Python | 1356 lines | 1275 code | 39 blank | 42 comment | 9 complexity | 339f14a4ab663143b60dc3424590f3cd MD5 | raw file
- # stdlilb python
- import asyncio
- import concurrent.futures
- import datetime
- import functools
- import itertools
- import logging
- import multiprocessing
- import multiprocessing as mp
- import os
- import socket
- import sys
- import time
- import traceback
- from asyncio import shield, wait_for
- from datetime import timedelta, datetime
- from dataclasses import (field, dataclass)
- from functools import reduce
- from ipaddress import ip_address
- from pathlib import Path
- from tasktools.taskloop import TaskLoop
- from typing import List, Dict, Union, overload, Any, Tuple
- from collections.abc import Iterable
- # contrib
- from rethinkdb import RethinkDB
- from rich import print
- # contrib: share exceptions as message
- from tblib import pickling_support
- pickling_support.install()
- # contrib @dpineda
- from networktools.time import timestamp, now
- from networktools.colorprint import gprint, bprint, rprint
- from networktools.library import my_random_string
- from networktools.library import check_type
- from networktools.library import (pattern_value,
- fill_pattern, context_split,
- gns_loads, gns_dumps)
- from networktools.messages import MSGException, MessageLog
- from networktools.time import gps_time, now
- from basic_queuetools.queue import read_queue_gen
- from basic_logtools.filelog import LogFile as FileLog
- from crb import RingBuffer, Data
- from dataprotocols import BaseProtocol, Gsof, Eryo
- from data_rdb import Rethink_DBS
- from orm_collector.manager import SessionCollector, object_as_dict
- # Tasktools
- from tasktools.taskloop import coromask, renew, simple_fargs, simple_fargs_out
- from tasktools.scheduler import TaskScheduler
- # GSOF Protocol
- from .steps import (CollectSteps as CSteps, DBSteps, Logger, ORMSteps,
- ControlActions)
- # DBS Rethinkdb
- # same module
- from .subscribe import SubscribeData
- from .message import MessageManager
- # from .async_mongo import AsyncMongoDB
- rdb = RethinkDB()
- def rdbnow():
- return rdb.iso8601(now().isoformat())
- # base settings
- try:
- from .conf.settings import COMMANDS, groups, dirs
- except:
- from conf.settings import COMMANDS, groups, dirs
- DATA_KEYS = {"DT_GEN":"dt_gen","DELTA_TIME":"latency"}
- import time
- def load_stations(server_name, datadb, log_path='~/log'):
- print("Obteniendo estaciones....", server_name, datadb)
- dbmanager = SessionCollector(
- log_path=log_path,
- active='true',
- server=server_name,
- **datadb)
- u = [st for st in dbmanager.get_station_data(server=server_name)]
- print(u)
- dbmanager.close()
- return u
- def load_databases(datadb, log_path='~/log'):
- print("Obteniendo datadb lista")
- dbmanager = SessionCollector(
- log_path=log_path,
- **datadb)
- u = dbmanager.get_dbdata_data()
- print("Resultado...", u)
- dbmanager.close()
- return u
- def active_server(server_name, datadb, log_path='~/log'):
- print("Activando server", server_name, datadb)
- dbmanager = SessionCollector(
- log_path=log_path,
- **datadb)
- u = dbmanager.get_server_id(server_name)
- if u:
- dbmanager.active_server(u)
- dbmanager.close()
- return u
- def deactive_server(server_name, datadb, log_path='~/log'):
- dbmanager = SessionCollector(log_path=log_path, **datadb)
- u = dbmanager.get_server_id(server_name)
- if u:
- dbmanager.deactive_server(u)
- dbmanager.close()
- return u
- """
- Engine basic for collector
- """
- class Aux:
- async def stop(self):
- pass
- Value = Union[str, int, float, datetime]
- @dataclass
- class Engine(TaskScheduler):
- """
- A class for data adquisition, receive meshttp://www.cursodeprogramacion.cl/sages from anageser and
- save data on db
- """
- # ARGS: ordered and obligatory
- set_queue: List[mp.Queue]
- sleep_time: int
- est_by_proc: int
- stations: Dict[str, Dict[str, Value]]
- dbtype: Dict[str, Dict[str, Value]]
- protocol: Dict[str, Dict[str, Value]]
- status_sta: Dict[str, bool] # ok
- db_instances_sta: Dict[str,str] # ok
- status_conn: Dict[str, bool] # ok
- db_data: Dict[str,Dict[str,str]] # can be better
- dump_list: Dict[str,str]
- proc_tasks: Dict[str,str]
- assigned_tasks: Dict[str,str]
- free_ids: Dict[str,str]
- wait: Dict[str,str]
- inc_msg: Dict[str,str]
- ids:List[str]
- idd:List[str]
