PHP | 421 lines | 391 code | 13 blank | 17 comment | 26 complexity | 6bc68d4fb116cb499bb8643ebee116f2 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * WpTHK WordPress Theme - free/libre wordpress platform
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Thought is free.
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL v2 or later
- * @author LunaNuko
- * @link http://thk.kanzae.net/
- * @translators rakeem( http://rakeem.jp/ )
- */
- if( class_exists( 'defConfig' ) === false ):
- class defConfig {
- public function __construct() {
- }
- public function default_variables() {
- $share_msg = __( 'Please share this if you liked it!', 'wpthk' );
- $read_more = __( 'Read more', 'wpthk' );
- $home_text = __( 'Home', 'wpthk' );
- if( get_locale() === 'ja' ) {
- $share_msg = 'よろしければシェアお願いします';
- $read_more = '記事を読む';
- $home_text = 'ホーム';
- }
- $defaults = array(
- 'bootstrap_header' => 'out',
- 'bootstrap_footer' => 'out',
- 'foot_widget' => 3,
- 'pagination_visible' => true,
- 'related_visible' => true,
- 'comment_visible' => true,
- 'trackback_visible' => true,
- 'comment_page_visible' => true,
- 'trackback_page_visible'=> true,
- 'thumbnail_width' => 150,
- 'thumbnail_height' => 150,
- 'thumbnail_is_size' => 'generate',
- 'title_sep' => 'pipe',
- 'title_top_list' => 'site_catch',
- 'title_front_page' => 'site_catch',
- 'title_other' => 'title_site',
- 'canonical_enable' => true,
- 'next_prev_enable' => true,
- 'rss_feed_enable' => true,
- 'atom_feed_enable' => true,
- 'meta_keywords' => 'none',
- 'twitter_card_type' => 'summary',
- 'child_css' => true,
- 'bootstrap_js_load_type' => 'none',
- 'jquery_load' => true,
- 'jquery_migrate' => 'not',
- 'awesome_css_type' => 'minimum',
- 'awesome_load' => 'sync',
- 'html_compress' => 'none',
- 'child_css_compress' => 'none',
- 'child_js_compress' => 'none',
- 'list_view' => 'excerpt',
- 'breadcrumb_view' => 'outer',
- 'content_side_discrete' => 'discrete',
- 'content_discrete' => 'discrete',
- 'thumbnail_visible' => true,
- 'noimage_visible' => true,
- 'excerpt_length' => 120,
- 'excerpt_priority' => true,
- 'read_more_text' => $read_more,
- 'short_title_length' => 16,
- 'read_more_short_title' => true,
- 'header_catchphrase_visible' => true,
- 'home_text' => $home_text,
- 'page_top_text' => 'PAGE TOP',
- 'page_top_icon' => 'fa_caret_square_o_up',
- 'post_date_visible' => true,
- 'mod_date_visible' => true,
- 'category_meta_u_visible' => true,
- 'tag_meta_u_visible' => true,
- 'list_post_date_visible' => true,
- 'list_category_meta_visible' => true,
- 'list_mod_date_u_visible' => true,
- 'global_navi_visible' => true,
- 'global_navi_position' => 'under',
- 'global_navi_mobile_type' => 'luxury',
- 'head_band_visible' => true,
- 'head_band_follow_icon' => 'icon_name',
- 'head_band_rss' => true,
- 'head_band_feedly' => true,
- 'gallery_type' => 'none',
- 'add_class_external' => true,
- 'twitter_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'facebook_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'google_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'linkedin_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'hatena_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'pocket_share_tops_button' => true,
- 'twitter_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'facebook_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'google_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'linkedin_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'hatena_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'pocket_share_bottoms_button' => true,
