Python | 317 lines | 291 code | 8 blank | 18 comment | 0 complexity | 5002ccb753f3a68b2069441e774be754 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- #
- # This file is part of GNU Mailman.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- # more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # GNU Mailman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """Test notifications."""
- import os
- import unittest
- from contextlib import ExitStack
- from mailman.app.lifecycle import create_list
- from mailman.config import config
- from mailman.interfaces.languages import ILanguageManager
- from mailman.interfaces.member import MemberRole
- from mailman.interfaces.subscriptions import ISubscriptionManager
- from mailman.interfaces.template import ITemplateManager
- from mailman.interfaces.usermanager import IUserManager
- from mailman.testing.helpers import (
- get_queue_messages, set_preferred, subscribe)
- from mailman.testing.layers import ConfigLayer
- from mailman.utilities.datetime import now
- from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
- from zope.component import getUtility
- class TestNotifications(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test notifications."""
- layer = ConfigLayer
- maxDiff = None
- def setUp(self):
- resources = ExitStack()
- self.addCleanup(resources.close)
- self.var_dir = resources.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
- self._mlist = create_list('test@example.com')
- self._mlist.display_name = 'Test List'
- getUtility(ITemplateManager).set(
- 'list:user:notice:welcome', self._mlist.list_id,
- 'mailman:///welcome.txt')
- config.push('template config', """\
- [paths.testing]
- template_dir: {}/templates
- """.format(self.var_dir))
- resources.callback(config.pop, 'template config')
- # Populate the template directories with a few fake templates.
- path = os.path.join(self.var_dir, 'templates', 'site', 'en')
- os.makedirs(path)
- full_path = os.path.join(path, 'list:user:notice:welcome.txt')
- with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
- print("""\
- Welcome to the $list_name mailing list.
- Posting address: $fqdn_listname
- Help and other requests: $list_requests
- Your name: $user_name
- Your address: $user_address""", file=fp)
- # Write a list-specific welcome message.
- path = os.path.join(self.var_dir, 'templates', 'lists',
- 'test@example.com', 'xx')
- os.makedirs(path)
- full_path = os.path.join(path, 'list:user:notice:welcome.txt')
- with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
- print('You just joined the $list_name mailing list!', file=fp)
- # Write a list-specific welcome message with non-ascii.
- path = os.path.join(self.var_dir, 'templates', 'lists',
- 'test@example.com', 'yy')
- os.makedirs(path)
- full_path = os.path.join(path, 'list:user:notice:welcome.txt')
- with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
- print('Yöu just joined the $list_name mailing list!', file=fp)
- # Write a list-specific address confirmation message with non-ascii.
- full_path = os.path.join(path, 'list:user:action:subscribe.txt')
- with open(full_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
- print('Wé need your confirmation', file=fp)
- def test_welcome_message(self):
- subscribe(self._mlist, 'Anne', email='anne@example.com')
- # Now there's one message in the virgin queue.
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(str(message['subject']),
- 'Welcome to the "Test List" mailing list')
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(message.get_payload(), """\
- Welcome to the Test List mailing list.
- Posting address: test@example.com
- Help and other requests: test-request@example.com
- Your name: Anne Person
- Your address: anne@example.com
- """)
- def test_more_specific_welcome_message_nonenglish(self):
- # The welcome message url can contain placeholders for the fqdn list
- # name and language.
- getUtility(ITemplateManager).set(
- 'list:user:notice:welcome', self._mlist.list_id,
- 'mailman:///$listname/$language/welcome.txt')
- # Add the xx language and subscribe Anne using it.
- manager = getUtility(ILanguageManager)
- manager.add('xx', 'us-ascii', 'Xlandia')
- # We can't use the subscribe() helper because that would send the
- # welcome message before we set the member's preferred language.
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- address.preferences.preferred_language = 'xx'
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- # Now there's one message in the virgin queue.
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(str(message['subject']),
- 'Welcome to the "Test List" mailing list')
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(
- message.get_payload(),
- 'You just joined the Test List mailing list!')
- def test_more_specific_messages_nonascii(self):
- # The welcome message url can contain placeholders for the fqdn list
- # name and language.
- getUtility(ITemplateManager).set(
- 'list:user:notice:welcome', self._mlist.list_id,
- 'mailman:///$listname/$language/welcome.txt')
- # Add the yy language and subscribe Anne using it.
- getUtility(ILanguageManager).add('yy', 'utf-8', 'Ylandia')
- # We can't use the subscribe() helper because that would send the
- # welcome message before we set the member's preferred language.
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anné Person')
- address.preferences.preferred_language = 'yy'
- # Get the admin notice too.
- self._mlist.admin_notify_mchanges = True
- # Make another non-ascii replacement.
- self._mlist.display_name = 'Tést List'
- # And set the list's language.
- self._mlist.preferred_language = 'yy'
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- # Now there are two messages in the virgin queue.