- ipt:List[str]
- idm:List[str]
- ico:List[str]
- changes: Dict[str,str]
- gsof_timeout:int
- sta_init: Dict[str,str]
- db_init:Dict[str, bool]
- db_connect:Dict[str, bool]
- status_tasks:Dict[str, Dict[str,str]]
- nproc:int
- idc: Dict[str,str]
- rdb_address: str = field(default_factory= lambda: "localhost")
- uin: int= 6
- args:List[Any] = field(default_factory=list)
- kwargs:Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
- log_path: Path = Path.home() / "collector_log"
- server: str = "atlas"
- dt_criteria: int = 4
- raise_timeout: bool = False
- timeout: int = 15
- dbdata: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
- collect_objects:Dict[str, BaseProtocol] = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(
- GSOF=Gsof,
- ERYO=Eryo
- ))
- database_objects:Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(
- RethinkDB=Rethink_DBS,
- #Mongo=AsyncMongoDB
- ))
- folder:str = 'data'
- sep:str = '|'
- rethinkdb:Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
- log_manager:Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
- def __post_init__(self):
- self.set_queue_elems()
- self.set_stats_params()
- args = []
- kwargs_extra = {
- 'ipt': self.ipt,
- 'ico': self.ico,
- 'assigned_tasks': self.assigned_tasks,
- 'nproc': self.nproc,
- 'sta_init': self.sta_init
- }
- print("ARGS", self.args)
- print("KWARGS", self.kwargs)
- self.server_name = self.kwargs.get('server', "atlas")
- self.log_path = Path(self.kwargs.get('log_path', '~/log'))
- self.timeout = self.kwargs.get("timeout", 5)
- self.datadb = self.kwargs.get("dbdata", {})
- self.raise_timeout = self.kwargs.get("raise_timeout", False)
- print("datadb",self.datadb)
- self.kwargs.update(kwargs_extra)
- super().__init__(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
- #
- coros_callback_dict = {
- 'run_task': self.process_data,
- }
- self.set_new_run_task(**coros_callback_dict)
- self.instances = dict()
- self.db_instances = dict()
- # more processing
- self.nproc = mp.cpu_count()
- # list of objects
- self.tasks = dict()
- self.first_time = dict()
- # set the main task
- # must be in every new process ATENTION!
- self.message_manager = MessageManager(self)
- self.subscribe_data = SubscribeData(
- 'collector_subscribe', self.queue_t2n)
- self.LOG_STA = check_type(os.environ.get('LOG_STA', False))
- ###############################################
- self.server = active_server(self.server_name, self.datadb)
- # table status
- self.stats = "STATIONS_STATS"
- def set_queue_elems(self):
- self.rq = self.set_queue[0]
- self.wq = self.set_queue[1]
- self.queue_process = self.set_queue[2]
- self.queue_ans_process = self.set_queue[3]
- self.queue_db = self.set_queue[4]
- self.queue_log = self.set_queue[-1]
- self.queue_n2t = self.rq
- self.queue_t2n = self.wq
- async def send_log(self, coroname, level, message, exc):
- msg = MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, MSGException(*exc))
- self.queue_log.put({"log":[msg.rdb]})
- def set_stats_params(self):
- # set ring buffer control
- self.mu = 0.5
- self.factor = 0.8
- self.sigma = 0.3
- self.buffer_size = 120*60
- self.u_base = self.mu + self.factor * self.sigma
- self.acc = 15
- def set_datafolder(self, folder):
- """
- Set another, different, folder to save data
- """
- self.folder = folder
- def set_id(self, lista):
- """
- Defines a new id for stations, check if exists
- """
- ids = my_random_string(self.uin)
- while True:
- if ids not in lista:
- lista.append(ids)
- break
- else:
- ids = my_random_string(self.uin)
- return ids
- def set_ids(self):
- """
- Defines a new id for stations, check if exists
- """
- return self.set_id(self.ids)
- def set_idd(self):
- """
- Defines a new id for stations, check if exists
- """
- return self.set_id(self.idd)
- def set_ipt(self, ipt=""):
- """
- Defines a new id for relation process-collect_task, check if exists
- """
- if ipt:
- self.ipt.append(ipt)
- else:
- ipt = self.set_id(self.ipt)
- return ipt
- def set_ico(self, ico):
- """
- Defines a new id for task related to collect data insice a worker, check if exists
- """
- if ico:
- self.ipt.append(ico)
- else:
- ico = self.set_id(self.ipt)
- return ico
- def set_idm(self):
- """
- Defines a new id for relation incoming messages, check if exists
- """
- return self.set_id(self.idm)
- def load_stations(self):
