/Quản lý website đọc truyện online PHP/users/includes/album/show.php
PHP | 161 lines | 118 code | 6 blank | 37 comment | 43 complexity | 0748e541c5896fb394f18e1344ae8911 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * @package JohnCMS
- * @link http://johncms.com
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
- * @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
- * @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
- * @author http://johncms.com/about
- */
- defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
- require('../incfiles/head.php');
- if (!$al) {
- echo functions::display_error($lng['error_wrong_data']);
- require('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_album_cat` where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '$al'");
- if (!mysql_num_rows($req)) {
- echo functions::display_error($lng['error_wrong_data']);
- require('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- $album = mysql_fetch_assoc($req);
- $view = isset($_GET['view']);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Показываем выбранный альбом с фотографиями
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="album.php"><b>' . $lng['photo_albums'] . '</b></a> | <a href="album.php?act=list&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['personal_2'] . '</a></div>';
- if ($user['id'] == $user_id || $rights >= 7)
- echo '<div class="topmenu"><a href="album.php?act=image_upload&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng_profile['image_add'] . '</a></div>';
- echo '<div class="user"><p>' . functions::display_user($user, array ('iphide' => 1,)) . '</p></div>' .
- '<div class="phdr">' . $lng_profile['album'] . ': ';
- echo $view ? '<a href="album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '"><b>' . functions::checkout($album['name']) . '</b></a>' : '<b>' . functions::checkout($album['name']) . '</b>';
- echo '<br />' . functions::checkout($album['description'], 1) . '</div>';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Проверяем права доступа к альбому
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if ($album['access'] != 2)
- unset($_SESSION['ap']);
- if ($album['access'] == 1 && $user['id'] != $user_id && $rights < 6) {
- // Если доступ закрыт
- echo functions::display_error($lng['access_forbidden']) .
- '<div class="phdr"><a href="album.php?act=list&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng_profile['album_list'] . '</a></div>';
- require('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- } elseif ($album['access'] == 2 && $user['id'] != $user_id && $rights < 6) {
- // Если доступ через пароль
- if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
- if ($album['password'] == trim($_POST['password']))
- $_SESSION['ap'] = $album['password'];
- else
- echo functions::display_error($lng['error_wrong_password']);
- }
- if (!isset($_SESSION['ap']) || $_SESSION['ap'] != $album['password']) {
- echo '<form action="album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '" method="post"><div class="menu"><p>';
- echo $lng_profile['album_password'] . '<br />';
- echo '<input type="text" name="password"/></p>';
- echo '<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lng['login'] . '"/></p>';
- echo '</div></form>';
- echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="album.php?act=list&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng_profile['album_list'] . '</a></div>';
- require('../incfiles/end.php');
- exit;
- }
- }
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Просмотр альбома и фотографий
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if ($view) {
- $kmess = 1;
- $start = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $page - 1 : (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `album_id` = '$al' AND `id` > '$img'"), 0));
- // Обрабатываем ссылку для возврата
- if (empty($_SESSION['ref']))
- $_SESSION['ref'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
- } else {
- unset($_SESSION['ref']);
- }
- $total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `album_id` = '$al'"), 0);
- if ($total > $kmess)
- echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '&' . ($view ? 'view&' : ''), $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>';
- if ($total) {
- $req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cms_album_files` where `website` = '$website' AND `user_id` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `album_id` = '$al' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $start, $kmess");
- $i = 0;
- while (($res = mysql_fetch_assoc($req)) !== false) {
- echo ($i % 2 ? '<div class="list2">' : '<div class="list1">');
- if ($view) {
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Предпросмотр отдельного изображения
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- if($user['id'] == $user_id && isset($_GET['profile'])) {
- copy(
- '../files/users/album/' . $user['id'] . '/' . $res['tmb_name'],
- '../files/users/photo/' . $user_id . '_small.jpg'
- );
- copy(
- '../files/users/album/' . $user['id'] . '/' . $res['img_name'],
- '../files/users/photo/' . $user_id . '.jpg'
- );
- echo '<span class="green"><b>' . $lng_profile['photo_profile_ok'] . '</b></span><br />';
- }
- echo '<a href="' . $_SESSION['ref'] . '"><img src="image.php?u=' . $user['id'] . '&f=' . $res['img_name'] . '" /></a>';
- // Счетчик просмотров
- if (!mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_views` where `website` = '$website' AND `user_id` = '$user_id' AND `file_id` = '" . $res['id'] . "'"), 0)) {
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO `cms_album_views` SET `user_id` = '$user_id', `file_id` = '" . $res['id'] . "', `time` = '" . time() . "', `website` = '$website'");
- $views = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cms_album_views` where `website` = '$website' AND `file_id` = '" . $res['id'] . "'"), 0);
- mysql_query("UPDATE `cms_album_files` SET `views` = '$views' where `website` = '$website' AND `id` = '" . $res['id'] . "'");
- }
- } else {
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Предпросмотр изображения в списке
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- echo '<a href="album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&img=' . $res['id'] . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '&view"><img src="../files/users/album/' . $user['id'] . '/' . $res['tmb_name'] . '" /></a>';
- }
- if (!empty($res['description']))
- echo '<div class="gray">' . functions::smileys(functions::checkout($res['description'], 1)) . '</div>';
- echo '<div class="sub">';
- if ($user['id'] == $user_id || core::$user_rights >= 6) {
- echo functions::display_menu(array (
- '<a href="album.php?act=image_edit&img=' . $res['id'] . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a>',
- '<a href="album.php?act=image_move&img=' . $res['id'] . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['move'] . '</a>',
- '<a href="album.php?act=image_delete&img=' . $res['id'] . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a>'
- ));
- if($user['id'] == $user_id && $view)
- echo ' | <a href="album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '&view&img=' . $res['id'] . '&profile">' . $lng_profile['photo_profile'] . '</a>';
- }
- echo vote_photo($res) .
- '<div class="gray">' . $lng['count_views'] . ': ' . $res['views'] . ', ' . $lng['count_downloads'] . ': ' . $res['downloads'] . '</div>' .
- '<div class="gray">' . $lng['date'] . ': ' . functions::display_date($res['time']) . '</div>' .
- '<a href="album.php?act=comments&img=' . $res['id'] . '">' . $lng['comments'] . '</a> (' . $res['comm_count'] . ')<br />' .
- '<a href="album.php?act=image_download&img=' . $res['id'] . '">' . $lng['download'] . '</a>' .
- '</div></div>';
- ++$i;
- }
- } else {
- echo '<div class="menu"><p>' . $lng['list_empty'] . '</p></div>';
- }
- echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $total . '</div>';
- if ($total > $kmess) {
- echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . '&' . ($view ? 'view&' : ''), $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>' .
- '<p><form action="album.php?act=show&al=' . $al . '&user=' . $user['id'] . ($view ? '&view' : '') . '" method="post">' .
- '<input type="text" name="page" size="2"/>' .
- '<input type="submit" value="' . $lng['to_page'] . ' >>"/>' .
- '</form></p>';
- }
- echo '<p><a href="album.php?act=list&user=' . $user['id'] . '">' . $lng_profile['album_list'] . '</a></p>';
- ?>