- 'search_extract' => 'word',
- 'search_extract_length' => 140,
- 'search_match_method' => 'default',
- 'search_highlight' => true,
- 'highlight_bold' => true,
- 'highlight_oblique' => true,
- 'highlight_bg' => true,
- 'highlight_bg_color' => '#ffd700',
- 'highlight_radius' => 6,
- 'sns_count_cache_expire' => 600,
- 'sns_count_weekly_cleanup' => 'dust',
- 'sns_tops_enable' => true,
- 'sns_tops_type' => 'color',
- 'sns_bottoms_enable' => true,
- 'sns_bottoms_type' => 'color',
- 'sns_bottoms_msg' => $share_msg,
- 'sns_toppage_view' => true,
- 'sns_page_view' => true,
- 'adsense_visible' => true,
- 'preview_adsense_visible' => true,
- 'user_scalable' => 'yes',
- 'author_visible' => true,
- 'author_page_type' => 'auth'
- );
- return $defaults;
- }
- public function default_custom_variables() {
- $this->default_variables();
- $defaults = $this->default_variables() + array(
- 'wpthk_mode_select' => 'wpthk',
- 'nextpage_index' => false,
- 'css_to_style' => false,
- 'jquery_defer' => false,
- 'column3' => '2column',
- 'column_home' => 'default',
- 'column_post' => 'default',
- 'column_page' => 'default',
- 'column_archive' => 'default',
- 'side_1_width' => 366,
- 'side_2_width' => 280,
- 'side_position' => 'right',
- 'column3_position' => 'center',
- 'column3_reverse' => false,
- 'sticky_no_excerpt' => false,
- 'container_max_width' => 1170,
- 'title_position' => 'left',
- 'contents_border' => true,
- 'pagination_area_border'=> true,
- 'cont_border_radius' => 0,
- 'sidebar_border' => true,
- 'side_border_radius' => 0,
- 'header_border' => false,
- 'header_border_wide' => false,
- 'footer_border' => false,
- 'footer_border_top' => true,
- 'head_margin_top' => 0,
- 'head_padding_top' => 20,
- 'head_padding_right' => 10,
- 'head_padding_bottom' => 20,
- 'head_padding_left' => 10,
- 'side_discrete' => 'indiscrete',
- 'cont_padding_top' => 35,
- 'cont_padding_right' => 25,
- 'cont_padding_bottom' => 0,
- 'cont_padding_left' => 25,
- 'break_excerpt' => false,
- 'header_catchphrase_change' => THK_DESCRIPTION,
- 'page_top_color' => null,
- 'page_top_bg_color' => null,
- 'category_meta_visible' => false,
- 'tag_meta_visible' => false,
- 'tax_meta_visible' => false,
- 'post_date_u_visible' => false,
- 'mod_date_u_visible' => false,
- 'tax_meta_u_visible' => false,
- 'list_mod_date_visible' => false,
- 'list_tag_meta_visible' => false,
- 'list_tax_meta_visible' => false,
- 'list_post_date_u_visible' => false,
- 'list_category_meta_u_visible' => false,
- 'list_tag_meta_u_visible' => false,
- 'list_tax_meta_u_visible' => false,
- 'thumbnail_layout' => 'right',
- 'thumbnail_view_height' => 'fixed',
- 'top_description' => THK_DESCRIPTION,
- 'facebook_ogp_enable' => false,
- 'facebook_admin' => null,
- 'facebook_app_id' => null,
- 'twitter_card_enable' => false,
- 'twitter_id' => null,
- 'child_script' => false,
- 'html5shiv_load_type' => false,
- 'respondjs_load_type' => false,
- 'thk_emoji_disable' => false,
- 'thk_embed_disable' => false,
- 'css_search' => true,
- 'css_archive' => true,
- 'css_calendar' => true,
- 'css_new_post' => true,
- 'css_rcomments' => true,
- 'css_follow_button' => true,
- 'css_rss_feedly' => true,
- 'css_qr_code' => true,
- 'child_js_file_1' => null,
- 'child_js_file_2' => null,