- u = load_stations(self.server_name, self.datadb, log_path=self.log_path/"orm") # ok
- for m in u:
- print(m)
- keys = ['id', 'code', 'db', 'dblist', 'ECEF_X', 'ECEF_Y', 'protocol_host',
- 'ECEF_Z', 'port', 'protocol', 'host', 'dbname']
- try:
- station = dict(
- id=m['id'],
- code=m['st_code'],
- name=m['st_name'],
- ECEF_X=m['ecef_x'],
- ECEF_Y=m['ecef_y'],
- ECEF_Z=m['ecef_z'],
- db=m['db_code'],
- dblist=m['db_list'],
- port=m['st_port'],
- protocol=m['prt_name'],
- protocol_host=m['protocol_host'],
- host=m['st_host'],
- on_db=True
- )
- (ids, sta) = self.add_station(**station)
- # print(station)
- except Exception as exc:
- raise exc
- def add_station(self, **sta):
- """
- Add station to list for data adquisition
- """
- try:
- keys = ['id',
- 'code',
- 'name',
- 'ECEF_X',
- 'ECEF_Y',
- 'ECEF_Z',
- 'host',
- 'port',
- 'interface_port',
- 'db',
- 'dblist',
- 'protocol',
- 'protocol_host',
- 'on_db',
- 'ipt']
- ids = self.set_ids()
- # if ids in self.enqueued:
- # self.enqueued.remove(ids)
- # self.enqueued.add(ids)
- station = dict(ids=ids)
- for k in keys:
- if k in sta.keys():
- if k == 'protocol':
- station[k] = sta.get(k, 'None').upper()
- else:
- station[k] = sta.get(k, None)
- else:
- if k == 'host':
- station[k] = 'localhost'
- elif k == 'port' or k == 'interface_port':
- station[k] = 0
- elif k in [f'ECEF_{v}' for v in ("X", "Y", "Z")]:
- station[k] = 0
- else:
- station[k] = None
- self.stations.update({ids: station})
- self.status_sta.update({ids: False})
- self.first_time.update({ids: True})
- return (ids, sta)
- except Exception as ex:
- raise ex
- def update_station(self, ids, **sta):
- """
- Add station to list for data adquisition
- """
- try:
- keys = ['id',
- 'code',
- 'name',
- 'ECEF_X',
- 'ECEF_Y',
- 'ECEF_Z',
- 'host',
- 'port',
- 'interface_port',
- 'db',
- 'dblist',
- 'protocol',
- 'protocol_host',
- 'on_db',
- 'ipt']
- station = dict(ids=ids)
- for k in keys:
- if k in sta.keys():
- if k == 'protocol':
- station[k] = sta.get(k, 'None').upper()
- else:
- station[k] = sta.get(k, None)
- else:
- if k == 'host':
- station[k] = 'localhost'
- elif k == 'port' or k == 'interface_port':
- station[k] = 0
- elif k in [f'ECEF_{v}' for v in ("X", "Y", "Z")]:
- station[k] = 0
- else:
- station[k] = None
- self.stations.update({ids: station})
- self.status_sta.update({ids: False})
- self.first_time.update({ids: True})
- return (ids, sta)
- except Exception as ex:
- raise ex
- def get_stations_keys(self):
- return list(self.stations.keys())
- def load_databases(self):
- u = load_databases(self.datadb, log_path=self.log_path/"orm")
- # ok
- groups = {}
- for m in u:
- dbtype = m['type_name']
- kwargs = dict(
- id=m['id'],
- code=m['code'],
- path=m['path'],
- host=m['host'],
- port=m['port'],
- user=m['user'],
- passw=m['passw'],
- info=m['info'],
- type_name=m['type_name'],
- type_db=m['type_db'],
- url=m['url'],
- data_list=m['data_list'],
- dbname=m["dbname"].rstrip(),
- address=(m['host'], m['port']),
- log_path=self.log_path/"rdb",
- on_db=True)
- groups[(m["host"], m["port"])] = kwargs
- #print("Different db destinies", len(groups), groups.keys())
- for opts in groups.values():
- self.new_datadb(dbtype, **opts)
- def new_datadb(self, dbtype, **kwargs):
- """
- Here you give the argument for every type engine for store data colected
- and instantiate the db for enable query on that
- """
- # generate a idd= database instance identifier
- try:
- keys = [
- 'id',
- 'user',
- 'passw',
- 'code',
- 'host',
- 'port',
- 'name',
- 'path',
- 'data_list',
- 'type_name',
- 'dbname',
- 'type_db,'
- 'url',
- 'info',
- 'address',
- 'on_db',
- 'log_path']
- uin = 4
- idd = self.set_idd()
- # create namedtuple/dataclass
- db_data = dict(idb=idd, name=dbtype, args={})
- for k in keys:
- if k in keys:
- if k in kwargs.keys():
- db_data['args'][k] = kwargs[k]
- else:
- if k == 'localhost':
- db_data['args'][k] = 'localhost'
- elif k == 'port':
- db_data['args'][k] = 0
- else:
- db_data['args'][k] = ''
- self.db_data[idd] = db_data
- return idd, db_data
- except Exception as ex:
- raise ex
- def mod_station(self, ids, key, value):
- """
- Modify some value in station info
- """
- if key in self.stations.get(ids).keys():
- self.stations[ids][key] = value
- def del_station(self, ids):
- """
- Delete a station from list
- """
- del self.stations[ids]
- del self.status_sta[ids]
