C | 473 lines | 391 code | 73 blank | 9 comment | 106 complexity | cd7aab9d28b614dbea89d4e6225189e1 MD5 | raw file
- /*inspireSRV Serivce Manager.*/
- /**This file holds functions for the various things we can do, depending on argv[0].
- * Most are to be called by main() at some point or another.**/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "inspireSRV.h"
- /*To shut up some weird compilers. I don't know what this thing wants from me.*/
- pid_t getsid(pid_t);
- ReturnCode SendPowerControl(const char *MembusCode)
- { /*Client side to send a request to halt/reboot/power off/disable or enable CAD/etc.*/
- char InitsResponse[MEMBUS_MSGSIZE], *PCode[2], *PErrMsg;
- if (!strcmp(MembusCode, MEMBUS_CODE_HALT))
- {
- PErrMsg = "Unable to halt.";
- }
- else if (!strcmp(MembusCode, MEMBUS_CODE_POWEROFF))
- {
- PErrMsg = "Unable to power off.";
- }
- else if (!strcmp(MembusCode, MEMBUS_CODE_REBOOT))
- {
- PErrMsg = "Unable to reboot.";
- }
- else if (!strcmp(MembusCode, MEMBUS_CODE_CADON))
- {
- PErrMsg = "Unable to enable CTRL-ALT-DEL instant reboot.";
- }
- else if (!strcmp(MembusCode, MEMBUS_CODE_CADOFF))
- {
- PErrMsg = "Unable to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL instant reboot.";
- }
- else
- {
- SpitError("Invalid MEMBUS_CODE passed to SendPowerControl().");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (!MemBus_Write(MembusCode, false))
- {
- SpitError("Failed to write to membus.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- while (!MemBus_Read(InitsResponse, false)) usleep(1000); /*0.001 secs.*/
- MemBus_Write(MembusCode, false); /*Tells init it can shut down the membus.*/
- if (!strcmp(InitsResponse, PCode[0]))
- {
- ShutdownMemBus(false);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(InitsResponse, PCode[1]))
- { /*Nothing uses this right now.*/
- SpitError(PErrMsg);
- ShutdownMemBus(false);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- ReturnCode ObjControl(const char *ObjectID, const char *MemBusSignal)
- { /*Start and stop or disable services.*/
- char RemoteResponse[MEMBUS_MSGSIZE];
- char OutMsg[MEMBUS_MSGSIZE];
- char PossibleResponses[4][MEMBUS_MSGSIZE];
- snprintf(OutMsg, sizeof OutMsg, "%s %s", MemBusSignal, ObjectID);
- if (!MemBus_Write(OutMsg, false))
- {
- return FAILURE;
- }
- while (!MemBus_Read(RemoteResponse, false)) usleep(1000); /*0.001 secs*/
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[0], sizeof PossibleResponses[0], "%s %s %s",
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[1], sizeof PossibleResponses[1], "%s %s %s",
- MEMBUS_CODE_FAILURE, MemBusSignal, ObjectID);
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[2], sizeof PossibleResponses[2], "%s %s",
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[3], sizeof PossibleResponses[3], "%s %s %s",
- MEMBUS_CODE_WARNING, MemBusSignal, ObjectID);
- if (!strcmp(RemoteResponse, PossibleResponses[0]))
- {
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(RemoteResponse, PossibleResponses[1]))
- {
- return FAILURE;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(RemoteResponse, PossibleResponses[3]))
- {
- return WARNING;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(RemoteResponse, PossibleResponses[2]))
- {
- SpitError("\nWe are being told that we sent a bad parameter.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- else
- {
- SpitError("\nReceived invalid reply from membus.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- }
- ReturnCode EmulKillall5(unsigned InSignal)
- { /*Used as the killall5 utility.*/
- DIR *ProcDir;
- struct dirent *CurDir;
- pid_t CurPID;
- const pid_t OurPID = getpid(), OurSID = getsid(0);
- if (InSignal > SIGSTOP || InSignal == 0) /*Won't be negative since we are unsigned.*/
- {
- SpitError("EmulKillall5() Bad value for unsigned InSignal.");
- }
- /*We get everything from /proc.*/
- if (!(ProcDir = opendir("/proc/")))
- {
- return FAILURE;
- }
- /*Stop everything.*/
- kill(-1, SIGSTOP);
- while ((CurDir = readdir(ProcDir)))
- {
- if (AllNumeric(CurDir->d_name) && CurDir->d_type == 4)
- {
- CurPID = atol(CurDir->d_name); /*Convert the new PID to a true number.*/
- if (CurPID == 1 || CurPID == OurPID)
- { /*Don't try to kill init, or us.*/
- continue;
- }
- if (getsid(CurPID) == OurSID)
- { /*It's in our session ID, so don't touch it.*/
- continue;
- }
- /*We made it this far, must be safe to nuke this process.*/
