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- gulp-typescript
- ===============
- A gulp plugin for handling TypeScript compilation workflow. The plugin exposes TypeScript's compiler options to gulp using TypeScript API.
- [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ivogabe/gulp-typescript.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ivogabe/gulp-typescript)
- Features
- --------
- - Incremental compilation (so faster builds)
- - Error reporting
- - Different output streams for .js, .d.ts files.
- - Support for sourcemaps using gulp-sourcemaps
- - Compile once, and filter different targets
- How to install
- --------------
- ##### 1. Install gulp
- ```shell
- npm install --global gulp
- ```
- ##### 2. Install gulp in the project dependency
- ```shell
- npm install gulp
- ```
- ##### 3. Install gulp-typescript
- ```shell
- npm install gulp-typescript
- ```
- Options
- -------
- Allmost all options from TypeScript are supported.
- - `out` (TS1.5-), `outFile` (TS1.6+) (string) - Generate one javascript and one definition file. Only works when no module system is used.
- - `outDir` (string) - Move output to a different (virtual) directory. Note that you still need `gulp.dest` to write output to disk.
- - `noImplicitAny` (boolean) - Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type.
- - `suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors` (boolean) - Suppress --noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures.
- - `noLib` (boolean) - Don't include the default lib (with definitions for - Array, Date etc)
- - `target` (string) - Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5' or 'ES6'.
- - `module` (string) - Specify module code generation: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'umd' or 'system'.
- - `jsx` (string) - Specify jsx code generation: 'react' or 'preserve' (TS1.6+).
- - `declaration` (boolean) - Generates corresponding .d.ts files. You need to pipe the `dts` streams to save these files.
- - `removeComments` (boolean) - Do not emit comments to output.
- - `emitDecoratorMetadata` (boolean) - Emit design-time metadate for decorated declarations in source.
- - `experimentalAsyncFunctions` (boolean) - Support for ES7-proposed asynchronous functions using the `async`/`await` keywords (TS1.6+).
- - `experimentalDecorators` (boolean) - Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators.
- - `moduleResolution` (string) - Determine how modules get resolved. Either 'node' for Node.js/io.js style resolution, or 'classic' (default) (TS1.6+).
- - `noEmitOnError` (boolean) - Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported.
- - `noEmitHelpers` (boolean) - Do not generate custom helper functions like __extends in compiled output.
- - `preserveConstEnums` (boolean) - Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code.
- - `isolatedModules` (boolean) - Compiles files seperately and doesn't check types, which causes a big speed increase. You have to use gulp-plumber and TypeScript 1.5+.
- - `allowJs` (boolean) - Allow JavaScript files to be compiled.
- - `rootDir` - Specifies the root directory of input files. Only use to control the output directory structure with `outDir`.
- See the [TypeScript wiki](http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html) for a complete list.
- These options are not supported:
- - Sourcemap options (`sourceMap`, `inlineSourceMap`, `inlineSources`, `sourceRoot`) - Use [gulp-sourcemaps](https://github.com/floridoo/gulp-sourcemaps) instead.
- - `watch` - Use `gulp.watch` instead. See the paragraph "Incremental compilation".
- - `project` - See "Using `tsconfig.json`".
- - Obvious: `help`, `version`
- ## Unofficial options
- Besides the official options options, gulp-typescript supports the following options:
- - ```noExternalResolve``` (boolean) - Do not resolve files that are not in the input. Explanation below.
- - ```sortOutput``` (boolean) - Sort output files. Useful if you want to concatenate files (see below).
- - ```typescript``` (object) - Use a different version / fork of TypeScript (see below). Use it like: `typescript: require('typescript')` or `typescript: require('my-fork-of-typescript')`
- Basic Usage
- ----------
- Below is a minimal `gulpfile.js` which will compile all TypeScript file in folder `src` and emit a single output file called `output.js` in `built/local`. To invoke, simple run `gulp`.