- del self.status_conn[ids]
- del self.instances[ids]
- k = self.ids.index(ids)
- del self.ids[k]
- def save_db(self, dbmanager, tname, args):
- """
- Save data to tname with args
- """
- # TODO: actualizar la lista de campos port table
- # TODO: añadir serverinstance
- input_args = dict(
- station=[
- 'code',
- 'name',
- 'position_x',
- 'position_y',
- 'position_z',
- 'host',
- 'port',
- 'interface_port',
- 'db',
- 'protocol'],
- dbdata=[
- 'code',
- 'path',
- 'host',
- 'port',
- 'user',
- 'passw',
- 'info',
- 'dbtype'],
- dbtype=['typedb', 'name', 'url', 'data_list'],
- protocol=['name', 'red_url', 'class_name', 'git_url']
- )
- name_args = input_args[tname]
- my_args = []
- id_instance = None
- if dbmanager == None:
- dbmanager = SessionCollector()
- instance = object
- if tname == 'station':
- instance = dbmanager.station(**args)
- elif tname == 'dbdata':
- instance = dbmanager.dbdata(**args)
- elif tname == 'dbtype':
- instance = dbmanager.dbtype(**args)
- elif tname == 'protocol':
- instance = dbmanager.protocol(**args)
- id_instance = instance.id
- return id_instance
- def save_station(self, ids):
- """
- Save station to database
- """
- # check if exists
- # if exist get data and compare
- # then update
- # if not, save
- pass
- def drop_station(self, ids):
- """
- Delete station from database
- """
- # get id from station ids
- # delete on database
- pass
- def del_db(self, varlist):
- """
- Delete element from database identified by idx in varlist
- """
- pass
- ###############
- def add_sta_instance(self, ids, loop):
- """
- Crear la instancia que accederá a los datos
- a través del socket
- """
- station = self.stations.get(ids)
- if station:
- protocol = self.stations[ids]['protocol']
- kwargs = self.stations[ids]
- self.stations[ids].update({'on_collector': True})
- kwargs['code'] = self.stations[ids]['code']
- kwargs['host'] = self.stations[ids]['protocol_host']
- kwargs['port'] = self.stations[ids]['port']
- kwargs['sock'] = None
- kwargs['timeout'] = self.gsof_timeout
- kwargs["raise_timeout"] = False
- kwargs['loop'] = loop
- kwargs['log_path'] = self.log_path/"protocols"
- instance = self.collect_objects[protocol](**kwargs)
- code = kwargs["code"]
- table_name = f"{code}_{protocol}"
- return instance, table_name
- else:
- print("No station")
- return (None, None)
- def set_status_sta(self, ids:str, value:bool)->None:
- if isinstance(value, bool):
- self.status_sta[ids] = value
- def set_status_conn(self, ids:str, value:bool)->None:
- if isinstance(value, bool):
- self.status_conn[ids] = value
- def del_sta(self, ids:str):
- del self.instances[ids]
- del self.status_sta[ids]
- del self.status_conn[ids]
- del self.first_time[ids]
- # del self.db_instances[ids]
- del self.ids
- def get_tname(self, varname):
- assert isinstance(varname, str)
- if varname == 'STA' or varname == 'STATION':
- return 'station'
- elif varname == 'DB' or varname == 'DBDATA':
- return 'database'
- elif varname == 'PROT' or varname == 'PROTOCOL':
- return 'protocol'
- elif varname == 'DBTYPE':
- return 'dbtype'
- else:
- return None
- def get_id_by_code(self, varname, code):
- if varname == 'STATIONS':
- this_var = self.stations
- for k in this_var.keys():
- if this_var[k]['code'] == code:
- return k
- elif varname == 'DBDATA':
- this_var = self.db_data
- # variable in function dbtype
- for k in this_var.keys():
- # code_r=''
- try:
- if this_var[k]['args']['code'] == code:
- return k
- except Exception as ex:
- raise ex
- def get_var(self, varname):
- varin = ''
- if varname == 'STA':
- varin = self.stations
- elif varname == 'DB':
- varin = self.db_data
- else:
- varin = None
- return varin
- async def connect(self, ids):
- if self.status_sta[ids]:
- await self.instances[ids].connect()
- self.set_status_conn(ids, True)
- self.set_status_sta(ids, False)
- self.first_time[ids] = False
- async def stop(self, ipt, ids):
- if self.status_sta[ids]:
- icos = [ico_dict for ipt, ico_dict in self.assigned_tasks.items()]
- ico_list = []
- for ico_dict in icos:
- ico_list += [ico for ico, _ids in ico_dict.items()
- if _ids == ids]
- for ico in ico_list:
- self.unset_sta_assigned(ipt, ico, ids)
- instance_obj = self.instances.get(ids, Aux())
- await instance_obj.stop()
- self.set_status_conn(ids, False)
- self.set_status_sta(ids, False)