- kill(CurPID, InSignal); /*Actually send the kill, stop, whatever signal.*/
- }
- }
- closedir(ProcDir);
- /*Start it up again.*/
- kill(-1, SIGCONT);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- void EmulWall(const char *InStream, Bool ShowUser)
- { /*We not only use this as a CLI applet, we use it to notify of impending shutdown too.*/
- char OutBuf[8192];
- char HMS[3][16];
- char MDY[3][16];
- const char *OurUser = getenv("USER");
- char OurHostname[512] = { '\0' };
- DIR *DevDir;
- DIR *PtsDir;
- struct dirent *DirPtr;
- char FileNameBuf[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
- int FileDescriptor = 0;
- if (getuid() != 0)
- { /*Not root?*/
- SpitWarning("You are not root. Only sending to ttys you have privileges on.");
- }
- GetCurrentTime(HMS[0], HMS[1], HMS[2], MDY[0], MDY[1], MDY[2]);
- snprintf(OutBuf, 64, "\007\n%s[%s:%s:%s | %s-%s-%s]%s ", CONSOLE_COLOR_RED, HMS[0], HMS[1], HMS[2],
- if (ShowUser)
- {
- int HostnameLen = 0;
- if (gethostname(OurHostname, sizeof OurHostname / 2) != 0)
- {
- strncpy(OurHostname, "(unknown)", sizeof "(unknown)");
- }
- HostnameLen = strlen(OurHostname);
- if (getdomainname(OurHostname + HostnameLen + 1, sizeof OurHostname / 2 - 1) == 0 &&
- strcmp(OurHostname + HostnameLen + 1, "(none)") != 0 &&
- strcmp(OurHostname + HostnameLen + 1, "") != 0)
- { /*If we DO have a domain name, set it.*/
- OurHostname[HostnameLen] = '.';
- }
- /*I really enjoy pulling stuff off like the line below.*/
- snprintf(&OutBuf[strlen(OutBuf)], sizeof OutBuf - strlen(OutBuf), "Broadcast message from %s@%s: ",
- (OurUser != NULL ? OurUser : "(unknown)"), OurHostname);
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(&OutBuf[strlen(OutBuf)], sizeof OutBuf - strlen(OutBuf), "%s", "Broadcast message: ");
- }
- snprintf(&OutBuf[strlen(OutBuf)], sizeof OutBuf - strlen(OutBuf), "\n%s\n\n", InStream);
- if ((DevDir = opendir("/dev/")))
- { /*Now write to the ttys.*/
- while ((DirPtr = readdir(DevDir))) /*See, we use fopen() as a way to check if the file exists.*/
- { /*Your eyes bleeding yet?*/
- if (!strncmp(DirPtr->d_name, "tty", sizeof "tty" - 1) &&
- strlen(DirPtr->d_name) > sizeof "tty" - 1 &&
- isdigit(DirPtr->d_name[sizeof "tty" - 1]) &&
- atoi(DirPtr->d_name + sizeof "tty" - 1) > 0)
- {
- snprintf(FileNameBuf, MAX_LINE_SIZE, "/dev/%s", DirPtr->d_name);
- if ((FileDescriptor = open(FileNameBuf, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1)
- { /*Screw it, we don't care.*/
- continue;
- }
- write(FileDescriptor, OutBuf, strlen(OutBuf));
- close(FileDescriptor); FileDescriptor = 0;
- }
- }
- closedir(DevDir);
- }
- if ((PtsDir = opendir("/dev/pts/")))
- {
- while ((DirPtr = readdir(PtsDir)))
- {
- if (isdigit(DirPtr->d_name[0]))
- {
- snprintf(FileNameBuf, MAX_LINE_SIZE, "/dev/pts/%s", DirPtr->d_name);
- if ((FileDescriptor = open(FileNameBuf, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- write(FileDescriptor, OutBuf, strlen(OutBuf));
- close(FileDescriptor); FileDescriptor = 0;
- }
- }
- closedir(PtsDir);
- }
- }
- ReturnCode EmulShutdown(int ArgumentCount, const char **ArgStream)
- { /*Eyesore, but it works.*/
- const char **TPtr = ArgStream + 1; /*Skip past the equivalent of argv[0].*/
- unsigned TargetHr = 0, TargetMin = 0;
- const char *THalt = NULL;
- char PossibleResponses[3][MEMBUS_MSGSIZE];
- char TmpBuf[MEMBUS_MSGSIZE], InRecv[MEMBUS_MSGSIZE], TimeFormat[32];
- short Inc = 0;
- short TimeIsSet = 0, HaltModeSet = 0;
- Bool AbortingShutdown = false, ImmediateHalt = false;
- for (; Inc != (ArgumentCount - 1); ++TPtr, ++Inc)
- {
- if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "-h") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "--halt") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "-H"))
- {
- ++HaltModeSet;
- continue;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "-R") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "-r") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "--reboot"))
- {
- ++HaltModeSet;
- continue;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "-p") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "-P") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "--poweroff"))
- {
- ++HaltModeSet;
- continue;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "-c") || !strcmp(*TPtr, "--cancel"))
- {
- AbortingShutdown = true;
- snprintf(TmpBuf, sizeof TmpBuf, "%s", MEMBUS_CODE_ABORTHALT);
- break;
- }