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=2)
- if str(items[0].msg['subject']).startswith('Welcome'):
- welcome = items[0].msg
- admin_notice = items[1].msg
- else:
- welcome = items[1].msg
- admin_notice = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(str(welcome['subject']),
- 'Welcome to the "Tést List" mailing list')
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(
- welcome.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'),
- 'Yöu just joined the Tést List mailing list!')
- # Ensure the message is single part and properly encoded.
- raw_payload = welcome.get_payload()
- self.assertEqual(
- raw_payload.encode('us-ascii', 'replace').decode('us-ascii'),
- raw_payload)
- self.assertEqual(str(admin_notice['subject']),
- 'Tést List subscription notification')
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(
- admin_notice.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'),
- '=?utf-8?q?Ann=C3=A9_Person?= <anne@example.com> has been'
- ' successfully subscribed to Tést List.\n')
- # Ensure the message is single part and properly encoded.
- raw_payload = admin_notice.get_payload()
- self.assertEqual(
- raw_payload.encode('us-ascii', 'replace').decode('us-ascii'),
- raw_payload)
- def test_confirmation_message(self):
- # Create an address to subscribe.
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- # Register the address with the list to create a confirmation notice.
- ISubscriptionManager(self._mlist).register(address)
- # Now there's one message in the virgin queue.
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertTrue(str(message['subject']).startswith('confirm'))
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(
- message.get_payload(), """\
- Email Address Registration Confirmation
- Hello, this is the GNU Mailman server at example.com.
- We have received a registration request for the email address
- anne@example.com
- Before you can start using GNU Mailman at this site, you must first confirm
- that this is your email address. You can do this by replying to this message,
- keeping the Subject header intact.
- If you do not wish to register this email address, simply disregard this
- message. If you think you are being maliciously subscribed to the list, or
- have any other questions, you may contact
- test-owner@example.com
- """)
- def test_nonascii_confirmation_message(self):
- # Add the 'yy' language and set it
- getUtility(ILanguageManager).add('yy', 'utf-8', 'Ylandia')
- self._mlist.preferred_language = 'yy'
- # Create an address to subscribe.
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- # Register the address with the list to create a confirmation notice.
- ISubscriptionManager(self._mlist).register(address)
- # Now there's one message in the virgin queue.
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertTrue(str(message['subject']).startswith('confirm'))
- self.assertMultiLineEqual(
- message.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'),
- 'Wé need your confirmation\n')
- def test_no_welcome_message_to_owners(self):
- # Welcome messages go only to mailing list members, not to owners.
- subscribe(self._mlist, 'Anne', MemberRole.owner, 'anne@example.com')
- # There is no welcome message in the virgin queue.
- get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=0)
- def test_no_welcome_message_to_nonmembers(self):
- # Welcome messages go only to mailing list members, not to nonmembers.
- subscribe(self._mlist, 'Anne', MemberRole.nonmember,
- 'anne@example.com')
- # There is no welcome message in the virgin queue.
- get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=0)
- def test_no_welcome_message_to_moderators(self):
- # Welcome messages go only to mailing list members, not to moderators.
- subscribe(self._mlist, 'Anne', MemberRole.moderator,
- 'anne@example.com')
- # There is no welcome message in the virgin queue.
- get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=0)
- def test_member_susbcribed_address_has_display_name(self):
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- address.verified_on = now()
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'Anne Person <anne@example.com>')
- def test_member_subscribed_address_has_no_display_name(self):
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address('anne@example.com')
- address.verified_on = now()
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'anne@example.com')
- def test_member_is_user_and_has_display_name(self):
- user = getUtility(IUserManager).create_user(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- set_preferred(user)
- self._mlist.subscribe(user)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'Anne Person <anne@example.com>')
- def test_member_is_user_and_has_no_display_name(self):
- user = getUtility(IUserManager).create_user('anne@example.com')
- set_preferred(user)
- self._mlist.subscribe(user)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'anne@example.com')
- def test_member_has_linked_user_display_name(self):
- user = getUtility(IUserManager).create_user(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- set_preferred(user)
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address('anne2@example.com')
- address.verified_on = now()
- user.link(address)
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'Anne Person <anne2@example.com>')
- def test_member_has_no_linked_display_name(self):
- user = getUtility(IUserManager).create_user('anne@example.com')
- set_preferred(user)
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address('anne2@example.com')
- address.verified_on = now()
- user.link(address)
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'anne2@example.com')
- def test_member_has_address_and_user_display_name(self):
- user = getUtility(IUserManager).create_user(
- 'anne@example.com', 'Anne Person')
- set_preferred(user)
- address = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
- 'anne2@example.com', 'Anne X Person')
- address.verified_on = now()
- user.link(address)
- self._mlist.subscribe(address)
- items = get_queue_messages('virgin', expected_count=1)
- message = items[0].msg
- self.assertEqual(message['to'], 'Anne X Person <anne2@example.com>')