- async def reset_station_conn(self, sta_insta, ids, idc):
- self.set_status_sta(ids, False)
- self.set_status_conn(ids, False)
- self.first_time[ids] = True
- v = 1
- message = ""
- if idc:
- try:
- await sta_insta.close(idc)
- message = f"Station {sta_insta.station} closed at {idc}"
- except Exception as e:
- print("sta insta yet closed")
- except asyncio.TimeoutError as te:
- print("sta insta yet closed")
- return message, logging.INFO
- def connect_to_sta(self, ids):
- return self.sta_init[ids] and not self.status_conn[ids] and self.first_time[ids]
- def is_connected(self, ids):
- return self.sta_init[ids] and self.status_conn[ids] and not self.first_time[ids]
- def add_db_instance(self, ipt):
- """
- Create a new instance for ending database to save the raw data
- """
- try:
- if self.db_data:
- rdbs_destinies = [key for key in self.db_data.keys()]
- key_data = rdbs_destinies.pop()
- data = self.db_data.get(key_data)
- name_db = data['name']
- object_db = self.database_objects[name_db]
- data.update({
- "dbname": data["args"]["dbname"],
- 'address': data["args"]["address"],
- 'hostname': 'atlas'})
- db_insta = object_db(**data)
- self.rethinkdb[ipt] = False
- self.db_init[ipt] = True
- self.db_connect[ipt] = True
- if data['name'] == 'RethinkDB':
- self.rethinkdb[ipt] = True
- self.db_instances[ipt] = db_insta
- return db_insta
- else:
- print("Ipt not in DB_DATA")
- return None
- except Exception as ex:
- print("Error creando instancia database %s" % format(self.db_data))
- raise ex
- def db_task(self):
- # enable db task
- # Queue log join
- queue_log = asyncio.Queue()
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- queue_db = self.queue_db
- control = {f"DB_{i}":DBSteps.CREATE for i in range(24)}
- counter = {}
- task_name = f"db_task"
- ipt = "DB_PROCESS"
- flags = {key:True for key in control}
- db_instances = {}
- assigned = {key:{} for key in control}
- backup = {key:{} for key in control}
- db_args = [ipt, control, queue_db, db_instances,
- counter, now(), now(), flags, assigned, backup, queue_log]
- db_task = TaskLoop(self.db_work, db_args, {"last_dataset":{}},
- name=task_name)
- db_task.set_name(f"db_task_{ipt}")
- db_task.create()
- # Queue log join
- args = ["db_task_log", queue_log,]
- task_name = f"queue_log_join:{ipt}"
- task_db = TaskLoop(
- self.queue_log_join,
- args,
- {},
- **{"name": task_name})
- task_db.set_name(task_name)
- task_db.create()
- # db task to receive and send to pool rdb
- if not loop.is_running():
- loop.run_forever()
- async def db_work(self, ipt, control, queue_db,
- db_instances, counter,
- last_data, last_time, flags, assigned, backup,
- queue_log, **kwargs):
- """
- TODO: Control exceptions
- """
- # task_name = asyncio.Task.current_task()
- level = Logger.INFO
- messages = []
- message = ""
- kwargs["dataset"] = []
- last_dataset = kwargs["last_dataset"]
- now_check = now()
- task_name = f"db_task_{ipt}"
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- coroname = "db_work"
- exc = MSGException()
- control_changes = {}
- cnow = now()
- free = set()
- for key, futures in assigned.items():
- db_insta = db_instances.get(key)
- task_group = all(map(lambda f:f.done(), futures.values()))
- falses = {t:f for t,f in futures.items() if not f.done()}
- if task_group:
- flags[key] = True
- free.add(key)
- elif falses:
- tosend = {}
- for table_name, future in falses.items():
- bk = backup.get(key,{}).get(table_name)
- time = bk.get("time")
- dataset = bk.get("dataset")
- if (not future.done()) and (cnow >= time +timedelta(seconds=15)):
- await db_insta.close()
- future.cancel()
- tosend[table_name] = dataset
- #await queue_db.put([])
- # TODO
- control[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- exc = MSGException()
- try:
- future.exception()
- except Exception as e:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"Task cancelled for {key}->{table_name}"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(),coroname, level, message, exc))
- if tosend:
- queue_db.put(tosend)
- for key in free:
- assigned[key] = {}
- for key, dbcontrol in control.items():
- db_insta = db_instances.get(key)
- if dbcontrol == DBSteps.CREATE and db_insta:
- if db_insta:
- await db_insta.close()
- del db_insta
- db_insta = None
- message = f"Deleted weird db instance at ipt {ipt}, db {key}"
- level = Logger.WARNING