- 'child_js_file_3' => null,
- 'overall_image' => 'white',
- 'body_color' => null,
- 'body_link_color' => null,
- 'body_hover_color' => null,
- 'breadcrumb_color' => null,
- 'head_color' => null,
- 'head_link_color' => null,
- 'head_hover_color' => null,
- 'foot_color' => null,
- 'foot_link_color' => null,
- 'foot_hover_color' => null,
- 'body_bg_color' => null,
- 'body_transparent' => 100,
- 'cont_bg_color' => null,
- 'cont_border_color' => null,
- 'cont_transparent' => 100,
- 'side_bg_color' => null,
- 'side_border_color' => null,
- 'side_transparent' => 100,
- 'head_bg_color' => null,
- 'head_border_color' => null,
- 'head_transparent' => 100,
- 'foot_bg_color' => null,
- 'foot_border_color' => null,
- 'foot_transparent' => 100,
- 'title_img' => null,
- 'body_bg_img' => null,
- 'body_img_vertical' => 'top',
- 'body_img_horizontal' => 'left',
- 'body_img_fixed' => false,
- 'body_img_transparent' => 0,
- 'body_img_repeat' => 'repeat',
- 'body_img_size' => 'auto',
- 'side_bg_img' => null,
- 'head_bg_img' => null,
- 'head_img_width_max' => false,
- 'head_img_vertical' => 'top',
- 'head_img_horizontal' => 'left',
- //'head_img_fixed' => false,
- 'head_img_repeat' => 'repeat',
- 'head_img_size' => 'auto',
- 'logo_img' => null,
- 'logo_img_up' => false,
- 'global_navi_open_close' => 'individual',
- 'global_navi_sticky' => 'none',
- 'global_navi_translucent' => false,
- 'global_navi_add_sep' => false,
- 'global_navi_auto_resize' => 'auto',
- 'gnavi_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_bar_bg_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_bg_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_bg_hover_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_bg_current_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_border_top_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_border_bottom_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_separator_color' => null,
- 'gnavi_border_top_width' => 1,
- 'gnavi_border_bottom_width' => 4,
- 'gnavi_top_buttom_padding' => 8,
- 'head_band_wide' => false,
- 'head_band_fixed' => false,
- 'head_band_height' => 28,
- 'head_band_color' => null,
- 'head_band_hover_color' => null,
- 'head_band_bg_color' => null,
- 'head_band_border_bottom_color' => null,
- 'head_band_border_bottom_width' => 1,
- 'head_band_follow_color' => false,
- 'head_band_twitter' => false,
- 'head_band_search' => false,
- 'head_search_color' => null,
- 'head_search_bg_color' => null,
- 'head_search_transparent' => 30,
- 'follow_twitter_id' => null,
- 'head_band_facebook' => false,
- 'follow_facebook_id' => null,
- 'head_band_hatena' => false,
- 'follow_hatena_id' => null,
- 'head_band_google' => false,
- 'follow_google_id' => null,
- 'head_band_youtube' => false,
- 'follow_youtube_id' => null,
- 'head_band_line' => false,
- 'follow_line_id' => null,
- 'parent_css_uncompress' => false,
- 'anime_sitename' => 'none',
- 'anime_thumbnail' => 'none',
- 'anime_sns_buttons' => 'none',
- 'anime_global_navi' => 'none',
- 'lazyload_enable' => false,
- 'lazyload_crawler' => false,
- 'lazyload_placeholder' => null,
- 'lazyload_spinner' => true,
- 'lazyload_threshold' => 0,
- 'lazyload_effect' => 'fadeIn',
- 'lazyload_effectspeed' => 1000,
- 'lazyload_event' => 'scroll',
- 'external_icon_type' => 'normal',
- 'external_icon_color' => null,
- 'add_external_icon' => false,
- 'add_target_blank' => false,
- 'add_rel_nofollow' => false,
