JavaScript | 236 lines | 168 code | 43 blank | 25 comment | 32 complexity | 728d5f0bd9a039dcc4b0fc10eba0340c MD5 | raw file
- /* global wp, cp, ClusterPress_l10n */
- window.wp = window.wp || {};
- window.cp = window.cp || {};
- ( function( exports, $ ) {
- if ( typeof ClusterPress_l10n === 'undefined' ) {
- return;
- }
- _.extend( cp, _.pick( wp, 'Backbone', 'ajax', 'template' ) );
- // Init Models and Collections
- cp.Models = cp.Models || {};
- cp.Collections = cp.Collections || {};
- // Init Views
- cp.Views = cp.Views || {};
- /**
- * The Batch Processor
- */
- cp.batchProcessor = {
- /**
- * Launcher
- */
- start: function() {
- this.tasks = new cp.Collections.Tasks();
- this.completed = false;
- // Create the task list view
- var task_list = new cp.Views.Processor( { collection: this.tasks } );
- task_list.inject( '#clusterpress-batch' );
- this.setUpTasks();
- },
- /**
- * Populate the tasks collection
- */
- setUpTasks: function() {
- var self = this;
- _.each( ClusterPress_l10n.tasks, function( task, index ) {
- if ( ! _.isObject( task ) ) {
- return;
- }
- self.tasks.add( {
- id : task.callback,
- order : index,
- message : task.message,
- count : task.count,
- number : task.number,
- done : 0,
- active : false
- } );
- } );
- }
- };
- /**
- * The Tasks collection
- */
- cp.Collections.Tasks = Backbone.Collection.extend( {
- proceed: function( options ) {
- options = options || {};
- options.context = this;
- options.data = options.data || {};
- options.data = _.extend( options.data, {
- action : ClusterPress_l10n.action || 'cp_process_batch',
- '_clusterpress_batch_nonce' : ClusterPress_l10n.nonce
- } );
- return cp.ajax.send( options );
- }
- } );
- /**
- * Extend Backbone.View with .prepare() and .inject()
- */
- cp.View = cp.Backbone.View.extend( {
- inject: function( selector ) {
- this.render();
- $( selector ).html( this.el );
- this.views.ready();
- },
- prepare: function() {
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.model ) && _.isFunction( this.model.toJSON ) ) {
- return this.model.toJSON();
- } else {
- return {};
- }
- }
- } );
- /**
- * List of tasks view
- */
- cp.Views.Processor = cp.View.extend( {
- tagName : 'div',
- initialize: function() {
- this.views.add( new cp.View( { tagName: 'ul', id: 'clusterpress-tasks' } ) );
- this.collection.on( 'add', this.injectTask, this );
- this.collection.on( 'change:active', this.manageQueue, this );
- this.collection.on( 'change:done', this.manageQueue, this );
- },
- taskSuccess: function( response ) {
- var task, next, nextTask;
- if ( response.done && response.callback ) {
- task = this.collection.get( response.callback );
- task.set( 'done', Number( response.done ) + Number( task.get( 'done' ) ) );
- if ( Number( task.get( 'count' ) ) === Number( task.get( 'done' ) ) ) {
- task.set( 'active', false );
- next = Number( task.get( 'order' ) ) + 1;
- nextTask = this.collection.findWhere( { order: next } );
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( nextTask ) && _.isObject( nextTask ) ) {
- nextTask.set( 'active', true );
- } else {
- this.views.add( new cp.Views.Feedback( {
- value : ClusterPress_l10n.feedbacks.updated,
- type : 'updated'
- } ) );
- if ( $( '#toplevel_page_clusterpress-main a.current span.cluster-tasks' ).length ) {
- $( '#toplevel_page_clusterpress-main a.current span.cluster-tasks' ).remove();
- $( '#toplevel_page_clusterpress-main a.wp-menu-open span.cluster-tasks' ).remove();
- }
- if ( 'clusterpress' === task.get( 'id') && 'cp_process_updates' === ClusterPress_l10n.action ) {
- this.views.add( new cp.Views.Feedback( {
- value : ClusterPress_l10n.feedbacks.redirect,
- type : 'updated'
- } ) );
- window.setTimeout( function() {
- window.location.href = ClusterPress_l10n.coreUpgradeRedirect;
- }, 1500 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- taskError: function( response ) {
- if ( response.message && response.callback ) {
- if ( 'warning' === response.type ) {
- var task = this.collection.get( response.callback );
- response.message = response.message.replace( '%d', Number( task.get( 'count' ) ) - Number( task.get( 'done' ) ) );
- }
- $( '#' + response.callback + ' .clusterpress-task-progress' ).html( response.message ).addClass( response.type );
- } else {
- this.views.add( new cp.Views.Feedback( {
- value : response.message,
- type : 'error'
- } ) );
- }
- },
- injectTask: function( task ) {
- this.views.add( '#clusterpress-tasks', new cp.Views.Task( { model: task } ) );
- },
- manageQueue: function( task ) {
- if ( true === task.get( 'active' ) && Number( task.get( 'done' ) ) < Number( task.get( 'count' ) ) ) {
- this.collection.proceed( {
- data : _.pick( task.attributes, ['id', 'count', 'number', 'done'] ),
- success : _.bind( this.taskSuccess, this ),
- error : _.bind( this.taskError, this )
- } );
- }
- }
- } );
- /**
- * The task view
- */
- cp.Views.Task = cp.View.extend( {
- tagName : 'li',
- template : cp.template( 'progress-window' ),
- className : 'clusterpress-task',
- initialize: function() {
- this.model.on( 'change:done', this.taskProgress, this );
- this.model.on( 'change:active', this.addClass, this );
- if ( 0 === this.model.get( 'order' ) ) {
- this.model.set( 'active', true );
- }
- },
- addClass: function( task ) {
- if ( true === task.get( 'active' ) ) {
- $( this.$el ).addClass( 'active' );
- }
- },
- taskProgress: function( task ) {
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( task.get( 'done' ) ) && ! _.isUndefined( task.get( 'count' ) ) ) {
- var percent = ( Number( task.get( 'done' ) ) / Number( task.get( 'count' ) ) ) * 100;
- $( '#' + task.get( 'id' ) + ' .clusterpress-task-progress .clusterpress-task-bar' ).css( 'width', percent + '%' );
- }
- }
- } );
- cp.Views.Feedback = cp.View.extend( {
- tagName: 'div',
- className: 'notice is-dismissible',
- id: 'message',
- initialize: function() {
- this.el.className += ' ' + this.options.type;
- this.value = this.options.value;
- },
- render: function() {
- this.$el.html( $( '<p></p>' ).html( this.value ) );
- return this;
- }
- } );
- cp.batchProcessor.start();
- } )( cp, jQuery );