/Quản lý website đọc truyện online PHP/library/includes/edit.php
PHP | 122 lines | 97 code | 5 blank | 20 comment | 24 complexity | 7c4663d844eba8e417cc1f7a776b93bf MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * @package JohnCMS
- * @link http://johncms.com
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
- * @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
- * @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
- * @author http://johncms.com/about
- */
- defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
- if ($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) {
- if ($_GET['id'] == "" || $_GET['id'] == "0") {
- echo "";
- require_once('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lib` where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '" . $id . "'");
- $ms = mysql_fetch_array($req);
- if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
- switch ($ms['type']) {
- case "bk":
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Сохраняем отредактированную статью //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
- echo functions::display_error($lng['error_empty_title'], '<a href="index.php?act=edit&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['repeat'] . '</a>');
- require_once('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- if (empty($_POST['text'])) {
- echo functions::display_error($lng['error_empty_text'], '<a href="index.php?act=edit&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['repeat'] . '</a>');
- require_once('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- $text = trim($_POST['text']);
- $autor = isset($_POST['autor']) ? functions::check($_POST['autor']) : '';
- $count = isset($_POST['count']) ? abs(intval($_POST['count'])) : '0';
- if (!empty($_POST['anons'])) {
- $anons = mb_substr(trim($_POST['anons']), 0, 100);
- } else {
- $anons = mb_substr($text, 0, 100);
- }
- mysql_query("UPDATE `lib` SET
- `name` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(mb_substr(trim($_POST['name']), 0, 100)) . "',
- `announce` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($anons) . "',
- `text` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($text) . "',
- `avtor` = '$autor',
- `count` = '$count'
- where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '$id'
- ");
- header('location: index.php?id=' . $id);
- break;
- case "cat":
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Сохраняем отредактированную категорию //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $text = functions::check($_POST['text']);
- if (!empty($_POST['user'])) {
- $user = intval($_POST['user']);
- } else {
- $user = 0;
- }
- $mod = intval($_POST['mod']);
- mysql_query("UPDATE `lib` SET
- `text` = '" . $text . "',
- `ip` = '" . $mod . "',
- `soft` = '" . $user . "'
- where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '" . $id . "'");
- header('location: index.php?id=' . $id);
- break;
- default :
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Сохраняем отредактированный комментарий //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $text = functions::check($_POST['text']);
- mysql_query("update `lib` set text='" . $text . "' where `website` = '$website' AND id='" . $id . "';");
- header("location: index.php?id=$ms[refid]");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch ($ms['type']) {
- case 'bk':
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Форма редактирования статьи //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- echo '<div class="phdr"><b>' . $lng_lib['edit_article'] . '</b></div>' .
- '<form action="index.php?act=edit&id=' . $id . '" method="post">' .
- '<div class="menu"><p><h3>' . $lng['title'] . '</h3><input type="text" name="name" value="' . htmlentities($ms['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"/></p>' .
- '<p><h3>' . $lng_lib['announce'] . '</h3><small>' . $lng_lib['announce_help'] . '</small><br/><input type="text" name="anons" value="' . htmlentities($ms['announce'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"/></p>' .
- '<p><h3>' . $lng['text'] . '</h3><textarea rows="5" name="text">' . htmlentities($ms['text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</textarea></p></div>' .
- '<div class="rmenu"><p><h3>' . $lng['author'] . '</h3><input type="text" name="autor" value="' . $ms['avtor'] . '"/></p>' .
- '<p><h3>' . $lng_lib['reads'] . '</h3><input type="text" name="count" value="' . $ms['count'] . '" size="4"/></p></div>' .
- '<div class="bmenu"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lng['save'] . '"/></div></form>' .
- '<p><a href="index.php?id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['back'] . '</a></p>';
- break;
- case "cat":
- echo $lng_lib['edit_category'] . "<br/><form action='index.php?act=edit&id=" . $id . "' method='post'><input type='text' name='text' value='" . $ms['text'] .
- "'/><br/>" . $lng_lib['edit_category_help'] . ":<br/><select name='mod'>";
- if ($ms['ip'] == 1) {
- echo "<option value='1'>" . $lng['categories'] . "</option><option value='0'>" . $lng_lib['articles'] . "</option>";
- } else {
- echo "<option value='0'>" . $lng_lib['articles'] . "</option><option value='1'>" . $lng['categories'] . "</option>";
- }
- echo "</select><br/>";
- if ($ms['soft'] == 1) {
- echo $lng_lib['allow_to_add'] . "<br/><input type='checkbox' name='user' value='1' checked='checked' /><br/>";
- } else {
- echo $lng_lib['allow_to_add'] . "<br/><input type='checkbox' name='user' value='1'/><br/>";
- }
- echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='" . $lng['save'] . "'/></form><br/><a href='index.php?id=" . $ms['refid'] . "'>" . $lng['back'] . "</a><br/>";
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- header("location: index.php");
- }
- ?>