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(),coroname, level, message, exc))
- for key, dbcontrol in control.items():
- #print("KEY", key,"CONTROL", dbcontrol)
- db_insta = db_instances.get(key)
- if dbcontrol == DBSteps.CREATE or not db_insta:
- db_insta = self.add_db_instance(ipt)
- db_instances[key] = db_insta
- kwargs["instance"] = db_insta
- if db_insta:
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} created and passed to connect, db {key}"
- else:
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} can't created and try to recreate, db {key}"
- level = Logger.WARNING
- rprint("cannot create db object")
- #messages.append((level, message, {}))
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- control.update(control_changes)
- #print({k:db.active for k, db in db_instances.items()})
- for key, dbcontrol in control.items():
- db_insta = db_instances.get(key)
- if db_insta and dbcontrol == DBSteps.CONNECT:
- if not db_insta.active:
- exc = MSGException()
- try:
- address = db_insta.client_address
- if db_insta.active:
- await db_insta.close()
- db_insta.clean_client()
- future = asyncio.create_task(db_insta.async_connect())
- stage = "connect"
- # await queue_control.put((
- # task_name,
- # now(),
- # stage,
- # future))
- coro = await wait_for(
- shield(future),
- timeout=20)
- await asyncio.shield(db_insta.list_dbs())
- await asyncio.shield(db_insta.create_db(db_insta.default_db))
- await asyncio.shield(db_insta.list_tables())
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} was connected, then passed to save data, db {key}"
- level = Logger.INFO
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.SAVE
- except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} has canceled task, but protected by shield"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- gprint(f"Reconnect to db IPT -> {ipt}")
- await db_insta.close()
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- except Exception as e:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} has an exception {e}"
- level = Logger.CRITICAL
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- gprint(f"Exception connecting to db IPT -> {ipt}, {e}")
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- await db_insta.close()
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- #print(now(),f"{ipt} Rethinkdb connection", db_insta.client_address)
- #messages.append((level, message, exc))
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- else:
- exc = MSGException()
- message = f"At {ipt} tried to connect but active {db_insta.active}"
- level = Logger.WARNING
- #messages.append((level, message, exc))
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.SAVE
- control.update(control_changes)
- tasks = []
- for key, dbcontrol in control.items():
- db_insta = db_instances.get(key)
- db_flag = flags.get(key, True)
- opts = {}
- #print(now(), f"Saving data db {key}, flag {db_flag}")
- if db_insta.active and dbcontrol == DBSteps.SAVE and (not queue_db.empty()) and db_flag:
- """
- Leer la cola queue que debe ser una tupla (table_name,
- data)
- chequear si existe, si no crear
- """
- dataset = {}
- for i in range(queue_db.qsize()):
- item = queue_db.get()
- for t, array in item.items():
- if t not in dataset:
- dataset[t] = []
- dataset[t] += array
- queue_db.task_done()
- i = 0
- # maybe group by table_name and then save as bulk
- flags[key] = False
- opts[key] = True
- assigned[key] = {}
- for table_name, items in dataset.items():
- if table_name not in db_insta.tables:
- create = await db_insta.create_table(table_name)
- await db_insta.create_index(
- table_name,
- index='DT_GEN')
- message = ""
- dataset = items
- if table_name:
- exc = MSGException()
- try:
- # print(now(), f"Saving to {table_name}"+\
- # f"#{len(dataset)},
- # {db_insta.client_address}")
- last_dt_gen = last_dataset.get(table_name, rdbnow()-timedelta(seconds=5))
- dt_gens = [elem.get("DT_GEN") for elem in
- dataset if
- elem.get("DT_GEN")>last_dt_gen]
- last_dt = max(dt_gens)
- filtered_dataset = [d for d in dataset if
- d["DT_GEN"] in dt_gens]
- future = asyncio.create_task(
- db_insta.save_data(
- table_name,
- filtered_dataset),
- name=f"save_data_{key}_{table_name}_{len(dataset)}")
- for d in filtered_dataset:
- print("SAVING",
- my_random_string(),
- f"{table_name} {d.get('TRACE', -1)} {d['DT_GEN']}")