- ```javascript
- var gulp = require('gulp');
- var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
- gulp.task('default', function () {
- return gulp.src('src/**/*.ts')
- .pipe(ts({
- noImplicitAny: true,
- out: 'output.js'
- }))
- .pipe(gulp.dest('built/local'));
- });
- ```
- Another example of `gulpfile.js`. Instead of creating default task, the file specifies custom named task. To invoke, run `gulp scripts` instead of `gulp`. As a result, the task will generate both JavaScript files and TypeScript definition files (.d.ts).
- ```javascript
- var gulp = require('gulp');
- var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
- var merge = require('merge2'); // Require separate installation
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = gulp.src('lib/**/*.ts')
- .pipe(ts({
- declaration: true,
- noExternalResolve: true
- }));
- return merge([
- tsResult.dts.pipe(gulp.dest('release/definitions')),
- tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest('release/js'))
- ]);
- });
- ```
- `tsResult` is a object that has a JavaScript stream (`.js`) and a definition file stream (`.dts`).
- You need to set the `declaration` option to get definition files in the `dts` stream.
- If you don't need the definition files, you can use a configuration as seen in the first example.
- Incremental compilation
- -----------------------
- Instead of calling ```ts(options)```, you can create a project first, and then call ```ts(project)```. An example:
- ```javascript
- var gulp = require('gulp');
- var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
- var merge = require('merge2');
- var tsProject = ts.createProject({
- declaration: true,
- noExternalResolve: true
- });
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = gulp.src('lib/*.ts')
- .pipe(ts(tsProject));
- return merge([ // Merge the two output streams, so this task is finished when the IO of both operations are done.
- tsResult.dts.pipe(gulp.dest('release/definitions')),
- tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest('release/js'))
- ]);
- });
- gulp.task('watch', ['scripts'], function() {
- gulp.watch('lib/*.ts', ['scripts']);
- });
- ```
- When you run ```gulp watch```, the source will be compiled as usual. Then, when you make a change and save the file, your TypeScript files will be compiled in about half the time.
- You must create the project outside of the task. You can't use the same project in multiple tasks.
- Instead, create multiple projects or use a single task to compile your sources.
- Using `tsconfig.json`
- -------------
- To use `tsconfig.json`, you have to use `ts.createProject`:
- ```javascript
- var tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
- ```
- If you want to add or overwrite certain settings in the `tsconfig.json` file, you can use:
- ```javascript
- var tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json', { sortOutput: true });
- ```
- The task will look like:
- ```javascript
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = tsProject.src() // instead of gulp.src(...)
- .pipe(ts(tsProject));
- return tsResult.js.pipe(gulp.dest('release'));
- });
- ```
- TypeScript version
- ------------------
- gulp-typescript uses TypeScript 1.8 by default. You can also use 1.4+ or a nighty version of TypeScript instead.
- You should add the version you want (1.4+) to your package.json file as a devDependency. You can use the a nightly build to get the latest features:
- ```
- npm install typescript@next
- ```
- And add this to your gulpfile:
- ```javascript
- [...].pipe(ts({
- typescript: require('typescript')
- }));
- ```
- Or in combination with a `tsconfig` file:
- ```javascript
- var tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json', {
- typescript: require('typescript')
- });
- ```
- It's also possible to use a fork of TypeScript. Add an extra option to the options object like this:
- ```javascript
- [...].pipe(ts({
- typescript: require('my-fork-of-typescript')
- }));
- ```
- Filters
- -------
- There are two ways to filter files:
- ```javascript
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = gulp.src('lib/*.ts')
- .pipe(ts(tsProject, filterSettings));
- ...
- });
- ```
- And
- ```javascript
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = gulp.src('lib/*.ts')
- .pipe(ts(tsProject));
- tsResult.pipe(ts.filter(tsProject, filterSettings));
- });
- ```
- The first example doesn't add files (that don't pass the filter) to the compiler, the second one does add them to the compiler,
- but removes them later from the stream.
- You can put as much pipes between compilation and filtering as you want, as long as the filename doesn't change.