- else if (strchr(*TPtr, ':') && **TPtr != '-')
- {
- struct _HaltParams TempParams;
- if (sscanf(*TPtr, "%u:%u", &TargetHr, &TargetMin) != 2)
- {
- puts("Bad time format. Please enter in the format of \"hh:mm\"");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- DateDiff(TargetHr, TargetMin, &TempParams.TargetMonth, &TempParams.TargetDay, &TempParams.TargetYear);
- snprintf(TimeFormat, sizeof TimeFormat, "%u:%u:%d %u/%u/%u",
- TargetHr, TargetMin, 0, TempParams.TargetMonth, TempParams.TargetDay, TempParams.TargetYear);
- ++TimeIsSet;
- }
- else if (**TPtr == '+' && AllNumeric(*TPtr + 1))
- {
- struct _HaltParams TempParams;
- const char *TArg = *TPtr + 1; /*Targ manure!*/
- time_t TTime;
- struct tm TimeStruct;
- MinsToDate(atoi(TArg), &TempParams.TargetHour, &TempParams.TargetMin, &TempParams.TargetMonth,
- &TempParams.TargetDay, &TempParams.TargetYear);
- time(&TTime); /*Get this for the second.*/
- localtime_r(&TTime, &TimeStruct);
- snprintf(TimeFormat, sizeof TimeFormat, "%u:%u:%d %u/%u/%u",
- TempParams.TargetHour, TempParams.TargetMin, (int)TimeStruct.tm_sec, TempParams.TargetMonth,
- TempParams.TargetDay, TempParams.TargetYear);
- ++TimeIsSet;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "now"))
- {
- ImmediateHalt = true;
- ++TimeIsSet;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(*TPtr, "--help"))
- {
- const char *HelpMsg =
- "Usage: shutdown -hrpc [12:00/+10/now] -c\n\n"
- "-h -H --halt: Halt the system, don't power down.\n"
- "-p -P --poweroff: Power down the system.\n"
- "-r -R --reboot: Reboot the system.\n"
- "-c --cancel: Cancel a pending shutdown.\n\n"
- "Specify time in hh:mm, +m, or \"now\".\n";
- puts(HelpMsg);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument %s. See --help for usage.\n", *TPtr);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- }
- if (!AbortingShutdown)
- {
- if (HaltModeSet == 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "You must specify one of -hrp.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (HaltModeSet > 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Please specify only ONE of -hrp.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (!TimeIsSet)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "You must specify a time in the format of hh:mm: or +m.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (TimeIsSet > 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Multiple time arguments specified. Please specify only one.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (!ImmediateHalt)
- {
- snprintf(TmpBuf, sizeof TmpBuf, "%s %s", THalt, TimeFormat);
- }
- }
- if (ImmediateHalt)
- {
- snprintf(TmpBuf, sizeof TmpBuf, "%s", THalt);
- }
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[0], MEMBUS_MSGSIZE, "%s %s", MEMBUS_CODE_ACKNOWLEDGED, TmpBuf);
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[1], MEMBUS_MSGSIZE, "%s %s", MEMBUS_CODE_FAILURE, TmpBuf);
- snprintf(PossibleResponses[2], MEMBUS_MSGSIZE, "%s %s", MEMBUS_CODE_BADPARAM, TmpBuf);
- if (!InitMemBus(false))
- {
- SpitError("Failed to connect to membus.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- if (!MemBus_Write(TmpBuf, false))
- {
- SpitError("Failed to write to membus.");
- ShutdownMemBus(false);
- return FAILURE;
- }
- while (!MemBus_Read(InRecv, false)) usleep(1000); /*Wait for a response.*/
- if (ImmediateHalt) MemBus_Write(" ", false); /*Tells init it can shut down the membus.*/
- if (!ShutdownMemBus(false))
- {
- SpitError("Failed to shut down membus! This could spell serious issues.");
- }
- if (!strcmp(InRecv, PossibleResponses[0]))
- {
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(InRecv, PossibleResponses[1]))
- {
- if (!strcmp(TmpBuf, MEMBUS_CODE_ABORTHALT))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Failed to abort shutdown. Is a shutdown scheduled?");
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Failed to schedule shutdown.\nIs another already scheduled? Use shutdown -c to cancel it.");
- }
- return FAILURE;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(InRecv, PossibleResponses[2]))
- {
- SpitError("We are being told that we sent a bad parameter over the membus!"
- "Please report this to inspireSRV, as it's likely a bug.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- else
- {
- SpitError("Invalid response received from membus! Please report this to inspireSRV, as it's likely a bug.");
- return FAILURE;
- }
- }