- last_dataset[table_name] = last_dt
- tasks.append(future)
- assigned[key][table_name] = future
- backup[key][table_name] = {
- "time":now(),
- "dataset": dataset}
- if table_name in counter:
- counter[table_name] += len(dataset)
- else:
- counter[table_name] = 0
- if counter[table_name] == 60:
- message = f"At ipt {ipt} saved successfully last {counter[table_name]}"+\
- f" messages for {table_name}, last " +\
- f"result"
- level = Logger.INFO
- counter[table_name] = 0
- last_data = now()
- except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} has canceled task, but protected by shield"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- gprint(f"Reconnect to db IPT -> {ipt}")
- await db_insta.close()
- break
- except Exception as e:
- message = f"RDB {db_insta} at {ipt} has an exception {e}"
- level = Logger.CRITICAL
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- control_changes[key] = DBSteps.CONNECT
- gprint(f"Exception connecting to db {db_insta.client_address} IPT -> {ipt}, {e}")
- await db_insta.close()
- break
- if message:
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- control.update(control_changes)
- asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
- # stage = "free"
- # await queue_control.put((
- # task_name,
- # now(),
- # stage,
- # {}))
- #gprint(f"No data on queue, db_insta {db_insta}")
- if queue_db.empty():
- await asyncio.sleep(1)
- # do log
- if messages:
- queue_messages = {"log":[msg.rdb for msg in messages]}
- queue_db.put(queue_messages)
- if level not in {logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG}:
- await asyncio.sleep(5)
- return [ipt, control, queue_db,
- db_instances, counter,
- last_data, last_time,
- flags, assigned, backup,
- queue_log], kwargs
- async def process_data(self,
- ipt:str,
- ico:str,
- control:CSteps,
- sta_insta:Gsof,
- last_data:datetime,
- last_time:datetime,
- counter:int,
- queue_control:asyncio.Queue,
- queue_log:asyncio.Queue,
- *args, **kwargs
- ) -> Tuple[Tuple[
- str,
- str,
- CSteps,
- datetime,
- datetime,
- int,
- asyncio.Queue,
- asyncio.Queue], Dict[str, Any]]:
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- ids = self.assigned_tasks.get(ipt, {}).get(ico, None)
- assigned_tasks = self.assigned_tasks.get(ipt, {})
- ids = assigned_tasks.get(ico)
- level = Logger.INFO
- messages = []
- message = ""
- task_name = f"process_sta_task:{ipt}:{ico}"
- coroname = "process_data"
- connected = kwargs["connected"]
- created = kwargs["created"]
- # print(now(), task_name, control, f"IDS {ids}")
- if now() >= last_time + timedelta(seconds=5):
- stage = "update"
- # await queue_control.put((task_name, now(), stage, sta_insta))
- # counter["DB_WORK"] = 0
- if ids:
- if self.changes.get(ids, False):
- """
- Linked to db_loop, if there are a new change then
- create new instance,
- """
- del sta_insta
- sta_insta = None
- control = CSteps.CREATE
- code_db = self.stations.get(ids, {}).get('db')
- code = self.stations.get(ids, {}).get('code')
- idd = self.get_id_by_code('DBDATA', code_db)
- idc = self.idc.get(ids)
- if idc and sta_insta:
- if idc not in sta_insta.clients:
- del sta_insta
- sta_insta = None
- control = CSteps.CREATE
- #############
- # For some actions that modify status of
- # the variables on this coroutine
- # self.free_ids[ids] = False
- # while self.wait.get(ids, False):
- # await asyncio.sleep(.01)
- # if not self.status_sta[ids]:
- # v = 1
- ##############
- """
- Si no se ha creado instancia de conexion a estación
- se crea
- sta_init un diccionario {ids:bool}
- indice si la estación fue inicializada
- """
- check_0 = now()
- if control == CSteps.CREATE:
- # step 0 initialize the objects, source and end
- exc = MSGException()
- try:
- sta_insta, table_name = self.add_sta_instance(
- ids, loop)
- # print(now(), f"STA INSTA {table_name} created")
- try:
- ring_buffer = kwargs.get("ring_buffer")
- if not ring_buffer:
- ring_buffer = RingBuffer(name=table_name,
- size=self.buffer_size)
- kwargs["ring_buffer"] = ring_buffer
- else:
- ring_buffer.clear()
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error al crear ring buffer", e)
- message = f"RingBuffer for {table_name} can't be created because {e}"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- kwargs["table_name"] = table_name