- At the moment there is only one filter available:
- - ```referencedFrom``` (string[]) Only files that are referenced (using ```/// <reference path="..." />```) by the files in this array pass this filter.
- Resolving files
- ---------------
- By default, gulp-typescript will try to resolve the files you require and reference. These files are parsed, but not emitted (so you will not see them in the output stream).
- If you set the option ```noExternalResolve``` to true, gulp-typescript will not resolve all the requires and references. It assumes that all the necessary files are in the input stream. For example, if you have your ```.ts``` files in the ```lib``` folder, and the ```.d.ts``` files in the ```definitions``` folder, you must use ```gulp.src(['lib/**.ts', 'definitions/**.ts'])``` instead of ```gulp.src(['lib/**.ts'])``` in your gulpfile if you use the option ```noExternalResolve```.
- Advantage of ```noExternalResolve```: faster compilation.
- Disadvantage of ```noExternalResolve```: won't work when you forgot some input files.
- Advice: turn it on, and make sure you list all the input files.
- Files that are resolved when ```noExternalResolve``` is off, won't be pushed to the output stream, unless you are using the `out` option.
- Concatenate files
- ------------
- The ```tsc``` command has the ability to concatenate using the ```--out``` parameter. There are two approaches to do that in ```gulp-typescript```.
- You can use the `out` option. This is fine for small projects, but for big projects it's not always sufficient.
- The other option is to use `gulp-concat`. The ```tsc``` command sorts the files using the ```<reference>``` tags. ```gulp-typescript``` does this when you enable the ```sortOutput``` option. You can use the ```referencedFrom``` filter to only include files that are referenced from certain files.
- Source maps
- ----------
- Example of ```gulpfile.js``` which will compile typescript to javascript as well as generate
- associated sourcemap.
- ```javascript
- var gulp = require('gulp')
- var ts = require('gulp-typescript');
- var concat = require('gulp-concat');
- var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
- gulp.task('scripts', function() {
- var tsResult = gulp.src('lib/*.ts')
- .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // This means sourcemaps will be generated
- .pipe(ts({
- sortOutput: true,
- // ...
- }));
- return tsResult.js
- .pipe(concat('output.js')) // You can use other plugins that also support gulp-sourcemaps
- .pipe(sourcemaps.write()) // Now the sourcemaps are added to the .js file
- .pipe(gulp.dest('release/js'));
- });
- ```
- For more information, see [gulp-sourcemaps](https://github.com/floridoo/gulp-sourcemaps).
- Reporters
- ---------
- You can specify a custom reporter as the 3rd argument of the main function:
- ```javascript
- ts(optionsOrProject, filters, reporter);
- ```
- You can set options, project or filter to `undefined` if you don't want to set them. Available reporters are:
- - nullReporter (`ts.reporter.nullReporter()`) - Don't report errors
- - defaultReporter (`ts.reporter.defaultReporter()`) - Report basic errors to the console
- - longReporter (`ts.reporter.longReporter()`) - Extended version of default reporter, intelliJ link functionality + file watcher error highlighting should work using this one
- - fullReporter (`ts.reporter.fullReporter(showFullFilename?: boolean)`) - Show full error messages, with source.
- If you want to build a custom reporter, you take a look at `lib/reporter.ts`, in that file is an interface which a reporter should implement.
- Build gulp-typescript
- ------------
- 1. Clone this repo
- 2. Execute `npm install`
- 3. Execute `git submodule update --init` to pull down the TypeScript compiler/services versions used in the test suite.
- 4. Ensure the gulp CLI is globally installed (`npm install -g gulp`).
- 5. Execute the tests: `gulp`.
- The plugin uses itself to compile. There are 2 build directories, ```release``` and ```release-2```. ```release``` must always contain a working build. ```release-2``` contains the last build. When you run ```gulp compile```, the build will be saved in the ```release-2``` directory. ```gulp test``` will compile the source to ```release-2```, and then it will run some tests. If these tests give no errors, you can run ```gulp release```. The contents from ```release-2``` will be copied to ```release```.
- License
- -------
- gulp-typescript is licensed under the [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).