https://gitlab.com/zhaosheng/snagajob · Scala · 111 lines · 93 code · 17 blank · 1 comment · 0 complexity · b9b042054d7c542c2cecfb896c9e650e MD5 · raw file
- import com.google.inject.{AbstractModule, Guice}
- import com.google.inject.name.Names
- import main.scala._
- import net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule
- import org.scalatest._
- class ApplicationProcessorSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
- val injector = Guice.createInjector(new ApplicationProcessorTestModule())
- import net.codingwell.scalaguice.InjectorExtensions._
- val jqp = injector.instance[JsonQuestionProvider]
- val ap = injector.instance[ApplicationProcessor]
- "Empty application list" should "return empty list application" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [ ]"""
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (0)
- }
- "List of one valid application" should "return one valid application" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [ { "aid" : "ABC", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] } ]"""
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (1)
- result.get.head.aid should be ("ABC")
- }
- "List of one invalid application" should "return zero application" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [ { "aid" : "ABC", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazzy" } ] } ]"""
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (0)
- }
- "List of all valid applications" should "return all applications" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [
- | { "aid" : "ABC1", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] },
- | { "aid" : "ABC2", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC3", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC4", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- |]""".stripMargin
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (4)
- }
- "List of all invalid applications" should "return zero application" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [
- | { "aid" : "ABC1", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world1" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] },
- | { "aid" : "ABC2", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world1" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC3", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world1" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC4", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world1" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- |]""".stripMargin
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (0)
- }
- "List of some invalid appliations and one valid application" should "return one application" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [
- | { "aid" : "ABC1", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazzy" } ] },
- | { "aid" : "ABC2", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world1" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazzy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC3", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- | { "aid" : "ABC4", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "1world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazy" } ] }
- |]""".stripMargin
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.get.size should be (1)
- }
- "Error application input " should "return a Failure" in {
- val applications = JsonApplicationProvider(
- """ [
- | { "aid" : 1"ABC1", "answeredQuestions": [{ "qid" : 1, "answer": "world" }, { "qid" : 2, "answer": "lazzy" } ] }
- |]""".stripMargin
- ).getApplications
- val result = ap.acceptList(applications)
- result.getClass.getSimpleName should be ("Failure")
- }
- }
- class ApplicationProcessorTestModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule{
- def configure(): Unit = {
- bind[ApplicationProcessor].to[ApplicationProcessorImpl]
- bind[QuestionProvider].to[JsonQuestionProvider]
- // One example of instance binding
- bind[String].annotatedWith(Names.named("Question JSON String"))
- .toInstance(
- """ [
- |{ "qid" : 1, "question": "hello", "answer": ["world"] },
- |{ "qid" : 2, "question": "The quick brown fox", "answer": ["jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"] },
- |{ "qid" : 3, "question": "foo", "answer": ["bar"] },
- |{ "qid" : 4, "question": "Do you have a car?", "answer": ["Yes"] }
- |] """.stripMargin
- )
- }
- }