- message = f"Station instance {sta_insta} created "+\
- f"for {table_name}, control {control.value}"
- level = Logger.INFO
- if sta_insta:
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- self.changes[ids] = False
- except Exception as ex:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"PD_00: Conexión de estación con falla-> {ids}:{code}"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- idc = self.idc.get(ids, None)
- msg, close_level = await self.reset_station_conn(sta_insta, ids, idc)
- control = CSteps.CREATE
- kwargs["origin_exception"] = f"PD_00 + {code}"
- if message:
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- """
- Si no se ha creado la instanca de database:
- se crea la db instancia
- """
- """
- En caso que instancia de collect a estacion se haya iniciado
- 1° conectar
- 2° extraer datos
- """
- else:
- await asyncio.sleep(.1)
- exc = MSGException()
- message = ""
- check_1 = now()
- if sta_insta:
- queue_db = kwargs.get("queue_db")
- table_name = kwargs.get("table_name")
- if control == CSteps.CONNECT:
- # step 1
- # si es primera vez de acceso
- # conectar al socket correspondiente
- # step 1.a connect and set flags to run data
- code = sta_insta.station
- idc = None
- exc = MSGException()
- try:
- future = asyncio.create_task(sta_insta.connect())
- stage = "connect"
- # print(now(), f"STA INSTA {table_name} connected")
- # drop control
- # await queue_control.put((
- # task_name,
- # now(),
- # stage,
- # future))
- idc = await wait_for(
- shield(future),
- timeout=20)
- check_1 = now()
- kwargs["connected"] = True
- if idc:
- self.idc[ids] = idc
- self.set_status_sta(ids, True)
- self.set_status_conn(ids, True)
- self.first_time[ids] = False
- check_a = now()
- control = CSteps.COLLECT
- message = f"Station {sta_insta} connected at"+\
- f" {ipt} "+\
- f" to address {sta_insta.address}"
- level = Logger.INFO
- else:
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- message = f"Station {sta_insta} not connected at"+\
- f" {ipt} "+\
- f" to address {sta_insta.address}"
- level = Logger.WARNING
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- except asyncio.TimeoutError as e:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"Tiempo fuera para conectar instancia " +\
- f"de estación {sta_insta} en ipt {ipt}, idc <{idc}>"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- msg, lvl = await self.reset_station_conn(
- sta_insta,
- ids,
- idc)
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- kwargs["connected"] = False
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- except Exception as ex:
- exc = MSGException(*sys.exc_info())
- message = f"PD_02: Error al conectar estación {sta_insta}, ids {ids}, ipt {ipt}, {ex}"
- level = Logger.ERROR
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- msg, lvl = await self.reset_station_conn(
- sta_insta,
- ids,
- idc)
- control = CSteps.CONNECT
- kwargs["connected"] = False
- messages.append(MessageLog(rdbnow(), coroname, level, message, exc))
- # si ya esta conectado :), obtener dato
- """
- Si ya está inicializado y conectad
- proceder a obtener datos
- """
- sta_dict = {}
- # print(now(), f"STA INSTA {table_name} pre-collect", control, table_name)
- if control == CSteps.COLLECT and table_name:
- check_2 = now()
- # if connected:
- # print(f"Table {table_name}", f"Check connect {check_1}", f"{check_2}", "Connected", connected)
- # print(f"From connect to collect first {(check_2-check_1)}")
- # connected = False
- ring_buffer = kwargs.get("ring_buffer")
- code = sta_insta.station
- idc = self.idc.get(ids)
- exc = MSGException()
- # just for checking
- # step 1.b collect data and process to save the raw data
- try:
- pre_get = now()
- async def get_records():
- set_header = await sta_insta.get_message_header(idc)
- done, sta_dict = await sta_insta.get_records()
- dt0, source = gps_time(sta_dict, sta_insta.tipo)
- dt_iso = rdb.iso8601(dt0.isoformat())
- rnow = now()
- recv_now = rdbnow()
- # print(rnow)
- delta = (rnow - dt0).total_seconds()
- sta_dict.update({
- "TRACE": (ipt, ids, idc),
- 'DT_GEN': dt_iso,
- 'DT_RECV': recv_now,
- "DELTA_TIME": delta})
- data = Data(**{v:sta_dict.get(key) for key,v in DATA_KEYS.items()})
- ring_buffer.add(data)
- last_data = recv_now
- await queue_db.put((table_name, sta_dict))
- return delta, last_data
- # Control criteria
- # queue_db.pu