- 'line_share_tops_button'=> false,
- 'rss_share_tops_button' => false,
- 'feedly_share_tops_button' => false,
- 'line_share_bottoms_button' => false,
- 'rss_share_bottoms_button' => false,
- 'feedly_share_bottoms_button' => false,
- 'sns_count_cache_enable' => false,
- 'sns_count_cache_force' => false,
- 'sns_tops_position' => 'left',
- 'sns_tops_count' => false,
- 'sns_tops_multiple' => false,
- 'sns_bottoms_position' => 'left',
- 'sns_bottoms_count' => false,
- 'sns_bottoms_multiple' => false,
- 'sns_fb_appid' => null,
- 'page_adsense_visible' => false,
- 'comment_search' => false,
- 'buffering_enable' => false,
- 'add_role_attribute' => false,
- 'remove_hentry_class' => false,
- 'enable_mb_slug' => false,
- 'categories_a_inner' => false,
- 'archives_a_inner' => false,
- 'sns_count_cache_cleanup' => false,
- 'thk_author_url' => THK_HOME_URL,
- 'all_clear' => false
- );
- return $defaults;
- }
- public function over_all_default_contents_background_color() {
- return array(
- 'white' => '#ffffff',
- 'pearl' => '#ffffff',
- 'coffee' => '#ffffff',
- 'dark' => '#ffffff',
- 'black' => '#000000',
- 'pure' => 'inherit'
- );
- }
- public function const_custom( $defaults = array() ) {
- $mods = wp_parse_args( get_theme_mods(), $defaults );
- foreach( $mods as $key => $val ) {
- if( ctype_digit( $val ) && $val == (int)$val ) {
- $mods[$key] = (int)apply_filters( 'theme_mod_' . $key, $val );
- }
- else {
- $mods[$key] = apply_filters( 'theme_mod_' . $key, $val );
- }
- }
- return( $mods );
- }
- public function optimize_wpthk_variable() {
- global $wpthk;
- foreach( $wpthk as $key => $val ) {
- if( empty( $val ) && $val !== 0 ) unset( $wpthk[$key] );
- if( ctype_digit( $val ) && $val == (int)$val ) {
- $wpthk[$key] = (int)$val;
- if( $key === 'facebook_admin' || $key === 'facebook_app_id' ||$key === 'twitter_id' ) {
- $wpthk[$key] = (string)$val;
- }
- }
- }
- // カラム操作で別々のカラムになってるかどうかの判別 Global 変数追加
- $wpthk['column_default'] = true;
- $wpthk['column_style'] = isset( $wpthk['column3'] ) ? $wpthk['column3'] : '2column';
- $column_home = isset( $wpthk['column_home'] ) ? $wpthk['column_home'] : 'default';
- $column_post = isset( $wpthk['column_post'] ) ? $wpthk['column_post'] : 'default';
- $column_page = isset( $wpthk['column_page'] ) ? $wpthk['column_page'] : 'default';
- $column_archive = isset( $wpthk['column_archive'] ) ? $wpthk['column_archive'] : 'default';
- $columns = array(
- $column_home,
- $column_post,
- $column_page,
- $column_archive
- );
- foreach( $columns as $col ) {
- if( $wpthk['column_style'] !== $col && $col !== 'default' ) {
- $wpthk['column_default'] = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- // アクセスされたテンプレートのカラム数を格納する Global 変数追加
- if( is_front_page() === true && isset( $wpthk['column_home'] ) && $wpthk['column_home'] !== 'default' ) {
- $wpthk['column_style'] = $wpthk['column_home'];
- }
- elseif( is_single() === true && isset( $wpthk['column_post'] ) && $wpthk['column_post'] !== 'default' ) {
- $wpthk['column_style'] = $wpthk['column_post'];
- }
- elseif( ( is_page() === true || is_404() === true ) && isset( $wpthk['column_page'] ) && $wpthk['column_page'] !== 'default' ) {
- $wpthk['column_style'] = $wpthk['column_page'];
- }
- elseif( ( is_archive() === true || is_search() === true ) && isset( $wpthk['column_archive'] ) && $wpthk['column_archive'] !== 'default' ) {
- $wpthk['column_style'] = $wpthk['column_archive'];
- }
- }
- }
- endif;