthYear = date.strftime('%B-%Y').lower()
- # Get title and slug; build year + month into slug.
- subject = message['subject']
- slugSubject = slugify(subject)
- slug = os.path.join(slugify(mboxCategory), monthYear, slugSubject)
- # Hack to handle multiple messages with the same subject.
- if slug in slugs:
- slug += "_%d"
- count = 2
- testSlug = slug % count
- while testSlug in slugs:
- count += 1
- testSlug = slug % count
- slug = testSlug
- slugs.append(slug)
- # Code adapted from Stackoverflow for parsing email messages.
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4824376/parse-multi-part-email-with-sub-parts-using-python
- # Code is clumsy, should be refactored.
- if message.is_multipart():
- plaintext = None
- html = None
- for part in message.get_payload():
- charset = message.get_content_charset()
- if charset is None or charset == 'x-unknown':
- charset = 'us-ascii'
- payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
- if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
- plaintext = unicode(payload, charset, "ignore")
- plaintext = plaintext.encode('ascii', 'replace')
- if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
- html = unicode(payload, charset, "ignore")
- html = html.encode('ascii', 'replace')
- if plaintext is None and html is None:
- continue
- elif plaintext is None:
- content = html
- else:
- content = plaintext_to_html(plaintext, markdownify)
- else:
- charset = message.get_content_charset()
- if charset is None or charset == 'x-unknown':
- charset = 'us-ascii'
- payload = message.get_payload(decode=True)
- plaintext = unicode(payload, charset, "ignore")
- plaintext = plaintext.encode('ascii', 'replace')
- content = plaintext_to_html(plaintext, markdownify)
- metadata = {'title': subject,
- 'date': date,
- 'category': category,
- 'authors': [authorObject],
- 'slug': slug}
- article = Article(content=content,
- metadata=metadata,
- settings=self.settings,
- source_path=mboxPath,
- context=self.context)
- # This seems like it cannot happen... but it does without fail.
- article.author = article.authors[0]
- all_articles.append(article)
- return all_articles
- # For now, don't generate feeds.
- def generate_feeds(self, writer):
- return
- def generate_pages(self, writer):
- """Generate the pages on the disk"""
- write = partial(writer.write_file,
- relative_urls=self.settings['RELATIVE_URLS'],
- override_output=True)
- # to minimize the number of relative path stuff modification
- # in writer, articles pass first
- self.generate_articles(write)
- self.generate_period_archives(write)
- self.generate_direct_templates(write)
- # and subfolders after that
- self.generate_categories(write)
- self.generate_authors(write)
- def generate_articles(self, write):
- """Generate the articles."""
- # Hm... this is a bit clunky; it overrides override_output.
- # It appears that this is not a problem.
- for article in chain(self.translations, self.articles):
- write(article.save_as, self.get_template(article.template),
- self.context, article=article, category=article.category,
- override_output=True, blog=True)
- def generate_context(self):
- # Update the context (only articles in default language)
- self.articles = self.context['articles']
- # Complain if MBOX_PATH and MBOX_CATEGORY are not of the same length.
- mboxPaths = self.settings.get('MBOX_PATH')
- mboxCategories = self.settings.get('MBOX_CATEGORY')
- errMsg = 'MBOX_PATH, MBOX_CATEGORY not of equal length or non-empty.'
- if len(mboxPaths) != len(mboxCategories) or len(mboxPaths) <= 0:
- logger.error(errMsg)
- return
- all_articles = []
- for i in xrange(len(mboxPaths)):
- mboxPath = mboxPaths[i]
- mboxCategory = mboxCategories[i]
- new_articles = self._generate_mbox_articles(mboxPath, mboxCategory)
- all_articles.extend(new_articles)
- # Log that we did stuff.
- print(('Read in %d messages from %s and converted to articles in ' +
- 'category %s.') % (len(new_articles), mboxPath, mboxCategory))
- print('Read in %d messages from all mailboxes.' % (len(all_articles)))
- # Continue with the rest of ArticleGenerator, code adapted from:
- # https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/blob/master/pelican/generators.py#L548
- # ARTICLE_ORDER_BY doesn't exist in 3.3, which was in Fedora 21.
- # (I wanted to be able to build this on F21 at the time).
- articles, translations = process_translations(all_articles)
- # , order_by=self.settings['ARTICLE_ORDER_BY'])
- self.articles.extend(articles)
- self.translations.extend(translations)
- # Disabled for 3.3 compatibility, great.
- # signals.article_generator_pretaxonomy.send(self)
- for article in self.articles:
- # only main articles are listed in categories and tags
- # not translations
- # We have to use django for this, unfortunately.
- if article.date.tzinfo is None:
- article.date = pytz.UTC.localize(article.date)
- self.categories[article.category].append(article)
- # Support for Author and Authors.
- if hasattr(article, 'author') and article.author.name != '':
- self.authors[article.author].append(article)
- else:
- for author in getattr(article, 'authors', []):
- self.authors[author].append(article)
- # This may not technically be right, but...
- # Sort the articles by date too.
- self.articles = list(self.articles)
- self.dates = self.articles
- self.dates.sort(key=attrgetter('date'),
- reverse=self.context['NEWEST_FIRST_ARCHIVES'])
- # and generate the output :)
- # order the categories per name
- self.categories = list(self.categories.items())
- self.categories.sort(reverse=self.settings['REVERSE_CATEGORY_ORDER'])
- self.authors = list(self.authors.items())
- self.authors.sort()
- self._update_context(('articles', 'dates', 'categories', 'authors'))
- # Disabled for 3.3 compatibility for now, great.
- # self.save_cache()
- # self.readers.save_cache()
- # And finish.
- # signals.article_generator_finalized.send(self)
- def get_generators(pelican_object):
- return MboxGenerator
- def register():
- signals.initialized.connect(init_default_config)
- signals.get_generators.connect(get_generators)